WWE TLC 2016: WWE World Championship TLC Match - AJ Styles (c) VS Dean Ambrose


It was announced on last night's episode of Talking Smack that as a result of his win and becoming #1 contender, Dean Ambrose will take on Styles in December in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match for the WWE Championship in December.

Styles & Ambrose work really well together and this serves as a perfect match to blow the feud off with so Styles can move on towards WrestleMania season. I also like that they're getting an additional month to build for the next WWE Championship match and that having Ambrose & Styles on the same Survivor Series team will help play into said build.
I had enough of this match. I don't doubt it'll be good but I've had my fill of Styles vs. Ambrose. I was hoping Orton would move into the title picture instead of continuing his feud with Wyatt.
I was hoping Orton would move into the title picture instead of continuing his feud with Wyatt.
I guess that Randy Orton would face AJ Styles for the title at Royal Rumble and then we could get Styles Vs Cena at Wrestlemania 33.

I don't think that Dean Ambrose has any chance to regain the title anytime soon. I don't know where he goes after this but there's no logic of Ambrose going over AJ Styles for the title.

AJ Styles should and would retain his title here.
It was announced on last night's episode of Talking Smack that as a result of his win and becoming #1 contender, Dean Ambrose will take on Styles in December in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match for the WWE Championship in December.

Styles & Ambrose work really well together and this serves as a perfect match to blow the feud off with so Styles can move on towards WrestleMania season. I also like that they're getting an additional month to build for the next WWE Championship match and that having Ambrose & Styles on the same Survivor Series team will help play into said build.

I agree. I'm curious to see the direction they go with Ambrose after his feud with AJ end. It looks like we're heading towards the inevitable Orton vs. AJ match at WM.
I'm fine with it. They need a last stipulation match to end the feud and Styles starting a feud with Orton immediately in a TLC match, isn't smart.

That's the price we have to pay with those gimmick PPVs, sometimes, the creative gets put in a corner.
As a big proponent of Dean Ambrose, I'm not complaining that he's in this position. I'm still waiting for them to turn him though. I really think, and I've said it all along, that a heel Ambrose with his current character has money written all over it. In my opinion, Ambrose has reached his climax as a face and he's always done his best work as a bad guy, so here's to hoping he completes the turn that he's been teasing for the past few months after HIAC.

In regards to the match, yeah they're dragging the program out, but it's not like there's a lot of people waiting in the wings to challenge Styles. Once they get through Orton, there's really nobody left other than Cena unless they decide to turn somebody like Wyatt or The Miz face or bring back Taker for a one-off. So Styles will beat Ambrose, likely move onto Orton for the Rumble and the February PPV (assuming it's a SD PPV) before starting his Mania program. By that time, hopefully Smackdown will have added a few more main event players to their roster.
I'm looking forward to this. Styles vs. Ambrose has been a great feud, and they've had some great matches.

Some will complain about Ambrose getting too many title opportunities, but as with Raw, who else is there?

The difference is Ambrose is also a lot more interesting challenger than Reigns.

As another poster said, you could do Styles vs Orton/Cena/someone else, but you don't want to start off a feud with a TLC match.

All things considered and being the huge Ambrose fan I am, I'm certainly ready for this.
I hope to see AJ Styles win here, although it could go to Dean Ambrose as well. I also hope this is the last match between these two for a long time. While I have enjoyed Dean Ambrose's mic work and his title defence match against AJ Styles, I could care less about him at the moment. Maybe it's his loose association with James Ellsworth that's making the WWE World Champion look like a joke that's making me feel meh. It's funny, but I want to see some high profile matches. AJ Styles vs the Wyatt family would be fresh, although I don't know how the heel vs heel alignment is going to work long-term without one or the other turning. Still, AJ Styles vs Randy Orton and AJ Styles vs Bray Wyatt are what I would rather see right now. It's new and suspenseful.
I hope to see AJ Styles win here, although it could go to Dean Ambrose as well. I also hope this is the last match between these two for a long time. While I have enjoyed Dean Ambrose's mic work and his title defence match against AJ Styles, I could care less about him at the moment. Maybe it's his loose association with James Ellsworth that's making the WWE World Champion look like a joke that's making me feel meh. It's funny, but I want to see some high profile matches. AJ Styles vs the Wyatt family would be fresh, although I don't know how the heel vs heel alignment is going to work long-term without one or the other turning. Still, AJ Styles vs Randy Orton and AJ Styles vs Bray Wyatt are what I would rather see right now. It's new and suspenseful.

I'd turn Bray face. The thing he's doing with Orton is no different than what he was doing with Bryan at the end of 2013/early 2014. I wish Bray would turn face. There was so much potential with the League of Nations vs. Wyatt Family feud. It's just a shame he got hurt.
I'd turn Bray face. The thing he's doing with Orton is no different than what he was doing with Bryan at the end of 2013/early 2014. I wish Bray would turn face. There was so much potential with the League of Nations vs. Wyatt Family feud. It's just a shame he got hurt.
I agree.

His face turn has been long overdue. I think that he, as a face, could be a great opponent to AJ Styles at WrestleMania 33 where Styles puts him over. Along with his overdue face turn, a title run also has been overdue. Even Luke Harper has had a singles title victory but Bray Wyatt himself hasn't.
ShinChan™;5613081 said:
I agree.

His face turn has been long overdue. I think that he, as a face, could be a great opponent to AJ Styles at WrestleMania 33 where Styles puts him over. Along with his overdue face turn, a title run also has been overdue. Even Luke Harper has had a singles title victory but Bray Wyatt himself hasn't.

Unfortunately knowing WWE, they'll go with the short term benefit and have AJ lose the title to Taker at RR, have Cena beat Taker for the title and throw Bray in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal or a multi man match for the IC/tag team titles.
Unfortunately knowing WWE, they'll go with the short term benefit and have AJ lose the title to Taker at RR, have Cena beat Taker for the title and throw Bray in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal or a multi man match for the IC/tag team titles.
I think that AJ Styles Vs. The Undertaker should happen at Royal Rumble where AJ Styles wins. Then AJ Styles Vs. Cena where Cena gets the title for 16th time. If this happens, then I think that Bray Wyatt could better go for the InterContinental Title against The Miz as a face. Of course, after splitting away from Randy Orton. Or even making it Bray Wyatt Vs. Randy Orton for InterContinental title at Wrestlemania.
ShinChan™;5613107 said:
I think that AJ Styles Vs. The Undertaker should happen at Royal Rumble where AJ Styles wins. Then AJ Styles Vs. Cena where Cena gets the title for 16th time. If this happens, then I think that Bray Wyatt could better go for the InterContinental Title against The Miz as a face. Of course, after splitting away from Randy Orton. Or even making it Bray Wyatt Vs. Randy Orton for InterContinental title at Wrestlemania.

I wonder how long they'll drag out Orton vs. Bray. I'm amazed they didn't acknowledge Bray took out Orton last year.

I'm hoping they end it at RR but if they keep going at this rate, may see Bray/Orton have a tag title run.
I wonder how long they'll drag out Orton vs. Bray. I'm amazed they didn't acknowledge Bray took out Orton last year.

I'm hoping they end it at RR but if they keep going at this rate, may see Bray/Orton have a tag title run.
At this point, I am quite interested for this angle. WWE doesn't need to drag it and just let it be a organic build.

Yeah, they could become tag champions so that WWE can save the inevitable American Alpha title run.

Randy Orton sacrificing himself for Bray Wyatt at Survivor Series was gold. I am actually enjoying Randy Orton after a quite long time.

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