WWE Surveying Consumers on PPV Ideas

Turd Ferguson


So how would these events interest you? For each response, try to structure it the way I am here. I'll list each event and give my personal interest factor, with a little bit of insight into each one. Try not to make it a spam thread.

WWE Draft: Low. I think that the draft, which is often a clusterfuck to begin with, would be made even worse if taken with a PPV spot. It's a clusterfuck, and poorly run, but it's fun to watch on Raw. Would you actually PAY to see it? I wouldn't. Not to mention, they'd have to build up the actual matches, and it would just become even more of a clusterfuck with many wrestlers getting ignored to focus on the Raw vs. Smackdown matches in the leadup to that point.

Legends Event: Very low. The legends, with the exception of a very select few, are mostly out of shape and can't really go anymore. Where exactly would they go to find legends apart from the usual suspects? Would you want to see a month's worth of a buildup for a match between Randy Orton and Roddy Piper? Would they have a grudge match between Matt Striker and Jerry Lawler? I wouldn't want to see that.

Street Fight Event: Low. This would get old, quick. Street Fights are a good attraction match, nothing more. I like watching them. A night full of them? All the spots would lose their impact.

Money in the Bank: Neutral. I had a feeling this was coming. If they made the MITB match something REAL special, given about 45-60 minutes, then sign me up, but the undercard wouldn't be that good with guys saving themselves for the match. Plus, MITB is a huge Wrestlemania attraction, and without it, some guys might not find a way onto the card. Plus, there's the intrigue factor of, "Wait a minute, _______ won MITB... imagine if he decided to cash it in after the main event!"

Roulette Event: Low, especially with how gimmicked it would be. Extreme Rules is already your heavily gimmicked PPV, and those matches have proper buildup for the gimmicked match.

Tournament Event: Very High. I loved King of the Ring. It's a fun event that for the most part (looking at you, Billy Gunn), allows a guy to really break through the glass ceiling. Triple H, Edge, Kurt Angle, and Brock Lesnar... these guys got more credibility after winning the KOTR. KOTR LAUNCHED Stone Cold Steve Austin. Booker T finally became a legitimate main eventer after becoming King Booker. It's a prestigious honor to be chosen to be King of the Ring, and more often than not, you have a guy who will take advantage and be a future WWE Champion.

War Games: Very High. With the WWE dropping Survivor Series, why not build up the one elimination match, with the survivor(s) of the winning team getting some sort of incentive? That would be huge, and pique a lot of people's interest. Plus, War Games is always a good match. Triple H has been pleading with Vince for this to return and it should.

Battle Bowl: High. I think it would be a real interesting concept and something completely different. Sure, it reeks of "clusterfuck", and fans aren't into tag team wrestling, so unfortunately, this has a low probability of happening.
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I'd like to see a combination of a tournament event with a 6-8 man Ladder match for a World Title at the end

You could decide which world title on a yearly basis by having the two champs face off on the RAW or Smackdown from the week before, winner gets the night off at the PPV.

Reason for this is that I actually quite like the Money in the Bank concept but I'm not in favour of these concept PPVs as I think they are overkill. Plus the Money In The Bank is always a good opener for Wrestlemania. I was a big King of the Ring fan as well, plus title tournaments always bring a huge degree of excitement I feel. Maybe they could start this idea off by having one of the two World Titles vacated in the run up to the PPV and have this as a means of settling it? Knowing there definitely will be a new champion by the end of a PPV would boost rates, knowing that there are 6-8 guys with a shot at the end would boost them further I feel.

As for the other concepts. Well the Draft PPV and Battle Bowl hold no appeal for me at all. I like the draft being on Raw, don't think it needs to go to PPV, and the Battle Bowl idea just isn't interesting. I never liked the roulette wheel when it was used on Raw a couple of years back so don't want that brought back. Street fight PPV would be overkill, as I say I don't like gimmick PPVs, and the Legends event would be pretty boring after the first number of matches. The odd match here and there is okay but who would want to see something like Dusty vs Slaughter followed by Snuka vs Piper and so on for three hours? Furthermore who in their right mind would pay for it?

