WWE TLC 2010 - The Miz (c) vs Randy Orton - WWE Championship Tables Match


Gone but never forgotten.
The Miz has chosen his stipulation for the TLC PPV WWE title match and it appears to be a tables match.

I don't know why the WWE title would be defended this way again. Tables matches in the WWE really don't have the pizazz that it used to. The lack of violence makes it hard for this match to have the X factor.

Let's discuss it all in here.
Miz should win this. I don't think he'll lose the title so quickly. I don't know why WWE is going with a table match again this year, because Orton isn't the champion anymore, so the shock factor of The Miz possibly winning the gold isn't there. The match should be okay. Riley should try to interfere here, and who knows, Cole might help The Miz retain again.

Miz will probably lose the title in the near future. If it doesn't happen at Royal Rumble, then it will definitely happen at Elimination Chamber. I like The Miz as champion so far, but there's no way he's going to make it to the big show as WWE Champion.
I can see this being a good title match, i reckon Miz will win it as they wouldn't take the title from him so soon, but he'd likely lose it at EC where the odds are realy stacked up against him, but The Miz so far as WWE champion is being done very well.
The Miz is not awesome and has frankly been really annoying to me as WWE Champion. I was happy that he cashed it in, but my opinion has changed. On the stipulations at TLC, lame. I was hoping for something more intense, not sure what exactly. But I would not mind seeing Randy win, however, there will be interference, when have we not seen interference regarding the Miz. (Never).

I'd be happy just for a good match and then maybe the miz lose at EC to a new rehired Cena.
The match will probably be a bore. But I can certainly see The Miz retaining against Orton in a screwy type finish that will lead to a possible longer feud. There is no way, that i can see, Orton losing to Miz fair. It just wouldn't make sense to me. If the WWE wants to continue The Miz's "anything can happen" WWE Championship reign, then he needs to win either by luck, like Sheamus did to John Cena last year, or by interference which highly probable. Alex Riley will get involved here, Orton is distracted Miz slams him through table. Something along the lines of that will certainly happen. Its already a great feud and it hasn't even started. Nexus/Cena feud isn't the only feud that I'm looking forward to next Monday.
To be honest, I believe that I know why a tables match has been chosen for the defense of the WWE title, and it's the same reason that a tables match was used in order for Sheamus to gain his first title: it allows the weaker opponent to get an "accidental" win.

The Miz will retain the title, I have no doubt about that, but the thing is, he can't do so in a straight fight. It's pretty much accepted (so far as I've seen) that Randy Orton is a better fighter all 'round than the Miz. So, having Orton lose to Miz in a straight singles match (without there being a disqualification or something like that) would not be tolerated.

The Tables Match is the perfect solution for this. It allows the Miz to retain by having Orton fall "accidentally" or "by a fluke" through a table. We saw it before when Sheamus won the title from Cena the first time. The two of them on the top rope, the table set up, Sheamus fighting his way out of the corner with desperation, and Cena falls through the table. It didn't make Sheamus a better fighter than Cena, but it did allow him to win the match. I predict the same sort of thing for the Miz retaining against Orton.
I could not understand why Miz chose the table match as the stipulation for his match versus Orton. I would have frankly liked to see a ladder match between the two. It had a lot of potential, in my opinion, in the sense that we could have seen a ladder match like the Rock vs HHH match at Summerslam 1998 which did not contain a whole lot of high spots but excellent psychology.

Even a chair match would have been feasible as that could have involved Miz working on Orton's knee with a chair. Overall I cannot understand the thought process behind Miz choosing the table match other than the fact that he is perhaps banking on getting a fluke victory like Sheamus did last year.

The Miz will obviously retain his title here probably with some sort of interference from Alex Riley or even Michael Cole.
Well this brings back memories.

I said this back when we had a thread asking what stipulation they should have. And I actually said either TLC or tables match. And I like that WWE went with the tables match, considering the fact that they have two not so much power-house like guys. Or for that sake guys that have moves that allows them to just slam them the fuck through a table like John Cena, Sheamus, Wade and Batista would have.

