WWE Roster Cuts, Should Be Released, and "Future Endeavored" Discussion

To anyone who thinks that Brian Kendrick was not given his due in the WWE: You are a fool.

The Brian Kendrick looked like a fucking teenager. I'm almost as tall as him, and most of my friends are bigger than him. When my friend, who's seventeen, is six inches taller and outweighs him by twenty pounds, you know he's not meant to be a wrestler. "The Look" is one of the most vital parts of being a wrestler. Brian Kendrick has a look, but it isn't a good one. He looks like my grandma could beat him up. A guy who looks like him should never be in the ring with the likes of Triple H, The Big Show, Edge, or Vladimir Kozlov. He shouldn't be given a mid-card title and fighting Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, and Jack Swagger. The Brian Kendrick, while somewhat entertaining in the ring, should not be in the ring. His mic skills really aren't what people make them out to be. He's above average, but he isn't John Cena. Brian Kendrick fits perfectly with RoH, but shouldn't even sniff the big time.

I have to agree actually. That was also my biggest problem with him. He looked like Colin Delaney (sp?) for crying out loud. He was skinny, pale, and had no credibility from a physical look perspective. Like said above, does anyone actually think TBK could look decent/credible against HBK, HHH, Swagger, etc? No. I'm sorry, but TBK is a joke as a singles competitor. Its not the way he was booked, its just the way he is. Rip himself up, get a tan, cut his hair, and gain a little mass and *maybe* he would look like he's a credible singles competitor.
I'm just imagining Brian Kendrick and Paul London taking on "Lethal Consequences" or Team 3D (their personal favorite team) in TNA!

I think the temptation to be a part of a show with an ACTUAL tag team division will be too much for them to say "no" to.
* Sighs *
So the WWE buries one of their talents, fucks up again and then wonders what went wrong. The 5 minutes the guy held the title last year was one of the most interesting moments in years, he was golden on the mic and his ring work was better than their current Smackdown champion (but then again, who isn't?).
* Slow clap *
Well done WWE, keep sending your talent to TNA. I'm starting to look forward to the day they bury you.

You're right Loveless - the five minutes he held the title last year was one of the most interesting moments in years. It made every knowledgable wrestling fan wonder what the fuck Brian Kendrick was doing in that match, let alone actually securing a pinfall during it !!!!!!

His mic work was golden ??? Seriously... seriously ???

I'm not particularly a CM Punk fan either, but he generated more heel heat with the crowd in two weeks than Kendrick did in a year. Punk is carrying Smackdown right now and if you'd have coughed up the $40 for the Night of Champions PPV, you would have seen what being golden on the mic sounded like when Punk cut his promo.

I'm sure we will see Kendrick in TNA, but they'd better sign his former tag partner as well becaue we already saw what happens when one half of a potentially talented tag team joins TNA as a singles wrestler. Has there been a Trevor Murdoch sighting lately ???????

As for coming up with an original thought for TBK's release - TNA actually should sign London and Kendrick. There's a great tag team division in TNA right now and London and Kendrick do work well together. I'd like to see them wrestle The Motor City machine Guns or Styles & Daniels.
Mother Fucker Mother Fucker I loved this dude... He fucking kicked dust on a dude after pinning him...that shit was awesome... I have to disagree with above poster... theres more to wrestling than being ripped... TBK had personality... when he had little push you could tell he was having some fun being a wrestler... please TNA scoop this dude up
Now will we stop seeing Brian Kendrick deserves Push Threads. Thank you, because the guy was decent in the ring and on the mic, but he was not as entertaining as his peers, and did not have the look that was needed to be a professional wrestler in the WWE. The only people who cared for him were a few people on these boards.

The live crowd reaction was awful for him. I said when he was drafted to RAW that he would be brought over to be a jobber, and then be released. He has won one match in probably the whole year. Next up for release....Chavo Guerrero. If the CW title was still active maybe we wouldn't have this thread, and guys like TBK would still have a job.
WWE showed us that The Brian Kendrick would get a very decent push, had he not continued to do all that smoking. Since TBK was drafted to Smackdown in last year's draft, he had a great push since Day One. He became one of the top stars on Smackdown rather very quickly and was undefeated during his first several matches as The Brian Kendrick. WWE saw something in him that even allowed him to compete for the WWE Championship at Unforgiven. Sure, he didn't win it, and yes, it wasn't a one-on-one match, but WWE still put him in a match for the top title.