War Games I'd like to see back though as I always enjoyed it when it was part of WCW's PPV list so I'd stick that down as my second choice
War Games for sure...Battle Bowl has some up side. Tournament maybe...the others all a big thumbs down. How about a full night of hell in the cell. Carnage everywhere.

I would do away with all cage matches as is. They are wayyy to tame. Get over a little blood and make these matched lethal again...and no escaping the cage, pinfalls or subs, thats it. The ending are way too predictable with the escape option there.
WWE Draft: Low. I think this is best left as a 3 hour Raw. A lot of the excitement comes from not knowing who will be in the matches. Often we are treated to some very good matches on free TV. Sure they could do this on the PPV, but who would order a PPV not knowing the card? Can you say December to Dismember 2006 disaster?

Legends Event: Very low. I agree with the OP, how many legends can still put on a PPV quality match? This MAY work as a special episode of RAW, but not a PPV.

Street Fight Event: Neutral. It would be a nice change from a usual singles Championship match. However, it would have to take place a few months away from the current Extreme Rules PPV.

Money in the Bank: Low. To me the MITB match is one of the highlights of Wrestlemania. And the qualifying matches on Raw and SD make for some good TV matches.

Roulette Event: Low. We already have the Extreme Rules PPV, where we know the stipulations in advance. Allows for much better buildup to the matches. This may work however, IN PLACE of the current Extreme Rules PPV.

Tournament Event: Very High. I think this sort of PPV would work great in place of No Way Out/Elimination Chamber. Since the Royal Rumble determines one #1 contender for Wrestlemania, this tournament could determine the challenger for the championship the Rumble winner does not chose. This gives plenty of time build up both title matches at the biggest PPV of the year.

War Games: Very High. Ecellent concept to replace Survivor Series.

Battle Bowl: Neutral. This PPV should be FOR the tag team championship, not a #1 contender spot. Could be hit, or could bomb.
The one thing I don't want to see is the MITB PPV. That's just a bad idea. Mid-Carders may not find their way to the Show Of Shows and MITB has become really special to me. Having the match a few months beore WM would totally ruin it for me because that's one of the things that have kept me ordering the PPV. Bad Move if they do this.
But yes i am all for the War Games or King Of The Ring kind of PPV.
Personally, I think almost every idea is pretty awful.

Draft as a PPV- Eff no. Nuff said.

Legends- Steamboat can only wrestle in one match, so the other 6-7 matches would be shitfests.

Street Fight- It's called Extreme Rules or Night of Extreme or whatever it changes to. NEXT!

MitB- Hell no. It's the best as a match at Mania.

Roulette- No. It's never "random" anyway. They say it's random, but you can predict it pretty easily. Raw Roulette is boring now so why make people pay for a PPV version? Don't. It sucks.

Tournament- This is only one of the two that would be a simply epic idea. It's called BRING BACK EFFING KING OF THE RING. King of the Ring gives almost every superstar that wins it a boost into the main event. It's done nothing but help careers, people want to see it, and it's a great PPV where you have some title matches, but the main focus being the KotR tournament. Please for christ sake bring back KotR.

War Games- Another epic great idea especially if it were to replace SS. It was one of WCW's best PPVs and the E has the roster and whatnot to pull it off. Triple H actually knows what he's talking about when he begs Vince to bring this back. We want to see War Games.

Battle Bowl- No. We don't need to see multiple random ass tag teams thrown together. It worked a couple times with X-Pac and Kane, Booker T and Goldust, and I may be forgetting a few. No Vince. Just... No.
I honestly would be really infuriated if WWE went ahead with the Money In The Bank idea.

Let me tell you now,
If WWE makes the Money In The Bank PPV. It will kill the match.

Lets look at the winners and their position in the WWE when they won:
Edge (Upper Midcard), RVD (Upper Midcard), Kennedy (Upper Midcard), CM Punk (Midcard), CM Punk (Upper Midcard, WWE fucked up his first title run).

