WWE wants Brock Lesnar back... Good or Bad for who?

Spaceman Spif

Getting Noticed By Management
According to the main site, the WWE has offered Brock Lesnar a guarenteed 40 mil 7 seven year deal. His reps want him to go for more...

My question is, would it be bad or good for the WWE or bad or good for Lesnar?

Lesnar left on less than stellar terms, Vince had molded the company around him, were touting him as the future of the WWE and rightfully so, the man had the complete package, he would have been the future. However the passion wasn't there and the greed was and the wanting to. He walked away from the WWE to pursue a NFL career, when that didn't work out, he went to MMA and the UFC were he is quickly becoming the biggest star. So should he leave the UFC for a WWE return? What would the benefits be?

He'd definitely make more money in the WWE, but he'll still make a lot in the UFC. So let's say money is not the issue, he'll likely stay with the UFC, but if money does talk, then likely he'll return to the WWE. I think Lesnar would love more money, however let's take a few considerations into the mix.

Would the higher risk of injury, more travel, more wear and tear on his body be worth it? Isn't that one of the reasons he left, because he wanted to remain healthier than he likely would in the WWE?

The fans... would we accept Lesnar back in the WWE? He was getting the you sold out chants in his last match, so would the WWE universe welcome him back with open arms and forgive him? Or would the boos not be because he is a heel, but because the fans don't want him back?

The others... would the others on the Roster want him back? Would they a whining, complaining brat back?

All these variants have to be considered if we are to draw a conclusion as to would it be better for him to stay where he is at. I will draw these conclusions.

The money is always a issure, Brock wants more of it, so he'd return for that reason. The travel and immense workload is not an issue I am sure Brock would like to deal with again. As for the fans, Brock is arogant, cocky and a asshole, he doesn't care what the fans think, however he knows they can have a huge impact on his career and he also knows that all in all we have short attention spans anymore and he would likely be welcomed back with open arms by the majority. As for the locker room, that's iffy, a lot has changed and if Brock being back would be good for the company, then likely they won't care one way or the other.

Now let's take Vince's perception into consideration. He's offering him a lot of money to return, however would he make Brock the center of attention again? Very likely so, as he could be another major heel on Raw. However I believe he wouldn't be no where near the top that he is, while Vince knows he'll make money, he isn't the most forgiving, so Brock would have to earn his trust back, which he might care about. So all in all, I could see it working out for Brock if he were to return.

However what does he stand to lose if he walks away from the UFC? He'd lost out on a lot of money, but not as much as he'll make in the WWE. He's not as likely to get as seriously injured in the UFC and the travel schedule is considerably lighter. So that's a reason to stay in the UFC right there.

The fans... by and large the UFC fans don't like Brock at all and not as the boo him because he's a heel fan, but the boo him because they hate him fan, but they'll show up hoping he gets his ass kicked and as I have stated Brock really doesn't care what they think. So he'll likely sell more tickets as people will want to see him fall. So that's a plus.

As far as others go, it really doesn't matter who likes him or not, it's simply about fighting, so this is neither bad or good.

Dana White isn't for theatrics such as slamming endorsers or making the UFC look bad, so while he'll allow Brock to be cocky and arrogant, he won't let him tarnish the UFC image by being a complete ass, so seeing as how he is a complete ass, that's bad for him, but Dana does know he can make major money off of Lesnar, so he might be a little more lenient, which is good.
Dana would be smart and is likely going to make Brock the figurehead of the company which is good.

So really it's kind of split down the middle in a way, there are pluses and minuses no matter what he does, however I honestly see Brock staying where is at. Yes he wants more money, but he doesn't want all the major stress that comes with being a WWE star, that's why he walked away. He's also successful in the UFC, he's huge over there, so he really doesn't have a reason other than money to walk away. So I think he'll stay, but I could be wrong.

What say the rest of you?
This is NOT going to happen now, and probably not ever. Lesnar is the biggest thing in MMA right now (Fedor may be a better figher, but Lesnar is the bigger draw right now) and the UFC Heavyweight Champion, and people still don't take him seriously because of his pro wrestling background. If Brock were to return to WWE now, that'd be the end of his MMA career forever. And let's face it, Lesnar loves fighting. He doesn't love wrestling.

It would be a HUGE score for the WWE, and would definitely send shockwaves through both MMA and wrestling. I tell you right now I'd mark out HARDCORE if Brock were to return to pro wrestling, but it just isn't going to happen, not in this lifetime. Lesnar is only now just starting to be taken seriously, he's not going to ruin that by jumping right back into the WWE, who are even more cartoonish and childish than when he left.

