WWE Talking to Sting

I do not understand why this constant fascination with Sting?

STing was The Man in WCW in 1997, the fulcrum of the year-long NWO-WCW war, when WCW Nitro was ahead of WWF RAW in the ratings.

So you'll always have a contingent of fans from the early Attitude Era and before lobbying for him.

STing's CRow character from 1997 had some overlap with Undertaker's Deadman gimmick, so people always wanted to see what would happen if those two personas clashed.

How is he any better than watching the crippled Hogan?

He's in better physical condition than Hogan (faintest praise ever.) He can still work a match--he was on Impact last Thursday and he'll be on Impact again next Thursday, two matches taped on the same night.

He's stayed active in TNA, he's in probably the best wrestling shape a 54 year old man is going to be in.

And you want this senior citizen to fight, arguably the best of all time, the Undertaker, who is 48 years old?

There are obvious drawbacks to a match between two wrestlers who are almost 100 years old combined.

Why in the hell would Sting be given that opportunity? Did he earn it by paying his dues in the WWE or something?

STing was The Man in WCW in 1997, the fulcrum of the year-long NWO-WCW war, when WCW Nitro was ahead of WWF RAW in the ratings.

The problem is, of course, 1997 was a**long** time ago. If you started watching wrestling midway through the Attitude Era, it's hard to see what everyone else saw in Crow Sting. I think WWE Sting would fail, unless they figured out a way to bring him in over a 6 month period to familiarize the younger half of the audience with STing. And I don't know that STing draws enough in 2013 to justify that.
STing was The Man in WCW in 1997, the fulcrum of the year-long NWO-WCW war, when WCW Nitro was ahead of WWF RAW in the ratings.

This is true. Okay

He's in better physical condition than Hogan (faintest praise ever.) He can still work a match--he was on Impact last Thursday and he'll be on Impact again next Thursday, two matches taped on the same night.

Ahhh okay, I didn't know that he was in better shape, it is very hard for me to watch TNA.

He's stayed active in TNA, he's in probably the best wrestling shape a 54 year old man is going to be in.

Wow, okay.

Well I appreciate the insights JohnBragg.
Thank you sir. I understand a lot more now, then I did.
With Sting losing his match next week, I'm starting to think this year could finally be the year. If Sting is really done with TNA I have mixed feelings. On one hand It would be nice if he had one run with WWE. On the other hand, He's been able to become an icon without WWE, and he's been insanely loyal to TNA. I would lose some respect with him if he of all people finally jumps ship. I kinda hope stays with TNA, they need him, at the very least for morale purposes.
It would be cool to see him pop up on RAW, but beyond that, what does he have to offer in the WWE?

WCW ended 13 years ago. A large, large portion of the WWE's audience were not even sperm in their daddy's dicks when Sting was relevant. You could argue that some people know him from TNA, but ehh . . . a lot of people don't even know TNA exists.

Apparently his TNA contract just ended, so this year it's as big a possibility as ever. But a Taker/Sting match couldn't even really be built up outside of 'we're two legends who should fight'.

Like I said though, it'd be a cool image to see the face paint on RAW.

If they really wanted to throw me off though, they'd have Sting come down from the rafters on The Shield. Now that would be cool.
With Sting losing his match next week, I'm starting to think this year could finally be the year. If Sting is really done with TNA I have mixed feelings. On one hand It would be nice if he had one run with WWE. On the other hand, He's been able to become an icon without WWE, and he's been insanely loyal to TNA. I would lose some respect with him if he of all people finally jumps ship. I kinda hope stays with TNA, they need him, at the very least for morale purposes.

Sting is the Cena of TNA, except even worse because at least with WWE, they don't have money troubles and can still sign the Bryans and Punks and co. TNA is strapped for money and paying Sting hundreds of thousands of dollars to be stale (no shade to Sting, but he's been in the company for quite a while now, and TNA has had more or less the same roster for forever now) and take up space from the young guys. Sting should not be in a World Title match in 2014. Sting should not be the top face in your company in 2014.

Sting leaving TNA for a while is one of the best things that can happen to the company. Frees up money to sign new guys, and it forces them to push some new faces.

That being said, Sting can't really take any of the blame because he's not the booker. It's not his fault Al Snow and co. want him to fight nWo Immortal, err, nWo Fortune, err, nWo Main Event Mafia, err, nWo Aces and Eights, err, nWo Dixieland for control of the company again.
If they really wanted to throw me off though, they'd have Sting come down from the rafters on The Shield. Now that would be cool.