Okay, the positions may be debateable as to what I've rated them but the bottom line is- none of these men were WWE main eventers before they won MITB.

Do you really think we're going to see so many upper midcarders in the MITB match if WWE goes ahead with this as a Main Event to a PPV?

I like how WWE currently is adding unfamiliar faces to main events as far as the scene goes, with Kingston, Dibiase, R-Truth, Morrison etc involved in Elimination Chamber matches so you know for sure if they did this MITB PPV that you would still see some form of fresh faces. But I always thought part of the beauty of the MITB match was that it rarely features a true main eventer even.

Now with this as a main event at its own PPV? We can say hello to the people that don't even particularly need the contract.

Right now, the Royal Rumble has been the showcase event for Main Eventers to often win it. Lets keep MITB for those who desperately need it. The contract being able to be cashed within the year means the superstar can have time to progress and get more over before used.

Honestly, this could be the death of Money In The Bank as we know it, and it wouldn't suprise me if a lot of disillusioned fans look past this and give it a high level of interest.

On the same note, I shudder to picture some fat 57 year old man with his WWE 24/7 account thinking "LEGENDS! YAY!" about the Legends Event.

On a good note, War Games... yes. Tournament... yes. War Games hasn't been seen in a WWE environment yet, maybe the novelty would wear off after a few years but at least for the time being I definitely would be interested in seeing who would be in this. And Tournament? King of the Ring was epic in the past before it became a RAW-Exclusive attraction at any random point they felt like it. So I'd be up to see that or just any form of tournament on PPV.
the 2 that sttick out to me are battle bowl and wargames....2 GREAT ideas wcw had.....i dont understand how battlebowl would be a clusterfuck, its fairly simple..... 2 on 2, teams r random, the winners advance to a battle royal... winner gets a ring or a title shot(a ring was given to sting,muta,page....to memory only sting recieved a title shot)

wargames is a classic match and would serve perfect for raw vs smackdown ppv... last hr of ppv time would be dedicated to the match...problem is there needs to be a solid heel manager to come around....if u remember heel managers played a major part in this match before it become the atrocity from 96 to wcw demise.... dillion,heyman,parker were excellent in this match
WWE Draft - Very low. This should be done on a Monday Night Show.

Legends Event - Very low. Who are they going to get? They couldn't have title matches if a legend has to be in every match. At least not respectable ones.

Street Fight - Low. Nothing special since nobody goes through tables anymore and nobody jumps off high platforms. Back in the day this would have been nice but I don't care anymore.

Money in the Bank - Very low. Once a year at Wrestlemania is good enough.

Roulette PPV - High. I thought this was a really cool idea back in the day. I especially liked it when they spun the wheel at the show on an actual wheel so we were convinced it wasn't rigged. I would love to see that again.

Tournament Event - Very high. King of the Ring was one of the best PPVs ever!!!!

War Games Event - Neutral. I would have enjoyed it more if it was an elimination match to be honest. As is, its just a lot of chaos with no real structure.

Battle Bowl Event - Very high. I LOVE this idea. I loved Lethal Lottery back in the day and I still wish they'd use it. Even if you don't have great tag teams the WWE clearly has everyone as either heel or face and it would be nice to see two heels trying to get along. I like that it also gives them a chance to push someone new as well. The randomness of it all is great.
WWE DRAFT: Neutral - Would give the draft a more special feel than it already has but not sure I would want to pay to watch it. Plus the issue of matches would be a factor.

LEGENDS: Very Low - Most can’t go and I will not be paying money to watch a bunch of out of shape guys who wouldn’t even be able to get a job with Hogan in TNA roll around for 5 minutes at a time.

Street Fight Event: Low - Would be boring quick. Street fights are fun when not done all the time.

Money In The Bank: Neutral - I like the match but I think it’s more special when it’s a special attraction at Mania. It’s always fun to see the guys going crazy at Mania and wondering just when they will cash it in.

