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WWE Why!!

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They don't even need to give the belt to thse talents and give them long runs to get keep in the main event bracket. During the Attitude Era would you class Kane and The Undertaker as main event or mid card? They didn't have the WWE Championship much between them during that era but I would class them as main eventers. Because of the character developments and well written storylines which is what is lacking..you can put the Belt on any Tom, Dick or Harry for a short period of time and it doesn't mean they will become main event material..

Most just need more time to build up a character (or just need a better character/gimmick).. in the mean time may aswell give some established stars a last run at the top spot before they retire (Bigshow, Kane, Jericho..etc) hopfully by that point some of the new blood will have substance.
The WWE can make anybody marketable and get over if they want all they have to do is build them up right. One year ago nobody thought of The Miz as being a marketable main eventer but now he is and is doing well. Alot of the good talent that people want to see and enjoy watching seems to always get pushed down because Vince feels they don't have a marketable look, in ring ability or they don't have the mic skills to get them over. He wants guys to have all 3 not just 1 or 2 of the qualities. Guys like Christian, Zack Ryder and sheamus have 2 of the qualities but not all 3 and will require more work to get them over. Thing is a guy like Sheamus could be a main eventer except his mic skill are no good thats why you throw him a manager that has great mic skills makes him more marketable in the 80's if there was no managers alot of guy that got put over never would have if it wasn't for the managers mic skills going back to this might be a good idea for wwe I think Sheamus should be a main eventer just lacks the ability to do a good promo.
you can put the Belt on any Tom, Dick or Harry for a short period of time and it doesn't mean they will become main event material..

You are absolutely right. Sheamus and Swagger are 2 of the best examples of that.

The WWE can make anybody marketable and get over if they want all they have to do is build them up right. One year ago nobody thought of The Miz as being a marketable main eventer but now he is and is doing well. Alot of the good talent that people want to see and enjoy watching seems to always get pushed down because Vince feels they don't have a marketable look, in ring ability or they don't have the mic skills to get them over. He wants guys to have all 3 not just 1 or 2 of the qualities. Guys like Christian, Zack Ryder and sheamus have 2 of the qualities but not all 3 and will require more work to get them over. Thing is a guy like Sheamus could be a main eventer except his mic skill are no good thats why you throw him a manager that has great mic skills makes him more marketable in the 80's if there was no managers alot of guy that got put over never would have if it wasn't for the managers mic skills going back to this might be a good idea for wwe I think Sheamus should be a main eventer just lacks the ability to do a good promo.

That's easier said than done. It's not that easy to create new stars and main eventers today.

Miz is a big star today because he has the mic skills and carisma, and not many people do. If he hadn't, he would have failed badly, like Sheamus and Swagger, who are just generic wrestlers without any kind of major appeal.
The truth of the matter is this. We lost a lot of top guys in quick succession. So now the midcard is in dissarray becasue everyone is focusing on what to do w/ the main event. WWE needs to stabilize the two divisions now. Those in the midcard should get comfortable and focus on making the mid card titles the best match on the card again. Elevate the IC/US title and the star can springboard from that.

On Raw kofi, swagger, Mcintyre, bourne, truth, ryan, ziggler and Ryder (WWWYKI BRO!!!) need to stay in the U.S. hunt, while Punk, Del Rio, Mysterio and Morrison permanently join the Main event scene. In truth Swagger and Rey can move between the two as needed.

On SD Riley, Bryan, Sin Cara, Dibiase, Kidd, Barrett, Gabriel, Slater and Yoshi need to focus on the IC belt. Rhodes (is just about ready) and Sheamus need to find their way into the Main Event permanently along side Christian, Orton, Kane, and taker (whenever he feels like showing up). Barrett and Rhodes can be the go betweens here. In fact barrett should just drop the IC belt and move up.

Also send Batista to Raw and Y2J to SD if they both are indeed returning.

It is ignorant to say who can and can't draw money when they haven't been given a chance. There is a difference between playing it safe and being lazy. I can accept that Orton and Cena are the top guys but they have to lose clean every so often. If they're the top guys then victories over them can make or break guys...I'm all for making guys.
The way I see it is this:

Wade Barrett: Boring. No real character, his only defining attribute is being leader of a crappy group that either sucks (Nexus) or he's too dumb to control (Corrrrrrrrrrrre)

Dolph Ziggler: Unremarkable. Vickie Guerrero DOES draw massive heat, but in my view, it's to the detriment of him, as he's not being seen as "Dolph Ziggler, bad guy extraordinaire with a villainess female companion", he's being seen as "Dolph Ziggler, that random guy paired up with VICKIE GUERRERO!". If he does have mic skills, I haven't seen them. I don't watch Smackdown, and I generally don't pay attention to the matches on Raw, so I wouldn't know, but from what little I've seen of him on RAW or occasionally bits of Smackdown I catch, he's just as boring and plain as before.

