WWE Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way


Dark Match Winner
What, do you think about the Fatal Four Way between The Miz and John Morrison,Ryder and Hawkins,Finlay and Hornswoggle,Jesse & Festus.I have a feeling that Finlay and Hornwoggle are winning the tag titles here because they have building up the father and son angle for awhile now.What,do you think of Finlay and Hornwoggle winning? If,you don't think they will win, then who will win this Fatal Four Way match at the Great American Bash?
I think they're finally going to get the titles off miz and Morrison. They're probably going to have finlay pin either Jesse or festus so miz and Morrison don't look weak. Then Morrison can get a main event push and miz a us title push
Yeah, this is the best way to make Morrison and Miz lose the titles to Ryder/Hawkins or Jesse/Festus, but not take the pinfall.

If they want to build them up as a legitimate heel team, they should give it to Ryder/Hawkins pinning Finlay, or at the very least, abusing Hornswoggle's situation and beating the life out of him to get the pin. If Jesse takes the loss, its nothing new, as he always does.
Yes, what a relief. I hope that one of the face teams wins by pinning Hawkins or Ryder or that those two pin Horny or one of the rednecks. This is a great way to get the belts off of Miz and Morrison with them able to keep their momentum. The only thing missing, is they were not drafted to RAW and/or Smackdown. They have done what they were asked, now its time to be rewarded.

I'm looking for the Edge guys to win because they are the only other heel tag team and them chasing would be boring. I see a short reign with them sneaking out a few wins before a new team steps up and tries to rebuild the division. The splitting of three former top teams may come back to haunt the division that all the sudden has potential.
Hawkins & Ryder to take the title via some sort of BS victory (ie. pinning Hornswoggle.)
With the titles these guys will probably continue to job around in singles matches (Finlay beating the hell out of them I'm sure) and sneak away with sleazy victories at PPV's when the titles are on the line.

The WWE needs to pull the trigger on La Familia, and make them some kind of threat. Apart from the HWC fights when Edge was leaving with the title, the majority of the time they are made to look fools (Chavo losing the ECW title in seconds, Hawkins & Ryder having their ass handed to them on a consistent basis, and Edge being portrayed as the man boinking Vickie).

Hawkins & Ryder tag champs at the Bash, and Chavo the US Champ by Summerslam. This may be what is needed to make the faction legit.
I can see Jesse taking the loss here, and given a heel team has held the belt so long, I think Hawkins and Ryder will have to wait for another chance as I could see Hornswoggle taking the pin on Jesse after Finlay takes him out. a face tag team on ECW will keep the balance and means Hornswoggle, killer of belts, will get some cheap pops and lead to H&R bullying the little guy into an easy feud over the next few weeks.

Jesse and Festus won't do much unless WWE want to engineer a sudden big push for them, which they could actually do, but the two of them have been nothing over the last few weeks
I can see Jesse taking the loss here, and given a heel team has held the belt so long, I think Hawkins and Ryder will have to wait for another chance as I could see Hornswoggle taking the pin on Jesse after Finlay takes him out. a face tag team on ECW will keep the balance and means Hornswoggle, killer of belts, will get some cheap pops and lead to H&R bullying the little guy into an easy feud over the next few weeks.

Jesse and Festus won't do much unless WWE want to engineer a sudden big push for them, which they could actually do, but the two of them have been nothing over the last few weeks

True, but neither have Hawkins and Ryder. Even with the deck stacked in their favor they have been beaten by almost anyone. Wasn't it just two weeks ago that they were defeated by Jesse and Festus? Remember when they teamed with Edge against Batista and still got pinned?

The WWE simply wants to get the belts off Miz and Morrison so that they can move on without making them look weak. The problem is, there is no real credible team, so its going to go to someone who isn't too worthy. The fact that Jesse and Festus are on a PPV means they are at least on someones radar.
This IS a good way to get the titles off Miz/Morrison without makinng them look weak like you guys said. I see either Finlay or Hawkins/Ryder taking the win. Morrison does need a push up to World Title level. He probably deserved a World Title more than Punk. Lets look at these facts:
Morrison - IC Title 2 Times , 4 Time Tag Champion , ECW Champion
Punk - ECW Champion

Thats it i mean Morrison has been in WWE longer and won more titles. Miz will get a push in the US Title spot being the one to defeat Matt Hardy for the title.
At least though they've had some the occasional big match, despite being edge's fall guys in them. It's one of those matches where it's tough to call. I mean, Finlay/Morrison would be a great feud to send him to Number 1 contender level, so for that to happen, Jesse and Festus could take the gold, La Familia with tag gold is a second option for that scenario, with Hornswoggle getting cheap storylines being the final option. So many options assuming they take the belts off the champs (I think it's the time to do it)
Like I said it doesn't matter who takes the title from them, the new champs will be a significant downgrade. Miz and Morrison had beaten the Hardy's, Kane and Punk, and still not jobbed out to singles stars. Hawkins and Ryder have been destroyed by Batista and Taker and Jesse and Festus could be the most inconsistent team ever.