Roulette: Low - I never really cared for “RAW Roulette” so I think the idea that was taken from WCW
“Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal” is a pretty dull and dead one.

Tournoment Event: Very High - Just cal it King of The Ring and let us have our slice of nostalgia back. Tournoments are always fun to watch, especially something that can mean something again.

War Games: Very High - I have always been a huge fan of War Games matches and the scenarios they bring up. I have a feeling this may be the winner of the poll.

Battle Bowl: High - I enjoyed the Battle Bowls when they had them. They were almost as unpredictable as the Royal Rumble and I believe the last one was in 94 in WCW so this could be something new and fun to watch.
Draft as a PPV- This has been a RAW three hour event for a few years now. Who in the world would pay 45$ for it? Not I! Very Low Interest.

Legends- We saw how bad two of the three were in the "Legends match" at Wrestlemania. Why would anyone want to see a whole ppv of it? Low Interest.

Street Fight- More stuff we get for free on tv, so why pay for it? even though they turn out to be decent matches, theyre good tv matches, not ppv quality. Low interest.

MitB- If only this wasnt such a damn good match at Wrestlemania, Id be high on this main eventing a PPV, but its become a staple of that ppv. Medium interest.

Roulette- I think they semi brought this back on Raw with Bob Barker as guest host. I forgot how bad it sucked. They want you to think its random, just like Cyber sunday was all about the "fans vote." Um, sure.....Low Interest.

Tournament- Only if its done King of the Ring style. Problem is, the last time we saw a KOTR tourney for one night only, Hornswoggle was one of the 8 participants.....Somewhat High.

War Games- This was a freaking great concept and with WWE owning the licensure to it, why the heck not? If theyre "done" with the "outdated" Survivor Series name, as Vince put it, what better a ppv concept to take its place? Very High interest.

Battle Bowl- No. These were crap back in the day and in the hands of the current wwe creative team.....theyld be worse. A cluster. Low interest.
there are a few that i would like to see.
the k.o.t.r. tournament i think should come back as a yearly ppv like back in the day. if done correctly it can give an instant boost of credibility to anyone who wins it.

War Games...definate yes to this, can easily replace Hell in a Cell. Seeing as how Royal Rumble is the start of the road to wrestlemania they can use the war games to end fueds so they can start the new ones in january

Letal Lotery(Battle Bowl)--I used to love it when WCW did used this. some of the teams that got put together was just crazy...can you imagine Randy Orton and Triple H being forced to work together if they want to make it to the 2 ring battle royal. just think of some of the one night tag teams that we can get from it.
Draft as a PPV- This has been a RAW three hour event for a few years now. Who in the world would pay 45$ for it? Not I! Very Low Interest.

Legends- We saw how bad two of the three were in the "Legends match" at Wrestlemania. Why would anyone want to see a whole ppv of it? Low Interest.

Street Fight- More stuff we get for free on tv, so why pay for it? even though they turn out to be decent matches, theyre good tv matches, not ppv quality. Low interest.

MitB- If only this wasnt such a damn good match at Wrestlemania, Id be high on this main eventing a PPV, but its become a staple of that ppv. Medium interest.

Roulette- I think they semi brought this back on Raw with Bob Barker as guest host. I forgot how bad it sucked. They want you to think its random, just like Cyber sunday was all about the "fans vote." Um, sure.....Low Interest.

Tournament- Only if its done King of the Ring style. Problem is, the last time we saw a KOTR tourney for one night only, Hornswoggle was one of the 8 participants.....Somewhat High.

War Games- This was a freaking great concept and with WWE owning the licensure to it, why the heck not? If theyre "done" with the "outdated" Survivor Series name, as Vince put it, what better a ppv concept to take its place? Very High interest.