Kofi Kingston: Bland spotmonkey (not meant as racist). He seems to me like the type that was Jeff Harvey in that he could be flippydippy and jump a lot, but has either nonexistent wrestling skills, or as unremarkable as a generic brawler. His Jamaican thing was a dumb gimmick but at least it was SOMETHING! Now he has no Jamaican accent, is billed from Ghana, and is doing... what, exactly? What's his appeal?

Jack Swagger: The lisp kills him. Since I don't pay attention to the matches, I can only go by what people say that he's a talented wrestler, but that lisp utterly kills him. It's not even a case of the lisp itself, but the fact that he can't work with or around the lisp, in that his persona is so dull and his promos so bland that the lisp stands out horrendously, as do the Gary Busey teeth and horse face. I literally forgot he existed for several months BEFORE he got drafted to Smackdown, EVEN WHEN HE DID SHOW UP ON RAW. The only interesting thing about him is his pseudo-Rage Against the Machine music.

Sheamus: This one should work; he has a unique look and sound, but I just can't stand him. Maybe it's the too-quick push he got last year or so, or the "OIM OIRISH" gimmick, but aside from the neon orange hair, he doesn't stand out for me. He's like a frilly Nathan Jones or Mark Jindrak or Luther Reigns; a big man that they push like hell, with no discernable characteristics to make them any more than throwaway trivia names when looking at the back of old WWE PPV DVDs on store shelves.

Daniel Bryan: I fell in love as soon as he somewhat shooted with regards to his feud with the Miz, saying that Miz was right, that he's a nobody with a generic wrestling outfit and generic nondescript rock music entrance, and then came out to Ride of the Valkyries with the right amount of ham, cheese, camp, and stupid to make it work. But from what I've heard with regards to his promos, that was it. A one-hit wonder for me on the microphone. Don't know whose fault that would be.
I don't really see how WWE has 'slowly stopped pushing guys.' What do you honestly expect? Five people to be main eventers over night?

A lot of the IWC always bitch and complain when it comes to stuff like this. It's either they're pushing no one, they're pushing someone down our throats or [insert name here] is better than [insert other name here] and should have the push instead.

Anywho, just look at Smackdown now, yeah? If you look at the roster the only people that could be considered 'Main Eventers' not including Kane, Big Show, etc., are Orton and Christian. I HIGHLY doubt the two of them are going to have a feud for the next year until the draft, yeah? Someone is clearly going to get a push some way or another. But then again, who knows, it might be the "wrong guy" once again. [:

I, personally, feel that Barrett and Sheamus (will eventually) be pushed when Vince feels the 'time is right.' Or maybe he already does and creative just doesn't have a story for them? Throw them randomly in the mid card and give them some midcard titles and let them be on TV just to dominate a bit here and there and put LITTLE prestige back into the belts. Not so much directed at Wade since he just won the belt at Extreme Rules but Sheamus atleast defends his belt weekly, right? It's better than nothing. He has tv time, he wins his matches and the belt is defended. :)

The ball wasn't dropped with Swagger; he dropped it himself. I'm a fan of the guy but I honestly don't see him being above midcard for a long time unless he vastly improves. Ryder is really over and I won't lie, I'm a total Ryder mark, but his character is a bit silly, don't you think? I love it and all but can you honestly see a man like that as a champion? I sure can't.

Danielson, also, is great. I'd consider him in atleast the top five best mat wrestlers in the world (that's still alive, yada yada, I don't really like comparing old vs new) that still wrestles. He isn't a pushover on the mic either. He really can do some great promos but hasn't. Probably because he hasn't really been in any meaningful story since the whole Cole thing.