I knew that drafting TBK to Raw would somehow be his downfall. And of course, I was right! He was barely shown on Raw, and when he was... it was usually a quick squash match. I never liked the guy after Paul London was fired, but I looked at The Brian Kendrick as a guy who could show all the nay-sayers about cruiserweights in the WWE succeeding, that it doesn't matter what size you are... what matters is the size of your heart. But oh well, atleast we still got Rey Mysterio.
The only person to blame for this release is The Brian Kendrick. WWE fucks up again? No no no TBK fucked up, its simple, listen to the WWE execs dont smoke pot and get a nice push.
48.7 basically summed up everything I had to say. He didn’t have the right look to make into the WWE. I’m not saying you have to be jacked up on steroids to have the “right” look, but you just have to be bigger than Kendrick was. You have to be someone very special to make it into the main event with Kendrick’s look, and he wasn’t anything special. Yeah, he was solid in the ring but what else did he have? His mic skills were average; I’ll put it like this, if he was to be main eventing then his mic skills wouldn’t help him at all. They’re nothing compared to guys like John Cena and Triple H, yet people wanted him to be pushed to wrestle with them. His character was nothing special either. It didn’t make me want to boo him and it didn’t annoy me at all. And before someone mentions the fact that his character was good before he was on Raw, my answer will still be the same: He was nothing special; his character didn’t annoy or make me want to boo him at all, whether he was on Smackdown or Raw it still has the same effect. I’m not saying I’m glad he’s gone, but what I’m saying is the he receives too much praise when in reality he doesn’t deserve any. Like the WWE I wish him well in all of his future endeavors and hopefully for him, he finds success elsewhere.
This isn't really surprising. The fact that I couldn't figure out who "TBK" even was is a testament to that.

He was a temporary WWE Champion for about 2 minutes, and he was a tag team champion with a guy named London. That's this guy's claim to fame in the wrestling business. Back when he held the tag titles, the division was at its lowest point since I can remember.

He was a differently charismatic Spike Dudley. The guy has talent, but he's not ready for the big time yet, IMO. He was pushed too soon and out of nowhere, and it never stuck for him. Everything after that seemed like a let-down and thus, he plummeted.
This really is a shame because I thought that he would come out at noc as y2j's partner. It shocked me he didn't because it would have got him straight up there with y2j and he would be boosted as a heel. He was looking for the perfect partner and I just think it would have been good if he was there and got the push he deserved
I am very pissed off about this. TBK was a very great wrestling and pretty good on the mic. WWE has just wasted another talented wrestling. If you aint a bodybuilder or kisses management ass, you wont get far in the company, thats a fact. I just hate how the wwe pushes people like bastista, hhh, kozloz, mark henry, khali, who imo have no talent. But hate when they waste talent like TBK, londan, ejiah, kid kash, ultimo dragon, jimmy yang, nunzio, richards, funaki, johnny the bull(underrated wrestler.) That is one of the reason that WWE is going downhill b/c of crap like this. People on this forum say he got fired b/c of drugs. Why is jeff hardy given a push and having as world title, why is he getting pushes. If this is reason he got fired, that is bs, that was his first offense on the wellness policy. Like he shouldnt of got fired then. WWE is too much politics.
Well, I guess when he jobbed to Lawler, you knew something was up and that he was in the Doghouse.

I can't say I'm surprised about this. Like the others, I speculate smoking pot was probably his biggest problem. From what I read, he would rather keep paying fines instead of cleaning up his act.
Just like pretty much everyone else, I'm certainly not surprised Kendrick was released. Ever since splitting from Zeke, and coming to Raw, he's been doing fuck all. I mean, at least Chavo has Hornswoggle to keep him on the air.

IMO, Kendrick never should have been moved to Raw. Let's face it, the second that happened, you knew he'd never be given his fair shake. When he re-debuted on Smackdown as "The" Brian Kendrick, it was quite possible the best thing for his career. It was so good, that he was put in the Championship Scramble match.

As for re-teaming with London, while I see that as a possibility, I think he should continue to focus more on his own career. And going to TNA? That'd be just as bad as going to Raw, except the show is an hour less, and there's just not enough time for every single wrestler to appear.