This creates for what could possibly go on to be a very good match I'm sure. Of course it would mean though that Miz would walk out champion, because it would be such a MAJOR waste to have him loose the championship already. It would make for a whole remake of the first reign Edge had.

So, Miz comes out the winner in what will probably be one of the better matches of the night I'm sure.
This one's got to go to The Miz.

This is his second defense and his first against a main eventer and he needs to look good here. A full clean win won't happen and would be stupid but I don't want them to take the Sheamus route where at the end of his reign his credibility is still questioned. Alex Riley is sure to interfere and maybe even Cole (I sure hope not). I want Miz to hold the belt past TLC though. Maybe when Randy has The Miz perfectly set up for a finish and a win Alex Riley stops him and Miz puts Randy Orton through a table to retain the WWE Championship. Or Ortons's knee could come into play.

I think this match fued will go to the Rumble. Hopefully Miz keeps the belt to at least the Elimination Chamber PPV however I do feel Randy will get the belt back off Miz at Rumble time. Hopefully not though.

I hope the WWE does not ruin The Miz's first run as the WWE Champion as they want more Main Eventers and are high on Miz to become the new face/poster child (seems possible with all the media attention Miz is getting).
I think the reason this is a tables match was chosen by WWE creative is because it really is the best match for someone like Miz, based on his current skill level. A table match is an interesting and fun match (usually) to watch as opposed to say just a "chairs" match. So it's a good choice for that reason. But tables is definitely better for him that ladder or TLC, because let's face it, Miz is not good enough in the ring to carry a one on one ladders match or even a TLC for that matter (King carried him through the TLC match on raw and we don't need to see that again only with Orton).

Also a tables match is a good way to keep the title on the miz for now. We all know that for storyline purposes, no way would Miz defeat Orton in a regular match. But with a tables match, riley can easily jump in and cause a distraction that ends in miz getting a lucky push that sends orton through a table.

So in the end, we have a match that even the Miz should be able to handle at a PPV, and basically an easy way to keep the title on him when it's over.
I agree with D-Man's original post. Table matches just don't have the dazzle that they used to have. Espacially when WWE start building PPV's around a certain match-type. It not only kills the concept of the match, but it destroys the excitement.

I wasn't really a fan of last year's TLC pay per view, and so far, this years doesn't look like it's going to be much different. I just hope this year, we don't have a chair match. I don't know...WWE's PPV's are a hard to thing to discuss because one year you could say you dislike it, then the year after, it could be a great PPV. It's a hard subject.

Either way, I think The Miz should win this match. It'd be a shame to see his title reign come to a halt not only a month after getting it in the first place. The worst thing that could happen is another Randy Orton title reign to lead us into the new year. I think Miz has potential to keep this title for a long time and be one of the first guys in a long while to have a year-long reign. I know it sounds strange to say this early on, but I think he can do it.

I'll see how this year's TLC card develops and I'll judge whether I'll be getting it or not.
Two things crossed my mind when Miz chose the table stipulation.

First off, I don't think we're going to have a repeat of last year. That is: I don't think Miz is going to get a fluke win. He will be deliberate in his victory, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll win clean, which brings me to my next thought...

Secondly, this match is SCREAMING for Michael Cole interference. Now I don't expect Cole to be the deciding factor in this match by any means, but I think he'll get involved based on his love for The Miz and for revenge for Monday night's RKO. I predict he moves a table that Randy Orton set up and is about to put the Miz through. Randy Orton sees Cole move it, turns his back and Miz to RKO Cole again. After the RKO he is blindsided by The Miz who puts him through another table; perhaps a Skull Crushing Finale into a table propped up in a corner.

There will be no middle ground when it comes to this match. It will either be a real dud, or one of the top matches of the night. Both Miz and Orton utilize sneaky styles of offense, relying more on their cunning than their strength. Their lack of power could be a detriment to this match, as there is virtually no risk of someone getting man handled through a table, and I can also guarantee you nobody is getting body slammed through a table. Randy Orton may have powerbombed Alex Riley on Monday, but don't count on seeing that on the 19th.

