WWE Surveying Consumers on PPV Ideas

WWE Draft: Low. I enjoy the draft event as a three hour RAW, but there is no way I would even consider paying for it. Leave it as a special free event, and I'll be happy.

Legends Event: Moderate. Unlike others who have posted here, I could care less if the Legends put on bad matches. It's not like they're going to be in every match. I love seeing Legends return, and am a sucker for nostalgia. It could be a fun event and good for a yearly burst of recognition. They could even tie it into the Hall of Fame by having inductees wrestle.

Street Fight Event: Low. Don't get me wrong, I love street fights and Extreme Rules matches, but a whole PPV of them, when we already have Extreme Rules? No thanks. If anything they should just make every Extreme Rules PPV be contested under No DQ rules as well as whatever the gimmick for the match is.

Money in the Bank: Moderate. I think it works really well at Wrestlemania and is a major part of the show. However, it could really be a fun pay-per-view if they use it to elevate new stars like the current MITB is used.

Roulette Event: Low. Once again, we have Extreme Rules. Unless this replaced Extreme Rules I wouldn't go for it. Fun idea if it were truly random, though.

Tournament Event: Very High. We all want King of the Ring back, so why not? The matches give the midcard chances to shine, and the tournament could either help crown a new main eventer or solidify a fading one. Last tournament helped William Regal get more over than ever (shame about his wellness violation) so I say go for it. Make it a yearly PPV. Great concept, and could be a ton of fun.

War Games: High. It's War Games. Everyone wants it, from the fans to the wrestlers. Bring it back, what's the harm? Only problem is that it's really similar to Elimination Chamber...

Battle Bowl: Very High. I love this concept. It seems like a ton of fun, and could have some good storyline interactions and tag matches. I might even buy this one.
WWE Draft:
Very low. The Draft needs to be on free tv. It's something I look forward to every time they do it, and I just don't see how it could work as a PPV.

Legends Event:
Low. Legends being involved with Wrestlemania in one match can be cool, but an entire show of legends would be ridiculous. Plus the build would be terrible, that's roughly 4 Raw's and Smackdown's worth of old guys past their prime. Sorry, but no.

Street Fight Event:
Low. That would just be another random PPV but with.... A STREET FIGHT in it. Bad idea because nothing about this convinces me to buy the PPV.

Money in the Bank:
Very low. MITB is a great part of Wrestlemania AND IT NEEDS TO STAY THAT WAY because a PPV about MITB would be pointless. The MITB match should stay at Wrestlemania. What are they going to do, make multiple MITB matches, for multiple titles? NO! I don't want to see that, it'd be the mother of all cluster-messes.

Roulette Event:
Neutral. It could be interesting if they combined it with Extreme Rules, since that PPV often has some odd matches in it. Have the match type be "randomly picked" out of a number of different extreme match types. Maybe also have a "randomly picked" title other than the world titles be picked to be defended. I don't think it would work otherwise.

Tournament Event:
Very high. This would be the perfect opportunity for King of the Ring to return. Many fans miss it. A tournament PPV would be great because it gets guys onto the card who might not make a PPV otherwise, and the winner gets a big push. I'd like to see this even if it's not King of the Ring itself.

War Games:
High. War Games was pretty cool and I wouldn't mind seeing it come back because it could be a good candidate to replace Survivor Series if they get rid of it.

Battle Bowl:
Neutral. It's a good idea, but it probably won't happen because some fans might not like it and it would be almost as big of a cluster-mess as the MITB idea.

Really, WWE? These are the best ideas you can give us? They need to come up with something better if "themed PPVs" really are the future because most of these ideas aren't that great.
Draft: Goodness fuck no. LOWWWW. You do NOT turn a RAW special into a PPV, it only works the other way around. Only if they had some huge matches to headline it, title matches I mean.

Legends : Like, fucking subterrainian low. By far and away the worst idea on here. When there is a legend match on a PPV, a single one, we all groan and just hope for the best. A fucking WHOLE SHOW dedicated to that? Oh, what a horrendous abomination it would be.

