WWE TLC 2011 - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Booker T - WWE IC Championship


Gone but never forgotten.

WWE.com said:
For weeks, Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and Booker T have been at odds with each other, exchanging heated words and a series of ambush attacks.

At WWE TLC, it’s put up or shut up time for both Superstars, who are embroiled in one of the most emotional wars right now in WWE. Losing this match would be a tough pill to swallow for either verbose Superstars. For the winner, it could very well direct the course of his future in WWE.

For Rhodes – who is seeking his first singles World Championship – a victory over a veteran like Booker could be just the thing he’s looking for to help catapult his career to the next level.

For Booker – who has not competed at all this year and focused on announcing – capturing his second Intercontinental Championship could very well be the final punctuation mark on an already impressive career in the ring. (MORE ON BOOKER'S CAREER: CODY PICKED THE WRONG MAN TO ANGER)

Things finally came to a head between the two Superstars on the Dec. 9 edition of SmackDown, when Rhodes attacked Booker as he entered the arena. Later that night, Booker retaliated by assaulting the Intercontinental Champion during his match with Daniel Bryan (WATCH). Realizing a match between the two was necessary sooner rather than later, SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long announced the two would do battle at WWE TLC.

As for as I'm concerned, any match involving Cody or Booker T is exciting to me. Now, you can imagine how excited I am that they are battling each other!!

This is more or less a glorified, further push for Cody Rhodes. I see absolutely no way that Booker T will win the IC championship, considering that he has no plans to return to in-ring competition full-time. Knowing this, Cody and Booker should put on a very entertaining match. It's just too bad that the ending is so predictable.

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Can't wait for this match! Cody will retain as Bookers first match back wont be a championship win. But I could see a long running feud between these two!
Will be a good match. I hope the feud continues to build and maybe caps of at the Rumble.

IHWrestling's Precition: Rhodes Retains.
I'm gonna throw a curve ball here and say what if Booker wins. Before you chew me out just think of this: Booker wins and leaves Cody stunned. The next night Booker comes out to the ring to comment on his win and out of no where Cody comes out and absolutely annihilates him. I mean chairs and brutal move after brutal move just a total unrelenting beat down until security actually need to pull him off leaving Booker just lying in the ring. due to injury Booker is ruled unable to actually wrestle and need to surrender the title. This can lead to a match between Cody and someone else of the IC title at the Rumble (Daniel Bryan anyone?) which after a good back and forth making both men look strong Cody wins by cheating with a chair shot or something to that effect which has the simultaneous effect of making Cody seem even more tough and credible and bringing Daniel Bryan up to a level where people believe he could challenge for a WHC (beyond his excellent work so far).

Also as far as the whole Booker will never win because it's his first match back I seem to remember Bret Hart beating The Miz for the US title a little while back. Just sayin.
Unless the plan here is to elevate Rhodes into the main event following TLC, I don't see a possible way in which he loses the IC Title. Don't get me wrong, so much of this depends on what happens in the Barrett/Orton and Henry/Big Show matches. If both Barrett and Henry were both to lose, and Rhodes defeats the legend that is Booker T, I guess that it's plausible that Rhodes could be elevated to main event status that way. But him losing the title and falling into the title picture because both Barrett and Henry lost would be an ass-backwards way of doing it. So what happens? Either Barrett or Henry is going to win their match, possibly both. Since Rhodes isn't going to surpass either if one wins, I'll say he retains here.

The cons to Rhodes losing outweigh any benefits here for Booker T to win. Sure, Booker is a legend, and a future HOF. But he's had exactly one match since returning to WWE over a year ago, so it's not like he's active. For a star on the rise, it doesn't benefit Rhodes to lose to Booker, someone who doesn't wrestle anymore.

Don't get me wrong, this should be a good match. I've said the word legend several times when referring to Booker, and not without cause. To shake off the ring rust and keep up with Rhodes, Booker is certainly. I expect an entertaining match, and Rhodes likely won't win clean, but he'll retain the title. My only fear is the cheap DQ to protect Booker and his legendary status, but does he need protected? No. Rhodes getting a cheap win is a far better alternative. Rhodes retains here.

Also as far as the whole Booker will never win because it's his first match back I seem to remember Bret Hart beating The Miz for the US title a little while back. Just sayin.