So, it would be great for the WWE. But it wouldn't make any sense for Brock. He doesn't need money that badly, and he genuinely loves MMA. He isn't going anywhere, not for a long time. Maybe when he's 40 he'll return to the WWE for a few appearances, but that's about as near to a wrestling ring as I see him coming ever again. He wants to be taken seriously as an athlete, and he won't get that wrestling in the WWE.
Yeah that's pretty much where I am at, while it would be huge for the WWE, it wouldn't be huge for Lesnar who as you stated, loves MMA and not wrestling. However money does talk and apparently his reps told him to negotiate a bigger deal, which makes it seem like he is at least considering, however while the WWE could throw a massive amount of money at Lesnar, do you think they would throw it? I know money talks, however I am sure Lesnar would ask for a ridiculous amount along with numerous other requests, so now I ask should the WWE throw everyting and the kitchen sink at him to get him back? Would it be worth it?
The main site fucked up that offer, big time. People watched the E:60 deal for the first time Tuesday (Why the fuck didn't they watch it months again when it first premiered?) and totally misinterpreted what was said. Brock was offered a 7 year, $40 million contract while he was in WWE, not recently. So, that's the first thing. Secondly, Vince can do some stupid things, but he's not going to chance Lesnar and offer him that ridiculous amount of money right now when he knows he's going to get shot down every time he does. He has way too much pride for that.

Anyway, if by some miracle Brock were to go to WWE soon... it would be huge and he would definitely be the biggest draw in the business then. A Cena/Lesnar match at 'Mania would just be unbelievably tremendous. However, it's not going to happen. Once Lesnar retires from MMA, I actually do think there's a chance we see him in a wrestling ring again (not full time, but for special appearances and what not), but that's years and years down the line.

Besides, WWE needs to focus on the talent they have now, not stress over the talent that walked out on them and won't be coming back for a long time.
I knew that the WWE still had Brock Lesner on the brain! Brock Lesner was there main man for a while before John Cena was ever really considered a true main eventer. But since then, John Cena had become Brock's replacement.

But isn't Brock the current holder of the UFC heavyweight championship? I guess only time will tell on Brock Lesner returning to the WWE.
There is no deal rich enough for Brock Lesnar to come back full time to the WWE. Professional Wrestling is a business you need to love to stay in long term. You're on the road for the majority of the year, it puts strain on relationships, you're in pain a great deal of the time, exhausted and on top of that, you live your life in a gold fish bowl as you are a highly recognizable individual whom the fans want to talk to and get autographs from.

Brock Lesnar liked approximately none of those things about professional wrestling, according to him. He says that he is at the highest point in his personal and professional life at this moment as the Undisputed Heavyweight champion of the UFC and who can put a price tag on that?

I would be just like X on this one, I'd jizz my pants if Brock walked out onto the stage during Monday Night Raw. But I think Brock going back to the WWE would be bad for both parties as Brock would be trading in his new found happiness for a pay cheque and the WWE would be getting a superstar whose heart just isn't in it. Better to leave things the way they are.

EDIT: Good catch, JMT. Guess that teaches me for not reading the full fucking article. :D
Why would he leave? He is in a business now where he gets more respect, that is growing too, might I add.

He has practically established himself as the first villain in a new sport that is taking off. He gets paid well, sponsored, and is damn good at kicking ass.

He proved the majority of them wrong by making a name for himself and I'm sure he is loving every moment of it. I doubt any amount of money could change it.
How about an angle where he shows up on Raw and throws the UFC Heavyweight title in the trash can?

That would rock so hard my eyes would bleed. Not going to happen, obviously but... damn that would rock.
Like it's already been pointed out - this offer was from several years ago. WWE is not going after Lesnar currently, especially since he does nothing but put down the wrestling business.
I don't want him back. Not after the way he left the WWE. That pissed me off. He and Goldberg put ZERO effort in their WrestleMania match which says a lot if you're on the way out. You'd at least make a good last impression but not even they were willing to do that. If that wasn't enough Lesnar flicked everyone off in Madison Square Garden that night. It's pretty obvious he didn't want to be there and if that's the case then I don't want him on WWE programming. I rather see someone else with a passion for professional wrestling live his dream rather than some "tough guy" performing just for the money. I'm against legit violence so he's pretty much out of any worlds I am a part of. He is happier where he is right now. That is what really matters.
It'd be huge for the WWE and on the surface it'd look great, but everyone knows that Brock Lesnar has no love of professional wrestling. In his latest interview, he basically slammed the WWE and pro wrestling in general. If I'm not mistaken, he even said himself that he never really even watched wrestling, they just offered him this huge sum of money but, for Lesnar, the price was all too much for him to pay.