Street Fight: Neutral. I suppose it could be fun, but these matches are best used sparingly. Now, just becuase a match is a street fight doesn't mean it has to play out like a wild brawl, but still. Also, the WWE is far too tame to make this the least bit entertaining. Maybe back in the attitude era they couldv'e pulled this off, but not now

MITB: Low. Once again, you don't tale something that is a TV special or a curtain jerker and build a show around it. Unless you have very high profile ME matches to go along with it. Oh wait, they already do that, its called Wrestlemania

Roulette: Low. Only if they bring back Halloween Havoc to go along with it. Otherwise, and idea that is silly. Its impossible to book good matches around stips you don't know in advance for one, and for two, you can't do much in the way of major happenings at a show like this (like cyber sunday) becuase itll mess up the arc of an angle, or a push.

King Of The Ring : Very high.Absolutely. Do it NorCal style though. First match, regular. Second match, street fight or some other gimmick match not involving cages. Finals, Cage match, win by pin or submission only. Winner gets a shot at the title at the next big show. Also, have two world title matches in addition to the tournament.

War Games: Very High. Hell fuckin yea. Except don't have it in two rings, and have it in HITC. Anything in two rings is fucking stupid. An elimination style team match with people entering at intervals in HITC though? Fucking sweet. Would still need to provide at least one world title match though.

Battle Bowl: Very High. Except don't have the final battle royal in two rings. See my above post. Also, when it gets down to the last four guys, turn it into a regular fatal four way elimination match. Also must provide two world title matches, in addition to the whole battle bowl thing.
Draft:Very Low. Hell no.This would fail.Why turn something meant as a RAW Special into a PPV?Just no.

Legends:Very Low.No way.I dig the legends idea but seriously how many legends are they gonna need each year.6 or 7?And they would need to build up a feud around it.No point jsut having legends fighting people.

Street Fight:High.I would love this.Only for the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships though.Other titles(including main NXT title if they have some)can be different matches.

Money In The Bank:Low.No.If the wrestlers get spent just in the match to get in it wont be much of a main event will it.

Roulette:Very High.I'm digging this.If its a single match have Last Man Standing,Iron Man,Falls Count Anywhere,Extreme Rules.If it's a tag team match replace Last Man Standing and Iron Man with Tables and Ladders.

King of the Ring:High.This is needed in WWE right now.Have a young superstar win it to push them.Say if this PPV happened this year you could push MVP.

War Games:Very High.Except not in two rings.That is stupid.I can see it in a steel cage.Have them all start in the enlarged cage(elimination chamber size so they have room)and it has to include the champion.First 5 people out win.If champion loses he loses his title.Then remove the cage and have a 5 person No DQ, No Countout Elimination Match for the title.

Battle Bowl:Neutral.Doesnt sound that great.Probally would have been better in the attitude era.
Draft - Low. Not interested in seeing this as a PPV and I don't think many others would either.

Legends - Low. Isn't there already a show called Impact with the same concept?

Street Fight - Low. We already have Extreme Rules.

MITB - Low. Like it at Mania.

Roulette - Low. I would prefer they went back to the Cyber Sunday format tbh.

Tournamet - Medium. If done well then this would be good. What a lot of people forget is that lot of the KOTR PPVs were actually pretty poor as was Mania 4. And at SS98 the wrestling was poor, but the storylines were good. So I'd be keen to see this, but wary at the same time.

War Games - Enormous. Get on this, oh yes. This would be the perfect replacement for Survivor Series. Could have it as Raw V Smackdown, although we now have Bragging Rights for that I guess

BattleBowl - Low. There aren't any tag teams worth a penny
The only two I would like to see are the tournament and war games. For the tournament, why not just bring back the King of the Ring? I think if they really pushed it and promoted it well, it could really succeed. Add to the fact that it would be really nostalgic so old school WWE fans would eat it up. WWE doesn't have a event for the July PPV yet, so why not put it here? Winner of the tournament could get a title shot at Summerslam.

War Games would be sick. This could just replace Survivor Series as the November PPV and probably would just be called "WWE War Games" and similar to the EC, it would sell purely off of the war games match.

Good to see WWE is trying to come up with fresh ideas to pique interest into their PPV's.

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