Rumor Mill: Undertaker to Call Out Sting Night After Mania?

I have always been of the belief that WWE is not stupid enough to let this opportunity go by....

I agree, yet figured the company and the two performers always ran into the same problem when discussing the match: which one of these all-time immortals is going to lose?

Remember a few years ago when many of us were sure they were fixing to get these two in the ring....and Sting even admitted later that negotiations had taken place? I wonder if at one point in the talks the WWE representative said to Sting: "And of course, Mark Calaway will tombstone you and win the match".....and Steve Borden balked and called off the whole thing. Or maybe it went the opposite way, and Calaway refused to lose.....this being before the whole Brock Lesnar thing at WM30.

Both men had professional images to maintain.....and someone had to lose. I absolutely will not believe they plan to stage a match of this magnitude and have it end on a disqualification or count-out. Something's gotta give.

Okay, after WM31, while I don't think 'Taker will be putting over Bray Wyatt and going into his final WM next year with a 2-match losing streak, he still will have suffered his first WM defeat last year and could afford another one in 2016, if it involves falling to a legend like Sting. Similarly, Sting will surely beat Triple H this year......and once he has a WWE "winning streak" going, it wouldn't be so bad if he lost to 'Taker at WM32.

So yes, I'd love to see these guys battle it out next year, even if they need dueling wheelchairs to get it done.
I'd rather see HHH vs Sting headline Mania, have Sting beat HHH. Then as he's kind of celebrating, the gong goes off. A WCW logo appears on the then transitions into a tombstone saying RIP WCW, then transitions to RIP Sting, gong goes off again, Undertaker comes out on stage, lifts his arms up and the last reveal on the screen/on tombstone is the WRESTLEMANIA 32 Logo. Fade to black, PPV over.
After losing to Bray Wyatt (which sadly is by FAR the more likely outcome for this year), Undertaker "calling out" anybody is laughable. His mystique is already dead, after losing to Wyatt it will be buried. After losing to Bray Wyatt, ANYBODY can beat him. The potential draw for his future matches is gone. They could have him losing to Heath Slater and it won't matter, because there's no lower he can go.

lol what a schmuck.
Bray Wyatt is about to have a 10 year career of excellence.
The irony is you'll probably be a mark for the guy by this time next year.
Also...comical how you think any one match can even begin to take away from the luster and draw of a guy like The Taker.
As soon as Sting signed I knew this would be their plan. Feed Triple H to Sting in a pseudo-dream match at Mania 31 to give him as win in his match WWE match against a guy who won't be hurt form the loss, then set-up Sting/Taker for Mania 32 in Texas. That's a great plan 15 years ago.

Today, it's a so-so plan that really shows how awful the current product is. Sting vs. Undertaker is a true dream match, there's no question, but it will be a shell of what it could be. It can't possibly be as good in 2015 as when they were both in their prime. That's obvious, and it makes no sense to deny it. At this point you might as well do it though, it won't close the show and you can still deliver a strong build. Plus it's not going to be terrible, it just won't be as great as it could've been. It's just a shame that more focus isn't put on establishing full-time stars and building new dream matches that fans want to see. Although it's kind of hard to do that when you give everything away on TV since you have 5+ hours to fill each week...

One potential problem with doing the whole "year long build" to Sting/Taker like they did with Rock/Cena is simply that Sting and Taker are not Rock or Cena. What I mean by that is that John Cena and The Rock are very active on social media, and can make press conference appearances or appearances on talk shows. So even if they aren't on RAW every week, they are able to utilize social media and other means in order to build anticipation for the match and reach a wider audience. The unholy lord of darkness isn't gonna send a tweet to talk trash about Sting. A face-painted vigilante who attacks people with a bat isn't gonna go on Conan.
I guess it all depends on the matches that each men has. I say this because like probably most of wrestling fans, I also want to see this dream match, however like many have said it already, both are way past their primes and we need to see their stamina. Specially for Taker, last couple of years, his matches have taking it's toll.

It's great and easy story to write but I guees it's all on Taker's health after his match with Wyatt.
I have no clue why but ever sense Sting signed with WWE I lost the desire to see them face off, and now rather see them team up. Not sure what it was that changed my opinion. Probably the fact that I worry that even with great in ring story telling the match quality might not be what some many fans always dreamed of. Also I wouldn't wanna see either of them take the fall.

I almost posted a thread asking if we would make it the whole 48 hours of WM Sunday and Monday Night Raw without them crossing paths before i saw this one. If I had control of booking this Sunday, I would have Sting out numbered by the Authority, in trouble, and Triple H with the Sledgehammer ready to go. Then lights go out, and the gong hits. The place would go beyond crazy, at least I sure as hell would. The Undertaker coming to the aide of Sting to help him even the odds would be one hell of a WrestleMania moment. Plus with the Deadmans "brother" Kane in the authority there are just a lot of elements for WWE to tell a great story both in and outside of the ring at some point before Taker, and/or Sting ride off into the sunset.
Then lights go out, and the gong hits.

I hadn't even considered that idea.....and I like it. Think about it, when you've got a situation with two performers who merit legendary status scheduled to face each other......but neither one wants to take the fall, and many fans don't want to see either of them go down.....what can WWE do? The above poster has a unique solution.

For myself, I'd rather see them go at it during WM32, with Undertaker winning. Then, just as it seems their involvement with each other is over ......let Undertaker make the save at.....say, Summerslam.

Then, the two legends could ride off together, smoking Marlboros and drinking Jack see each other next at their respective HOF induction ceremonies in 2016.
Well, I really hope this is true and I kind of believe that it is. WWE probably knows that was what most fans wanted to see, its a match that we've wanted for multiple decades now.

Don't know much about how I would want it to happen I just know I'd like to see it. I don't care who calls who out, and man, how do you decide who wins such a fight?

I'd actually like to see Kane involved in some manner, not triple threat or anything, but maybe he could face Sting at the Rumble or something.

This match has great potential and I hope it will eventually live up to it.
If it's going to happen then it shouldbe next year. It makes the most sense. I, however, would not like an RIP WCW call out at RAW. I would like to see Undertaker involved in the ending of the Sting vs HHH match. Sting should win, HHH becomes a sore loser, beats down Sting, have the gong hit and Taker walk down the ramp. Make it look like HHH is going to hand sting off to Taker but instead Taker gives HHH a tombstone, choke slam or last ride. Taker shakes Sting's hand and signals to the screen where it says 32.

That or RAW, Sting comes out to retire and Taker makes the challenge
I think Undertaker vs Sting at WrestleMania 32 is the correct choice to deal with. They need to check whether the guys can deliver together or not before the clash. I think this is why they are put into separate matches this year. Also, it will be more important in The Undertaker's hometown. But, I have one problem in this match. Neither of these guys need to take the fall and neither can lay down for the 3 count logically. They have put themselves in a tough situation right now when Wyatt is about to face Undertaker. I don't know Wyatt can sustain this loss or not and Taker can't also take the loss because, it will affect the claim of Brock Lesnar. Let alone these things but, the staredown will be Holy Shit.

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