WWE Summerslam (In 3 parts)

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Marking out for no reason...
WWE Summerslam Opening Promo.
Voiceover: Tonight, greats will come together to form a show you can’t miss.
(We see the Elimination Chamber.)
Voiceover: Tonight, the most diabolical structure in WWE history will settle a dispute steaming for over a month.
(We see quick shots of Cena, Michaels, Flair, JBL, Orton, & Mysterio posing in the ring.)
Voiceover: Tonight, we will have champions emerge, and legends made.
(We see Mr. McMahon & Booker T beating up Bobby Lashley.)
Voiceover: Tonight, scores will be settled once and for all.
(We see the famous Brock Lesnar – Batista stare down.)
Voiceover: Tonight, monsters battle for the top prize in this business.
(We see Triple H spitting water with a Smackdown shirt, followed by a shot of Edge walking with Lita.)
Voiceover: Tonight, the Summerslam begins.

Backstage – Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon is in his office pacing back and forth. Someone knocks on the door.
Mr. McMahon: Who is it?
It’s your new Raw General Manager!
Mr. McMahon: Come on in!
The man comes in, and when Vince turns around, it’s Shane McMahon. [/B](crowd pops.)
Mr. McMahon: You’re not the General Manager, dammit! (crowd boos.)
Shane McMahon: Relax, pop. You see, tonight, we present WWE Summerslam live in Boston Massachusetts.
Mr. McMahon: Yeah, and...
Shane McMahon: Well, I have a plan. Let’s sit down and talk.
Mr. McMahon: I already picked my General Manager, if that’s what this is about.
Shane McMahon: It’s not about that. Sit down. We need to talk.

“Getting Away With Murder” hits in the TD Banknorth Garden as Summerslam kicks off.

Voiceover: And now, Raw, Smackdown, and See No Evil presents WWE Summerslam.Pyro goes off in the TD Bank north Garden as WWE Summerslam opens.

Jim Ross: Welcome, ladies and gentleman, to WWE Summerslam. We are live in Boston, Massachusetts for this wrestling extravaganza. I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry Lawler as we welcome you to Summerslam.

Jerry Lawler: That’s right, JR. We’re gonna kick back, eat some barbeque sauce, and watch this slobber knocker, as you would say.

Jim Ross: That’s right, King. Let’s take it to our Smackdown colleagues, Michael Cole and Tazz.

Tazz: Thanks, guys. Smackdown’s got as much of a show here as you guys do. We can’t top the Elimination Chamber, but the Batista vs. Lesnar match will go down in the ages. I can’t wait for that one.

Michael Cole: You got that right, Tazz. Honestly, I can’t wait for the Triple H vs. Edge match. Two of Raw’s biggest stars being drafted to Smackdown and wrestling on our brand. Gotta love that! Let’s bring you to our Spanish announcers, Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera.

Hugo Savinovich: Los tipos de Gracias, El y Carlos se bombean arriba llamar este acontecimiento. Estamos listos para el Summerslam.

Carlos Cabrera: ¡Tal acción empacó la noche! Soy tan emocionó a estar aquí en Boston, empecemos.

Michael Cole: So many good matches. Let’s take it back to the Raw guys for the opening match.


WWE United States Championship
Bobby Lashley vs. Booker T
Story –
At the WWE Draft Lottery, Booker & Lashley got into a brawl and Bobby was stripped of the United States Championship. Mr. McMahon also promised to make Lashley’s life a living hell. Over the following weeks, Lashley has been put in Handicap matches by McMahon, but every time, he won. It was announced that he would fight Booker Finally, the week before Summerslam, Mr. McMahon made Bobby Lashley vs. Booker T, Kane, & The Big Show, and if Lashley won, he would get to hold the United States Championship. The ending came when Lashley pinned Booker.
The Finish – Booker goes outside for the United States Championship. He takes it and brings it in the ring. The referee argues with Booker. Lashley gets up and takes down Booker with a series of right fists. Lashley takes the United States Championship and tosses it back outside. Lashley picks Booker up for the Dominator when the lights go out for about 1 minute. When they come back on, Lashley is knocked out and Booker is on top of Lashley. The referee is confused, but counts the three.
Winner & United States Champion – Booker T
Aftermath – Lashley is not moving, as something went on in the ring when the power went out.

Backstage – WWE Womens Champion Candice Michelle & Victoria in the locker room.
Victoria: Okay, we got a Womens title match soon, you ready, girl?
Candice: Oh, I’m ready. As long as you’re on the same page as me. We’re a team, right?
Victoria: Yeah. But, of course...
Candice: Of course, what?
Victoria: If it was just you and I, or I’m all alone and you’re down... I’m taking that!
Candice: Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but let’s go do our thing. Okay?
Victoria: Sure. Let’s go.


