WWE Titles..

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Stein Lager

Current WWF Champion
Ok so currently I'm not to keen on how the titles are running. Us and intecontinental titles have seemed to lost their touch.. They seem to just be fillers with no real rilvaries. Not to mention the tag team titles and division have nothing going on, to the point where there wasn't even a tag championship match at Capitol punishment.

My Q is if you had the chance to completely revamp the titles, take off ones you dont want, bring back old ones, create new ones.. What would you do with this opportunity??

Personally I would make these changes..

- WWE championship
- Tag team championship (dual branded)
- Intercontinental championship
- Hardcore championship

- WH championship
- Light-heavyweight championship (sin cara, Rey mysterio)
- Tag team championships (dual branded)
- Womens championship

I don't know if this is to many, or balanced enough, but this is the direction I'd like to see.

What about you???
What I would do is this. Firstly, as you've done, change the "Diva's" Title, back to being the "Womens". Split the Tag Titles (And what?), so that Raw & Smackdown have their own, meaning they HAVE to work on that Division. Keep the WWE & WH Title and use the US & IC Titles as those that mean you get a push into the Main Event. Then, all the guys who aren't as significant, not earning IC or US Title/Shots, bring the Cruiserweight Title back, possibly used to be defended on Superstars & maybe on PPV every now & then.

So mine, would look like this;

WWE Championship (Top Title)
U.S Title (Used to push the Holder into Main Event, also, it's held with lengthy reigns)
WWE Tag Team Championship
Woman's Championship (Cross-Brand)

World Heavyweight Title (Top Title)
Intercontinental Title (See US Title)
World Tag Team Titles
Woman's Championship (Cross-Brand)

Cruiserweight Title (Just to add relevance to the show & its lowcard Stars.)
This is what I would like to see happen with the titles.

Have only one Ladies/Womens/Divas title. Have the title mean something. Stop calling them "Divas" with a "Diva" title. Let Impact keep those types of names (i.e. Knockouts), because in all honesty, WWE, whether they intend to or it's accidental, they promote "ladies" whereas Impact promotes "Knockouts". Drop the Diva label and go back to the more traditional Ladies or even Womens title, and only keep one. There's only one division, so why have two titles?

Finally combine the Intercontinental & United States titles once and for all (or as Nikita Koloff used to call it, the "U.S.A." title lol). If they're to do this, give Cody Rhodes a long run with the strap. Since it's WWE, I say get rid of the U.S. title. I think having Rhodes and Ziggler in a Unification best of 7 series would be extremely great, and they could stretch this out, beginning now, over a period of time, ending at say, Survivor Series or maybe even The Royal Rumble, if done correctly. Rhodes deserves a chance to shine with a belt, as he's arguably the most interesting and compelling star on SmackDown!

Obviously do something with the tag titles. Who are the champs anyway? Really. Last I knew it was Kane & Big Show, but I'm sure they lost the titles, but I can't remember to who, so that shows a lot about the weight of those belts now. Either totally revamp the tag team division (and I don't mean have a bunch of single stars pair up together to keep the division open). Go down to FCW or even ROH and get a few new tag teams to get the division kick started right.

Bring back the light-heavyweight/curiserweight division (to basically fill in the vacancy that the U.S. title creates).

Finally, keep the WHC and WWE titles separated, however get the strap off of John Cena. Cena has had IDK how many reigns and while I won't bark up the tree that "Cena doesn't put people over", because honestly he does, I always find him a bit more interesting when he's chasing the belt vs. when he has it. He's completely unbearable with the Title, and his victories (circa Capital Punishment) are complete mindfucks. I say let's see what Alberto Del Rio does with the title for a while. Also, the World title needs to come off Randy Orton, although I wonder how long they'll keep the belt on him. If it does (and it needs to), then give Christian a better run than last time. I'm not a Christian mark, just think he deserved better than what he got. Maybe it was bad timing, maybe it was for the greater good. Hell, maybe he's in the dog house (i.e. when Rob Van Dam had the ECW & WWE titles at the same time, only to lose both rather quickly). Whatever the case, both current title holders are like those people in Macy's who get those coupons that's available for everyone and yet they just keep taking more and more. Like, how many coupons do you need? One or two per customer. lol...Just saying...
I say Combine everything back together, Unify all titles Including WHC and WWE titles... Things would get much more interesting IMO, Having 2 champs in 1 company has kind of ruined titles all the way around in WWE. you can use Raw for your bigger names and use smackdown as a Mid Card show and have the Unifyed IC/US title on that show to bring some glory back to these titles, it and it can be a break through show to bring you over to RAW eventually if you make a good run! Actually could set up for alot of different angles, and you could also start to work in people that are ready to make their come up ALA.. Zach Ryder... I think Smackdown with all the Mid Carders could be a great show... And Also having Raw with all the Main Eventers going at it who knows where you could go with it!!

