Team Rhodes Scholars....What happened?

That they never got a tag title run is a shame. I thought they would win at RR, but that didn't happen. This might hurt the tag division as well, unless Daniel and Kane are heel now and then hopefully the Usos will take the title from them. Just please don't let it be Rey and Sin Cara.
i kinda like it...Rhodes Scholars came off as another random pairing and i liked both guys best as singles wrestlers anyway....i was hoping a long time back for Sandow to have a IC title run and i kinda want to see Cody in the world title picture sometime soon, but meanwhile, i think they should either put him in an IC or US title hunt or in a feud with Goldust, plus, i think the best team to take the Tag Titles off Bryan and Kane (i rather call them Team Friendship)...i think it's the Shield.
I don't see why they were put together in the first place.

Agreed. Cody was well established already, having been forced down our throats in Ziggler-like fashion for several years. Apparently, management decided he wasn't as star-ready as they might have believed earlier in his career, but his exposure on our TVs remained total; you couldn't watch Raw or Smackdown without seeing him involved in something. Why they felt he needed to be in a tag team is beyond me.

Damien Sandow, in the meantime, didn't need his career jump-started; he had done a terrific job on his own and had augmented his unique speaking gimmick with some damn good ring wrestling. Everything was going fine, so why did they feel the need to give him a partner.....which is something Creative usually does when someone's career is wallowing?

I thought Sandow would be fighting for mid-level championships by now; instead, his singles push was derailed by this baffling pairing with Cody. It's not that they were bad together, it's just that Sandow seemed destined for better things at this point in his tenure.

Of course, it's hardly too late; they both have time and are well-established enough to get things moving now that their partnership is dissolved.
Personally I feel that it took away from one of the main heel teams in the tag team division but in the same sense I understand because they had pushed PTP for so long only to be squashed again and again so give them some time to shine, and possibly build other teams.

The other problem is right now there is a lack of depth in the singles heels in the division this is shown as the case with the return of guys like Jack Swagger. On the Smackdown side who do you have as your top heels? Ziggler, Show and Barrett. Now while these guys are nice, what will you do in the next 4-6 months when people are tired of seeing the same old thing over and over again? Sure we can push Orton as heel again, but its imbalancing the faces in the singles division that are your top stars. Personally I seen Damien Sandow as the next star to be pushed to a midcard title or even work as a main eventer, and thats surprisingly odd considering the genius didn't manage to pull the gimmick off very well in the late 80's early 90's, but hey he did beat Hulk Hogan.

Rhodes on the other hand I believe is destined to do brother vs brother with Goldust at WM. Normally you wouldn't think this but I know Vince heard the reaction and Vince sees it as money attraction, and while superstars may be mad about a vet coming back in and taking their spot, Dustin Rhodes is a worker, and always has been. When Jericho was champion and he took on Goldust, Goldust looked like a champion and hell even Jericho said that was one of his better matches of the year and was solid. Goldust could show everyone why Cody is so solid in the ring, and if these two can at least put on a 3-4 star match Cody may get the recognition he deserves and not be back burnered like Ted Dibiase Jr.
i see the shield becoming a threat to the tag titles, maybe ambrose & rollins with help from their super samoan friend!!..

i agree with previous posters and forsee a cody vs goldust mania match , just hope the build is done right and then the match is so tuff that cody comes out a face and more respect.

sandow will do fine as a midcard heel, no need for the us or ic title, he has a good gimmick and can be used to help build lower card faces UP and maybe get the MITB briefcase in 2014.

as for the tag team scene, lets hope with all the talent in NXT, some good talent is used to form tag teams.. teams with gimmicks.

i can see brad maddox now babyface forming a team with ?? ( some1) to go after the shield.

another idea i have for kane & bryan to lose the belts is for DR.SHELBY to align himself with a new heel team
I enjoyed Team Rhodes Scholars, and was surprised to hear them announce their breakup, but it's fine. As someone said, teams break up all the time. I'm going to assume a Cody Rhodes/Goldust match will happen at WM - the crowd was HOT for their storyline at the Rumble. That's probably the reason this breakup is happening now.

Both guys will be fine. WWE obviously has big plans for Sandow. I doubt he'll get a major spot at Wrestlemania, but will probably be part of whatever multi-midcarder match they always throw together. But he's fine hanging around as a midcard heel at the moment.
I for one thought it was a terrible, terrible idea to split up Team Rhode Scholars. As over as the team was, they should have gotten at least one run iwth the tag titles. Even if thier reign was short, they drew alot of heat. So what happens now? Well one(if not both)will become top jobbers. And for those who don't know the difference between a jobber and a top jobber, a top jobber will get a superstar (IE John Cena) over in a match just to lose that match in the end. Which is a shame because both Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes deserve better than that.
I for one thought it was a terrible, terrible idea to split up Team Rhode Scholars. As over as that team was, they should have gotten at least one run iwth the tag titles. Even if their reign was short, they drew alot of heat. So what happens now? Well one(if not both)will become top jobbers. And for those who don't know the difference between a jobber and a top jobber, a top jobber will get a superstar (IE John Cena) over in a match just to lose that match in the end. Which is a shame because both Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes deserve better than that.
I thought they were fantastic together. I hate it when many of you go "they were just thrown together". If every team were brothers, cousins, or same sized guys with similar trunks, it'd be boring. You need odd couples. Odd couples are usually the most entertaining.