Do you remember the circumstances behind Bret winning? You had the Hart Dynasty hit the ring and incapacitate Miz. Further, there was no real "feud" or "heat" between Miz and Hart, it was essentially a one-week storyline arc. There's been heat brewing here, and it certainly spilled over this past week on Smackdown. Huge difference.
I'm excited for this match, for a couple of reasons. Not only will it be a fun match with two excellent performers, but who doesn't love to see Booker T out there doing his thing? This is, obviously, just another "notch" to add to Cody Rhodes' belt -- it's a fresh feud, against a proven competitor who has experienced success all across the card (tag team, midcard, main event). The way I see it, this is a smart choice by the WWE. Cody Rhodes has seemingly surpassed the level of most of Smackdown's competitors in the running for his title, so Booker is a great choice.

I will echo what others have said though; there's no way I see Cody losing the match here. The main event is already fairly set and this whole Mark Henry/Big Show/Daniel Bryan situation is the focus, so he'll have to stay strong in the midcard, leaving the WWE no reason to make him drop his belt. While some people will probably have complaints about Rhodes retaining, I don't see it that way. It's a win-win situation. The WWE is able to build Rhodes and re-build the prestige of the Intercontinental Championship by keeping it around Rhodes' waist. There haven't been too many great Intercontinental Champions as of late, but in terms of consistency and entertainment, Rhodes has proven to be a viable option.

I'm looking forward to what will surely be a good match, even if it's a predictable finish. (For all I know, though, the WWE could choose to completely stun me and all the other fans watching and put the strap on Booker -- anything is possible.) Cody will probably retain here, but this might be one of the most entertaining matches on the card.
Is there really other outcome than a Rhodes win, aside from the possibility of a follow-up match at the Rumble provided Rhodes retains the title by undesirable means?

Just like Miz and Lawler last year, Booker should, and I have no doubt will, put Rhodes over in this little scuff they're having. What's more promising for me is that I believe Cody Rhodes to be better than The Miz whilst Booker T is still in better than than Jerry Lawler. That probably guarantees us a better match, and a more entertaining feud.

I see Rhodes as one of the pillars of the future, as many guys putting him over as possible I say. Worked for Orton after all.
In my opinion, this match is possibly even more predictable than the Miz vs. Lawler match for the WWE championship. They wouldn't have a man who has, let's face it, been and gone get a championship over a younger and fresher man. Rhodes is on a roll and the WWE seems to want to keep that roll going. Booker T has a long history and quite a few accolades to his name, so he's an obvious choice to make Rhodes look like he's at least ready to move up to the main event if he beats him. On the other hand, Booker T has been pretty much out of the action end of the game since leaving TNA. I think his only action in the ring since re-joining has been his debut during a Royal Rumble match and a singles match against Jack Swagger. Ergo, when Booker loses (you'll notice I didn't say "if") it doesn't tarnish the Booker T legend too much in that the casual fan can say "well, Cody has been fighting night after night and let's face it, Booker's a little rusty."

The point has also been made that it's for a championship and it's highly doubtful that the WWE would allow Cody to lose his championship to a "has been" re-entering the ring for one night only. Not going to happen.

Still, this has the potential for being at least a decent match so long as you don't mind knowing the outcome in advance. We'll just see how far the "Booker T rub" will get Cody.
Do you remember the circumstances behind Bret winning? You had the Hart Dynasty hit the ring and incapacitate Miz. Further, there was no real "feud" or "heat" between Miz and Hart, it was essentially a one-week storyline arc. There's been heat brewing here, and it certainly spilled over this past week on Smackdown. Huge difference.

I do remember that but the difference between Bret and Booker is that Booker still looks like a wrestler, can move like a wrestler, and the point behind my original statement was that stranger things have happened so we can't count Booker out.