-WWE Title - Always been considered the top title so it should be on the top show
-IC Title - I've always associated this title with it's moments on Raw so I'd put it back there
-World Tag Team Titles - Split the tag titles make each brand work on their own tag division
-Women's Title(Duel Branded) - Get rid of that stupid butterfly belt and take the division seriously


WHC - I've always though of this belt as being the SD title and I'd keep it there
US - Same reason as the IC title I just think of it as a SD title
WWE Tag Team Title - Same reason as World Tag Team above
Cruiserweight (Duel Branded) - Give some of the undercard guys a way to get themselves over and even give some smaller midcard guys a way to prove themselves

WWE Title (Flag ship show, companies premier title, simple really)
IC Title

Word Heavywight Title (Not got the history of the WWE title, nor has Smackdown compared to Raw but both are needed in the WWE)
US Title

Superstars (as it is meant to be duel branded)
Cruiserweight/Leight Heavyweight Title
WWE Tag Team Titles (Vince isn't that interested in tag titles so best that can be hoped for is 1 title that is duel branded)
Womens/Divas Title (there are enough on the Raw and SD to make it work)

Also the mindset that the IC and US title should only be put on wre...sorry superstars that are being pushed soley for the main event needs to go, some will never be ME players, but are more than worthy of the IC or US title. Give it to the best in the Mid card and if they go onto ME great, if not then allow them to stay in the hunt. These titles lose prestige when no one seems to actually want them as their main ambition, but as a stepping stone to the main event, that needs to change.
Also I wouldn't have the WWE and WHC unified, the main reason is that the main complaint is John Cena is always holding the belt, what would change that by unifying
Given that the WWE brass (especially Vince), considers tag teams irrelevant, there shouldn't be separate tag team titles. The only way they should have brand-centric tag titles is if Vince decides to revamp the tag team division, with 8-10 decent tag teams (not just two guys thrown together) between the brands.

MX09, I agree with you entirely about the women. They should have kept the Women's Championship and killed the Divas title. That should be on both brands.

The WWE and WHC should be merged so that there's only one World Champion, with that champion working both shows. I know some of you can't stand the thought of John Cena pulling double duty, but like it or not, he's the top drawing card WWE has right now.

Unlike most people, I want to see the US and IC titles kept separate. Way back when, holding one of those make someone the #1 contender for a World title.

I would like to see a cruiserweight/light heavyweight title return, but until Vince gets over his love affair with huge, muscular bodybuilder types, that won't happen.
In all honesty, the WHC and the WWE titles are the only ones that get enough face time. There in lies the problem. For example Randy Orton and Christian have had this long drawn out fued for the WHC on Smackdown. Compare that to the fued that Barrett and Jackson had for the I.C. Championship which was only a few matches and most of them were on SD!. I remember back in the day the Intercontinental Championship seemed as important to the Superstars as the World championship. They have to put more time and effort into the fueds for mid-card titles, otherwise no one will care about them.

Here's my breakdown of each title and what I might change.

WWE Championship - First thing is first, John Cena's Thuganomics character is gone so get rid of that spinner style title belt and bring in something a little more traditional. It's the top title in the company, but it looks like a kid's toy. As for the fueds, until the "little Jimmy's" go cold on John Cena, I would get used to him being in the title picture. But I do agree with someone up there that said he's more interesting as the challenger than the champion.

World Heavyweight Championship - Because it's on Smackdown, it kinda feels like the "B" championship. However, because it's on Smackdown and because SD usually features more of the younger talent, it should be used to give us a bit of a look at how those younger guys can carry the championship. I really didn't like moving Orton to SD and giving him the title right away. Why not allow Christian to atleast hold it as long as Swagger did? I know Vince isn't sold on Christian, but he's 10x more entertaining than Swagger. Also, why move ADR to Raw when he seemed poised to take the WHC at some point? I would use this championship for talent that might not be quite ready for WWE title status, but close. If they can carry the WHC and have entertaining fueds, then perhaps move them to Raw at the draft and put them in the ME program.