Hornswoggle is their to entertain the kids and eventually be the guy who makes Finaly lose without looking weak. Them taking the belts would keep them on ECW, another reason I don't think they'll win. The belts need to eventually find their way to Smackdown.
I think it's a foregone conclusion that Miz and Morrison lose the titles at the Bash. I believe this match was added solely so a title actually changes hands besides the Diva championship. I don't know who will win the titles here, but it tells me more about the two big title matches, neither HHH or Punk will lose their title and this fatal four way was added so the WWE can have a title change on a PPV.
One thing I forgot to mention, I am surprised the Hardy's weren't added to this match since they defeated the miz and morrison on ECW this week. They wouldn't have to win the titles but it would be nice to see the Hardy's on the PPV and not be shut out especially since Jeff was left off the last PPV.
not on the same show and with ECW and SD splitting, it would mean a short title reign for them, especially with Matt already holding a single's title, it wouldn't make sense to have them in the match in my eyes.

And Slim, I totally agree that this will end up as a way to get the belts exclusive to SD when the move occurs. I know the midget'd pull in pops, but the way I see it, he can do that in a feud between Morrison and Finlay as easily as with a second title reign.
I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense I can see Jesse and festus getting the pin on hawkins and Ryder to get the titles on smackdown exclusively starting a tag team title feud between the two. Meanwhile Morrison starts a feud with finley and since he didn't get drafted to raw or sd becomes ecw champ again at some point while miz beats matt hardy for the us title
I actually think if you'd take Finlay and that little twerp out of this match....and put in the Hardy's...maybe actually pop a few extra buys!! Yeesh!! The Hardy's are still pretty hot right now.
This is gonna be one of the matches to watch. I love just about everything Morrison does in the ring and Miz is improving slowly and slowly. I really want them to drop those belts already to move onto being singles competitors again. I just don't want the dirt sheet to end=/.

I think Ryder and Hawkins are gonna get the pin on Jesse while Festus is busy cleaning house on the outside. I can see the possibility of Horny and Finlay winning though. In a match involving more than two superstars opposed against each other than it'd make sense if a heel pinned a face or if a face pinned a heel.
The only reason I can see for not putting the Hardys into this match is that both are acting as singles wrestlers at present. Matt's US champion and Jeff'll probably be getting towards main event level again soon. Yeah, they both get big pops, but they've been doing the same thing for years in tag wrestling. Being in the match and not picking up a win in a match featuring a midget is never a good way to advance any credibility you've worked to pick up over the last year or so.

If Finlay and Hornswoggle weren't in the match, then yes, the Hardy's would be good as they could lose because eg Miz KO'd Matt but didn't realise the fall was going down, and blames him for the loss, that would allow a storyline, but the midget just makes it a less credible match for two solid mid-card singles wrestlers at present
In all honesty, I don't see Miz and Morrison losing at GAB. Yes, they've been champs for a long time now, and yes, it might make sense to put the titles on a SD! team, since apparently the SD!/ECW talent merger will be ending soon. However, none of these teams are good enough to beat Miz and Morrison. These two have brought some real crediblity to the WWE tag team championships, the first team to really do so in a long time. Matt Hardy and MVP as champs was silly, the belts were just props for a storyline. D&D?! Awful. Londrick tried hard to bring credibility to the titles, but they weren't pushed as a dominant tag team, so it didn't work. I don't think we've had credible tag team champions since... well, the Original MNM. I can see them just slowly transitioning over to SD! with the belts. If any team takes the titles from MNM at GAB, it'll be Hawkins & Ryder, and only because it'll help push the Familia storyline along. Finlay and Horny are a ECW tag team, and Jesse and Festus are going to be the jobbers in the match. So I say, it'll be either MNM retaining, or the Edgeheads winning th titles.
yea but see dungeon the hardyz are on different brands like polleywally said so it wouldn't work with them in the match although it would be nice to see it

Umm...Miz & Morrison are ECW guys....so are the Irishmen....and yet the other two teams are on SD! So I don't think it makes a difference...I'm not saying the Hardy's have to go over....they should just be in the match!!!