Undisputed Tag Team Championships
Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Mark Henry & Umaga
Story –
Two weeks before Summerslam, Paul London defeated Joey Mercury. After, Daivari & Armando Alehandro Estrada came to the ramp and said that two of their protégés want their Tag Team Championships. London told him to hit them with their best shot. Raw’s Mark Henry & Umaga came out of the crowd and double-teamed London. Kendrick made the save, but it was too late. Later on, we were notified that London will not be cleared to wrestle until Summerslam. In an Inter-promotional match, Henry took on Kendrick for the main event, and in the end, Henry lost by DQ when Umaga ran in and hit Kendrick from behind. The two left the ring, and decided to wait until Summerslam to hurt the two man team of Paul London & Brian Kendrick.
The Finish – This was practically a squash match, as Henry & Umaga have a 400 pound weight difference. London & Kendrick tried everything they could, but to no avail. Umaga took out Kendrick on the outside of the ring. Henry went to go for the World’s Strongest Slam, but London kicked out of it and dropkicked Henry, followed by a forearm to the face. As London’s momentum was growing, Umaga ran and delivered a Thumb Strike to Paul. Henry took the cover and won the titles.
Winners & WWE Tag Team Champions – Mark Henry & Umaga

Backstage – Mr. McMahon
Mr. McMahon is in his office pacing heavily back and forth when someone knocks on the door.
Mr. McMahon: Who is it?
Voice: It’s the Raw General Manager.
Mr. McMahon: Shane, cut the crap. Just come on in.
The man comes in, but it’s not Shane. We do not see who he is.
Mr. McMahon: Well, well, well. If it be my new GM. Get ready, we have an announcement to make later.


WWE Womens Championship 6 Pack Challenge
Trish Stratus vs. Maria vs. Victoria vs. Mickey James vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle
Story –
At the WWE Draft Lottery, Candice won the title from Ashley. The following Monday, Vince McMahon announced that Summer is the hottest season of the year. Well, he wanted to make Summerslam the hottest pay per view of the year. He booked a Six pack Womens Championship match with Candice Michelle, Trish Stratus, Maria, Victoria, Mickey James, and Torrie Wilson.
The Finish – Maria & Candice Michelle are down on the outside. Mickey James hit a Stratusfaction on Maria. Trish came in the ring and James & Trish stared off. James went for a cheap shot, but Trish blocked it and hit a Chick Kick on Mickey. Torrie & Victoria then came in from outside and Torrie clotheslined Victoria. Trish then hit the Stratusfaction on Wilson. When Stratus stepped back, Victoria low-blowed her from the ground and rolled her up for the 1, 2, and 3!
Winner & Womens Champion – Victoria
Aftermath – Trish is shocked. Candice runs into the ring and can’t believe it, either. Candice grabs a microphone.
Candice Michelle: Victoria! I thought we had an agreement? You just took my title! Come back in here.
Victoria comes back in the ring.
Candice Michelle: Now, like we said before, I will come out of Summerslam the Womens Champion. Now, give me my title.
Victoria: No way. It was every girl for themselves. You were out and I took the title. Simple as that.
Candice Michelle: You little bitch!
Candice attacks Victoria and the two roll around the ring. Trish & Torrie break it up and hold them back.

Backstage – Rob Van Dam is walking to the arena floor for his match with Nathan Jones next.

Michael Cole thanks Papa Roach for providing the theme song for Summerslam.