I feel Ziggler is in the same boat as Barrett and Sheamus. He'll give his push... eventually. While I personally don't think he'll be a main event champion I could see him being a upper midcarder and having some really great matches. I feel whenever it comes his time to retire he'll be on that list of 'Really great guys that never got the chance to carry the strap'

Anywho, enough rambling about that. Whether you like the Miz or not you're delusional if you don't think Miz is the future, or atleast decent at what he's doing. Look back when he first came to the company, very few people thought of him as anything more than a joke. If you can't see any improvement in him you might as well give up on professional wrestling altogether because your biased opinions are a bit smarky for something that's not even technically 'real'. I seem to be one of the few people out there that doesn't care for HBK, Triple H or Taker at all but I still respect what talent they have, their matches and what they do for the business. Miz is going to be HUGE in the years to come, pratically the next Cena. I don't like his character but the man should be very highly respected.
Because they want to make money. Jack Swagger, Zack Ryder, Christian aren't going to make them money. I love those guys as wrestlers, but face it- they aren't the top guys. Kids aren't going to run out and buy their merch, and Hollywood is NOT gonna come pound down their door. I wanna see these guys succeed as bad as the next guy, but face it- it's a business and GOOD business decisions need to be made.

umm zack ryder is money. his t shirt has sold amazingly. and his youtube vids are getting him over. if given airtime zack ryder would be making them money.
hopefully he will be given airtime soon

but its also not profitable to have the main events be the same all the time. they have to be mixed up. and as glad as i am that orton is having a show based around him now on smackdown. its no good for the other talent if he always is in the main event

if cena really does hold onto the title until mania its gonna suck for the rest of the talent.
If Cena holds onto the title until Wrestlemania it will only suck for the company if the creative team continue to come up with awful or non existant storylines for the main eventers/top midcarders who do not hold the title or who are not in the title shot frame.

It does not have to all be about having the belt. Undertaker, Mankind feud was not about the title..Kane and Undertaker... Jericho and Michaels.. lots of other examples of main eventers in feuds which do not revolve around the belt. Good storylines and buildups is just as important.
Why can nobody realize that putting Orton on Smackdown! was WWE's way of doing exactly what you are all saying they need to do? By splitting the two biggest names in the company onto different shows they will be forced to push the younger guys to step up and pose a challenge. Look at my sig. I am a big fan of Barrett, Sheamus, and McIntrye, but should they all get pushes? No way. The most likely of the three is Barrett because he actually gets a good reaction most of the time. Sheamus after him, and as much as it pains me to say, Drew would be last in line because the crowd just hasn't connected with him. As someone said earlier, you have a few guys on the top of each show (Cena, Miz, Del Rio, Punk on Raw; and Orton, Christian, Kane on Smackdown!) and the rest should stay in the mid-card scene until they start to get over with the crowd.

As I have said on numerous occasions, the key, in my eyes, to elevating the mid-card guys the right way is have them put some prestige back in the mid-card belts. Have the back-log of mid-card guys strive for the US and IC belts. Have a Smackdown! episode with a King of the Ring style tournament to determine the #1 contender and have all these guys you all claim are so perfect for the ME scene put on a great show and start getting some fans. Put McIntrye in a decent program where he can grow (as a heel or face or tweener...doesn't matter) and let it come to a conclusion. Most people were at least intrigued by his program with Kelly Kelly and then it just stopped. All of these guys (Barrett, Sheamus, McIntyre, DiBiase, Ziggler, Sin Cara, Kingston, Swagger, Ryder,Truth, Morrison, Danielson, etc.) need to show they can carry the mid-card scene before they will ever get a sniff of the ME.
One thing i found perfect is the "Super" characters, like Orton and Cena!

Try to follow me...
Sin Cara is undefeated in the WWE by now, he even has a victory against a former World Champion and a Tag Team victory against a former WWE Champion and his bodyguard...

But what would happen if Sin Cara beats "Super" Randy Orton cleanly, not in a random match, but in a feud?
How big could Sin Cara became? A fast raise to the "main event spot"
What about a guy that nobody even knows, just beats John Cena?

We have to think that the Super Characters are good for making a smaller superstar became a legend in the business!!
They have to end PG, in our society nowadays, kids dont get shocked by seeing a little bit of blood or earing someone cursing, even in Family Guy or American Dad they ear it...
Dont get me wrong, I kinda like that PG thing, but now is just proving that to became a great star, they need to have a "monstrous push" like Del Rio!
Back in the days it was easier to make somebody big and people really loved WWE, it was a great thing and everybody talked about it, but now, i dont even ear kids talking about how Randy Orton beat CM Punk!!
They need to be a believable company and they have to make statement that if you want a good entertainment show, WWE is the place!

I think its time... Vince, all of us appreciate what you have done for the WWE, all the moments we witnessed, all the memories we have, but I think that it is time...

Please Vince McMahon, it is time for you to leave WWE!!
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