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WWE & Their Use Of Employees

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
For the past several weeks, a new african-american WWE official has been appearing on WWE Television scheduled to call matches. What I have noticed is that he has been given the crap & no-one cares type matches. Recently, he has been the referee for the Chavswoggle matches on RAW, the Slam Contest on the RAW episode with Bob Barker & the Khali/Kane Singapore Cane match at Breaking Point. There have also been other personnel on the roster who have gone through similiar processes like when Vickie Guerrero, Raven & Lita all left the company by being completely buried for comedic purposes.

My question to you is this... is it correct that the WWE can do this to their employees, is this an initiation/exhilation process the WWE has or is the E going to far in mistreating their employees? Any thoughts on the matter?
Yeah I wouldnt look too far into it. If he is a new referee he probably has to work his way through the ranks just like everyone else. Im pretty sure he is not being slighted or mistreated.
It's my understanding that Vince and company can do pretty much whatever they want, within reason, to any of their employees. For example, when Vickie left, they were well within their rights to ridicule her. Same goes for anyone else. And, as for Raven, I don't think they really made him look too bad. Sure, they jobbed him out to Jeff Hardy, but they didn't turn it into a joke. He dropped the job cleanly, and they let it go.

As far as the new stripey fellow (aka ref), I'm under the assumption they're just giving him the shitty matches, until he can prove he can handle others. If you pay really close attention, they make him seem like a by-the-books, take no grief kind of official. I say, give it time, and he'll be mentioned within the same breath as Charles Robinson and Mike Chioda.
If you look at a lot of the other refs, they have all been with the company for awhile, so just like with the wrestlers, I'm sure once some of the older refs step down, the newer ones will move up in the more important matches. I doubt that WWE would trust some new guy to call a main event match when they have people like Mike Chioda, Jack Doan, and Charles Robinson........although NONE of them are as great as Earl Hebner was:worship:
I think you are on 2 different topics. If you are questioning why this new ref is getting the "worst matches on the card", well, you gotta start somewhere and work your way up. Don't look at individual matches as "ugh this guy deserves better", because remember, it's better to be working for the WWE and be at the bottom than to work anywhere else in terms of exposure. If the guy is good, maybe you'll see him ref some big matches, but if he's not, he won't.

The other people you bring up were leaving the company and that's different from debuting. Everyone has a different reason or situation for leaving the WWE and as such, each superstar is treated differently in regards to their last live moments with the company. In my opinion, it is a little childish in theory to put someone down before they leave, but you must consider each situation individually to really divulge into this. I'm not going to because this is about the new ref, but just food for thought, don't ever generalize how a company handles certain situations because every situation is different.
Yeah I wouldnt look too far into it. If he is a new referee he probably has to work his way through the ranks just like everyone else. Im pretty sure he is not being slighted or mistreated.

I agree. But what I've noticed is this Ref does alot more talking and in-match stuff than I see the others do. His exchanges with Chavo make me think the guy is actually a worker and he's being given the start as a Ref. There are others who do this, though Mike Posey is the only name that immediately comes to mind.
I think it's probably as others have said... at most jobs you start at the bottom and work your way to the top. I think that's all that's being done here. Of course Vince has mandated that the refs are not to be referred to by name on television, so I don't think we are even supposed to notice them.

Watch the fallout from tonight's Breaking Point main event... Taker will swear revenge on everybody, by name, and mention the ref, but not his name.

Then again, it could have something to do with my "Vince is a little bit racist" theory. See Saba Simba and the buildup to Booker T - Triple H. But I hope not. The guy looks like he's doing a good job.
Regarding WWE and their use of employees, its no secret WWE is very old school in how they manage their employees. This is not only for Wrestlers but the creative head.

Vince McMahon has always surrounded himself with "YES MEN" and if there was one person or talent who would speak up againts a policy or idea, chances are their careers are over. Most growing and emerging companies these days usually have an environment where employees are free to express their concerns or conflicting ideas to upper managment, unfortunatley WWE's mentality is still "the boss is always right".