I.C. Championship - To me, this title used to be the "wrestlers" title. Meaning that for the most part, it was contested by the technically sound wrestlers. From Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat to Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals to Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle, and so on. Personally, I would love to see it kept that way for the most part, but have longer more drawn out fueds for this title too. Have the announcers really put over the importance of the championship as well as the superstars.

U.S. Championship - This title is identical to the IC title in the way that it's a stepping stone to the next level. But like the IC title, they need to put over the importance of the title and make us fans believe that the superstars would do almost anything to hold it. I'm not saying make the mid-card titles the main focus, but make them a hotly contested title none-the-less.

Tag-Team Championships - The whole reason they unified the titles is because there aren't enough teams. Well they are unified, and there STILL isn't enough teams. I know we don't really like it when WWE just throws 2 people together and calls them a team, but it can work. It worked for Miz and Morrison, it has kinda worked for Santino and Kozlov(atleast they have something to do). My point is, to build up this division, they need to put some of these guys that aren't really doing anything together and make some teams. Put the Harts back together and make them heels, maybe even bring in Jimmy Hart as their manager. The point is, before we start talking about putting a tag title on each show, they have to put some teams together and make them stick.

Divas Championship - I don't really mind it being called the Diva's title. The women in the WWE have been known as Divas for quite some time and it works for me. Perhaps they could change the title to more of a traditional gold color, but either way it still looks better than the belt TNA had made for Jeff Hardy. The thing about the title right now is this - Most heterosexual males agree that Kelly Kelly is hot and we don't mind seeing her on our T.V. screens, but when it comes down to it, Nattie and Beth are the top wrestlers in the women's division and they have yet to really work a fued for the title. Perhaps they save that kind of thing for a Wrestlemania, but when it comes to the WWE title they always pit the best against the best, so why not the same formula in the Divas division?

As for the show breakdown, I like it the way it is, but I would switch the U.S. and I.C. back. It just seems to me that the U.S. title should be on the same show as the WHC and the I.C. on the same show as the WWE title. Perhaps they could make it seem as though Raw owns the WWE and I.C. titles and if by chance you are drafted to SD you lose your title. It wouldn't have to happen often, but it would add a bit of interest to the draft show. The tag-titles have to stay cross-branded until they create more teams and build the division(which doesn't look like that's going to happen). Also, unless they have all the women on one show, they have to keep the Diva's title cross-branded. For right now, I don't believe they need to add anymore titles. Instead they should build up the divisions for the ones they have and make them seem important to the superstars that are contending for them.
I have a few combinations I would rather see than what we are currently seeing.

Scenario A – Only using the current active Titles

Raw Championships:
• Intercontinental

Smackdown Championships:
• World
• United States

• WWE World Tag Team
• Divas

Scenario B – Splitting the Unified Tag Titles and the Divas Title into two and bringing back the Light Heavyweight / Cruiserweight Titles.

Raw Championships:
• Intercontinental
• World Tag Team (Renamed WWE Tag Team)
• Women’s
• Light Heavyweight

Smackdown Championships:
• World
• United States
• WWE Tag Team (Renamed World Tag Team)
• Divas
• Cruiserweight

I don’t think bringing back the European or Hardcore Titles are a good idea, but it can’t hurt the current Title scenes.
First off Id end the brand extension. It has run its course and theres not as much talent as there used to be so it's not necessary anymore.

The titles would be unified as follows:

WWE title (WWE and WH titles combined)
IC title (US title and IC titles combined)
Tag Team Championship
Light Heavyweight championship (Let Cara, Mysterio, Bourne, Gabriel, etc fly for this one)
Women championship (Divas title is gimmicky and stupid looking, bring back womens title)