My guess is that these two are about to get a singles push. No big deal, still a ton of good tag teams out there.
This is definitely surprising but definitely a product of the lacking tag teams and of the lacking division as a whole. It is one thing if a single superstar can't win a belt because you can throw him back to the dogs and let another feud sprout up but the Scholars had already met just about everyone they could have. Neither match was built up much or supported but you can hardly blame Sandow or even Rhodes for that. Mysterio and Sin Cara aren't bad in ring if you like the high risk wrestling with spots upon spots but they lack anything in value when it comes to working the mic. Kane and Bryan have quite a bit of potential but there was never any motivation other than the tag team titles. Something needs to happen to this division as it's now getting so bad that it isn't just hurting the company but the wrestlers themselves. I loved this team and a large part of it was for Sandow a long with what managed to be both an entertaining and skilled team who for what it's worth could tell quite a story in ring. Like it has been said; Mr. Sandow will have no problem finding work with a bucket full of people he hasn't even met yet. Rhodes is a little more interesting as he is young and skilled in the ring but doesn't have so much to explore as his partner. I think going alone, especially against his brother Goldust will be a big test for him. A lot of his best wrestling has always been done with some kind of a crutch; either his mask in his Dashing gimmick or multiple tag team partners. Many (even the younger fans) love Goldust and if done right with sufficient build, this could be an opening for Cody. But you need something to trigger it, especially on a such a large stage.
They kept Rhodes Scholars above the rest of the tag teams except for the tag team champions Team Hell No and now they're split? It is past 3-4 months of work going to waste as no one benefits from this split. They should have at least put some other team over. May be they did do that with Mysteri-Cara. But all those teams - USOs, PTPs, Primo and Epico are left as non-credible tag teams. I seriously doubt the future of tag team division which seemed like the best thing going for a while.
I think it was a bad idea to split them up, they are very entertaining as a tag team and i enjoy their promos and wrestling matches, I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to break them up cause i thought they would at least held the tag title belts at least once and try and make them more important as a championship
It's just another case of having too many people in the midcard that don't need to be there. 3MB needs to be released and if they can't figure out a successful gimmick for Wade, then he needs to be released. And the reason I say that is because all 4 of those guys take time away from midcard wrestlers who are either already over or are very ready to see be pushed further up the ranks. Cesaro is someone who is WWE-made and I'm guessing they're getting the moderate results they expected at this point of his push. They did the same with Rhodes but they halted his push last year after dropping the IC title. That's fine and should be expected but they downgraded him back to tag-team status and did nothing with the change to keep him relevant.

On Smackdown, Sandow is currently the best wrestler on the mic while staying in character. He is still respected as a heel enough to garner boos on his own without being manufactured and does an exemplary job at acting by WWE's wooden-acting standards. Him being in a tag-team doesn't hurt him at all but if it's not going to be used as a stepping stone to further him in the midcard (as it wasn't) then it doesn't help him either. So high in the IC title picture, you have Barret (champion), Sandow, and Rhodes. Each one of those guys is a heel. 3MB aren't targeting anything so they are a waste of time and guess what, they're heels too. The only midcard babyface who could possibly go for the title is being criminally underused. He would be, Zack Ryder. I think that is why the WWE is so confused with Rhodes Scholars right now. They don't really know how to logically put them into the IC title picture, keep them both as heels, and keep Barret on the roster without downgrading him again. Solution: Push Ryder as a midcard babyface (since everyone respects him), turn Rhodes anti-face with his whole image-obsessed gimmick (maybe bring back "Dashing Cody Rhodes" for a face run), and meanwhile have Sandow and Barret be the two heels in the IC picture.

It's not rocket science but Sandow/Rhodes will remain in limbo until some higher-up-suit in the company decides to start pushing midcard faces for the IC picture.
have they actually broke up? i know it is what they said, by take a heel teamat their word?

neither appear to have a WM booking. cody has been in a match at the last three. i expect kane v bryan at wm. i think road scholars will face tensi/brodus for the title at wm. road scholars will win the title on raw a couple weeks before.
I really liked The Rhodes Scholars. I dunno why they broke them up, there are plenty of other tag teams they could've feuded with after Team Hell No - like a babyface Prime Time Players, The Usos, International Airstrike. But if they weren't gonna utilize those teams then I can think of 3 veteran teams they could've reunited and I would've loved to have seen feud with The Scholars in future - The New Age Outlaws, Chris Jericho & Christian, and Booker T & Goldust. Those are 3 great set of teams that would've given the team huge rubs. Actually when Goldust returned at Royal Rumble, I thought a feud with BookDust into Wrestlemania is where the WWE were headed.
I like Macho, wanted to see them face The New Age Outlaws. Also the fact of them winning the tag titles or not isn't the issue here. My issue is that they were a tag team, and one that could be used to keep the division going. I am not happy that the tag team division is falling apart again after making so much progress. I think they should have kept them together longer even if it was just long enough to bring a few more teams in. They weren't my favorite team by any mean, but they were a team. I guess that shows how low my standards have become when it comes to that division.
When TRS first teamed up, I didn't like the idea, but they grew on me. The thing is ( and not just Cody and Damien) is too much talent to push on a consistent basis. There was (and still is) plenty of room to push tag teams though. I really think they need to stay together not just for their own careers, but also for the tag division.
When TRS first teamed up, I didn't like the idea, but they grew on me. The thing is ( and not just Cody and Damien) is too much talent to push on a consistent basis. There was (and still is) plenty of room to push tag teams though. I really think they need to stay together not just for their own careers, but also for the tag division.

I disagree, I think you could easily build a solid Tag Dvision without RS. You've got THN ( for now), Rey and Sin Cara, PTP, The Usos, Primo and Epico. All these teams could be strong, if WWE books them right, which they just haven't been doing in the last 2/3 years. Also if Cesaro's character gets stale, I could see a possible KOW reunion. Ted DiBiase and Joe Hennig could team as The Fortunate Sons. Or if the rumours about Ted not wanting to wrestle no more are true, Richie Steamboat could also work.

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