Since the WWE is the only "game" in town and monopolizing the Wrestling industry I dont see this changing. Which is a shame because most corporations need to thrive on an open forum.
For the past several weeks, a new african-american WWE official has been appearing on WWE Television scheduled to call matches. What I have noticed is that he has been given the crap & no-one cares type matches. Recently, he has been the referee for the Chavswoggle matches on RAW, the Slam Contest on the RAW episode with Bob Barker & the Khali/Kane Singapore Cane match at Breaking Point. There have also been other personnel on the roster who have gone through similiar processes like when Vickie Guerrero, Raven & Lita all left the company by being completely buried for comedic purposes.

My question to you is this... is it correct that the WWE can do this to their employees, is this an initiation/exhilation process the WWE has or is the E going to far in mistreating their employees? Any thoughts on the matter?

I somehow think the gargantuan paychecks they get for doing what they are doing make up for any mistreatment. I cannot speak for anyone else but I would let someone call me a pig on national tv and roll around in mud for $300,000+ a year (I heard thats what Adamle was making so I am assuming Guerrero would probably make more). Although i don't know what Raven was making at the end there.

I agree with you that it does suck but again, just look at the digits on that paycheck.
Hmm do you think a new unexperienced referee who hasnt worked many t.v. matches should get the main event right away? Maybe next time I get a new job I should just ask them if I can do the bosses job because I feal degraded by having to start at the bottom and work my way up. Or do you just think he should get the main event because he is black? That my friend is racist. And if you think refereeing is easy or not important to a match you obviously no nothing about wrestling. As far as Lita um she wasnt in very good standing with the company plus she was a heel. WWE like Vickie but once again she was an evil heel. Do you think everyone should break charachter and run out to hug these people when they leave. WWE ends the story the same way all bad guy storys end. The bad guy gets disgraced and sent packing nothing wrong with that. I guess in your opinion at the end of every good vs evil movie the bad guy should be honored because otherwise that movie company is treating that actor bad. I am sure when these people left they probably got a backstage party and a tearfull goodbye. As far as what you see on t.v. thats not really them Vickie didnt get embaressed her charachter did its completely diffrent. Now if the mistreated her or made fun of her backstage she would have the same rights we would on a job. Jim Cornette was fired for slapping another WWE employee. Micheal Hayes was fined and suspended for a racist remark to Mark Henry backstage. What happens on t.v. is no diffrent than a movie people you play your charachter then you go back to being you.
Look, new referees always get stuck with the shit matches. In boxing, newer refs get stuck with the first matches on the undercard until they prove that they're capable of calling it. It's the same with pro wrestling. You have to prove that you can do your job well before they let you call bigger, more important matches. And really, if you think that a new ref should be allowed to call a main event match just based on his skin color, you're an idiot. He has to prove that he can do his job well, just like anyone else.

(I speak from experience, being a boxing referee the last three years.)
Hey I remember when Jack Doan was a fresh new ref with his mullet like hair cut. And he never had any big matches in his early days, it was always Earl & Monsoons kid (cant think of his name) getting all the main event matches. But after time and after him getting better hes now a top ref.

The new guy will in time pay his dues and get the big matches.
I honestly wouldn’t consider the example you gave as mistreatment, Falkon.

Although he has been given some crap matches to referee, what else can you expect for him to be doing? It should definitely not be refereeing main event matches.

You have to remember that he just got called up a few weeks ago and still needs to lean and gain experience and the WWE’s way of doing this is by having him move up in ranks. He starts refereeing lower level matches and once he gets better at it and has the hang of it, then he’ll be given more important matches to referee. Take referee Mike Chioda for example, he didn’t start refereeing main event matches. It was later on that he got to do those matches and if I’m not mistaken he is one of the senior referees in the WWE. He gained experience throughout the years and eventually he was given bigger responsibilities.

I think it all just depends on how much experience the individual has and how good they are what they do. If they are very good then they’ll move up in ranks faster but if they are bad then it will probably take them a longer time to move up in ranks. So, no, I wouldn’t consider it mistreatment, it’s more of making those employees learn how things are and gain experience throughout the learning process.

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