WWE Reportedly Replacing Divas Championship - and Retiring "Divas" Name?


It's not bad, but it's not good either. It's cool, I guess.

I like it. Truth be told, I think it has more personality than the WWE WHC. The WWE Championship has too much black about it and I've always thought that the center plate needed some sort of colored background behind the logo. The overall color scheme with the white strap works for me and it's a massive improvement on the Divas Championship.
It is nice. And way better than Divas Title.

By the way, I am happy about this decision if its really true. Paige, Bayley, Sasha, Becky, Charlotte and Natalya are not suitable as "Divas" and much more viable as women competitors.

It is a nice start for the female division to get more interesting. I would want much strong booking for these women. 2 matches at each ppv with one being for the title and other a personal grudge/No. 1 Contender match.

Fingers Crossed for these women!

As far as the Division goes, I agree. They have the talent now, and not just models. They should use them as such and give them meaning. It really is about damn time.

I like it. Truth be told, I think it has more personality than the WWE WHC. The WWE Championship has too much black about it and I've always thought that the center plate needed some sort of colored background behind the logo. The overall color scheme with the white strap works for me and it's a massive improvement on the Divas Championship.

As far as the Championship Title Belt goes, after looking at it again, I don’t know, I don’t think I like it. I’ve read that there will not be logo side plates for each Champion, and that the Women’s Championship Title Belt itself will be smaller than the Men’s. My biggest fear is that they change the Intercontinental, United States, and WWE World Tag Team Championship Title Belts to this design for uniformity, with the only difference being the color(s) of the strap and the words at the bottom of the main plate. We’ll see if this is actually the design they go with, or just some IWC photoshop job.

It's not bad, but it's not good either. It's cool, I guess.

Even though that was made using a wrestling video game, I think if they went with that design it would be a massive improvement over the butterfly belt. As a poster above has stated, it's nicer looking than the WWE WC belt itself due to the color scheme behind the center plate.

I was unable to find the original article from PWInsider, from twenty seconds of intense Googling, nor could I find another source, from a further twenty seconds of thoroughly looking at the tear in my trousers. As with anything published by a wrestling news site, take this with a pinch of salt.

On the assumption that this is true, halle-fucking-lujah.

While I'm willing to buy the idea that the next champion will get a new belt, one that doesn't look like something a four-year-old would vomit up after a fruit juice bender, I'm more reluctant to believe that they're scrapping the "diva" name. You don't spend nearly two decades on branding only to erase all your hard work over night, no matter how mindless and condescending said branding is. The article seems very presumptuous in that regard. At most, and this would be a compromise that I'd be OK with, I can see "divas" becoming a term to exclusively describe the reality TV stars. While my dream of female wrestlers being referred to as "superstars" might still be out of reach, "woman" or "woman wrestler" is much easier on the ear.

Sounds great. Now they need to get a Divas MITB Briefcase match at MITB this year.

I don't see why Sasha, Paige, Becky, Naomi, Tamina, Natayla and Emma can't compete in a ladder match.
I don't see them retiring the term divas anytime soon if ever since Total Divas gets great ratings and will be around for awhile. However they should definitely go back to having the women's title instead of the divas title. Never liked the divas title design.

Imagine if WWE made the Women's Championship Title Belt the same color scheme as the chase Championship Title Belt. HAHA!!


At the very least, a WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt and. WWE Women's Championship Title Belt would look great in wedding pictures!!
That Women's Title match at Wrestlemania felt like a real main event. It had special entrances, the crowd was hot, and the celebration had as much pyro as the World Title match. They even had an arena shot with outdoor fireworks. That was the perfect way to kick off a new era. Can't wait to see how they fuck it up.

Charlotte winning was the right call. Sasha Banks is now in a position to chase the belt as a babyface against an even stronger heel. When Sasha finally has her moment it should be in a one-on-one match, not a triple threat or fatal-4-way where the effect is watered down.

It's crazy to think about, but after that match if they keep the momentum going seeing a women's match eventually headline a Wrestlemania feels like a possibility at some point.
Gee, I like the new "Big Red Belt". Does anyone remember the last "Big Red Belt"? You know, the old WWWA World strap from All Japan Women's? I actually think that this belt pays homage to the old AJWP. Definitely Trips influence. Somewhere, Jackie Sato and Mildred Burke are smiling. BTW, take a look at the "W"'s on the sides of that belt. Looks very similar to the logo from All Japan Women's. Yeah, Trips' influence.
That Women's Title match at Wrestlemania felt like a real main event. It had special entrances, the crowd was hot, and the celebration had as much pyro as the World Title match. They even had an arena shot with outdoor fireworks. That was the perfect way to kick off a new era. Can't wait to see how they fuck it up.

Charlotte winning was the right call. Sasha Banks is now in a position to chase the belt as a babyface against an even stronger heel. When Sasha finally has her moment it should be in a one-on-one match, not a triple threat or fatal-4-way where the effect is watered down.

It's crazy to think about, but after that match if they keep the momentum going seeing a women's match eventually headline a Wrestlemania feels like a possibility at some point.

That match had more technical wrestling than every match on the card combined. It was the best pure match on the card and I was happy to see Charlotte retain. She's the best.

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