I'd say Kendrick's best shot is ROH. Hopefully he'll be able to shine there.....again.
The only thing that surprises me about this release is that he got two televised matches before he was future endeavored. I said after he lost to Lawler that he was going to be released and was surprised to see him yet again on Raw the next week.

Anyway, I don't really see what is so horrible about it. I never understood why anybody was a fan of this guy. To me he was mediocre at best at just about everything. He may have been an okay cruiserweight wrestler, but that division hardly seems to have any life in the WWE these days unless you're a high flier like Mysterio or Bourne. I have to agree with someone who said this earlier in the thread, TBK did not have the look of a wrestler at all.
leave it to wwe and vince to screw up another talented young stars career but like someone else stated he should go to tna sharpen up a bit and then return that is if vince can get his head out of his ass. tbk could of been the hbk of the mid card he is talented and ok on the mic and o yea even trained by hbk. but i think they never gave him a shot after they broke him and london up and i thinks thats when it was over for him, they gave him and zik a chance but that didnt work i think they are both better on there own.
I wasnt surprized my self after Monday Night when Kendrick got beat in 25 seconds by Kingston, he was a good tag teamer dont get me wrong but there are some people who are ment to be a singles wrestler and some who were ment for tag team and Kendrick was ment for Tag Teaming he sucked at beening a singles wrestler after reading of his attitude problem and smoking dope I honestly dont feel sorry for him one bit.
I saw this coming a mile away. Especially after having TBK job to Jerry Lawler last week, that was pretty much the kiss of death. TBK IMO was nothing special, he wasn't in a bad tag team with London but he just didn't have the talent to be a singles player. You can put Micheal Jackson' jackets on him and call him the next Brian Pillman but it doesn't mean its true or that the fans give a shit about him. Just another star WWE tried to push to the main event that failed miserably. Hopefully his bodyguard will do better, but I doubt it.
It amazes me that - technically - just under a year ago Kendrick was the WWE Champion.

Kendrick has always been interesting to me. I always thought he was a good wrestler but he never had much of a personality. Then last year he did a 180 and developed that personality. With Jackson in tow I thought we had a new HBK/Diesel thing brewing. That's why his release bums me out. A little over a year ago it would have been expected and not a big deal. It just sucks that once he finally puts it all together he gets to sent to RAW to job and get released.

But hey... he was replaced by Chris Masters... whoopie...?
Bummer. When they split him from Paul London, I questioned that. Why in the draft do they ALWAYS split up a tag team when there are no tag teams to begin with...I digress...

I liked the whole THE Brian Kendrick idea. Cocky little guy that thinks he's Ohio State. They pulled off a Shawn Michaels/Diesel thing with Eziekel Jackson which, although copied, it still was fun to see this little guy hiding behind the big man. Kendrick was good in the ring when he was but then they split him from Jackson and became as we all suspected...a jobber with no direction. I guess he did find his perfect tag team partner after all, a pink slip.
I don't understand the "he's too small for the main event" excuse some of you are posing. You do realize that, at 5' 8", he's 2" TALLER than Rey Mysterio Jr., right?

Size isn't the issue. The only thing I can see that makes any sense is drugs; if they didn't have anything for him, they would put him on Superstars, jobbing to Charlie Haas or Jamie Noble, much like they have with Robbie Mcallister...

WWE creative just screwed the pooch with that kid. He's uber talented in the ring; I knew that the first time I saw him wrestle. He's got good mic skills; yeah, he's no John Cena, but he's light-years ahead of "Wooden Boy" Randy Orton. I don't really see him in a world title contention spot because of his size, but then again, I never thought Rey would win the title nor hold his own in a feud with the Big Slow...

He'd sure stand out in the X Division, wouldn't he?
I am very pissed off about this. TBK was a very great wrestling and pretty good on the mic. WWE has just wasted another talented wrestling. If you aint a bodybuilder or kisses management ass, you wont get far in the company, thats a fact. I just hate how the wwe pushes people like bastista, hhh, kozloz, mark henry, khali, who imo have no talent. But hate when they waste talent like TBK, londan, ejiah, kid kash, ultimo dragon, jimmy yang, nunzio, richards, funaki, johnny the bull(underrated wrestler.) That is one of the reason that WWE is going downhill b/c of crap like this. People on this forum say he got fired b/c of drugs. Why is jeff hardy given a push and having as world title, why is he getting pushes. If this is reason he got fired, that is bs, that was his first offense on the wellness policy. Like he shouldnt of got fired then. WWE is too much politics.