That's not a terrible idea.

For Sting to draw any money for WWE, they'd have to think out very carefully what he's doing. Because the audience will be entitled to some answers to a bunch of questions. Without those answers, Sting in WWE 2014 will have as little impact as Kevin NAsh in WWE in 2011. Actually less, because Nash had the NAsh-HHH friendship to play off of.

Who is Crow Sting?
Why should the WWE Universe care in 2014?
Why did he stay away from TV wrestling so long? (EDIT: Do NOT expect WWE to mention STing's time in TNA.)
Why did he finally come back now?

So basically, to be effective, Sting has to come back with a mission. "I want Undetaker" will fizzle, unless you want STing to end the STreak. If Sting doesn't end the streak, it's just the Deadman kicking an old guys' ass.

Having him come back as an avenging angel on a crusade against the Shield, or the Wyatt Family, probably works. Throwing him into a match with another big star doesn't.
I just thought of a hilarious scenario. Sting never went to WWE because he didn't want to be misused like some of the other former WCW talents were. Well Sting meets with Vince and tells him that he wants to sign but only if he can use the crow gimmick and face the deadman at Mania. Vince agrees, they sign the contracts the next day. Vince gives that evil smile from his Titantron and calls up Kofi Kingston.
Vince: Kofi, you remember when I told you we were going to repackage you?
Kofi: Yea
Vince: Your new name is The Deadman.
Kofi: Well ok
Then Vince puts Sting vs Kofi in the Wrestlemania preshow lmao.

But on a serious note, I really don't think that the match would be big enough to regular viewers who don't go back in time and watch a bunch of old footage on Youtube. Most younger fans don't know about Sting's accomplishments since the only relevant ones were over 14 years ago. However I do see how this can lead to a big money match. After Taker defeats his next victim at Wrestlemania XXX Taker does his victory pose(lmao it sounds funny saying it outloud) and then The Shield's Music hits. Then make their way to the ring and surround it when suddenly Sting decends from the rafters(while everyone is distracted watching The Shield come through the crowd) wielding his baseball bat. He doesn't pay any mind to The Shield, he just stares at Taker. The Shield decides to leave and Taker has a staredown with crow Sting who eventually points the bat at him. Undertaker rolls his eys back and does his throat cross as the ring fills with smoke. Then Sting runs at Taker with the bat and the arena goes black. The two escape in the darkness and fog. When the lights come back on and all that is laying in the ring is Stings bat and coat and whetever Taker wore to the ring.

1) In this manner, you already captivate people who are unfamiliar with Sting and create a large amouont of buzz.
2) Keep in mind that this will be the first PPV on the new WWE Network. The very same WWE Network that has all of the footage of the crow sting and all of his previous accomplishments in WCW. Younger fans will want to see more of him and buy the Network.

The next night we see a vignette of a person in a coat and boots walking through a graveyard. You see the boots and bottom of the coat only as he walks past each tombstone showing the name of an Undertaker WM opponent. Then he stops in from of a tombstone over a freshly dug grave that has Undertaker's name on it and the person starts shoveling dirt in there. They can hype this up as a big thing. Have whoever is in charge of the show be concerned about where Taker is and all that. Every now and then on Raw show Kane walking along in the back and suddenly he gets a shiver or something and keeps going. Have this go on every few weeks on occasion. Then have strange happening constantly sabotaging Kanes plans. One night when he is in the ring have Sting watching him from the rafters and then he disappears. Kane demands to know where his brother is for several weeks. Eventually he calls sting a coward for running and hiding. This is where it gets good. Remember all those moments throught the past several months where Kane suddenly shivered? Well you get another vingette that says I was never hiding, I was with you all along. Then it shows all these times that Kane was just doing whatever and suddenly shivering, but this time you see Sting standing behind him staring at him and holding his mask by the hair. This would be awesome. Of course it would require them to shoot each of those scenes twice(one with and one without Sting.) This leads to Kane snapping and talking to the mask and becoming the monster again and going on a rampage. The result will be a Summerslam match between the two. After Sting wins, he takes off Kane's mask and puts it on when suddenly the Titantron cuts back to that graveyard and you seen Taker's hand emerging from the grave. Then you get all the smoke and theatrics and Taker's symbol burns as Sting stares at it. This is the reason I have him wear the mask, because Sting doesn;t look intimidating with 90% of his paint smeared off and looking tired. This way he can have an emotionless look.