I don't blame Vince for giving it a shot, he knows Lesnar would bring in a lot of money at least for a while. But Vince is someone that ultimately won't really stand for any wrestler treating his company as if it's some sort of a side project. I couldn't blame Vince for that either. While I'm sure it'd make Vince a lot of money, sometimes you really do just have to have some integrity. Lesnar has disrespected professional wrestling much too often and doesn't really deserve to be back in it, especially with this king shit attitude he has. Vince offered the guy the moon and the stars once and Lesnar took a giant, steaming shit all over it. Truth is, I don't really want the guy back in the WWE. I know, I know it might not be a smart thing business wise, but sometimes money just has to take a back seat.
Brock won't go back, plain n simply. He LOVES real fighting, being home hunting n fishing or what ever he does for fun. Y'all need to consider pro wrestling n Brock Lesner divorced. Fin
The main site fucked up that offer, big time. People watched the E:60 deal for the first time Tuesday (Why the fuck didn't they watch it months again when it first premiered?) and totally misinterpreted what was said. Brock was offered a 7 year, $40 million contract while he was in WWE, not recently. So, that's the first thing. Secondly, Vince can do some stupid things, but he's not going to chance Lesnar and offer him that ridiculous amount of money right now when he knows he's going to get shot down every time he does. He has way too much pride for that.

Anyway, if by some miracle Brock were to go to WWE soon... it would be huge and he would definitely be the biggest draw in the business then. A Cena/Lesnar match at 'Mania would just be unbelievably tremendous. However, it's not going to happen. Once Lesnar retires from MMA, I actually do think there's a chance we see him in a wrestling ring again (not full time, but for special appearances and what not), but that's years and years down the line.

Besides, WWE needs to focus on the talent they have now, not stress over the talent that walked out on them and won't be coming back for a long time.

Lance Cade got fired for having a seizure!!! DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRR

No but in all seriousness. During that peice, he seemed like he would rather have a carreer testing out deoderant by sniffing fat bitches arm pits than being a pro wrestler again. He makes tons of money now, and loves what he does.

Id love to see him back, Because he is awesome. Highly doubt we ever see it though, for the above mentioned reasons
For WWE it would be huge! I mean Brock = ratings.....when brock left for ufc people watched to see this guy fail but he made a name for himself in there....and now that he a name going back to where he started would get press up the butt....ESPN would cover it probably thats how big. Brock coming back would be equal or almost equal to the rock coming back.

For Brock Lesnar would be an Dumbass move.....Brock Lesnar is the biggest name in ufc since Chuck Liddel.....and UFC is one the fastest if not the fastest growing sport in the country....and being the face of that think of the sponsors he could get if UFC got huge...i mean look at Tiger Woods making huge money off endorsements cause he the lead figure in golf....like wise wit guys like Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter, Lebron James and Michael Phelps....now im not saying he's going to be as big as this athletes or make as close the money but he could make a pretty penny....and WWE schedule is hard on a family which he has...the guy has a lil daughter and probably wants to be there for her...and like everyone says as well he doesnt enjoy pro wrestling and bashes it so why go to something u dont like to do?.....and think bout it he'd be fed to the Cena/HHH show to get buried behind those guys no no....granted i know this was a couple years ago but if WWE did this now he should def not go back....would it be cool?....oh hell yea....but not smart for brock.
It's preposterous to even think Brock Lesnar would consider a return to the wrestling ring. He's the biggest draw on the hottest promotion in Mixed Martial Arts. WHY would he even consider taking an offer from the WWE. Like what X said before me, Brock does well to get over right NOW, years after being done with the WWE and if he went back in the future, he'd kiss his MMA career goodbye.

