WWE Superstars


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
WWE Superstars just had its 100th episode to all the ppl who never knew. And all we see is tyson kidd gettin his ass whoopin by 6 wwe superstars. And THATS ALL. We see no undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Morrison, not even cody rhodes?, sheamus miz punk cena mysterio kane etc. Shameful. Not even 2 hours at least for god sakes. When i first saw wwe superstars, i thought it was an interesting show cuz we had guys like undertaker facing matt hardy and shane facing rhodes for the 1st Episode. And for the 100th episode, we see ryder vs koslov, henry khali natalya vs melina kidd and regal. BS. Any thoughts on this?
Vince doesnt give a damn, superstars is to give the jobbers and lower mid cards tv time. But they put on great matches. They get tv time, but after 100 episodes they dont get recognised, BULLSHIT! Yet you dont need taker etc. The people that are on the show week in and week out should get a 2 Hr episode and recognised!
Why should they give it a special episode? It's not a seperate third brand or anything, it's just a show for jobbers, sometimes midcarders and on the absolute rare occasion a main eventer facing a jobber (Chris Jericho vs Yoshi Tatsu).

It doesn't suprise me it had a shitty episode, it's just basically a joint Heat and Velocity so I don't see why it should have had a special episode. They only have the monumental episodes for RAW and SmackDown. There have been no WWE history making moments on Superstars either so that's just another reason to show that WWE doesn't see it as important enough to warrent a special episode.
Why would you want main eventers hogging the card for the undercard show?
The entire point of superstars is to show off talent that doesn't normally make the cut for Raw/Smackdown. Having people like Undertaker shit all over it wouldn't make a special show, It would just make it a talk heavy Raw knockoff.
no the point was anyone from any brand could compete and for the first 2 shows that's what happened, then it got dropped to the people who didn't have enough time to be shown on Raw or Smackdown.

Why should they get special attention? it's not like it's a specific brand
It's just a extra air time for RAW/Smackdown show

Sunday Night Heat was a better show then Superstars has ever been.
I like the current format of Superstars and am not bothered whether it gets any specials aired on TV or not. It achieves what it is supposed to achieve...to give lower mid card wrestlers, and newer talent, TV time and an opportunity to showcase their talents and prove their worth to the company.

On a side note, the 'mis-treatment' of Tyson Kidd is leading up to something in my opinion. Either the debut of a new bodyguard, a change in character and/or the reformation of the Hart Dynasty (don't know why I think that).
I see WWE as a complete institution...there are talent scouts...there is a develpmental territory by the name of FCW, there is a A-show (I don't consider it as B-Show) Smackdown and there is an A+ Show as Raw. Superstar is somewhere inbetween those points. It's purpose is not to be a high profile show. It's purpose is to give airtime to lower mid-carders and less than mid-carders and it is doing its job prety well.
I think it's safe to say WWE Superstars was a great idea in the back and 100 episdoes later, it has become a complete disaster. Superstars is barely an hour long for the superstars who don't get a look in on RAW or SmackDown.

My solution:
Bring back Heat and Velocity. It would give more lower-card superstars more exposure and even if they were an hour long, that is still one hour longer than Superstars when both shows are put together, simple!
It's the same thing as Heat and Velocity. You didn't see many high profile matches there. But the best part of Heat was it was on Sundays, right before the PPV timeslot. So if there was a major announcement for the PPV, they would put it on Heat.

And they were filmed on separate brands. I believe Heat was Raw and Velocity was Smackdown? Whereas Superstars is just the opening dark matches to both shows, I believe.

I don't know, I don't keep up with it. It sucks.
People are forgetting that YEARS ago WWE/ WWF had Superstars. 1986- 1996 maybe I am showing my age. Then if I can recall it was sorta canned in the usa and shown in UK and Australia, a recap show, It really isn't a new concept the only new thing is it is matches not on raw or smackdown. Then I think it stopped in 2001.

And I think didn't it have the new superstars concept in 08??? correct me if I am wrong.

But as I have read, they do indeed need to bring back heat or velocity, Hell, they could even do another 2/3 hour show incorperate NXT into it (as like a segement). And it could show alot of under/middle and SOME less main-eventers. It would also help travel, why ship some of these people around just to hang around in the back.... It could also help improve some of the FCW youngins... Hell KILL NXT and have FCW episode live...
I have one enormous bug bear about Superstars and that is they insist on plugging RAW matches, RAW hype and just about anything that doesn't relate to anything going on in the ring!

Masters comes to the ring, Korpela starts plugging the Rock Cena showdown. I DONT CARE! I'm watching Superstars for Gods sake, I've already seen RAW I don't want to see this piece for the umpteenth time. Even more, if they spend less time with RAW recap then they could fit in a WHOLE more match. That's right, an opportunity for another young and hard working wrestler to have chance to show what they can do.

Also, they don't call the goddam match! The first few minutes of the Reks Masters bout was Striker (who I actually like) and Korpela talking about the Undertakers streak. What??? This is a Smackdown match on Superstars, why the hell are we talking about that match, and why now?? And then to add insult to injury, just as Korpela starts to focus on the match, Striker plugs Snookie coming to RAW. What the hell is Vince wiring over to these guys, seriously?

Even if Vince doesn't care about Superstars he at least knows that it serves a purpose for getting over lower midcard guys. WWE are in serious danger of totally undermining their product by blatantly showing how little they care about what is going on at that moment, in the ring, on that show.

God it annoys me so much
Yes, because all sixty-minutes of the show is Tyson Kidd being beat down relentlessly :banghead: /end sarcasm

WWE Superstars gives the younger Superstars WWE has nothing for the chance to wrestle on one of their televised shows. And WWE Superstars has better wrestling matches than RAW and Smackdown on a weekly basis.

Guys impress on Superstars. Trent Barretta, Chris Masters, Zack Ryder; look at all the threads on these forums topiced about Masters and Ryder. People need somewhere to watch them.

I like Superstars. Bringing in guys like Undertaker and Triple H and so-on would take the spotlight of the show away from the younger talent. They have had some of the main show guys on it. Cody Rhodes was on it not too long ago. CM Punk has featured on it, Danielson has featured on it, Del Rio etc, but again they can't have a big guy appearing every week because It'll take away from the younger guys trying to get peoples attention.

WWE Superstars, I recommend to people who like watching the young talent as well as people who like good wrestling, as that's what the show mainly is. Wrestling.
It was quite a weak episode, I agree

But Superstars is a great little show all the same that often throws up a solid 30minutes worth of wrestling, wish they'd stop recapping so much though.
This is a good thread...enjoying it.

Frankly, the current model of Superstars is pointless and serves no purpose. If you ask me, you return to the original model of the show, or in truth creating a show more like the old Wrestling Challenge program. Get it off prime time, go to Saturday morning or syndication. Go from one hour to two, cut down the length of most matches (10 minute max). Showcase your talent against jobbers, with the idea of making ALL the talent look good. Have a main event be between superstars, with the odd title match thrown in there.
When they brought Superstars back I was all for it but after watching it It was not like I remember back in the 80's and 90's it was THE Show back in the day before RAW and I thought it was going to be like that but it's not i am shocked it is still on the air.

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