Finally, for my prediction... I think Miz gets the win here, probably getting by with a little help from his friends. Miz has gotten even better since winning the title in my opinion, and taking it off of him so soon would be a big mistake for many reasons. As Doc mentioned in the RAW LD, heels are often billed to look weak so people shell out the money to see them lose the title at the next PPV, only to be disappointed when they manage to retain. If there is any heel who can pull this off right now, it's The Miz, and I don't see WWE passing up on this opportunity.
This depends on their long term plans for Miz. If they want to keep him champion for some time, then they need to make him look strong inm this match. Have him absolutely dominate Orton for stretches due to his bad knee.

I think the X factor in this match though, as it has been before, will be Alex Riley. With no DQ's in a tables match, Riley can interfere and be the preverbial whipping boy that will allow Miz to take advantage of the situation. Id have preferred a chair match, honestly, as it would have allowed for Miz to be booked as a smart champion by using the chair to work over Ortons knee repeatedly. Thats harder to do in a tables match, and makes it harder to believe Miz can beat Orton in this type of match.

Still, due to Riley, and possibly even Cole again, I see Miz retaining here. Cole could be looking for revenge for the RKO he received on Raw and taking a RKO for his efforts that will distract Orton just enough for him to get the upper hand. Of course, Riley will interfere as Miz' protege. I hopw this is a fun match, because I really enjoy both as performers, although this match will either be fanatasitic, or absolutely blow. Im believing the former, being well done from a psychologcial standpoint, with Orton being unable to finish Miz off due to his bad knee. Miz retains here.
I think it's smart because it presents an environment where the Miz can "accidentally" win by putting orton through a table while he's distracted or something. Plus we could see both Riley and Cole put through tables if they interfere.
I cant see this match being anything special, especially as it isnt a TLC match.....at a fucking TLC PPV?!!?

Thats like having the WWE title defended in a cage match at a HIAC PPV and having the HIAC match lower down the card...stupidity.

I cant see Miz losing here, he will sneak out another victory with interference from Riley or just surprise Orton.

For example, Orton batters Miz, sets him up for a superplex through a table, and then Miz pushes him off and Orton tastes wood...that seems a possbile outcome to me.
First off, I don't think we're going to have a repeat of last year. That is: I don't think Miz is going to get a fluke win.


Given that Miz picked the stipulation himself, I'm thinking that he's got something up his sleeve. Sure, the tables stipulation was probably picked to give Miz a solid, non-clean-looking win while still making Orton look strong, but I don't think the ending will be like the Sheamus match last year. I'm guessing Riley or Cole get involved heavily and Miz will be masterminding it all. He's going to win and I expect him to look stronger than people give him credit for, assuming they don't go the Sheamus/Cena route.

At least, that's my hope. I'm not sure how good the match will be, as Orton hasn't really impressed me in his title matches this year and Miz, though good, is unproven at the main event level. I'm not getting my hopes up, but this could be a sleeper. If Orton somehow wins, I'll simply shake my head in confusion.
I think The stipulation gives us the outcome of the match : Miz will retain.

Last year at the very same event , we saw Sheamus defeating John Cena to become WWE champion in a tables match , so I think we can guess that tables match is a kind of match that you necessarily don't need to beat your opponent , you only have to put him through the table and I think that's what's gonna happen.

Orton will be dominant for most part of the match but after the two trade some offense , Miz is gonna upset Randy Orton and get the upper hand and therefore the victory.

I really don't see Miz losing because :

A)It will make the cash-in absolutely worthless.I mean If they wanted to give the title to Orton back this soon , they could have Miz lose when he cashed in.

B)There is zero sense in Orton becoming the champ again.Unfortunately ,it seems that WWE Championship introduces less excitement in a match or feud than before , especially when it's about Cena and Orton because this two has been champion a zillion times , so It will be no big deal if they win or lose the title.Orton can be without the title for 6 month and at the same time be able to remain over with the fans.Orton's character , especially the babyface one , is not a type that make title feuds or matches interesting.

My only concern will be the quality of the match.Miz still has a lot to do with his in-ring skills and he obviously won't be the leader in his matches in case of controlling the pace or calling the spots.