1) This essentially keeps people invested with a storyline and helps build up the mystery.
2) This gives Sting a warm up match and shows that he can still go in the ring.

Now this is the point where they are ready for the match and everything makes sense. Either way this can't take place at WM XXX. It's too soon. It needs to be at WM XXXI so it had an entire year to build. Plus it would be easy to get Sting in a deal that essentially signs him to a year long contract in which he only wrestles twice.
I just thought of a hilarious scenario. Sting never went to WWE because he didn't want to be misused like some of the other former WCW talents were. Well Sting meets with Vince and tells him that he wants to sign but only if he can use the crow gimmick and face the deadman at Mania. Vince agrees, they sign the contracts the next day. Vince gives that evil smile from his Titantron and calls up Kofi Kingston.
Vince: Kofi, you remember when I told you we were going to repackage you?
Kofi: Yea
Vince: Your new name is The Deadman.
Kofi: Well ok
Then Vince puts Sting vs Kofi in the Wrestlemania preshow lmao.

But on a serious note, I really don't think that the match would be big enough to regular viewers who don't go back in time and watch a bunch of old footage on Youtube. Most younger fans don't know about Sting's accomplishments since the only relevant ones were over 14 years ago. However I do see how this can lead to a big money match. After Taker defeats his next victim at Wrestlemania XXX Taker does his victory pose(lmao it sounds funny saying it outloud) and then The Shield's Music hits. Then make their way to the ring and surround it when suddenly Sting decends from the rafters(while everyone is distracted watching The Shield come through the crowd) wielding his baseball bat. He doesn't pay any mind to The Shield, he just stares at Taker. The Shield decides to leave and Taker has a staredown with crow Sting who eventually points the bat at him. Undertaker rolls his eys back and does his throat cross as the ring fills with smoke. Then Sting runs at Taker with the bat and the arena goes black. The two escape in the darkness and fog. When the lights come back on and all that is laying in the ring is Stings bat and coat and whetever Taker wore to the ring.

1) In this manner, you already captivate people who are unfamiliar with Sting and create a large amouont of buzz.
2) Keep in mind that this will be the first PPV on the new WWE Network. The very same WWE Network that has all of the footage of the crow sting and all of his previous accomplishments in WCW. Younger fans will want to see more of him and buy the Network.

The next night we see a vignette of a person in a coat and boots walking through a graveyard. You see the boots and bottom of the coat only as he walks past each tombstone showing the name of an Undertaker WM opponent. Then he stops in from of a tombstone over a freshly dug grave that has Undertaker's name on it and the person starts shoveling dirt in there. They can hype this up as a big thing. Have whoever is in charge of the show be concerned about where Taker is and all that. Every now and then on Raw show Kane walking along in the back and suddenly he gets a shiver or something and keeps going. Have this go on every few weeks on occasion. Then have strange happening constantly sabotaging Kanes plans. One night when he is in the ring have Sting watching him from the rafters and then he disappears. Kane demands to know where his brother is for several weeks. Eventually he calls sting a coward for running and hiding. This is where it gets good. Remember all those moments throught the past several months where Kane suddenly shivered? Well you get another vingette that says I was never hiding, I was with you all along. Then it shows all these times that Kane was just doing whatever and suddenly shivering, but this time you see Sting standing behind him staring at him and holding his mask by the hair. This would be awesome. Of course it would require them to shoot each of those scenes twice(one with and one without Sting.) This leads to Kane snapping and talking to the mask and becoming the monster again and going on a rampage. The result will be a Summerslam match between the two. After Sting wins, he takes off Kane's mask and puts it on when suddenly the Titantron cuts back to that graveyard and you seen Taker's hand emerging from the grave. Then you get all the smoke and theatrics and Taker's symbol burns as Sting stares at it. This is the reason I have him wear the mask, because Sting doesn;t look intimidating with 90% of his paint smeared off and looking tired. This way he can have an emotionless look.

1) This essentially keeps people invested with a storyline and helps build up the mystery.
2) This gives Sting a warm up match and shows that he can still go in the ring.

Now this is the point where they are ready for the match and everything makes sense. Either way this can't take place at WM XXX. It's too soon. It needs to be at WM XXXI so it had an entire year to build. Plus it would be easy to get Sting in a deal that essentially signs him to a year long contract in which he only wrestles twice.

