WWE Re-signs Matt Bloom (Prince Albert/A-Train/Giant Bernard)


According to F4WOnline.com, the WWE has reportedly re-signed Matt Bloom to the roster.

Bloom, better known as Prince Albert & A-Train in WWE and as Giant Bernard in New Japan Pro Wrestling, is set to return sometime after WrestleMania XXVIII is over. Reportedly, his role will be to serve as a henchman to John Laurinaitis. Bloom is a former Intercontinental Champion and has been a major player in the tag team scene in NJPW. His IC title run wasn't all that impressive, lasting 27 days back in 2011 but he's seen great success in NJPW. He's been a 2 time IWGP Tag Team Champion with his first reign being with former WWE and TNA wrestler Tyson Tomko and his second being with Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson. His two reigns total 907 days and the second reign of 564 days with Anderson is the longest in the history of the title.

I can definitely see Bloom in that sort of role. He's a physically imposing guy that just looks mean as hell. He's not a gym rat or anything, at least he wasn't last time I saw him, but he just looks like a big thick strong guy. It'd be a good role for him I think and if he makes his way into the tag team scene, he could certainly lend some credibility to the picture.

Moderator's Note: We are aware that Albert himself has said this rumor is false. No need to spam up the thread telling everyone that it's false, just either give your opinion on the matter or don't.
Meh, I really wasn't a fan during his first tenure and I doubt he will do much for me this time either. I'd probably rather just see a big physically imposing guy like Mason Ryan or somebody else from Superstars/FCW given the chance, in my view Albert's time has passed but I suppose he may prove me wrong.
Yup. I like this. I think it was SmackDown a couple of weeks ago, Laurinaitis came out with Otunga, Daniel Bryan and AJ. It hit me, an entourage just seemed to fit Laurinaitis well. So if that's what they're doing here, I'm all for it.

I remember Prince Albert from when I watched WWF back in Attitude Era. Being about 7 at the time, I can't remember if he talked or wrestled well. But even if he's no good, that doesn't matter. All he needs to do is look tall and mean - shouldn't be too hard for a 6' 7'', heavily pierced man.

It'll be interesting to see how this will affect Otunga and his role as Laurinaitis's lackey. He's been so damn impressive, it would be a shame to seem him sever his ties with the GM. Like I said, hopefully this is another step in creating something approaching an entourage for Mr. Excitement.

This report is now false. From his Twitter account (@GiantBernard):

Haha! False. Wife just had a baby. I'll be on next tour

I have to admit, when I first read the report, my initial reaction was "why?" I mean, he's a huge player in Japan. Why come back to WWE where you were the third most important person in a two man tag team? Unless he felt like he had accomplished all he could over there or something, but it really didn't make much sense on any level. Plus, why would WWE do it? They wouldn't be able to benefit from his fame in Japan, and there's so many guys on the current roster or in FCW that could fill whatever role they had for him. So it definitely makes more sense now that we know it's not true.
Meh, I really wasn't a fan during his first tenure and I doubt he will do much for me this time either. I'd probably rather just see a big physically imposing guy like Mason Ryan or somebody else from Superstars/FCW given the chance, in my view Albert's time has passed but I suppose he may prove me wrong.

Apparently you haven't seen many of his matches in Japan. The guy still has it, and he's hugely over in Japan. But, this re-sgining seems to be fale, as he said on Twitter.
This could go either way. If he does come back, it is a slap in the face to others who work their ass off in FCW to earn a spot on the main roster. There are plenty of guys that could fill that spot like The KOW, Rollins, Harris and others. Hell, if they need a large enforcer type, why not Ryan? Besides, Johnny Ace has Mark Henry in that role already. Dosent seem like a good fit to throw Albert in.

He is obviously happy in NJPW. His run there has been larger than anything he did in the WWE. Vince would have to throw serious money at Albert to convince him to leave when he is in such a good spot where he is. NJPW wouldnt let him go that easily.
Albert was big and muscular, but he sorely lacked the personality necessary to get over with a "sports entertainment" crowd. He's better off in Japan.
First of all, I would like to see him now that he has improved from his wwf/e days thanks to NJPW there could be a good opportunity for a good monster to make an impact.
Second, his whole denial could be a ruse to add another layer of surprise just like Jericho did.. There's no way to be 100% sure these days.
If he does return i fully expect him to be a Main Eventer. Why on earth would WWE stick him in their pathetic Tag Divison?

He improved greatly in NJPW & became the top gajin in the country. The guy is legit huge & has very stiff & believable work.

Monster heel domination.

Finally a real pro wrestler...hopefully back in WWE.

Briscoe Brothers, Brodie Lee, Giant Bernard...talent is out there WWE just needs to sign it to improve their IMO rubbish talent roster depth.