I'm split on this issue. On one hand, yes, TBK can wrestle his butt off. However, he doesn't wrestle the WWE style. I do wish him the best in ROH (where he can wrestle the style that best suits him...). However, in the above comment, I agreed with all the names thrown out but one. How can anybody say HHH has no talent? HHH may not be in the top ten wrestlers of all time, but he sure is a hell of a lot closer than TBK will more than likely ever be. You may be pissed that TBK is gone, but in reality, WWE lost little by giving him his pink slip. Hornswaggle gets a better reaction than TBK. Like I said, I think he's a great wrestler, but to WWE, he was just another curtain jerker used lately to give out free wins...
More and more i read these things i keep thinking was it wwe or tbk? And i realised if mysterio can get a title reign why couldnt tbk and i realised when i looked at him sometimes especially on smackdown, and i wondered if he was high at that moment. And i think he was so i personally thing he was severly punished for smoking pot ex. going to raw losing his body guard. yeah and wwe are very serious about pot anyone remember when orton use to do it hen he was on smackdown7, o yeah he was severly dealt with. ex.rehabs suspentions no world title reign for like 1 and a half even tho everyone and there momma wanted to see the strap on him after the taker fued. so when i first heard about it i was like tna please pick him up, and im a huge supporter of angles idea build around homegrown talent dont bring in wwe rejects. But i was like that until i remembered orton and how they did him when he use to smoke pot, so if its true that he got fired cause of pot. you guys cant blame no one but spanky.
Just like pretty much everyone else, I'm certainly not surprised Kendrick was released. Ever since splitting from Zeke, and coming to Raw, he's been doing fuck all. I mean, at least Chavo has Hornswoggle to keep him on the air.

IMO, Kendrick never should have been moved to Raw. Let's face it, the second that happened, you knew he'd never be given his fair shake. When he re-debuted on Smackdown as "The" Brian Kendrick, it was quite possible the best thing for his career. It was so good, that he was put in the Championship Scramble match.

As for re-teaming with London, while I see that as a possibility, I think he should continue to focus more on his own career. And going to TNA? That'd be just as bad as going to Raw, except the show is an hour less, and there's just not enough time for every single wrestler to appear.

I'd say Kendrick's best shot is ROH. Hopefully he'll be able to shine there.....again.

Umm, TNA is now 2 hours it's been that way for awile now. Anyway on to TBK, I've never liked him and since I don't watch ROH I hope he ends up going there.

As far as him teaming with London again, I guess that would be ok, I'm all for more tag teams, but to consider them as one of the greatest tag teams of all time is a joke and whoever thinks they are needs to watch the DVD the WWE made about the greatest tag teams off all time and see what real great tag teams are.
Well I can't say that I am surprised, I saw this coming a long time ago and actually thought he would have been released sooner than this.

I've heard that his attitude was really becoming like his career, in that he really thought he was the greatest thing because of the push he was receiving, so I'm sure that didn't help his cause any. Then throw the fact that he was caught smokng pot and said he wouldn't stop, that makes two things that did not help his cause.

Then you add his size into the mix, which for me made it hard to take him seriously as anything more than a mid-carder, kind of like Rey. I love Rey, but he should have never beat Big Show, Kane, Kevin Nash and all the other big guys and major main eventers that he has and it's the same with Kendrick, I would have been pissed if that little guy beat someone like Kane or Big Show or even Cena and Orton.

So all in all, I am surprised he lasted as long as he did, once he became a singles wrestler. So so long Brian, I'm sure we will see you in TNA for a while at smoe point.
Good. The guy had like 4 weeks of being close to cool and couldn't stop getting high long enough to take it seriously. I have no use for people that would rather use drugs than focus on what their life's work should be. Kendrick was ok and nothing more. He's nowhere near as good as he's trumped up to be and he was more or less just sitting around and collecting a paycheck for doing nothing. More guys like him need to be cut. There's no need to have them in the company. See you later and won't be missing you.

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