Nathan Jones vs. Rob Van Dam
Story –
After Rob Van Dam had defeated Josh Daniels on Smackdown, Nathan Jones made his Smackdown debut attacking Van Dam. Two weeks later, Nathan Jones had his debut match, in which he defeated Nunzio, Van Dam came back and attacked Jones. The following week, Tazz announced via commentary that Nathan Jones will wrestle Rob Van Dam at Summerslam. The week before Summerslam, RVD did a Van Terminator to Jones straight onto his stomach.
The Finish – Rob Van Dam hits the Rolling Thunder. Nathan’s stomach is really hurting because of RVD. Jones gets up and RVD goes for the Steam Roller, but Nathan gets down and Irish Whips Van Dam. When RVD runs to Nathan, he gets hit with a giant clothesline. RVD may be knocked out. Nathan picks RVD up, but lets him go because of stomach pains. Jones falls down screaming in pain from his belly and two referees come down to the ring to aid him. The carry him off, but when they get out of the ring, Nathan shoves the referees down and gets back into the ring. RVD runs at him, but Jones ducks and hits a Piledriver to Van Dam. He covers him and wins the match.
Winner – Nathan Jones
Aftermath – Nathan is in pains, as three referees carry him out backstage.
Backstage – Batista w/ Josh Matthews
Josh Matthews: I am standing by with the man who will chase the World Heavyweight Championship tonight against Brock Lesnar. Batista.
Batista: Chasing the title? Josh, I didn’t do no chasing. I beat Randy Orton for this spot, and tonight, I’ll beat Brock Lesnar and take his World Heavyweight Championship.
Brock Lesnar walks up to Batista. They have another stare down. Brock Lesnar: You taking this World Heavyweight Championship? In your dreams!
Batista: We’ll just have to see about that. Tonight, the better man will walk away the champ.
Brock Lesnar: I know I will.


No Holds Barred Dress-As-You-Come match for the #1 Contendership of the Tag Team Championships
La Resistance (Rene Dupree & Rob Conway) vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
Story –
This match was made following the Sunday Night Heat before Vengeance. Dupree & Cade interfered in the Conway – Murdoch match. The following week on Raw, La Resistance re-united and took out Cade & Murdoch. It was announced later that these for men will fight in a No Holds Barred Bunkhouse Brawl for the rights to face the Tag Team Champions at the next PPV.
The Finish - Tables, chairs, 2 x 4s, ladders, kitchen sinks, ring bells, and other weapons have been previously used. Cade is in the ring with Conway. Lance smashes a chair over Conway’s head, busting him open. Dupree runs in and Big Boots Cade. Murdoch runs in and Dupree cleans house with a DDT onto a ring bell. Cade gets up and Dupree goes for a suplex, but Cade reverses it into a suplex of his own through a table. Lance grabs the chair and is looking to hit Dupree with it, but Rob Conway runs in with a baseball bat and swings at the steel chair. The chair smashes into Cade’s head, knocking him out. Murdock gets up, only to be Ego Tripped by Conway for the victory.
Winners & #1 Contenders for the Tag Team Championships – La Resistance

Backstage – Mark Henry, Umaga, Armando Alehandro Estrada, & Daivari are backstage watching La Resistance celebrate on the video screen. They laugh and walk away.

We see a view of the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts from outside as Jim Ross announcers the official sponsors of Summerslam.

Backstage – Theodore Long
Theodore Long: Ladies & Gentlemen, I have an update on Nathan Jones. During his previous match, he suffered a fractured abdomen after a Rolling Thunder by Rob Van Dam. He will not be cleared to wrestle for 4 – 6 weeks. Let’s keep the show rolling, playas. Before this next match, I would like to introduce the participants. They are two of Smackdown’s newest members, Triple H and Edge! Take it away.


Triple H vs. Edge w/ Lita
Story –
At the WWE Draft Lottery, Triple H won the WWE title from new Smackdown superstar Edge, only to be drafted to Smackdown and lose the title to John Cena that night. In a speech by Triple H, he guaranteed that he will make Edge pay for screwing him on the Draft. On Smackdown, Triple H made it known he wanted Edge. Edge responded by sending Lita into Triple H’s locker room, but it only ended in HHH giving her the Pedigree onto the floor. Edge jumped him backstage the next week and hit him with a bat. The following week, Edge said he could take on The Game anytime, and he’ll end his career once and for all at Summerslam. Triple H came out and told Edge that next week, he’ll face Edge in a... Pie Eating Contest! They competed in it, but half way through, Edge spit pie in Triple H’s face. They brawled, and were separated by security.
The Finish – Triple H hit a running knee to the face of Edge. When Edge gets up, HHH goes for a running forearm, but Edge ducks and HHH hits the referee. Edge runs at Triple H Spear him, but HHH moves and Spinebusters Edge. He goes out and gets his Sledgehammer, but Lita goes to HHH and distracts him. HHH tells her to step off, and Lita slaps her. Just then, Stephanie McMahon comes down and tackles Lita at ringside. Triple H smiles and brings the Sledgehammer in the ring. When he gets in the ring, Edge runs at him, wanting another Spear, but Triple H kicks him in the gut and hits the Pedigree on Edge for the win.
Winner – Triple H
Aftermath – Stephanie comes in and raises HHH’s hand as they smile at each other. Lita is pissed!

WWE Unforgiven Promo airs.