They teamed up as well during the infamous Ladder Match where Mercury got injured...Matt was "SD", while Jeff was on Raw.
Are you lost my friend? Posting in the wrestling sections? Lol

Good points made though. You're right, Miz and Morrison have been good champs, simply because they've defended the belts. Londrick were good, but they were tag champs for a year and I can't for the life of me remember them defending any time in the first half of that. That's why it makes sense to have them lose in a multi-team match, they don't have to be pinned.

It's the classic whiney heel way to lose a title and means they can act like they have a grudge and take it out on opponents. I actually think this could be a good match...far better than the death knell on women's wrestling that is McCool/Natalya for a new belt
Are you lost my friend? Posting in the wrestling sections? Lol

Wait, this isn't the Spam Zone?! Lol. Well, I try to post in the actual wrestling sections occasionally, it's just that the discussions are usually so mundane or watered-down from the crappy-ass posters, that I find myself suffering from an allergic reaction.

Nevertheless, let it be known that Papa Shango is coming to the wrestling forums... if I don't get hives from the spam.

Good points made though. You're right, Miz and Morrison have been good champs, simply because they've defended the belts. Londrick were good, but they were tag champs for a year and I can't for the life of me remember them defending any time in the first half of that. That's why it makes sense to have them lose in a multi-team match, they don't have to be pinned.
It's not so much a problem of whether or not they're pinned. It's that none of the other participants in the match really deserve to be tag team champions.

It's the classic whiney heel way to lose a title and means they can act like they have a grudge and take it out on opponents. I actually think this could be a good match...far better than the death knell on women's wrestling that is McCool/Natalya for a new belt
Well, yeah, it could possibly be a good match. But that doesn't mean that just because the match is good it'll allow a crappy booking decision to slide by.
They have to drop them eventually, and really, what tag team in the entire company deserves to take the belts from what have been two of the best tag champs for a while now? Miz and Morrison have come so far that I could almost be tempted to contemplate thinking about watching the Miz in the ring and I HATED the guy before working with Morrison.

They are both bound for better things and it makes sense for them to go for them while people are praising their run, not complaining about how long they've had the belts. It gives the new guys something to live up to and strive for while allowing M&M to move towards singles glory
I've stated before that whatever team takes the belts from MNM will be a downgrade. Thats the purpose of the multi team match, to get new champs without them being pinned. Then they can move on and the tag title can go elsewhere. Yes, they brought credibility back to the belts and don't deserve to lose to any of these teams. However, no matter how long they hold the belts, no one else will come along within the year that is on their level, so the result is a title change to a less than deserving pair (be it the Edgeheads or one of the face teams). I like the paring of Miz and Morrison, but they have gotten to the point where they are being held back by the division that can't seem to up itself to their level.
I agree Slim, they've reached the stage where they've been impressive vs the likes of Batista, that no-one they face is comparable and a backward step in terms of opposition. They can't expect to have the likes of Batista moving to Tag Division, so the only choice is to take advantage and have them lose the titles now so people remember Morrison facing down Batista
You have no idea how excited I am to see this match, minus the inclusion of Finlay and Hornswoggle. The Tag Team division in the W.W.E. is more exclusive and innovative than Ultimate X. (think about it, which have you seen more of this year on Pay Per View. Tag matches from the W.W.E., or Ultimate X matches from T.N.A.)

Finally the W.W.E. is doing something remotely smart. (again, minus the inclusion of Finlay/Hornswoggle) They're taking their top teams and putting them into a contest against the Tag Team Champions. This would be the perfect way to get the Tag Team Championships off Miz & Morrison, without actually hurting them.

If anything, I see Hawkins and Ryder being the victims of the pinfall. The only sad thing is, I also see the possibility of Hornswoggle getting that pinfall victory. And out of all four of these teams, the Family Finlay are the one pair that don't belong. I feel like I'm watching an episode of Sesame Street, and I'm being asked which 'item' doesn't belong.

I honestly would like to see Jesse and Festus become the next Tag Team Champions. I think they would have the best shot of allowing the titles to go from one great team, to another above average good team. Plus, the fact that Festus has that issue regarding the ringbell sets it up perfectly with how they'll end up dropping the Championships when they likely do.

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