wwe revolution


Dark Match Winner
ok so i have this idea of how to have cool new fueds. ok so after summerslam, have all shows appointed a general manager. then the next week they have a draft of champions. for example have raw draft wwe and ic. ecw draft their world title and the tag. give the womens and world to smackdown. the champions are exclusive to that brand. all the other wrestler could be free agents and the general managers have to sign new competitors every four months. for example they'd have to resign superstars after survivor series. but champions stay on their brand until they lose their title. then they can choose who they sign with. another idea would be that the gm's could trade superstars. This would create a total new revolution of the way you look at the brands. i think it could be very fresh andchange the wwe forever. any thoughts?

well all ya'll do is bitch about to many titles. so why not spread it out and use the talent on different shows. if ya like real good tag matches then tune in tuesday might. its kinda just like the nfl. where you have to resign some ppl and each team or show is different. each one has something unique. i think it would give ppl a fresh look at everyone. you could have so many more faces on all the shows in the span of a year. personally i think its a cool idea. hey if the kids can understand all this bs changing then they'll understand this too. i think it would solve alot of problems.

oh and after summerslam.. the champions would be locked into that show atleast until the next time when everyone else are free to roam. you'd have the same champions on each show just new faces to challenge every four months only to create fresh ideas
Where to begin...

Ideas are always nice, how practical they are is another...

How does the WWE come off one of the big 4 PPV's to go into a situation where all the fueds they built up to that point become redundant and superstars dont have a show until Survivor Series?

This is far too random for me. People do complain about titles, but its because of the lack of ideas and build up with them. the titles are 'locked' onto a show when they are drafted.
I think it's not a bad idea...but if there is a feud going on then we would know where everyone is gonna sign 90% of the time because wwe wouldnt wanna stop a good feud just to get new faces on the different shows
I think it's not a bad idea...but if there is a feud going on then we would know where everyone is gonna sign 90% of the time because wwe wouldnt wanna stop a good feud just to get new faces on the different shows

No it clearly is a bad idea and is complete stupid. Sorry to be that blunt but there is no way that this will ever happen or even has the oppoetunity to, here's why:

Firstly, if people were free to move around no one would tune in. I mean think about all the people who tune in to see John Cena every week. Do you think that they would tune into ECW, Superstars and Smackdown every week to catch a glimpse of him? No I think not. People like to know what they are tuning in to see and they don't like change that much either.

Secondly, it would become far too hectic. People would be moving around too much for any real stability within the company to be achieved. Also, if I'm correct in reading what you are saying, Champions are locked to a show until they lose a title and then they become a free agent until the next round of drafts occur? So what if Randy Orton was to lose the title on the Raw after Summerslam? Would we not see him for the next four months until he was drafted to a new show?

I dunno man, there is some potential in there but in it's current form it has no structure and is quite hard to follow and understand. Clarify what you are saying more and really think about the logistics of things before you post them. I don't mean to an asshole but it's just my thoughts.
to clarify for you guys. if ortoo were to lose the title at summerslam the next might he would be considered a free agent. this doesn't mean he can't stay on raw to try getting his title back. and to the idea with cena..as i said you would have to sign them. do you remember when scott steiner signed with wwe? the brands had to give him certain rewards to sign. this idea could make new stars. i mean what if smackdown offered edge a world title shot at the closest ppv. or maybe raw did that with mvp? he could hit main event status. now lets say when survivor series ends, jericho lost the ic title. he could choose to stay or leave. it would be similar to the draft where cena came to raw and you had to tune in to each show to see who they signed. and to me..that could bring that unpredictability back to wwe. its very confusing but a few touches and it could be a very unique idea to try
The idea of free agency cannot work in the WWE. There would be no continuity with superstars constantly jumping brands.
The idea of free agency cannot work in the WWE. There would be no continuity with superstars constantly jumping brands.

Well, yes. That's just what I said. I might just red-rep you for spamming

to clarify for you guys. if ortoo were to lose the title at summerslam the next might he would be considered a free agent. this doesn't mean he can't stay on raw to try getting his title back

But he could also go to Smackdown and try and win the title on that show? It's silly because there would be no chance for any storylines to develop in all honesty. Wuth superstars just picking and choosing which titles to go after then who would decide which title is defended, when and who is the challenger? It just raises to many questions and more importantly problems. The thing is that with the brands the way they are, it allows angles to build and adds a stablility to the show. I mean, if Cena was to come to Smackdown to challenge for the title, why would he get priority over someone like Edge who has been ther working his ass of for the opportunity?
remember there are general managers. they would pick and choose who would challenge. like i said it would be like the national football league. they'd have some new comers take over others who maybe have worked harder. like i said it needs a little work but its an idea
I don't like this idea very much. But at the same time some change does have to be made. Titles seem worthless as hell. I remember back in the day.. when someone won that WWF Title it was a big thing. Wow Undertaker beat Hogan for the title. Hogan got it back!! (stupid idea for Taker only having it few days.)

The reason it was more important was because there was 1 Champion! 1 guy in the whole company who was the man. They need to bring that back. I'm not going to say a way of how #1 contender matches would be done, cause i only put about 5 minutes thought into it so far.. but keep the Intercontinental Title.. keep the US Title. Make 1 tag, 1 world. and god, turn ECW's title into a hardcore title of some sort. This would mean only the WWE Champ and tag champs are free to roam. Be on whichever show who they are feuding with. Once they lose it.. they stay back on their brand.

Think about how the tag team division would be fresh again. More Tag team feuds. I think the draft hurt tag team wrestling alot.. you just get tired of seeing all the same teams wrestle. Would add alot of prestige to the tag champs.

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