In the IWC everyone thinks that they know everything that WWE creative is going to do before they even know it but the fact is that if everyone here was that smart about booking then they would be employed by WWE or promoting their own show. Saying you know everything about booking wrestling because you'e good at speculating is like saying you could be a good football coach because you're good in a fantasy league. In a competition where the winner can be changed literally seconds before the match begins anything is possible and there is just as much of a chance of Booker beating Cody as Cody beating Booker. But then again what do I know.
I recall reading a news brief here on Wrestlezone that said Booker was looking to come back and wrestle part-time for a while, in a capacity similar to Jericho when/if he returns. That being said, Booker winning the IC title at TLC is plausible, but no likely. Rhodes is sizzling right now and he's getting a lot of support from the fans, so I expect him to retain at TLC by DQ. This seems consistent with the story so far, that is, Rhodes resorting to cheap shots and sneak attacks. I think the match will be a decent back-and-forth at the beginning, and Booker will finally take control. He'll overwhelm Cody and get to the point of finishing him off. Cody, will then get himself DQ'ed and assault Booker. I think they'll finish the feud at the Rumble with Rhodes retaining again.
Cody retains, unless they suddenly drop the belt to Booker and bring Cody up to the main event. But it means Booker would compete full time and keeping the strap on Cody is clearly the best option here. I think it will be an amazing match, but such a predictible outcome.
I disagree that it shouldn't be for the IC Title. Can any of you tell me when the last time was he actually defended the damn thing? Hasn't been for the last 2 PPV's at least.
I'm also not so positive like everyone else that Cody is winning. He's my pick to win the Rumble so this would be the perfect time to drop the IC Title and be moved up to main event status. I could see them giving Booker T one last run until WrestleMania and dropping the title to someone like Christian.
Really looking forward to this match, with pretty decent build. You have Booker T as the announcer, trying to stay as professional as possible while Cody did minor attacks on him (throwing water in his face). Then you have Cody, who took things too far by attacking Booker before SmackDown this past Friday night, which results in Booker wanting his revenge, and possibly taking the Intercontinental Championship.

Booker doesn't need a win here. He's done it all in the WWE. You can still make Booker look good in the match without having him actually win. Maybe Cody can use a little poke in the eye and a roll-up, or some type of cheating tactic to win, continuing his push, which I'm 100% positive will lead to a World Title reign in 2012.
Could it be? Could Booker T really win the Intercontinental Championship from a very promising Cody Rhodes? Sadly, no. As much as I am a mark for Booker T, Cody needs this. This feud has been intense and there's really nothing to complain about. Booker T can still go and Cody Rhodes will likely make this match ten times better. Hopefully, this match pays off as Cody desperately needs to get some more heat and what a better way to do that then locking up with the crowd pleasing, former World Champion, Booker T. I see Cody Rhodes hanging onto his Intercontinental Championship until Mark Henry stops being so damn dominant. Booker T is just another speed bump on Rhodes' way to superstardom.

Hamler's Prediction - Cody Rhodes will retain the Intercontinental Championship
I think Cody's gotta retain here, and he'll do it cleanly. Cody Rhodes has had his kayfabe ups and downs over the past few months, but he's looked good through it all. Since ending his feud with Orton, Rhodes has continued to look dominant, continuously proving why he's one of the best wrestlers in the company. The only thing stopping him from busting the main event door down is his heat. He gets it, but I think we can all agree Cody is capable of getting nuclear heat. That's where Booker T comes in.

There's nothing quite like beating a legend to rile up the WWE fans. Disrespecting legends is one thing, but to physically destroy them is something else entirely. I expect to see Booker look strong in this match and give the WWE fans the hope that he'll make a miraculous WWE return by beating Cody for the IC Title. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see him connect with a Scissors Kick or a Book End. But Cody will be the stronger competitor and manage to kick out. A shocked Booker will soon meet his doom with a Cross-Rhodes, and Cody will pick up the victory.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Cody continue to beat up Booker after the match is over, and we'll see Daniel Bryan come out for the save. The only thing better than getting heat for beating up a legend is getting pops for saving one, and hopefully the WWE lets Daniel Bryan capitalize on that.
JGlass hit the nail on the head here. Cody is capable of getting some great heat and he'll need it to become that main event level heel that we know he can be. Taking out everyone's favorite announcer will do just that. We all love Booker T, whether in the ring or at the table but Cody Rhodes needs this more than Booker T. Cody can go onto do big things in the WWE and maybe the WWE sort of brings back a legend killer like motto for Cody and it starts with Booker T. It would be an easy way of getting him into a feud with Goldust (not a legend compared to others, but works) and continue to raise his level of heat.