After this has happened, actually use the Midcard titles to boost talent instead of just using the Royal Rumble and MITB. Whens the last time there was a meaningful feud for a midcard title? Sure there have been good matches, but with no story behind them. Even now they spend all there time with the main eventers and there is no time for anything else. I miss the days when there were some lower card storylines instead of one big melodrama. Thats how you build talent WWE. It's not done by simply having them talk about how awesome they are or how its their destiny or what not. For example, HBK got over in the midcard as a heel because of his feud first with Marty Janetty after their tag team split and then after his awesome IC title feud with Razor Ramon. Stories build wrestlers and it takes TIME. Now they just try to shotgun everybody to the main event. The Miz earned his spot as he worked his way up, but Del Rio has never had a midcard title and Sheamus didn't win until after he flopped as a shotgun champion. The only person this really worked for is Brock Lesnar and the guy was really just a freak. WWE needs to remember to use its tag team division and midcard title to build its superstars for the future. Theres some great talent in the WWE right now if they build them right. All the focus on Cena and Orton helps nobody. Sure they're OK now but when they leave they'll be without any real stars because they only focus on the top guys.
What I would do is this. Firstly, as you've done, change the "Diva's" Title, back to being the "Womens". Split the Tag Titles (And what?), so that Raw & Smackdown have their own, meaning they HAVE to work on that Division. Keep the WWE & WH Title and use the US & IC Titles as those that mean you get a push into the Main Event. Then, all the guys who aren't as significant, not earning IC or US Title/Shots, bring the Cruiserweight Title back, possibly used to be defended on Superstars & maybe on PPV every now & then.

So mine, would look like this;

WWE Championship (Top Title)
U.S Title (Used to push the Holder into Main Event, also, it's held with lengthy reigns)
WWE Tag Team Championship
Woman's Championship (Cross-Brand)

World Heavyweight Title (Top Title)
Intercontinental Title (See US Title)
World Tag Team Titles
Woman's Championship (Cross-Brand)

Cruiserweight Title (Just to add relevance to the show & its lowcard Stars.)

Took the words out of my mouth for the most part. I would probably switch the IC and U.S. titles around and have the IC on Raw. I would have a "Superstars title" however, I wouldn't make it the Cruiserweight title probably Television title since there is a little history with WCW and ECW both having a TV title. You could either do a tournament or you could make the winner of the next NXT the TV champ, anything to make people actually tune into Superstars and make it not look so much like a C level show. Her is another idea that is going to give the Ryder marks a stiff one too. Superstars in an internet show, Zack Ryder has already declared himself "Internet Champion" he wrestles primarily on Superstars as it is, make the Internet title an actual title and have Ryder use it as part of his gimmick. Have him cut a promo saying he is only going to defend the belt on Superstars and there you have it. I think this is a shot though being that Vince probably won't allow the writers to reference the internet however, I think it would be win/win Vince stops taking it from the IWC, Ryder gets some sort of a push that would probably get him a little more TV time on the major shows and everybody is happy.
Ok so currently I'm not to keen on how the titles are running. Us and intecontinental titles have seemed to lost their touch.. They seem to just be fillers with no real rilvaries. Not to mention the tag team titles and division have nothing going on, to the point where there wasn't even a tag championship match at Capitol punishment.

My Q is if you had the chance to completely revamp the titles, take off ones you dont want, bring back old ones, create new ones.. What would you do with this opportunity??

Personally I would make these changes..

- WWE championship
- Tag team championship (dual branded)
- Intercontinental championship
- Hardcore championship

- WH championship
- Light-heavyweight championship (sin cara, Rey mysterio)
- Tag team championships (dual branded)
- Womens championship

I don't know if this is to many, or balanced enough, but this is the direction I'd like to see.

What about you???

So your idea to fix the WWE's problem in the tag, womens, and IC/US title divisions is to add more titles?

The biggest problem is they don't utilize the people those divisions now.

Kingston and Ziggler feuded over the IC Title on Smackdown for almost the entire second half of last year, and now that they've been drafted to Raw, their feuding for the US title. Ziggler won the WHC from Edge back in January, but was stripped of the title and "fired" shortly after. Now instead of being elevated to a position where he's moved up to feud with a main eventer on Raw, he's moved back into a feud with Kingston. Swagger is also a former WHC but he's been on the losing end of a feud with Evan Bourne for that past few months. Evan Bourne has all the tools to be a middle card or tag champion, yet he's been squashed over, and over again.