Battle Bowl- No. These were crap back in the day and in the hands of the current wwe creative team.....theyld be worse. A cluster. Low interest.

both you and op say these were a cluster...i really dont know how they are more of a cluster than RR...its an easy concept even the kiddies can follow.....2 on 2, teams are randomly picked from a container, the 2 who win move on to a battle royale..fairly easy, and to say they were crap isnt correct...the only one that didnt really make sense was the 2nd one(muta winning didnt really make any sense storyline wise. it was on his name alone).. the first progressed the sting-luger storyline and the last is what exploded ddp into stardom....done correctly this could advance storylines or make a new star

phoenix.....why would teams make a difference....... to my memory teams were never that significant to battle bowl....in the first there were 3 total teams(steiners,freebirds, rescue team), i dont even think the 2nd had any teams peroid to split, and i dont remember the third i just remember ddp winning.....the whole point is to be random and put people together that havnt teamed or dont normally team.... example cena and orton vs hhh and miz
WWE Draft: Low. The Draft belongs on Raw and does not fit to a PPV, simply put. When has the draft ever been put as a PPV issue except for when Triple H chose between Raw or Smackdown? The brand extension is a joke anyway.

Legends Event: Low, the legends are getting on. Not many people could make a good match with them. Also half of them getting released from their contracts, the other half are in TNA.

Street Fight Event: Low, it's an Extreme Rules match, simple as, it already has a PPV dedicated to it.

Money in the Bank: Low, there's only three places this match can be, 1. Wrestlemania, 2. Another of the Big Three 3. TLC. Why the last one? Well given that it's a PPV dedicated to ladders (and tables and chairs), why not just put one of the most special ladder match types in this one? MITB has become a stable of Wrestlemania and I think moving it just doesn't make it as special. The only benefit is that they don't end up relying on a MITB match to fill up the card.

Roulette Event: Low. Again, Extreme Rules and TLC already exist as gimmick PPVs where special matches vary. It's also a cheap version of Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday where the fans don't vote in this one. Nix it already as they're running out of ideas.

Tournament Event: High. I loved KOTR, and they need a PPV in July after Extreme Rules. Why not bring back this properly as it should be used? The only other PPV to use a tournament was Survivor Series with the Deadly Games. I say I'm for it. Read KB's review on KOTR.

War Games: High. Simply because I never have seen it and would like in WWE. However I would just add to the Survivor Series gimmick as it fits the theme perfectly. But I think this will be the one to replace Survivor Series tbh.

Battle Bowl: No. It's not going to work due to a lack of legit teams. Simple as.

So in short, the only two that stand out is Tournament and War Games. Which says two things. One, why the hell did they get rid of KOTR as a PPV in the first place? Since it's demise it has been abused lead to poor gimmicks and nights on Raw we want to forget. Could this be that a long lost favourite PPV will finally return this year? Two, how lazy is it to adjust Survivor Series to include something like the War Games rather than just go with a new PPV all together. It's a highly demanded match from fans, wrestlers and the IWC, but I feel utterly disappointed that the WWE couldn't be bothered to think that the War Games could SAVE the Survivor Series.
WWE Draft: Very low... the draft is ok on Raw but even then it has gotten to a point where i don't put much stock in it since a lot of superstars go back and forth anyways... a ppv for it would be pointless as the brand separation is getting to be that way too.

Legends Event: moderate IF and i mean IF they can get the right legends to wrestle... that would be tough but i think there are still some out there who just don't want the WWE schedule but would come out for this event. I still love seeing names from the past come up and its always nice when they can still perform too.

Street Fight Event: Neutral. This would be ok but i don't think they even have enough guys who could really pull it off... parking lot brawls like cena and eddie did would be AWESOME.

Money in the Bank: Low. Keep it at Mania it has become one of my favorite matches too and it goes well with the theme of Mania.

Roulette Event: Thanks to WCW i don't ever wanna see this again... coal miners glove? really?

Tournament Event: High King of the Ring!!! I still remember seeing JYD win the original tournament by tossing macho over the top rope. I remember bret winning the first official KOTR. Tournaments are definitely cool if you see the right guys wrestle multiple matches. I can however do without triple H three times in one evening.

