WWE logo: Enough is enough and it's time for a change!


halfnelsonfullnelsonwilli enelson



Here we have the last three logo's WWF/E has used to represent itself, the current one being in use since 98/99, minus the F.

My point is, do you think this current logo accurately represents the current product?

This logo has been in circulation for nearly twelve years, I feel that this is clutching at old straws. This logo along with the attitude era is what really gave this product second life in the late 90/early 00's. Is it time they moved on and rebranded themselves again, now they have a more PG image? If so how would you like the logo to look?
I don't think they should. That logo is recognised pretty much everywhere on the planet. Even people who don't watch the WWE know what it stands for (Even if they still refer to it as WWF). I don't think changing to an unrecognisable symbol would be a good idea. I get that the current logo is due to the products change during the attitude era, and, while that era is long gone, wrestling and fighting is still 'attitude' to an extent, and changing it wouldn't bring any new viewers. Those who don't allow children to watch the WWE do so because of the fighting and reputation of the show, as opposed to a logo.
No, the should not change it. When you see that logo you know what it represents and that is exactly what the wwe wants. It would be a bad thing to change it because then some people that dont wantch on a regular basis would not know what it means.
Them changing there logo is almost like saying mcdonalds should change there logo.
I personally think they should change it to something a bit more classy, they've changed everything else about the product, but left their logo as is. I think it could leave bad connotations on the product where as if, parents for example, see a different logo on the product which represents class and entertainment instead of a logo that is supposed to represent attitude, violence and scantily clad ladies like it has in the past, it could ultimately benefit the product as a whole and show a real change and move forward in image.
Quite honestly I don't see why in the world you would need to change their logo, it seems fitting seeing as the change in the product being put out shouldn't have to mean you have to change the logo.
At the moment, their name and that logo is the only thing that's really mainstream about the WWE anymore. None of the wrestlers, not even John Cena, are that much of a household name to the average person, not in the way that The Rock, Hogan, Austin and even Bret Hart to an extent were.

They do need to change the logo a bit since that one has been around for like 8 years, I agree. But it should be when the next wrestling boom occurs. If they change the logo now, no one will know what it is. But if they change when the WWE starts becoming huge and mainstream again, then all the people who are watching it will grow to recognise it instantly. That's what they did with the last WWF logo. They made that at the start of te attitude era when everything was starting to kick off again, and by the height of it's popularity, people had totally forgotten about the old WWF logo. So yeah, they should wait until they see a new wrestling boom on the horizon.
Yeah, change it. Most non-fans still refer to the company as WWF anyway. It's outdated and it's associated with the Attitude Era, an era that WWE is trying to get away from. Most brands change their logo over the years.

Personally I think it's better to change the logo now, while WWE is still popular but not massively so. I think wrestling could go either way at the moment, it could become a laughing stock form of entertainment or it could become huge again. You don't want to change your recognizable logo when the company is suffering and you can't really change it if the company is on a high.
The logo shouldn't matter. But IF they were to change it, they should go with some thing colourful. Maybe with John Cena in an animal costume or some thing. Maybe of Cena and hornswaggle holding hands and skipping through daisies LMAO seriously though, it does look a bit ''extreme'' for a kid friendly show. Imagine if Barney's logo was drawn like that
I think they should only change the logo if it starts to look dated, and it's hasn't. They have tweaked it over the years and it's still looking new and fresh.

You can see why they changed from the previous logo, but the current one is simple and so it looks good on screen, print, clothes, etc. I think they'd struggle to come up with anything better, and as the old saying goes... if it aint broke don't fix it.
I am so for a change in logo.. i think that it would match the 'new era'. vince said when coming up with the new logo something about using your fingernail to scratch the surface of a forsted icy window.... which kind of fits in with the attitude era in a sense. Im sure they could come up with loads of new logo's and we would all love it and it would be equally as good.
I've actually considered putting up this topic, so yes. The logo doesn't even make sense anymore. It's just two W's. The only reason it's still around if for old fans to be like "see, this is the company that did DX. And the Nation of Domination. And the Oddities."

They changed it when it was needed back in the 90's and it made sense. They were rough and their characters weren't goo but sketchy. Now they need some clean, clear, HD logo that has all three letters of their name. Seriously, I've heard people call it the WW.
I've actually considered putting up this topic, so yes. The logo doesn't even make sense anymore. It's just two W's. The only reason it's still around if for old fans to be like "see, this is the company that did DX. And the Nation of Domination. And the Oddities."

They changed it when it was needed back in the 90's and it made sense. They were rough and their characters weren't goo but sketchy. Now they need some clean, clear, HD logo that has all three letters of their name. Seriously, I've heard people call it the WW.

Couldnt agree more.

i allways wondered why they didnt add a 3rd horizontal line to make it wwe.
Couldnt agree more.

i always wondered why they didnt add a 3rd horizontal line to make it wwe.

