WWE TLC 2016: Chairs Match - Kalisto VS Baron Corbin


So it looks like this feud may be coming to a close this Sunday with Kalisto taking on Corbin in a chairs match.

I can't say that this match is all that appealing, though it could be better than I'm anticipating. For the most part, I think it'll be Corbin smacking Kalisto around with a chair, a few comeback moments for Kalisto here & there before ultimately hitting End of Days on a chair for the win. If they have Kalisto win here, which I think is doubtful, I hope that they at least make it a decisive win rather than it looking like it's some sort of fluke.
I say finally, geez. They stretched this way longer than they needed to. I get it, Kalisto got hurt, but they could have just forgotten it and no fan would have complained.

WWE needs to shit or get off the pot with Corbin. They keep hyping him to be this ruthless guy, yet he just treads water in the mid card, beating guys like Swagger, Kalisto, and Crews and no one cares. If they want him to be a star, they need to put him with stars.

I get Styles is the heel champion, so just put Corbin against Ambrose, that's a program I can get behind, and have Styles defend against someone else. People are sick of Styles/Ambrose/Ellsworth anyway.
Baron Corbin should win this match. I don't see any profit in giving Kalisto the win.

Not sure where both go after this feud ends. Maybe Kane would be viable for a one-off feud with Baron Corbin. Nothing about Kalisto though.

And I don't want to see either Ziggler Vs. Corbin OR Miz Vs. Kalisto.

Corbin writing off Ellsworth by beating the hell outta him could garner great heel heat.
ShinChan™;5615797 said:
Baron Corbin should win this match. I don't see any profit in giving Kalisto the win.

Not sure where both go after this feud ends. Maybe Kane would be viable for a one-off feud with Baron Corbin. Nothing about Kalisto though.

And I don't want to see either Ziggler Vs. Corbin OR Miz Vs. Kalisto.

Corbin writing off Ellsworth by beating the hell outta him could garner great heel heat.

Yeah, Kane should have been Corbin's first feud after he won the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. I never understood why WWE didn't take advantage of that but it's not too late to do it now.
This match was way better than I thought it would be. I still love Corbin's potential as a monster heel.
You're totally right.

This match also exceeded my expectations just like Alexa Bliss Vs. Becky Lynch did.

Kalisto has again performed well and exceeded expectations. He did it first when he had an unexpected good match against Ryback at Wrestlemania.

Time to end this feud now.
Corbin needs the win more. Kalisto needs to go to RAW. Reunite with Sin Cara for Lucha Dragons or headline the CW division.

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