This guy in todays talent short WWE would go to top fast.

Giant Bernard: Unstoppable Baldo Train!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVc2p3mMGlo
He would need a massive personality injection for me to give a shit about Matt Bloom returning. He was never really over in WWE first time around, no matter how many name changes, title damaging runs or pushes he was given. Maybe as a non speaking kick ass machine he could get over, being associated with Laurinaitis would give him automatic heat, I will await the night after Wrestlemania and judge whether the gossip rags are right or whether Bloom is honest and now "pulling a Jericho" on the fans.
Wouldn't really make any sense to bring back A-Train in that type of role.

Laurinaitis' enforcer would get alot of screen time and a pretty good rub. Why waste that push on someone over 40 with almost no name recognition at all in the USA?
Wouldn't really make any sense to bring back A-Train in that type of role.

Laurinaitis' enforcer would get alot of screen time and a pretty good rub. Why waste that push on someone over 40 with almost no name recognition at all in the USA?

There's a lot of validity to that idea. Guys 39, still likely can't talk that well, and he isn't a big star in America. In Japan, he's huge, and lo and behold, we have an on screen character who was huge in Japan, too. He actually makes a pretty good henchmen for a stable, and if they really wanted to, they could imply that Laurinitis has a pipeline of guys from Japan, who are ready to act as mercenaries. Gives him a lot more credibility, really; either he can send geeks like The Miz and the like to do his bidding, or send some headhunters from another company, who are out for blood.

It's really something that if they play up, could be pretty cool
definitively the WWE has an problem in his company,the Rock return,Stone cold Return,shawn Michaels return,Mick foley return,trish stratus return last year.

It is me or WWE mocked about young generation of wrestlers let's the past where he is,it's pathétic and boring,it's an reason why many wrestlers are think shit about this company many talents are sacrified like Kozlov,mac intyre just for the return of old wrestlers.
I don't see the interest of this,it's an loose of time,in his case WWE must do replace Brock lesnar and goldberg very creative.:banghead:
I'm glad this was just a rumor, and not fact. I kinda wonder how a fabrication like this took off in the first place, since it was so quickly debunked by Matt Bloom himself. I know it's been suggested that Bloom could be trying to "swerve" the fans, but I seriously doubt it. It's not like a potential WWE return for Bloom would be so shocking that they'd want to keep it that big of a secret.

As it's already been said, the kind of role the WWE would put Albert in could easily be played by a younger up-and-coming wrestler. A younger guy could/would benefit a LOT more from playing this type of character (a "bodyguard", or "henchman" for Laurinaitis) than an older veteran like him.

The majority of current North American wrestling fans wouldn't know who Matt Bloom (aka Albert/Prince Albert/A-Train/Giant Bernard) is at all, and it seems to me that the fans who actually do remember him wouldn't have extremely fond memories of him.

I barely remember Albert as it is, and I was a fan of WWF/E when he was around. To be honest, the most significant memories I have of Albert are from the old N64 WWF games (Wrestlemania 2000, and No Mercy) - believe it or not. I do vaguely remember the tag-team he was in with Test, but the only reason that team was memorable at all (at least in my mind) is/was because they were managed by Trish Stratus. I don't remember his IC run at ALL. The only thing that really stood out to me about the guy was his size, his leather pants, his weirdly sculpted facial hair and his many piercings. Wasn't he extremely hairy as well? The sad thing is that most of these memories, again, only come from his playable character(s) in the N64 game(s).

Maybe the point isn't whether or not he would be remembered by the WWE audience, but whether or not he would do a good job playing the role of a bodyguard for John Laurinaitis. I think he would/could do a good job, but it just seems completely unnecessary. Let him stay in Japan, I'm sure his presence there is much better than it would be as a member of the current WWE roster. I doubt he'd make much more money than he currently makes (in Japan), were he to re-sign with the WWE. I could maybe see him working backstage with the WWE somewhere down the line, as a trainer or something in the future...but not as on-air talent. Especially not any time in the immediate future. The WWE's history of being disinterested in wrestlers his age is working against this idea as well. The whole theory just doesn't seem to work at all, at least not to me.
I hope it's true. Albert is a solid worker for big man and could thrive as a bodyguard for Big Johnny. I could also see a tag team with him and Otunga perhaps to improve and enhance the tag team division since it is very lacking these days. He's not any good on the mic which wouldn't matter since he's just in an enforcer role and won't get much mic time anyway.