War Games: Very High. This was my favorite WCW match... well this and the scaffold match. War games was always fun and really builds up a faction... too bad legacy was broken up already, you can just see them and some other second gens against another second gen faction or a bunch of first gens or even some older guys... any way you put it that would be AWESOME!!!!

Battle Bowl: moderate... i actually loved it in WCW... i remember that match with Sting and Abdullah against Cactus and Pillman... totally entertaining concept... my only problem with it is nowadays wwe seems to throw two random guys into tag teams all the time anyways so it's not really as special anymore
I really like the idea of a Battle Bowl and War Games PPV. An idea that is floating around in my head, SummerSlam is the second biggest PPV of the year behind WrestleMania. Why not have the Battle Bowl PPV be to Summerslam what the Royal Rumble PPV is to WrestleMania. Have the winner of the final battle royal earn a championship match against his brand's champion. I wouldn't give him a choice, if only to separate this concept from the Royal Rumble concept. I think this idea, positioned as the July PPV would give the summer ppvs a huge bump in buy rates.
I really like the idea of a Battle Bowl and War Games PPV. An idea that is floating around in my head, SummerSlam is the second biggest PPV of the year behind WrestleMania. Why not have the Battle Bowl PPV be to Summerslam what the Royal Rumble PPV is to WrestleMania. Have the winner of the final battle royal earn a championship match against his brand's champion. I wouldn't give him a choice, if only to separate this concept from the Royal Rumble concept. I think this idea, positioned as the July PPV would give the summer ppvs a huge bump in buy rates.

it would have to be inbetween wrestlemania and summerslam.....to make sense the winner would likely recieve a titleshot, that titleshot would be used at what would now be considered 1 of the big 3....cant put it too close to RR bc ppl would just say UGH another battleroyal
As soon as I finished reading this threat I knew what it should be.

It’s as easy as that. You can incorporate some of these other matches into this match as well. First off you have a tournament of qualifying matches. It match would be in a class of its own... (IE Tag Team, United States/Intercont, WHC, WWE Championship ECT.)
Then at the PPV you could have 4 or 5 MITB matches for each of the titles, also allowing for a Main event on both World Championship (these would not be the winners, unless they wanted to cash them in) You could also, if time permitted, have a some of the more HIGH Profile tourney matches at the PPV.

War Games would be sweet too.... Have brand VS brand, it’s almost like a Survivor Series.
Maybe that is what they will go with, due to the nature of the beast.

But we have practically seen all the other PPV's.

And since they brought it up. Legends, the last legend that I would actually pay to see fight is Steamboat, because he is 10x better than 100% of the legends. Not even Bret Hart has the abilities that Steamboat showed us last yr.

And you could use the roulette feature to select what match happened at what time.
WWE Draft: This is interesting to do on Raw and Smackdown, but not for a PPV. The fun about the draft is not knowing where the wrestler is going to go. If the superstar's fate is already laid out for him, it takes away the excitement.

Legends Event: Isn't WWE letting go of all the Legends from their contracts? Who can actually wrestle? Ricky Steamboat is the only one. Who would pay to see Sgt. Slaughter, Snuka, and Piper wrestling in 2010? The new WWE audience barely knows who Bret Hart is let alone someone like Bob Backlund.

Street Fight Event: This is ridiculous since WWE is PG. Most PPV matches are street fights anyway, so there is no reason for a street fight event or even a match for that matter.

Money in the Bank: MITB is a special event synoamous with Wrestle Mania. Having it every year in every match would take way from it. TLC used to be special at Wrestle Mania as well until it was turned into a PPV.

Roulette Event:
This is barely amusing on Raw, let alone a PPV. I wouldn't mind a Vegas Roulette themed Raw event, but not a PPV. Especially since the outcomes are predetermined.

Tournament Event: This could be really good. WrestleMania 4 had a great tournament but way too many matches for WrestleMania. Instead of a King of The Ring tournament, it could be a tournament to see who would be the #1 contender for either the WWE Championship or WHC.

War Games: This could be the best theme of all. If Vince is doing away with Survivor Series, he could put War Games in it's place.