Handicap Match
Kevin Nash vs. Big Show & Kane
Story –
At the WWE Draft Lottery, Big Show & Kane saved Booker T & Vince McMahon from Kevin Nash. Mr. McMahon promised to make Nash’s life, along with Lashley’s, a living hell. Because of his actions at Vengeance when he cost Vince a victory against Bret Hart, he scheduled a Handicap match between Kevin Nash and The Big Show & Kane.
The Finish – Kane & Nash traded punches, and on one of Kane’s punches, Kevin blocked it and hit a Big Boot on Kane. Big Show ran in, but Nash toppled Big Show outside the ring. All of a sudden, once again, the lights went out, and when they came on, Nash was a bloody mess on the ground. Big Show & Kane picked him up and hit the Double-Chokeslam for the win.
Winners- The Big Show & Kane
Aftermath – The referee is confused, as, for the second time tonight, a man was screwed out of a match.

Backstage – All of the Raw referees are in a huddle, wondering what’s been going on with the lights. They are talking when Vince McMahon walks up to them.
Vince McMahon: Hey guys. Terrific job tonight so far.
Mickey Henson: Mr. McMahon, during two Raw matches, the lights went off, and went they came back on, one of the men were knocked out? Is it a coincidence?
Mr. McMahon: Trust me guys, that was no coincidence.

Mr. McMahon’s music hits as he walks down to the top of the ramp with a microphone.
Mr. McMahon:
Since Vengeance, I have been promising all of you that I would name a new General Manager. Being the intelligent stud that I am, I will announce who he or she right now, although you idiots in “Bauston” don’t really deserve to get such an announcement. Anyway, I went searching for a General Manager over the past couple of weeks and found my man. Someone who has revolutionized and pioneered pro wrestling to what it is today. You see, in order to run Raw, you must have the brains that make WWE what it is today. I found this person. He is a vicious son of a bitch who doesn’t care what anyone has to say. Ladies & gentleman, please welcome, the new Raw General Manager... Paul Heyman!
Paul Heyman comes out to the ECW theme song and is dressed in a suit & tie, but covered in a black trench coat. He grabs a microphone, shakes Mr. McMahon’s hand, and walks to the ring.
Paul Heyman: Thank you. As your new Raw GM, I will make Raw what it used to be and turn the WWE upside down. I did it in ECW, and I’ll damn sure do it again. As my first order, I am, right now, going to announce the Unforgiven main event. Tonight is the Elimination Chamber for the WWE title, and I have an idea. At Unforgiven, the final two contestants inside the chamber will face off for the championship. Once again, thank you Mr. McMahon. I will deliver as the new General Manager of WWE Monday Night Raw!

Backstage – Randy Orton is getting ready in the locker room.

Backstage – Ric Flair is getting ready in the locker room.

Backstage – John Bradshaw Layfield is getting ready in the locker room.

Backstage – Shawn Michaels is getting ready in the locker room.

Backstage – Rey Mysterio is getting ready in the locker room.

Backstage – John Cena is getting ready in the locker room.
John Cena: Aint nobody beating me tonight. This title’s staying around my gorgeous waist.


World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesnar vs. Batista
Story –
At The Great American Bash, Batista won the rights to face the World’s Champion by defeating Raw superstar Randy Orton. Also, that night, Brock Lesnar won the World Heavyweight Championship from Rob Van Dam. The next week on Smackdown, Brock came out for a victory speech. It was interrupted by Kurt Angle. Brock said that Angle helped him win, and therefore, thanks him. Angle said that it was a mistake and he didn’t help him win. This brought Rob Van Dam out. He confronted Angle saying that he hit him with the chair. Angle apologized and explained what had happened. They shook hands. Theodore Long came out. He said he is glad to be the Smackdown General Manager still. He said that Rob Van Dam will get his rematch that night against the champ, but there is a new #1 contender, and his name is Batista! He came out and he and Brock had a stare down in the ring. That night, Batista wrestled Finlay, and it was a no-contest when Lesnar took out The Animal. In the main event, Lesnar vs. Van Dam was also a no-contest when Batista took out the champ. Over the next several weeks, these two had interfered in each others matches, fought backstage, and even arm wrestled, in which ended in Lesnar smashing a hidden chair onto Batista’s head. They will fight at Summerslam.
The Finish – Lesnar goes for a clothesline on Batista, but doesn’t knock him down. Batista goes for the same thing, but to no avail. Lesnar spits in Batista’s face. Batista picks Lesnar up and slams him to the ground with a Power slam. Batista then lands an elbow to Lesnar. Dave went to the top rope, but Brock got up, so Dave got down. They brawled with a quick series of punches to the head. Batista took Lesnar down, but Lesnar flipped him over and got a 1 count. They got up and Batista hit the Batista Bomb. He covered him for the 1... 2... and... kick out! He kicked out of the Batista Bomb. Batista lifted him up again for the Bomb, but Lesnar slipped out and landed an F-5. He got a 2 and a half, but Batista kicked out. Brock can’t believe it. He backed into the corner and waited until Batista got up. When he did, Lesnar ran at him with a clothesline, but Dave ducked, kicked him in the gut, and gave him the Batista Bomb once again. A three count later, Batista won the title and the match.
Winner & World Heavyweight Champion - Batista
Backstage – Triple H & Stephanie McMahon in their locker room.
The two are drinking champagne in Triple H’s locker room.
Triple H: Wow. I still can’t believe you came back and took out Lita.
Stephanie McMahon: Well, my man’s on Smackdown now. It’s time for change. And, plus, I hate that Lita. She’s so full of herself!
Triple H: Well, just watch your back in case I’m ever not around backstage. You know what I mean?
Stephanie McMahon: Yeah. Toast to the return of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H on Smackdown.


