WWE top faces of ALL TIME - by draws - who will win 2014? Cena?


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WWE top faces of ALL TIME - by draws - who will win 2014? Cena?
I post this on general WWE, because I wounder who will be best draw 2014.


Who is the WWF/WWE?s greatest draw ever? How is such a honor to be calculated? The prevailing belief is that Steve Austin is the biggest draw ever in wrestling during his years in the main event spot. This calculation is made based upon the number of huge live gates he drew, the average attendance during his time as a headliner, the number of sellouts he headlined, merchandise sold and the PPVs he main evented.

In the first of a series of blogs, we investigate whether this is actual fact, or mere vague guess work by analysing the figures that matter.

The first step is to take a look at the number of crowds above 10,000 that each WWF/WWE wrestler has drawn in the main event position. This is the analysis of huge gates drawn

This list is taken with assistance from The Wrestling Observer Newsletter records compiled and analysed each year by Dave Meltzer. We?ve started the records from 1985. The rankings are decided based on large crowds drawn in the main event spot and a complex points system. So for example, a drawing of a crowd of above 10,000 warranted a point, a drawing of a crowd above 20,000 warrants 2 points, a drawing of a crowd above 30,000 warrants 3 points etc. We have listed the top ten via this method for each other (and omitted any non WWF/E wrestlers). Overall ranking in the industry is in parentheses.


2008: Triple H (2), Shawn Michaels (joint 9th), Chris Jericho (joint 9th)
2007: John Cena (2), Batista (3), Randy Orton (4), The Great Khali (9)
2006: John Cena (6)
2005: Triple H (2), John Cena (joint 5th), Batista (joint 5th), Kurt Angle (10th)
2004: Triple H (1), Chris Benoit (2), Eddie Guerrero (3), Shawn Michaels (5), Randy Orton (joint 7th), Ric Flair (joint 7th),
2003: Brock Lesnar (1), Triple H (2), Kurt Angle (joint 4th), The Big Show (joint 4th), Hulk Hogan (joint 6th), Bill Goldberg (joint 6th), Shawn Michaels (joint 6th)
2002: The Rock (1), Triple H (3), Hulk Hogan (4), Chris Jericho (5), Steve Austin (6), Brock Lesnar (8 )
2001: Steve Austin (1), The Rock (2), Kurt Angle (3), Triple H (4), The Undertaker (5), Chris Jericho (6), Kane (7), Chris Benoit (8 )
2000: The Rock (1)
Set all time record for most big gates in a 12 month period
Triple H (2), Kurt Angle (3), Chris Benoit (joint 4th), Kane (joint 4th), X-Pac (6), The Undertaker (7), Road Dogg (8 ), Chris Jericho (10)
1999: The Rock (1)
Set all time record for most big gates in a 12 month period
Steve Austin (2), Triple H (3), The Big Show (4), Kane (5), The Undertaker (6),
1998: Steve Austin (1)
Set all time record for most big gates in a 12 month period
The Undertaker (2), Kane (3), Mick Foley (4), Triple H (8 ),
1997: The Undertaker (2), Shawn Michaels (3), Bret Hart (4), Steve Austin (6), Mick Foley (10)
1996: Shawn Michaels (2), Bret Hart (4), Diesel (6)
1995: Diesel (10)
1994: Bret Hart (2), Owen Hart (7)
1993: No WWF Wrestler made the Top 10, however Bret Hart was the top WWF drawing card for the year.
1992: Ric Flair (1), Hulk Hogan (joint 3rd), Sid Vicious (joint 3rd), Bret Hart (6), Randy Savage (7), Davey Boy Smith (9)
1991: Hulk Hogan (1), Ric Flair (2), Sgt Slaughter (5), Ultimate Warrior (6), The Undertaker (8 )
1990: Hulk Hogan (1), The Ultimate Warrior (2), Curt Hennig (4), Rick Rude (6), Earthquake (8 )
1989: Hulk Hogan (1), Randy Savage (2), The Big Bossman (3), The Ultimate Warrior (4), Andre The Giant (joint 8th), Rick Rude (joint 8th)
1988: Hulk Hogan (1), Randy Savage (2), Andre The Giant (3), Ted Dibiase (5), The Big Bossman (7),
1987: Hulk Hogan (1), Randy Savage (3), One Man Gang (6), Andre the Giant (8 )
1986: Hulk Hogan (1)
Set all time record for most big gates in a 12 month period
Paul Orndorff (2), Randy Savage (5), Roddy Piper (joint 7th), King Kong Bundy (joint 7th), Tito Santana (9)
1985: Hulk Hogan (1)
Set all time record for most big gates in a 12 month period
Roddy Piper (3), Paul Orndorff (4), Andre The Giant (5), Big John Studd (6), Bob Orton Jr (7), Randy Savage (8 )

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