Battle Bowl: This could be interesting, but I don't think the idea of throwing random tag teams together would be interesting at all.
Every one of these options comes down to a very simple yes or no from me.

WWE DRAFT- No, definitely no. For a PPV, most matches would need to be decided well beforehand, and if this is the case, it would be quite easy to predict which brand would win the most picks. If you don't hype the matches enough, then ratings will drop. Not worth it.

LEGENDS EVENT - Another big no here. There is no possible way that a legend would be placed in every match and the PPV wouldn't suffer. Granted, the nostalgia feel would be immense at times, but overall, not worth it. I'd consider it if they had a Legend GUEST REF for every match, but not a participant.

STREET FIGHT EVENT - A third no here. This PPV would suffer the same way the Hell in a Cell PPV suffered. Street Fights are meant to be big, bloody, blowoff matches. Having a whole night of the same thing would kill the concept, and degrade every repetitive moment. Again, not worth it.

MONEY IN THE BANK - No way. This could be the best PPV if done right, but the concept of Money in the Bank should and must be kept at Wrestlemania. The 12-month clause to cash in gives creative an entire year to work with the character and develop them into a champion. I feel with a Money in the Bank PPV, we would get too many guys rushed into the championship picture, with lots of fluke wins and short reigns. I wouldn't want it, but I would pay to watch it.

ROULETTE EVENT - Another no, and a big no for this one. Obviously, the wheel would be rigged in some backstage promo, and we'd end up with a somewhat lackluster event because of it. Diva's would likely be fighting in pudding or something, someone would get thrown in a hog pen, and the biggest feuds would culminate in something that just wouldn't seem right. Some people would flock to the diversity, but Cyber Sunday's voting concept makes more sense. Pass...

TOURNAMENT EVENT - King of the Ring catapulted so many guys into the limelight. Why was this concept dropped? This is easily my favorite option, and is a resounding yes from me. Have a tournament with 8-16 guys and the winner gets a title shot. Excellent.

WAR GAMES - Ultimately, War Games is a clusterfuck. However, it would be a worthwhile clusterfuck if done properly, and an entertaining one if fucked up. Buys would likely skyrocket if there were to be a War Games PPV, and ratings equal success. I'd buy it.

BATTLE BOWL - This could be the BEST PPV concept here if done right. The rivalries, feuds, and blowoffs that could all occur in one night on one PPV could surpass Wrestlemania levels. Partners could face each other, rivals could team up, friends could reunite, and through it all the title could be on the line. I would definitely buy it.
WWE Draft: Very Low. The draft doesn't even interest me to watch it on free tv because it doesn't even matter who goes where! There's no point of a brand split anymore since you always see smackdown wrestlers on raw and vice versa.

Legends Event: Very high. I like nostalgia and having a legends ppv once a year wouldn't be a bad thing for me. There are some guys I'd love to see back just one more time, like Flash Funk or Ken Shamrock(I'd mark)

Street Fight Event: Low. This would be like extreme rules. It wouldn't be much different with every match no rules. I hope they don't choose this.

Money in the Bank: Neutral. While a few of these matches on a ppv would be cool to watch, I think once a year at wrestlemania is what makes this special. In fact MITB is one thing wwe hasn't screwed up yet. I'd like to keep it that way.

Roulette Event: neutral. This is another thing they do on free tv that doesn't get monster ratings. It is a cool concept(even though obviously rigged), spinning the wheel to see what match you are in, but not ppv-worthy.

Tournament Event: high. A one night tournament with matches full of good workers can be a lot of fun and there won't be any filler on the card. I think a lot of people would want to see the winner of a tournament of either the vacant wwe or world title and if done right could be unpredictable and fun.

War Games: Very High. Ever since wwe bought wcw, I've been waiting for them to do a war games match! I think wcw's best ppvs were war games. One month on wwe 24/7 they had a section of shorties showing old war games matches. Genius idea!

