WWE stars you wish had a Twitter account.

The Con Volt

Your Straight-Edge Savior
Ok, this might be one of the dorkiest threads in the history of this website, so forgive me. But I was just on twitter and I follow a considerable amount of WWE stars. Like The Miz, Jericho, Morrison, hell, even John Cena actually has a Twitter account now. And It got me thinking about the WWE stars who don't have an account, but I really wish they did. For me, these are guys like Randy Orton, Christian, Jack Thwagger- excuse me, Swagger, and Edge. Before I go any further, I'd like to point out that I never used Twitter till I found out that a lot of wrestlers had one. And for someone like me, who loves non-kayfabe interviews and such, it's pretty much a godsend. (although, I'd like to point out that John Morrison seems to be MORE in character on Twitter.) But yeah, like I said, pretty dorky thread. But who do you guys wish had a Twitter account that doesn't?
I wish Matt Striker had a twitter,I think's he very cool and his blogs on WWE.com were always entertaining.

You should follow Curt Hawkins and Trent Barreta.They are always hilarious
Other Stars that have accounts are Stone Cold,Matt Hardy,Jeff Hardy(even though he's not WWE),Goldust,Jim ross,Dolph ziggler, Big show and quite a few more.

I think it would be cool if People like Kane,Edge or Undertaker had accounts. I know it's Doubtful Taker would ever create an account with his deadman gimmick, But I think it would be interesting to see what he tweet's.
I'm pretty sure Swagger has an account.

Oh look, here he is:

Anyways, there's a LOT of wrestlers on Twitter. Some you have to find, some you don't. I'm happy with the ones that do have an account. I'm not really asking for more, but I wouldn't mind if more joined. Some stay in character, but some(Chris Jericho) like to go out of character.

BTW, I'm pretty sure WWE's Twitter pretty much follows all the WWE wrestlers. So, maybe you can find more in there.
You're right this is a dorky thread! But at least you admit it. I follow cena and miz but I don't follow Twitter much and if I did I don't think I would really be bothered about following any wrestler, most of them are doing the same thing as each other most of the time, so when john cena says "just landed in Pittsburgh for raw", assume so did Randy orton!
The only one I wish had one was HHH (I don't know if he has one or not)...And getting back to Jericho not staying in character on there, it doesn't surprise me because of Fozzy.
The only answer to this question is CM Punk. Why? If it's even half as hilarious and ridiculous as his Livejournal, it will be golden - who doesn't want to see some TwitPics of his black eyes and broken noses and some meditative Tweets about life in general? I can only imagine the magic this man will do with 140 characters.

Too bad he'll never hop on that bandwagon.
Too bad he'll never hop on that bandwagon.

I swear to god if he met the inventors of Twitter, I'm betting my home on him cutting a 20 minute promo on them about how Twitter is the drug of the Internet, and how Twitter should converge to straight edge Internet..

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