
Dark Match Winner
Alright, I been watching wrestling since 2003 and I always had this question. We seen a few times throughout the decade with WCW like stuff appearing in the WWE. Ever since the invasion. A few of the PPV's(I think?). NWO for the short period of time. My question is, why doesn't Vince import some WCW stuff into the WWE since he owns it. Like instead of the stupid Superstars show and NXT. Why couldn't they just put like WCW Nitro or Thunder along with Smackdown and Raw. Basically why doesn't Vince use the WCW stuff if he owns it? Wouldn't that attract more viewers? I know people are going to say "Oh that was the past, Vince doesn't need to use it". I understand that but he owns it so why not just use it to make things a little different? This might be a stupid question but I just wanna hear what you guys gotta say. This is a question I always wanted answered.
I get what your saying. But the main problem is that WWE does not have room for another show. NXT has already been moved to WWE.com, Superstars is only still on the air because it's cheap to produce and stick on a Non-broadcast super network like WGN America.

HOWEVER! If WWE does create the WWE Network like they want to they have plenty of room to have maybe another show on Wednesdays Or Saturdays and they could add a PPV pre-show on Sundays as well.
I totally agree with you on this one. Honestly instead of WWE Superstars why not WWE Thursday Thunder? Another Idea is Mr. McMahon could have just left WCW on, just with WWE management. Then they could have a WWE vs WCW PPV in the style of how they are doing Bragging Rights nowadays.
Ultimately I think that Vince McMahon bought WCW because it was a smart business move. It did two things one eliminated the competition and second give the WWE the intellectual rights to all of WCW's programming further enhancing WWE's video library, which they could use in DVDs and in the creation of WWE 24/7, or WWEclassics.com or whatever its being called now, and eventually their own network. The disappointment I think of the fans came at how the supposed "Invasion" angle played out. The same can be said of the nWo storyline that ran some years later. And I'm not to sure but I would say that Vince is really thrilled with the idea of rehashing all of WCW's past one it makes for a stale product (fans want something new) and two you may remember a certain celebrity being world champion. But that's just one person's opinion.
Simply put... WCW IS DEAD!

Just like ECW is fully dead now. When Vince brought back ECW there were only a handful of Originals that were hired, the rest were either moved from RAW or Smackdown or brought up from OVW/FCW to fill out the roster. There wasn't enough old stars to bring in and run it as it was.

The same holds true with WCW. Ideally WCW would have continued as it was when Vince bought it. The big problem was most of the tallent there had garenteed contracts with Turner and decided to get paid for doing nothing instead of signing with Vince and going to work. Not a bad deal if you ask me... That is the biggest reason for the failed Invasion angle in 2001, the big stars were not available.

Fast forward almost 10 year (scary to think it's been that long already)...

Most of the WCW stars are now established WWE superstars, dead, retired (or should be) or are just too old for anyone to care about. If Vince were to decide to bring back WCW it would be as lame looking as TNA's attempt to revive ECW with EV2.0

It's nice to look back on the past, but it's not worth reliving... The same can be said about the Attitude Era. Its time to move on.
Ultimately I think that Vince McMahon bought WCW because it was a smart business move. It did two things one eliminated the competition and second give the WWE the intellectual rights to all of WCW's programming further enhancing WWE's video library, which they could use in DVDs and in the creation of WWE 24/7, or WWEclassics.com or whatever its being called now, and eventually their own network. The disappointment I think of the fans came at how the supposed "Invasion" angle played out. The same can be said of the nWo storyline that ran some years later. And I'm not to sure but I would say that Vince is really thrilled with the idea of rehashing all of WCW's past one it makes for a stale product (fans want something new) and two you may remember a certain celebrity being world champion. But that's just one person's opinion.

Vince didn't buy WCW just to kill the competition... it was dead before he bought it. WCW was almost bought by Bischoff but the deal fell through when Time Warner cancelled it. With not TV deal, WCW was dead. Vince might have hated WCW, but it was smart business to buy what was available to get. Who else would have done what Vince has done with the video library? If he hadn't have bought it WCW would just be a distant memory.
I thought about this the other day. If they really want to have something like Bragging Rights, they need to make the difference between SmackDown and RAW more obvious. Have less cross overs. Don't refer to the other programs on air (I am so sick of the RAW Rewind on SD. They're such a waste of time! No one only watches SmackDown.)

Ultimately, I think they should start another brand but make no announcement of their involvement. Even put it on Monday nights during the same time slot. Do everything they can to make people think it's not run by Vince (just like WCW, do the good parts like don't go to the same arena's, or have a different style ring, not the shitty ones like having everyone come out to generic music and sparklers.)
Several reasons that I could think of, personally.

1. Vince McMahon seems to hate using other companies creations/ideas. It's actually quite commendable, however it sometimes can just come across as hard-headed. He always feels compelled to put a WWE twist on things that often times doesn't work. War Games, for example, would be a great addition to WWE. However, when he tried a variation of it with the Elimination Chamber, it's something that doesn't nearly come off as interesting.

2. A lot of WCW's ideas could come across as outdated. Which is something that WWE can't afford right now as they try to move forward with new ideas and new stars.

As far as the Nitro or Thunder idea, it'd simply be a name at this point. No real WCW star that is worth anything is still around or near his prime. It'd simply be a show that was named after WCW with WWE wrestlers.
I kind of disagree with this. First of all, what are you trying to say? Are you trying to say that they should have a show called Nitro? How will that help? The WCW roster, as we all know, was merged with WWE and now we have 3 shows - Raw, which is the oldest show and live; Smackdown, which is the alternate show and not live; NXT, which is for grooming new superstars. They can't afford to do more shows in a week than this. Now if you're saying that Smackdown should be renamed to Nitro, how will that matter? Those who watch it still would and those who don't still wouldn't because the superstars, writers and creative team are still the same.

WWE had kept some of the PPVs of WCW like Great American Bash until last year. Now they are rebranding their own PPVs like Vengeance and Unforgiven with gimmick names like TLC and HIAC, which doesn't make sense. However, some facets of WCW still survive, like the Elimination Chamber match which was a brainchild of Eric Bishoff in WCW, AFAIK. However, anything more from the WCW to the WWE is probably not required in this PG era.
Honestly I would feel it would be insulting if they renamed one of their weekly shows to a WCW name. WWE needs to stay original with their own names, Raw, Smackdown, Superstars, NXT, whatever. However I dont really mind if they use a WCW name for their PPV's cause these days it seems Raw & Smackdown are more important than PPV's and if they use an old WCW belt but defintely do not change their main attractions.

But sometimes I do feel Nexus are like the NWO but in reverse as to NWO using old guys & Nexus being rookies. They have their own logo & merchandise, they're getting more members by the minute, they claim to take over WWE.

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