WWE TLC 2012: Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara VS Team Rhodes Scholars [Tables Match]


This match was announced last night on Raw with the winners of a four-way elimination tag match going onto TLC to meet Mysterio & Sin Cara in a Tables Match to determine the #1 contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow won the match, so they moved on.

This should be a pretty fun match. If I'm not mistaken, in tag team matches, both members of the team have to be put through a table for the other team to win. I think Team Rhodes Scholars will ultimately come out with the win but there'll probably be some fun high spots and suspenseful moments scattered about. I said that the Cesaro vs. Truth match could open the show but I think this one has a good chance of starting the show off as well.

Personally, I'd rather this match kicked off the show. I've just never been a huge fan of starting ppvs off with title matches most of the time.
Personally, I'd rather this match kicked off the show. I've just never been a huge fan of starting ppvs off with title matches most of the time.

This. I've hated this especially when the WWE did it at the past 2 Wrestle-manias.

Regarding the match however, I believe it should've been a ladder match. The high flying styles of Los Myscaras(as i like to call them) would be more applicable to the ladder match. The only reason I can think of the WWE going with a tables match is to ensure Sin Cara doesn't get injured again.

This will be a good opener, but will largely be forgotten due to Cena-Ziggler and Rock-Punk at the Rumble. Plus if the winners do become the champions, it will only be a catalyst for the feud between Bryan & Kane ending at Wrestle-mania. They'll also have a brawl at EC when they simultaneously qualify for one of the Chamber matches.
This. I've hated this especially when the WWE did it at the past 2 Wrestle-manias.

Regarding the match however, I believe it should've been a ladder match. The high flying styles of Los Myscaras(as i like to call them) would be more applicable to the ladder match. The only reason I can think of the WWE going with a tables match is to ensure Sin Cara doesn't get injured again.

This will be a good opener, but will largely be forgotten due to Cena-Ziggler and Rock-Punk at the Rumble. Plus if the winners do become the champions, it will only be a catalyst for the feud between Bryan & Kane ending at Wrestle-mania. They'll also have a brawl at EC when they simultaneously qualify for one of the Chamber matches.

Unless there's a contract hanging above the ladder, there would be nothing to grab for a ladder match.

This is most likely a good profile match to help re-elevate Rhodes Scholars after Cody Rhodes' absence. This will set up a feud between them and Hell No for the Road to WrestleMania. Or it ends fairly quickly setting up the separation of Kane and DB. Either way, Rhodes Scholars wins this and I believe eventually win the Tag Titles.
A tag team tables match is a fresh idea in today's wrestling world. The expertise of Rey and Cody will shine in this match. Sandow and Sin Cara will need to step it up to prove they can go with some of the top dogs in matches like this. I am interested to see how Sandow and Cara both work in this environment. I don't plan on it being disappointing.

Cody and Damian earned their spot. I'm not sure what Rey and Sin Cara did to get here. Name sake? Maybe. None the less, the match will be very intriguing. Hell No works better against a heel team, so The Rhodes Scholars should pick up the victory.

IHW's Prediction- Team Rhodes Scholars.
If I were planning to watch this PPV, I'd bet this match would be pretty exciting but ultimately it seems to make more sense to have Cody and DS vs Team Hell No then have it be Face team vs Face Team.

I also hope if Rhodes Scholars wins, they take the belts @ the Rumble.
This will be a fun match and entertaining to boot. Team RS i think will win and hope they do. This match has the potential to be the match of the night and i hope its the opening match of the night. I too,have never been a fan of opening a PPV with a title match i dont like it when they do that.

To me Team RS really blends well together in the ring. One guy in Sandow insults everyone(Which i find funny)and the other guy Cody is athletic as can be. I like Rey and Sin Cara alright,but team RS will win and meet team hell no for the titles at RR.
Yeah, this would be a perfect opener. It should be a fun match. I think Rhode Scholars will win. With Kane injuring Cody they kind of have a ready made feud for the tag titles waiting.

And for those that want to see The Shield win... Have The Rhode Scholars become the number 1 contenders and interfere during the TLC match and take DB & Kane out of the match. Ryback loses, but you kind of protect him a little bit because the match ended up being 3 on 1.