WWE Championship Elimination Chamber
John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Ric Flair vs. JBL
Story –
At the WWE Draft Lottery, Triple H defeated the champion, Edge, who was drafted to Smackdown. Just then, Triple H learned he was also traded to Smackdown, therefore setting up Triple H vs. John Cena that night. Cena won the title. The next week, Randy Orton came back to Raw, claiming that his new Raw goal is to go for the WWE Championship. He was interrupted by Shawn Michaels, who wanted his rematch at the title, because he never got pinned to lose the title. The two brawled in the ring, but were broken up by security. The following week after Rey Mysterio defeated Ric Flair in a battle of respect, JBL came out and Clotheslined both of them out of nowhere. Then, the next week, Rey Mysterio was backstage talking about his goal for the WWE Championship when Orton RKO’ed him and said, “That’s my title.” Finally, next week, Vince McMahon announced that at Summerslam, for the first time ever, John Cena will put up his title in the Elimination Chamber against Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Ric Flair, & JBL. Two weeks before Summerslam, the main event was Ric Flair, Rey Mysterio, & Shawn Michaels vs. John Bradshaw Layfield, John Cena, & Randy Orton. The heroes prevailed when JBL ditched his tag team partners. After, The five men brawled in the ring, and Bradshaw came back in and cleaned house. The week before Summerslam, JBL cut a promo about how he is a wrestling god, and gods get what they want. All five men came out and attacked JBL, but then Orton hit Michaels, which started a brawl between all five men again. Mr. McMahon came out and told the men that if either one of them lays a single hand on one of them, John Cena will automatically retain the title and none of them will get another shot ever.
Previous Eliminations – Ric Flair (Eliminated by Randy Orton), Rey Mysterio (Eliminated by JBL), Randy Orton (Eliminated by Shawn Michaels),
The Finish – The final three are John Cena, JBL, and Shawn Michaels. JBL is lying on the outside section of the ring. Cena and Michaels are throwing punches. Cena blocks a punch and DDTs Shawn. He then picks Shawn up and brings him to the outer ring. He goes for a Powerbomb, but Michaels reverses it into a back-body drop on to the steel! Cena gets up and is leaning on the glass wall when Michaels runs at him and hits The Sweet Chin Music on Cena through the glass! Shawn covers Cena and the champ is gone! Michaels rolls back into the ring, but as soon as he got up, JBL ran in and hit him with the Clothesline From Hell. Bradshaw pinned Michaels to win the title!
Winner & New WWE Champion – JBL
Aftermath – The cage rose up and a bloody JBL grabbed a microphone.
JBL: The wrestling god has finally done it. I climbed to the top once again where I belong and am the new WWE Champion. Raw’s franchise is now at the top of the mountain, and I did it all on my own. I never needed you ****** fans, and I don’t need you now. Paul Heyman, it’s not you that will turn Raw around, it will be me, JBL, JBL, JBL, JBL, JBL. Shawn Michaels, at Unforgiven, hit me with your best shot, because I won’t fall.

JBL celebrates as Summerslam goes off the air.
Nash vs show and kane should be nash & old skool kane vs kane and big show (;
Great Show Dude, when I get the time, I will write a proper review, but i can tell you now the marks are going to be high.
I dotn remeber any of this si this the 2006 summerslam im confused can someone tell me ahhh
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