Battle Bowl: neutral. I liked this in wcw, but I think Royal Rumble is enough for a cool battle royal every year. They should do this on either raw or smackdown to pop a decent rating.
WWE Draft: Low - If the matches were prompted beforehand then yes, although I don't see it being a HUGE draw unless titles were on the line still, but then again, it would be a way to get the titles onto different shows, but as always, if the IC title goes to RAW, we know the US title is getting lost and going back to Smackdown, so I don't see that working.

Legends Event: Low - Unless they got Rock/Austin/Hart/Steamboat involved, and I mean all of them I wouldn't be interested. You could have Austin come back for a match and kick someones ass like he did against Bischoff, but then you don't get any proper wrestling match time. It just wouldn't work. By all means have legends in matches, but not a whole card devoted to it.

Street Fight Event: High - I like the idea aslong as we don't get any/many other street fights throughout the year, and if so, they ought to be really well spaced out.

Money in the Bank: High - Wrestlemania sells itself, WWE doesn't need to have MITB on there, Raw and Smackdown could have 4 matches on each brand to determine the participants, BUT my worry is that it would feature stars like HHH/Batista, when it should feature the likes of Swagger, Christian, Kofi, Miz... Build a new star with it, so thinking about it more i'm not so sure, but aslong as the similar participants as in the past are in there then I like it.

Roulette Event: High - If it was ACTUAL roulette, and not the WWE fix of roulette, take out match stipulations once one has been chosen so that we can't have the same one twice too.

Tournament Event: High - Like this idea too, especially if it was done in the middle of the year, to determine the challenger at say Summerslam.

War Games: Very High. Would be awesome to replace Survivor Series with this, it would be really different and fresh.

Battle Bowl: Very low - WTF?
Draft: Uh Who the hell would pay 45 buck for that....thats a terrible idea, not meant for PPV.

Tournament: Uhm, KING OF THE F*CKING RING:banghead:

Legends PPV: Uh, terrible idea considering at least 75% of your live audience doesnt even know who Bret Hart is.

War Games: Why do this, you dont need to steal idea's from WCW. And you already have the Chamber, would be decent for Survivor Series but that already, or did, have its own style of match.

Street Fight: Seriously? Is Russo back in WWE? Must be cause I dont know anyone else who would book shit like that.

Money in the Bank PPV: THIS IS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! The MITB gives you just another reason to order Wrestlemania, take that away and probably replace it with Divas :banghead:

Roulette: The only one I like, just because Raw Roulette was awesome. But every match should be detirmined by the wheel not just main events, you fix that and I might watch it.

Battle Bowl PPV: PATHETIC. Stealing yet another Idea from WCW. Why would you even bother especially when you have the Rumble? Or is that gonna go too just like Survivor Series?
Battle Bowl is the only one for me. You watch Starrcade 91, what an awesome event. KOTR, err wwe screwed this one up already but i wudnt mind it getting another run. But as long as it elevates new talent, and we dnt end up with a Cena v Batista snore fest in the final!
WWE Draft: Neutral. I like the draft, but as said previously it's probably better left on RAW.

Legends Event: Very low. I agree with the OP. I'm not opposed to some coming back in a managerial role, but as for wrestling no.

Street Fight Event: Very Low. Not a fan of gimmick PPVs where it's all about one match type. Reeks of lazy booking. how creative can you make the same match on the same card? Bad idea all around.

Money in the Bank: Neutral. I love the MITB idea and love watching on WM. With the Rumble as a stand alone PPV which determines a #1 conternder I just think it's unnecessary.

Roulette Event: Very Low. Just not a fan of gimmick matches for the sake of having them. Having an entire PPV of such is that much worse.

Tournament Event: Very High. Always was a huge fan of KOTR. This should be done more to bring back the credibility of this being a "sport". I'd actually pay to see this one.

War Games: Very High. Not crazy about the double rings, but otherwise this is a great concept. Though one could argue that the EC could be used as a modern version. Just add a couple more pods.

Battle Bowl: Low if used for anything other than the tag titles. If if revolves around that then High. Tag Division needs a bone once in a while.

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