Easy to say I'm pretty excited for this match as it has two of my favorites in the WWE and I hope Cody comes through in the end with a clean win and a good win at that, making him look great as IC champ. Honestly if JGlass' idea went down with the post match beatdown and DB save, I'd be thrilled.
With the title on the line, I see no reason for Booker to win outside of countout or DQ. Unless he's planning on a full-time return to the ring, which I've heard nothing about, he needs to put Cody over. Cody's on his way to the main event soon enough, and a PPV IC Title match win over a former World Champion and future Hall of Famer will boost his stock massively. Booker's looked pretty good from the last few times I've seen him in the ring, and Cody's getting better and better with time, so this should come out as a very good match. I'd like to see Cody win clean, but being the dastardly heel he is, that may not happen. Also, whether this feud goes past one match will basically on its own determine how this match ends. I do expect a Cody win in any case, though.
This has the potential to be a very good outing for both men. We've seen Booker T and the guy is probably in the best shape of his life, or he certainly looks it if nothing else. Cody Rhodes is one of the best young heels going and he's just someone that continues to progress and improve in my eyes on a weekly basis.

This match could be the hidden gem of the card. I think people are expecting a solid match but I think that this match might well exceed expectations. Cody Rhodes is 26 years old and is in the midst of, overall, one of the better Intercontinental Championship runs of the past decade. Not saying he's defended the title left and right, but he's kept it in people's minds and has elevated it to one of the more relevant spots its been in for close to a decade. Booker T is a tested veteran, he can still go inside the ring and he's probably as over with the crowd now as he's ever been.

Personally, what I think needs to happen is that Cody Rhodes retains the title. Not saying he has to win clean. After all, there's nothing wrong with pulling the tights or holding the ropes or using a foreign object to get the win. It's what heels do after all. I don't look for any outside interference to come from this match, with the possible exception of Daniel Bryan but I don't think it's too likely. Booker's a legend, a viable legend at that, and it's a good opportunity for the WWE to really elevate Cody Rhodes' stock by having him retain his title against a still game veteran that happens to be a 6 time World Champion and 14 time World Tag Team Champion.
I've enjoyed this feud. The mic work from Rhodes and Booker has been very solid, and you can really feel the hatred these men have for each other. Cody Rhodes continues to evolve into one of the brightest future superstars in WWE with each passing month, so I can't see a real reason for a loss here, and Cody should retain his title at TLC. Cody is always capable of delivering some entertaining matches, and Booker is still in good physical condition, so I do have some high expectations for this one.

Booker T should prove he can still deliver inside the ring on Sunday, but I wouldn't want to see Booker return to the ring on a full-time basis. I wouldn't have a problem with Booker stepping inside the ring on a very limited basis, but I wouldn't want to see him back as a regular member of the Smackdown roster. Booker has accomplished a lot in his career, he's done all he can do, and the role of a commentator is a nice fit for him. Booker is very enjoyable and entertaining on commentary, and there's no real need for him to become full-time wrestler again.
Looking forward to this one. Rhodes has been on a tremendous roll lately and Booker will put him over greatly here. Anyone who thinks Booker will actually win this is out of their mind. Cody can benefit quite a bit from going over a six time world champion like Booker. While it might not be the potential show stealer, I am expecting a rather good match out of the two. Cody will likely retain because his reign has been so good, having Booker of all people end it would tarnish that as well as ruin a great opportunity for someone else to get over later on. Booker goes back to announcing after a loss here while Cody moves on to another challenger.

Cody Rhodes will retain the Intercontinental Championship
This match really is just a stepping stone for Cody. Booker doesn't need a title reign and will just be in there to put Cody over. Not to mention that him doing commentary on a weekly basis and having a match just seems like too much. It should be a solid match, as I think Booker still has a little bit left in the tank, but it will result in Cody further legitimizing himself as a top heel in the company. Cody wins in a good showcasing that he is for real.
I think that there is a 90% chance I wont be shelling out $50 for PPV not named Wrestlemania... Or one with the Rock.

Having said that, I am still open a little to buying this just B/C it is having a great showcase match for Cody. And the Booker T return should have the cowd jacked.

This is the first true signal that WWE is fully behind Cody for a future World Title run and I fully expect him to be entering main-event staus by Spring. He is my odds on favorite to win the MITB in June. This match is a turning point and I look forward to seeing the progression.

I dont know if he'll ever be the "Top" guy, but certainly a future top heel.

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