Theres no reason why someone like Evan Bourne who's over with the WWE Universe hasn't had a decent run with the IC/US title by now. Don't get me wrong I love Ziggler, but another run with the IC/US title doesn't do anything for him when he's already proven he can go at the Main Even level. Swagger man do I feel bad for Swagger. Kingston has proven he doesn't have what it takes to be in the main event so let him run with another middle card title, why? He's Shelton Benjamin #2, fire him already. Smackdown has it worse with Barrett and Jackson in the leading roles boring and talentless.

During the Attitude Ear we saw real competition for the titles between superstars. I don't know why its impossible for this to happen now.

The divas division is littered with crap, and its sad that the diva's who have real in ring talent are never used. A lot of Divas have been in the same character since debuting and have gotten stale. The ones without talent have been the focus since the departure of Laycool, and Kharma.

The Tag division needs completely revamped. They broke up the Heart Dynasty last year, and have done anything special with any of the members since breaking them up. the Uso's are the only true tag team in the entire company right now. Yes the Nexus members have the belts but thats due to not having anything better to do with those two talents

Hardcore title- not in the PG Era, and hopefully never ever again. If you want a hardcore wrestling go watch TNA.
Light-Heavyweight title- I hope not, because they don't use the talent they have now in the IC/US divisions so why bring in another title? and to specifically push it towards Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio? even more pointless
Diva's/Womens title- maybe when they start utilizing the real talent in the womens division they could bring back the Women's title, but there no point for it now

In the past the US/IC champ used to be the #1 contender for the WWE/WHC or so it was back in the WCW Days. Now a days the IC/US and WHC/WWE champions are kept so far from each other its ridiculous.

The titles should stay how they currently are, the talent on each brand should be better used in order to suit the divisions. You can't build new stars if you don't give them a chance to shine. Continually putting the titles on the same 4 guys wont help you build future main event stars
I posted this about a year ago so I just re posted what I wrote then with a few changes. If you are interested in what other people wrote here is the link to that message.


WWE World Heavyweight Title - Cross Brand Title

I think they should combine the World Heavyweight and WWE Title to create the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This champion is the face of the company at any given time. They would be required to take on extra work of doing both Smackdown and Raw. This title simply means this wrestler is the top dog in the company. Nobody is better then him.

This also would be the smart move due to the lack of true main event stars in the WWE at the current moment. Lastly it would make the main title mean something again. With both the WHC and WWE title, it takes away from the importance of the title. Remember back in the day when holding the WWE Championship meant something...yeah it doesn't anymore.

Intercontinental Title - Smackdown

So The IC Title should be on the Smackdown brand. Since the World Heavyweight and the WWE title has combined into one, this would now be the main title on the Smackdown brand. By winning this title it means you are the top dog on the Smackdown brand. Just like in the past this title means that you are a Upper Card wrestler who is on his way to becoming a Main Event Superstar

United States Title - RAW

Pretty much same thing as the IC Title on the Smackdown brand. This title means you are the best on Raw.

WWE Diva's Title - Dual Brand

WWE World Tag Titles- Dual Brand

WWE Cruiserweight - Dual Brand

Like the WWE World Heavyweight and Tag this title should mean you are the top dog of the Cruiserweight division (that would have to be brought back). Unlike the WWE World Heavyweight champion however they only appear on one show per week.

WWE TV Title - Cross Brand (Kind of)

The last title I think they should make is the WWE TV Title however it will have a gimmick attached to it. This title would mainly be used on WWE Superstars. The gimmick of this title is if a Raw Superstar has it a Smackdown Superstar has to compete for it to try to bring the title to the Smackdown brand and vice verse. This would give us a reason to go online (or tune in if we get it) to WWE Superstars. However a superstar on Smackdown will not go to Raw to compete for the title and vice versa. It will only be done on Superstars or they can defend the title against someone on their own brand on there own show. So a Smackdown superstar could defend the title against a Smackdown superstar on Smackdown.
Since the brand split, the titles have lost their prestige. I think that there should only be a WWE champion, not a WWE champ and WHChamp. If they want to bring prestige back to that title, make it 1 belt and the champ on all the brands.

As said before, bring the womens title back, not the divas title and everything else can stay as is. Maybe even rid of the US champ and just have the IC title. Would make things more interesting at Bragging Rights too
Good Thread - heres my idea
wwe title
wwe tag team titles
womens title
ic title
us title
Bring back the european title and Hardcore - if not pg era.
I would also bring in either a television title and a king of the ring belt to be fought twice a year.
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