Ditto. That was my first thought. But let's remember that they were sued by the other WWF, which probably put limitations on what they could have as a logo.
[ACA-CT] Nic;1961835 said:
Ditto. That was my first thought. But let's remember that they were sued by the other WWF, which probably put limitations on what they could have as a logo.

aye yep true.

also they wanted to have that whole 'get the 'f' out' slogan.. it wouldnt have been the same if it was 'Get the 'E' in' !
I really don't see a need to change the WWE logo, That logo is known all over the world. I could easily say that even the anti-WWE wrestling fans know the meaning of that WWE logo. Yeah it's a new era, But that new Era started almost 10 years ago. So I will say bad Idea.
This logo matches the Attitude Era. I wouldn't want a change for the logo though. It's pretty recognizable all over the world and it's god the way it is. Don't fix something that ain't broke...
Now the PG Era is upon us, it would help improve the image of WWE and will show we have entered a new era e.g. Back in 2001 (I think) when WWF ended the Attitude Era, they used a new logo to reinforce the change and also used a new slogan which I believe was 'Get the 'F' out!'. Overall even though I am against the PG Era, I believe a new logo would help make it look more 'child friendly' and draw in a bigger fanbase
I think what most people realize is that all of the logos are a brand. Old school WWF logo was big and bold. Thats what they were. Then they went to that ugly gold one when alot of the older guys were leaving. Not exactly sure what it signified, though. Then came the new generation version and finally the attitude one.

But since they got the "f" out, they have became a brand. I don't mean like the RAW or SmackDown! brand. I mean like big companies go out and market themselves and try to brand themselves as this type of company or that. The scratch WWE logo has become part of WWE's image. I don't see them ever changing it. Why should they? It might be one of the most recognizable logos in the world.

One question I had though, was when the lost the lawsuit and were forced to change their name, rather then just drop the F, why not add a line to the bottom of the F so it ACTUALLY says WWE. Just a thought I guess.

PS - I really wish they scrap that stupid spinning piece of garbage they call a WWE title.
I do not think they need to change the logo...Look at Nike and Adidas, they change products all the time, yet they still have the same logo. They both are successful logos because everyone knows them...Why fix something that doesn't need to be fixed. Who cares if people still call it the WWF, as long as they are talking about the wrestling, who cares what they call it for goodness sake.
I think it should be changed especially if WWE wants to be taken seriously in this entertainment direction vince wants to take this company, I like the current logo but who's gunna take a company seriously when its logo looks like chicken scratches? I think what the WWE could do is the same thing they did when they changed to the attitude era logo, at first they put the old logo with the attitude era on top of it this is the only picture of it I could find
I really don't see the WWE changing their logo anytime soon. If it's any corporation, the logo is the first thing that people will recognize when thinking of a certain company. Just like the Nike swoosh logo, or the McDonald's golden arches the WWE managed to have the scratch logo become synonymous with their company. To change it would be a much bigger, and a more critical process than what we all think. When the WWE became a publicly-traded corporation, they were under the scratch logo to represent them which in turn will make them recognizable worldwide. The last time they made any modifications to it was with the whole "Get the 'F' Out" promotion when they went from WWF to WWE. They managed to preserve the design of the logo to keep it recognizable enough instead of having to go overboard by designing a whole new logo (especially at the time since the scratch logo has been around for 4 years at that point). In conclusion, the WWE should keep the logo they have now, but only change it completely if it feels old and dated.
Doesn't matter to me. I cared more about losing the "federation". To me that was like "now we can't even pretend it's a sport".
If it were to change I'd rather see something more along the lines of the old block lettering. Call it retro if you'd like.
Embrace the past, look to the future.
it would make sense to change the logo as the wwe seems to have eras and have changed there logo to some extent at the start of each one except for the pg era and thats because although wwe is trying to get rid of its attitude reputation it is still riding on the fame of that era for example if you ask someone who doesnt watch wrestling very often or at all to tell you what he knows about it he will probly start rambling on about stone cold the rock and the wwf. with that in mind if they truly wants people to see that the wwe is not the seedy edgy place it once was it needs to change a lot of things even the stage and ring area still looks similar to the attitude era but changing the logo might be a good place to start
No no no no, this logo should not change. As HBK-aholic said, the logo is recognised everywhere on the planet, it IS WWE. I also feel it is the last remainign factor of the good days. Yes the product has changed, but it doesn't mean the logo should. Personally I feel the logo is the only good one the company has ever had and especially now that TNA is coming up it will be good to not change the logo to something unrecognisable to everyone (fans and non fans, either way people know it)
Okay, I can understand a change especially in this day and age...

But to what?

Most people know what that 'W represents. Even if they get the name wrong (WWF) they know it is a wrestling company. I just do not know how they could change it up anymore then it already is and still have people knowing what the product is. It's the most familiar symbol in sports entertainment.

And then there are the fans who have watched WWE for quite some time. I know the saying "You can't please everyone" runs deep in the industry, but think about how many people would be ticked if WWE decided to change their logo up and it's not to their liking. I really don't want to see a complaint thread on that.

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