His sponsorships, endorsements, and the money he could make doing ONE event in the UFC would be enough for convince Lesnar that the UFC is where it's at. I think he had something like a 2 million dollar purse or something like that? Either way, there's no need for Brock to ever step inside a wrestling ring again. Under ANY circumstances.
I would love to see Brock Lesnar step back into a WWE ring but its simply not going to happen. Wrestling is a sport you have to love in order to stay. Your gone 300 days out of the year or something like that. Brock didn't have that passion, plus I think that he actually likes real fighting not scripted fighting. Plus he's the biggest thing in the UFC right now and I doubt he would leave considering he's probably got a lot of sponsors and he doesn't have to travel nearly as much. But if Brock Lesnar came back, I think the WWE Universe would welcome him back with open arms.
In Lesnar's Perspective:
I think it would only make Lesnar seem like a greedy person if he returns back to WWE.He went UFC to prove himself and right now seems to be the biggest star of the company.First of all if he returns to WWE everyone in the locker room would have bad attitude against him just because he left the company when WWE was pushing him like a skyrocket.The other thing is he started to earn some of MMA fan's respect if he returns back to WWE he lose his MMA fan's respect.I don't know how much MMA fighters get paid but I know they make hell of a lot money by just one match.So why would he go back to WWE where he can earn less money with much more effort.Lesnar also did what a superstar could dreamt of in WWE.He won King of the ring,3 time WWE champion,won the Royal Rumble and main evented a WM.What's left for him to do in WWE but he still has to prove himself in UFC and earn the respect of MMA fans.So returning back WWE has no benefit for Lesnar.

In WWE's Perspective:

It would be very benefical for WWE.Lesnar is still in his early 30's which means he is still in his prime.He can at least main event for 10 years if he doesn't have a career threatining injury.The other thing is he can even suprass Cena after he returns.He has proven time and time again both in UFC and WWE he is a very huge draw and WWE would utilize this moneymaker well.The best thing about Lesnar WWE still have lots of fresh people for Lesnar to feud with.Where to start Orton vs Lesnar,Jericho vs Lesnar,Batista vs Lesnar,Triple H vs Lesnar,Edge vs Lesnar,Shawn Michaels vs Lesnar and Cena vs Lesnar.All of the matches I've listed can easily be the main event of WM.So there are tons of fresh people for Lesnar to have program with.So if they get Lesnar back it would benefit them.

So I don't think Lesnar returning to WWE but it would help WWE make much more money than they do right now.So it's good for WWE and bad for Lesnar.
Let me explain, When I first saw Brock Lesnar it was at a house show here in Des Moines, Iowa. I was 16 or so at the time, a huge wrestling fan, and somewhat dissatisfied with WWE. This was before he had been on television, and I had never heard of the guy. To put you there, I was in the 3rd row ringside on the end seat, It's dimly lit, no ramp, no pyrotechnics, just a doorway with a curtain around it. The announcer gets in the ring, it's The Fink:"The Following Contest Is Scheduled For One Fall !!!" Music hits "Making his way to the ring, weighing XXX pounds, from (insert city and state) D-Lo Brown!!!" Now D-Lo was cool to see, I knew who he was, and he hadn't been seen much at the time, so seeing him was good enough. He comes to the ring, get's on the ropes, does his head wobble thingy, and the music stops. Then after a brief moment the music hits for who ever B-Lo is going to be facing. Right away many people realized they had never heard this before, and Fink gets back on the mic "And his opponent, Making his way to the ring, weighing 295 pound, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Brooock Leeesanaaar!!!!"

My first thought is "Who the hell is Brock Lesnar? What the hell kind of name is that?" Then I saw him. All of the sudden, I looked to the doorway, and all I saw was this mammoth turning sideways to get through the little door they had for the wrestlers to walk through. As he got closer, he got bigger, and I honestly couldn't believe the physical specimen I was looking at before me. He walked around the ring and walked right in front of me. This guy was so huge I was seriously speechless. I really had never seen a wrestler that big, and I had already seen quite few guys. It wasn't like he was Khali big or Undertaker or Kevin Nash big. This guy was a different kind of big, all muscle big, swole as fuck. So, this fucking monster gets in the ring, and I figure "Kiss your ass goodbye D-Lo, your fucked dude!"

Then what I witnessed from there on was nothing short of absolute destruction. It was amazing. Brock Lesnar tossed D-Lo around like a rag doll bitch, effortlessly at that. So after immeasurable damage is inflicted, the monster picks up this broken, beaten man. He throws him on his shoulders, body across the valley of muscle that made them up. He then proceeds to whirl this mans body around his head, to one side, and slams him so hard on the mat he bounces from the impact!. I thought D-Lo was dead. Lesnar rolls the corpse over, and lefts his leg for the 1-2-3. The people in that arena were speechless. It was unlike anything any of us had expected to see, and probably had never seen. I was stuck trying to figure out how the hell he did the devastating move I just witnessed, I couldn't believe what I had seen. I thought it was the coolest move I had ever seen. There was no Paul Heyman, no hype. Just Brock Lesnar, and an innocent victim. From that moment on I was a Brock Lesnar Super-Mark.

Now, Guess what I have to say about it.

I myself would freak out freak out, like Mach on meth. I am pretty sure that is not happening, but if it did few would be as happy as I to see it. On to the actual topic though.

