WWE trying to get back WWF rights

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Is Vince still trying to get the right to use WWF? It sucks that all the WWF footage form the early 1998 - early 2002 has to blur out the :wwf: logo. Why the hell don't they have to blur out the old block style WWF logo? It's confusing. On some of the Wrestlemania rereleased DVD's they could say "World Wrestling Federation", but they have to bleep out the "F" in whenever WWF was said. I don't understand why the WWE is required to make changes to their history. It's in the past. Just move on from the point of the ruling, and that should be enough.
Yes I heard something about that, it would be cool if the WWE name changed back to WWF but I don't think they'll do that which really stinks but if that's how they want it I guess we have to take it as it is.
hothead25 said:
Is Vince still trying to get the right to use WWF? It sucks that all the WWF footage form the early 1998 - early 2002 has to blur out the :wwf: logo. Why the hell don't they have to blur out the old block style WWF logo? It's confusing. On some of the Wrestlemania rereleased DVD's they could say "World Wrestling Federation", but they have to bleep out the "F" in whenever WWF was said. I don't understand why the WWE is required to make changes to their history. It's in the past. Just move on from the point of the ruling, and that should be enough.
It may be easy to move on from a fan’s point of view since it doesn’t really impact us financially. Let’s say someone is making money off your name and you don’t get a penny in return, would that make you upset? If WWE continues to sell merchandize under “WWF,” it would be like WWE is stealing money from the point of view of the World Wildlife Fund. That’s why things like copyrights exist.
Surely it would cost too much to go back anyway ?

Should just stay as it is imo
peopleschamp said:
It may be easy to move on from a fan’s point of view since it doesn’t really impact us financially. Let’s say someone is making money off your name and you don’t get a penny in return, would that make you upset? If WWE continues to sell merchandize under “WWF,” it would be like WWE is stealing money from the point of view of the World Wildlife Fund. That’s why things like copyrights exist.

true, that's why copyrights exist but i think you missed the question. why do they blur out the attitude wwf logo and not the 1980's wwf logo?
newsboy_88 said:
true, that's why copyrights exist but i think you missed the question. why do they blur out the attitude wwf logo and not the 1980's wwf logo?
Honestly, I don't know the answer to that. WWE probably has their reasons, or that they had some kind of agreement with World Wildlife Fund. At any rate it's not something I lose sleep over.
An interesting thing to note. The billanaire princess was never to come back to the "wwf" ever again. But months later she did come back to the "wwe". The whole leaving the wwf thing was decided way before the outcome of the trial happened. How did the wwf know they were going to lose the trial? Perhaps vince was behind the whole thing. He could of donated a large amount of money to the wildlife foundation in exchange for them taking them(wwf) to court and winning. But why would he do that? Mabye he hates his father and wants to destroy everything he created. He even said in an interview "if he had known what i would of done with it he probably would have never gave me the company". He has desicrated every legend that was hired by his father. He rarely talks about his father I sense that they did not have a good relationship. Losing the wwf name to the wildlife foundation would keep the fans from getting to angry at him which would give them yet another reason to "not watch his stupid show anymore"
why don't they go back to the old 50's-60's WWWF (World-Wide Wrestling Federation) since they travel more now than before, plus getting talent from all over the world now more than ever.
I'm still wondering why the attitude logo has to be blurred out and the block style logo doesn't. It's a shame that the most popular time period in wrestling history has to be edited so heavily just to be presentable. Back then the Attitude logo was on almost everything...the microphones, the turnbuckles, the ring apron, the referees shirt, all the camera guys shirts, all the photographer's shirts, the two towers on each side of the titantron, the background where the wrestlers came out of the curtain, the signs fans would hold up....Trying to watch a match from 1999 is nearly impossible now.
I heard about this as well, it would be pretty cool if it became WWF again.
why don't they go back to the old 50's-60's WWWF (World-Wide Wrestling Federation) since they travel more now than before, plus getting talent from all over the world now more than ever.

They could do this or the world wildlife fund could change their name to world wildlife donation just a thought.
why don't they go back to the old 50's-60's WWWF (World-Wide Wrestling Federation) since they travel more now than before, plus getting talent from all over the world now more than ever.

I agree unless theres a World Wide Wildlife Foundation now why dont they just go back to thw WWWF
At this point another name change would not help them We are finally used to WWE. If anything..if they ever ge the rights to WWF again then they could use the name on all the old footage but still keep the new WWE name.
deux4hm said:
At this point another name change would not help them We are finally used to WWE. If anything..if they ever ge the rights to WWF again then they could use the name on all the old footage but still keep the new WWE name.
If they ever get the chance to get the WWF name back they have to change. Still today everyday people who don't follow wrestling refer to WWE as WWF. Or when something happens in sports, the Sportscenter anchor says "Oh, that's a WWF takedown". WWF has a much broader appeal world-wide. They spent 25 years building the WWF name, and 4 years building the WWE name...IMO you got to change back if you get the chance.
I think it would be ok to go back to the WWF name. I never liked Vince's attitude that wrestling was entertainment and not wrestling. The name also has broader appeal given how long they were the WWF.
Those DVDs sound good that are coming out in the uk. Can't wait to move there...lool
It's WWE now there's no point changing it back. People who still call it WWF are'nt wrestling fans so what does it matter.
ya im used to wwe now, and they have already censored wwf out of everything, and i don't really see a point of changing it back
It comes down to the legal agreements when WWE lost the case... As I understand it the WWF charity objected to the fact that WWE had breached a long standing agreement not to use the WWF name for marketing purposes, indeed from 1996 onwards the use of it exploded into all kinds of mass media, they also objected to the phrase WWF Attitude as they felt it reflected poorly on them and confused people. For whatever reason a UK judge agreed and WWE had to change, although it was deemed unrealistic for every occasion of the logo on the screen to be blanked out as WWE had traded off the names and logos for several years under an agreement previously held in good faith... It would be unreasonable for them to have to "wipe" that history totally, hence why they can use World Wrestling Federation, but not the WWF term to describe themselves...
THTRobtaylor said:
It comes down to the legal agreements when WWE lost the case... As I understand it the WWF charity objected to the fact that WWE had breached a long standing agreement not to use the WWF name for marketing purposes, indeed from 1996 onwards the use of it exploded into all kinds of mass media, they also objected to the phrase WWF Attitude as they felt it reflected poorly on them and confused people. For whatever reason a UK judge agreed and WWE had to change, although it was deemed unrealistic for every occasion of the logo on the screen to be blanked out as WWE had traded off the names and logos for several years under an agreement previously held in good faith... It would be unreasonable for them to have to "wipe" that history totally, hence why they can use World Wrestling Federation, but not the WWF term to describe themselves...
Thanks for the info...now it's all starting to make more sense.
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