This could work for WMXXX if they started buildup at Elimination Chamber.

Or if by a fat chance, they secretly negotiate a deal within the next week or two, it could start at the Royal Rumble.

Or maybe even just have Taker come out on RAW, not even get a chance to talk before The Shield surrounds him, and then do what you said.
Yea I suppose if they really put in some work on advancing the story. I think more than anything it would b a great way to plug the WWE Network. They would be able to feature significant Sting moments on there.
Once again the know it alls in this thread didnt give their opinion, they stated he wouldnt sign for WWE ever as a fact!

Looks like he is set to sign a legends contract, appear after WM30 and be input to the HOF in 2015!
I feel like I've seen this before. Oh, that's right, only for about the past 4-5 years going now. I get most are pretty much fed up. A large sum of people are now just saying "I'll believe it when I see it". All while secretly hoping that they see it soon, none the less. Bottomline is this..

I'd be shocked if Sting signs a contract, then gets put into the so-called dream match against Undertaker at Mania. Both guys are up there in the ages, and I'd be truly shocked if Taker can still even perform at a top level. Much less beyond this year, if WWE actually puts him up against a guy like Lesnar - who's bound to try and prove something, then hurt him in the process.

WWE doesn't want Sting for high profile matches anymore. Not at an age above 50. They want him for the same reason they kept bringing Hogan back. Notoriety. Merchandise. Selling stuff with his face plastered all over it. Look, sure they can do that with or without him there to hold the stuff in his hands and smile pretty into the camera. However they'll sell a lot more of it, if he is. Because he'll be endorsing it.

I'm sure they'll milk all they can; matches included. However from the rumors and reports I've already read - Taker/Sting won't happen at Mania 30. Even if Sting agrees to terms. Shockingly, it doesn't need to, either. Mania doesn't need huge matches to hype it anymore. That's why you're getting Orton/Batista for the thousandth time.

Sting/Taker can be sold on a B-show's Main Event in the same fashion Rock/Goldberg blew Backlash up. Or Triple H/Goldberg hyped Unforgiven. Sting facing Taker at Mania would be the headlining showdown - and in doing so, would overshadow everything - the WWE Championship, Brock Lesnar and Batista's matches included. So no, I can't see Taker/Sting happening at Mania 30. However I can see it happening in May, at whatever they're calling that ppv now.
Interviews with Sting suggest "he does not trust how he will be used" and If he does get to the wwe he won't want his legacy tarnished by burials so we have to wait to see if it really is true.

If Sting does shockingly join the wwe with his age his workload would most likely be limited like The Undertakers. I cannot see Sting v Undertaker at WM 30 like others mentioning here as Taker would surely win and Sting reason for joining wwe would be to benefit himself.
Interviews with Sting suggest "he does not trust how he will be used" and If he does get to the wwe he won't want his legacy tarnished by burials so we have to wait to see if it really is true.

If Sting does shockingly join the wwe with his age his workload would most likely be limited like The Undertakers. I cannot see Sting v Undertaker at WM 30 like others mentioning here as Taker would surely win and Sting reason for joining wwe would be to benefit himself.

Why else would he join? Wrestling is not charity. If he joins, the bulk of the reason behind it will be because he's in his fifties and would love to collect one huge paycheck on his way out. I don't see that as a negative incentive. In fact, if it were me, I'd do the same thing. A lot of the talk I hear about wrestlers involves "doing things for the money." Well, yeah. It's not exactly a business that takes care of their own after they're done. Now, Sting is a legend and I'm sure he'll be fine regardless, but who wouldn't want to squeeze every dollar out of their career if it were about to be over?

Furthermore, Sting being hesitant because he is unsure as to how he would be used? What absolute bullshit. If Sting actually signs, he's going to know exactly how he is going to be used. If the WWE intended to bury him, Sting'd know and Sting would walk out the door faster than CM Punk if that were the case. Also, it isn't in WWE's best interest to bury him. There is $$ to be made in Sting's merch, his impending induction into the HoF, in subsequent DVD's and retrospectives, and his wrestling for the last time. If WWE chooses to bury him, they'd also be pulling a Walter White by burying barrels full of cash in the desert along with him.

Lastly, I only see this match happening this year if Brock is done after this. If WWE knows they have Brock back for WM31, I can see them pulling the trigger on Taker v. Sting this year because the clock is ticking more on Sting's career than Brock's.

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