On the other hand , We got Orton who has shown is not able to have acceptable matches with new members of Raw main event scene.(Barret or Sheamus.)His problem is being babyface IMO , Ther's not too much he can do as a babyface,Just Two clothlines , a scoop slam , A 2nd rope DDT , pounding the mat an then RKO.The rest of match won't be anything special or creative.

I hope Miz tries his best to finally give people a reason to believe that he can deliver matches close to 4 stars with people not named Daniel Bryan.
I don't see any reason why Orton should walk away the winner. A ladder match will be a good way for Miz to exploit the knee problems of Randy and a win will give his title reign a little legitimacy to start with. I expect Cole to get involved somehow and while Orton is distracted, Miz will pick up the win.
I'm definitely going to have to go with The Miz on this one. I so bad want Randy Orton to have the title back (just because I'm not a fan of Miz). But we all know better. The Miz has had 2 matches since winning the WWE Title...and both matches have taken a total of 3 people for Miz to win. I see it being the same situation at TLC in their Tables Match.
I can't believe i'm even saying this and i am cringing as i type it.... But.... Miz is going to retain. It would make his cash in be worthless if his only title defense was against lawler with cole helping him win. I hear vince likes miz as champ and the way he has been representing the company so we may be stuck with him as champ for a while. I will be rooting for Orton but my instincts tell me he won't win because miz needs a win to establish his title reign.

The Miz will retain the WWE Championship.
I don't see any possibly on Randy winning this match. This is just to build Miz's momentum as champion, I'm interested to see how it is though. It's no secret that Miz isn't the best wrestler in the WWE and it's questionable whether he'll be able to keep up the pace as a main event in a PPV with Randy Orton (& tables). The majority of Miz's past matches haven't had clean pins and I'll be shocked to have one here. He'll probably win in a way similar to Sheamus last year.

I'm not really sure what the point of this match is if it doesn't have a clean pin (even though we all know it won't). It still doesn't prove to us that Miz has the wrestling skills to be champion. Yes, we all know he's of the best on the mic but let's see a little more than that. Oh and don't forget about his official cheerleader, Alex Riley who will definitely get involved in the match.
No way Randy wins this. The Miz needs to continue to build momentum, and that requires a solid match where he looks strong, and in turn, retains his title. For me, this is just begging for A-Ry to interfere with no DQ's in tables matches, maybe even Cole. I'll go as far to say that Cole or A-Ry will be put through a table, before Miz puts Randy through a table to win.

My Prediction: Miz retains after a solid match, not necessarily a clean win, but it won't be a 'fluke' that he retains.
I can see this match going a few different ways, but all have Miz walking out with the belt. One way has CM Punk taking Orton out shortly before the tables match. Orton could be in the back doing an interview, just how Punk was when Orton and Legacy jumped him a couple years back. This keeps Orton from competing, so they bring out the new # 1 contendor John Morrison. Miz beats an already tired and worn opponent, setting up a match where Morrison wants a rematch to prove himsef, this keeps Orton off TV for a few weeks to let him relax and heal up his neck, and builds heat with Punk and allows him to stay on commentary and heal up himself
Table matches are fun and this is no exception. This should be a pretty good match, but all that matters is that Miz is walking out of TLC still the WWE champion. If he is slated to be the future of the company, he needs to win this match. He cant lose in his first real title defense. I fully expect Alex Riley to play some role in this match. I would prefer for him to beat Orton cleanly to build his credibility, but I dont see that happening. A little controversy with an A-Ri interference will only give him more attention and add more credit to his title as the most must see champ in WWE history. Miz retains here.
hi, all
i remember Miz said "ill be the champ who retain the title for the longest time". vince seems to like miz and he really believes in him as future of wwe
so miz will retain it for sure
in this tables match, i hope it end in a draw. randy is about to win but cole or riley or may be a guest interfere then randy and miz fall at the same time on table ending in a draw. a good scenario if it occurred
jonh morrison wil be number one contender in same night to have face-heel feud on wwe champ title which is the old friends-new enemies feud which looks awesome, making an end at RR
john cena then will take at EC

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