For the WWE: Great opportunity, if they could do it, I would throw anything his way he wanted. With his relevance outside of wrestling, to have him back and coming from UFC would legitimize WWE a bit, make them look better, and make the UFC look like shit. They could basically pick up where they left off. They wouldn't need to push him to the top, they could drop him on top of the top and crush it. There are a ton of matches and feuds you could put him in that have yet to happen and you could revisit a few, I don't need to name them, and people would be foaming at the mouth for every one of them. I think the crowd would accept him back no problem because they will know that he left the octagon to come back to the squared circle. Heel or Face the people would get behind him. If he honored the 7 year contract, stayed around for the whole time, and worked with the company for real this time, he could also cement his name in the history books of wrestling for all time as well for the right reasons.

Brock Lesnar's Behalf: If I were Brock Lesnar and I had 40 million staring me in the eye for 7 years work, I would take it. That's enough money to secure me for life. Think about it, 7 years, and you can retire for the rest of your life. I'd call that a fair deal, no matter how much you didn't like it. I know for sure that the UFC doesn't pay that good. He probably earns 1-2 million tops for a fight, and you still have to train for a long time, and put in a lot of work. It's just a different kind of work. I know everyone thinks the UFC is the top spot to be, but those guys aren't making shit. Top Boxing bouts have guys getting 10-20 million for one fight, but that's a real fight, not the pussy ass cock fights the UFC puts on. He knows he would be a top guy if he went back, for sure. And even if he jobbed every night, 40 million is worth it. He could fight in the UFC for the next 10 years and not make that much, especially if and when he looses.

If I were him I'd be thinking "I better go where the losses don't matter, and my stock doesn't really decline as a result" The UFC will use him and spit him out. Once he can't demolish everyone in front of him and get's his ass kicked for real, there won't be shit left for him, and by then the WWE will not be interested. If he's 31 now, and fought for 4 more years in UFC, he could leave there a relatively young man, and still have enough gas left in the tank to wrestle for another 10, or 7 if he got the aforementioned deal. I think the WWE would be the smartest way for him to go financially, image wise, and career wise. If you don't like it, that's ok, no one is paying you to like it, they are paying you to do it well, grab ratings, and fulfill your contractual agreement. If the schedule is too much for him, I am sure he could negotiate for a relatively relaxed schedule. No house shows, limited television stuff, with mandatory pay per view where he would really display the goods. That to me would be reasonable for both parties, and ultimately a great deal in all aspects for Lesnar.
This is definately not going to happen any time soon. Lesnar is the top MMA fighter so he's not going anywhere. If he loses the UFC heavyweight title and then goes on some sort of losing streak where he gets his ass beat week in week out, then perhaps he'd return to WWE. But I don't see it happening.

I think even if he did return, it wouldn't last long. He'd come in, shoot to the top of the mountain and then we'd get the exact same thing we got last time. Ego and complaining. And he'd probably refuse to put over someone smaller than him. If any of the WWE roster told him to just shut up, he'd sulk and threaten to leave.
WWE really don't need someone like that.
I love some of the stuff I am seeing on here. Anyways some very valid points on both sides, kind of one sided though with those who believe Brock should stay in the UFC.

I'm still leaning that way as well. I mean the likely hood of Brock going on a losing streak is very unlikely and even if Brock were to lose to Fedor, he'd come back with a vengeance. So Lesnar is on top of the world in the UFC, he has no reason to leave that, he's living the sweet life. More than enough money, less travel, more time to do what he wants, less restrictions. The next Big Thing is in the UFC to stay.

Yeah I'd mark the fuck out too if he'd return to the WWE, but he doesn't want it, to much for him to deal with. However part of me still thinks, that the greed factor could play a part in it. If the WWE were willing to give Brock what he asked for, I do believe he might return. I'm sure he'd ask for creative control so he wouldn't have to chance being forced to put someone over he didn't want, and I am sure that while the WWE doesn't need someone with his attitude back, they'd still bring him back.
UFC is going to get bigger and will eventually start making HBO type money(as in MMA fighters will get boxers type money). Lesnar is going for De La Hoya, Mike Tyson status where he can make $30 million off one fight. Nobody in wrestling history drew anywhere close to UFC 100 and that was 95% because of Brock. Brock is on another level. He surpass Austin and Hogan in my book. His name one day will be equal to the WWE itself if he continues to dominate for the next 5 years. Why wrestle for them,under contract,200 days per year and have NO CONTROL over your career? Pro wrestling sucks right now.

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