I'm glad this was just a rumor, and not fact. I kinda wonder how a fabrication like this took off in the first place, since it was so quickly debunked by Matt Bloom himself. I know it's been suggested that Bloom could be trying to "swerve" the fans, but I seriously doubt it. It's not like a potential WWE return for Bloom would be so shocking that they'd want to keep it that big of a secret.
Eh, I realize Jericho is a far bigger star than Albert but he pretty much did the same thing as well denying all the rumors of his return. I remember the night he returned, he was posting pics on twitter pretending to be in Canada chilling in a ski resort. I wouldn't put too much thought into what he said regardless of whether it is true or not.
Here's the thing... He has IMPROVED a hell of a lot since he left WWE... He is in the position he is in Japan because he has become a pretty good "big man" worker... They don't just cheer muppets like they do in the US... He's learned from people and found his niche... much as Stan Hansen and Vader did.... Sure the A-Train/Albert shit won't work... but he comes in as Matt Bloom, the guy who left WWE, went to Japan and tore it up... there is a potential push. Put him with Jericho, and even a returning MVP... "Worlds Best" stable might work!
I remember him as a Prince Albert like alot of people do here, but, I was surprised that he was only in his 20s when he wrestled in the WWF/E. Now he's in his thirties has been wrestling in Japan and has held various championships so he must be a better wrestler by now and better on the mic even though he was ok at both when he was in WWF/E. I was watching A-Train vs Benoit at No Mercy 2003 last night and he reminds me a little of the current Mark Henry in the way that he trash talks pretty well during the match, though he did use to wrestle like a more agile version of the modern Big Show. Based on that he could be pretty good now (especially considering the change between someone like Mark Henry between then and now...) PS I think if he's coming back as a heel it doesn't matter if he lies now because it'll just make his return A.) a surprise and B.) something people can call him out on and instantly know him as a lying heel troll type of guy.
I wouldn't classify Bernard/Albert/A-Train as a "better wrestler" than many years ago as I always thought he was more than efficient at what he was and what he was supposed to be.
I'm a bit indifferent on this whole signing. On one hand I think it'd be beneficial to Johnny Ace and heel supporters/group to have a big enforcer type character around. On the other hand, it's A-train someone who I absolutley have no memories of outside of being a really pestering force in Smackdown vs Raw (original).

As of now Mark Henry is the big guy that supports Johnny's aim to get control of both shows. There are rumors that he is leaving (which I find to be improbable) so if he does indeed take an absence Albert could fit that role to a large capacity. He doesn't really need to be a master technician to just look intimidating which I know he is very capable of doing. I'm sure he wouldn't play first fiddle to anyone and just be that sort of background enforcer that we have always seen when it comes to roles like this. Someone earlier said it would be nice to have him as apart of some tag team which I can see happening eventually.

My gripe however is if indeed he is going to get a lot of ring and mic time, how is he compared to his last run in the company? I've seen a couple of A-train matches on DVD, and he really isn't something special in those matches. He is no more that your generic big in those days. I know that he has spent some time in Japan and that people are saying that due to his run in Japan that he has improved. I don't know really what to think of that, I guess I will just have to see it for myself. I am glad this is as of now just a rumor because as of know there really seems to be no point in signing him, his planned role as of now could easily be filled in by someone else.

If they do sign him, then I won't judge until I have actually seen him on the mic and ring when he returns. Until then it will be interesting what happens with this signing.
If they do sign him, then I won't judge until I have actually seen him on the mic and ring when he returns. Until then it will be interesting what happens with this signing.

This is pretty much how I feel. He was decent in the WWF/E back in the day and put on decent matches. Sadly his most memorable moments consist of being dropped on his head by Lesnar, and losing a Handicap match with Big Show against Taker at WM 19. Who knows? He could come back and be a big player, even working with Johnny Ace or even joining a new faction. Reports say he isn't coming back, so I might not be able to be proved wrong. :shrug:
Love me some Giant Bernard. He improved greatly while in Japan, but I was already starting to warm up to him as A-Train. It's a good move for the WWE to add some one seasoned like A-Train, and as long as he's handled right he could be a pretty serious threat on the roster. Of course if he's handled as a jobber I'd rather he just go back to Japan.
Awesome news if true. Even if I wasn't a Bernard fan this news would pump me up. If true, this points to an ending to the "no signing anyone over 30" rule, which is easily one of the worst ideas they've ever had.
I´m a big puroresu fan and i´ve enjoyed Giant Bernard run on NJPW. He´s great on the ring and i will be very happy if he comes back to the wwe. But i think he´s better in Japan than in wwe. He won´t have the chance to hace 20-25 minutes matches in the wwe. He will squash santino and Tyson Kidd in 30 seconds and will never talk on the mic.
If he signs with WWE, i hope he makes big bucks. If not, i hope he continues proving the puro fas the good wrestler that he is, evenetually having a push to the World Championship.

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