I would love to see Team Hell No and The Rhode Scholars have a tag title feud through WM. I think they could pull of a series off entertaining matches and promos with each other.
Personally I think the Tables match should've gone to a more high profile match like Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio, so they could officially end their feud and since it seems like they won't be doing anything at TLC. Specialty matches like this should be used for people engaged in feuds not #1 contender matches, which I'm assuming this is. But even though Rhodes Scholars versus Car Stereo does not need to be contested in a Tables match, it still should be fun to watch anyway.

With Cody returning and Rhodes Scholars teaming again for the first time in nearly a month, the Scholars will definitely need the victory more to build momentum back up for the team. Plus they have unfinished business with Team Hell No, so it's only logical they beat Sin-Sterio to become #1 contenders again.

And yeah it would be better if this kicked off the show. Would be a great way to hype up the crowd for the rest of the show.
These matches can generally be pretty funny with bumbling somehwat comedic heels, I expect no different here. Should entail some pretty creative, imaginative spots, but I have little doubt in the outcome...hell-no vs car stereo is just too odd of a match-up, and this match especially above all otheers can allow the heels to win without making the faces look bad.
I personally want to watch this match. Sin Cara/Rey work very well with Cody. Sandow is a sold worker and I see Cara/Rey working well with him too. Should be fun, full of good spots and loud crisp sounding kicks. I am hoping for Team Rhodes Scholars for the win. I feel they are better suited to go against team Hell No.

Rhodes Scholars for the win.
I agree with everyone else. I think this will be a very entertaining match, and will probably make a good opener. I was hoping both of these teams would eventually hold the belts, but I think Team Rhodes Scholars will get there first. I see them winning this match and going on to finally take the belts from Team Hell No at the Royal Rumble.
This is a fun match with some solid in ring guys. Rey has done good work with Cara, and Rhodes and Sandow are a good team. I expect an imaginative spot or two, and we will probably get the double 619 shortly before the finish, and that usually gets the crowd hot.

My only issue is the match seems spur of the moment. Rey has been off TV for a short while with no real explanation, and Cody just came back Monday night from injury. There wasn't much build to it.
Well this one looks like a really exciting match! There are going to be some good spots, at least I hope so. For Sandow and Cara (but mostly for Sandow) is a new aspect for their careers and is going to be really interesting to see how both of them work with this kind of dynamic, and of course, if it works for them.

At first I wasn't expecting a clear or obvious winner, however after reading a couple of posts and taking in count Cody's recent injury caused by Kane, I can say that storyline wise, it is a really good option for RS to win this match. After all, they do have a history with team Hell No and became personal after that injury, like I said, it's a great story to tell.

Plus like a poster said, if RS win and become the number contenders for the tag team championships, they could screw Bryan and Kane in their match against the Shield adding this way even more personal heat to their feud.

Rhode Scholars for the win!
This is a somewhat random pick for the Tables match. I can definitely see Cody and Sandow winning the match. They need the momentum and victory far more than Rey & Sin Cara do. What exactly would Rey & Sin Cara winning accomplish? Absolutely nothing. Rhodes Scholars, on the other hand, might be challenging Team Hell No for the giant pennies again in the near future so a win in this match would help them be viewed as more of a threat to the titles again. Should be an alright match, probably going on toward the middle of the evening.

Rhodes Scholars will defeat Rey & Sin Cara
Should be a fun little match. I'm not expecting anything extraordinary, but it'll be a nice tables match between two solid teams, both of whom are really damn entertaining. There should be some cool table spots or near-finishes peppered in throughout the match, since I'm assuming this will be one of the matches to hype the crowd up early on in the card -- could even end up being the opening match, if WWE is so inclined.

I don't see the finish being in question. Rhodes Scholars have been well on their way to a feud with Team Hell No for quite some time now, so I think this'll finally be their moment to shine against Mysterio and Cara. I mean, Mysterio and Cara are an interesting team, but they're just sort of there, you know? I don't see the team having any real direction or longevity, for that matter. I'd rather see Mysterio and Cara having singles matches against each other than working as a team anyway.

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