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Dark Match Jobber
Hey Everyone!

I am new to these boards and I wish to make a Fan fiction. I will Post the Shows part by part and also have Pay Per Views and reader interactivity such as choosing Match Stipulations and Improvements to the show's quality.

The Match Results for Raw will be written as a Summary rather than the whole Match.

I will have one Pay per View for every 4-6 shows in which Matches will be more Detailed.

My Roster is everyone currently in the WWE and ECW Brands.

All of the Championships are Vacant and will be up for grabs at the first Pay Per View: SummerSlam.

Four shows equals a month.

The Championship List is as follows....

WWE Championship
Open to any and all competitors. Champion must defend atleast twice in a two month period.

Intercontinental Championship
Also open to any competitor. Must be defended on one show per month and atleast one Pay Per View for every two months.

Tag Team Championship
Open to any Tag Team. Defense is up to the discretion of the General Manager.

Cruiserweight Championship
Open to any Cruiserweight. Must be defended once a month.

My General Manager is Vince McMahon and DX is in this production as well.

I hope that you all enjoy it and give feedback at the end of each show.

Pyros Explode as "Thunderkiss '65" By White Zombie Hits and Fans go into complete pandimonium for Raw's first episode.

JR: "We are LIVE from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the beginning of something that, I believe, is groundbreaking!"

King: "A fresh start in the WWE?! That's almost as big as man landing on the moon JR!"

Cameras go Ringside to the Announcer's Table where JR and King are sitting.

JR: "Good evening Folks, as you know by now I'm Good Ol' JR alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and tonight promises to be unforgettable."

King: "That's right JR! The Cruiserweight Title is up for grabs tonight when Rey Mysterio takes on Paul London in a Ladder Match!"

JR: "Not only that, but the Intercontinental Title Championship will find a holder in a Submission Match between Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho as Jericho makes his return to WWE Action!"

King: "And as if it couldn't get any bigger, Edge and a Partner of his choosing will face off against RVD and Sabu for the Tag Team Titles in an Elimination Tag Match!"

"No Chance" Hits and Fans Boo Vince McMahon as he confidentally struts down to the ring.

JR: "The Chairman is getting his usual appreciation from the crowd it seems."

King: "He deserves better, Mr. McMahon is almost a God among men JR and these Fans are showing him NO respect!"

Cameras focus on Vince in the ring with a mic in hand.

Vince: "Despite the hatred you all still have for me, I brought WWE a fresh start and I have an Announcement regarding the WWE Championship."

Fans Cheer.

Vince: "Normally you would see a Tournament or a Battle Royal for a Vacated Title."

Fans Boo.

Vince: "Well not here. Because you see, there are so many deserving men in the back that there isn't a Tournament or a ring big enough to hold them all. So here's what I'm going to do. Tonight, I will have a SignUp sheet outside my Office Doors. Interested talent will sign it and be entered in a Lottery in which FOUR names will be chosen. At SummerSlam, those four men will break off into two seperate Matches. The winners from both of the Matches will square off in the Main Event for the WWE Championship!"

Fans Cheer.

Vince: "I failed to mention just one thing, when DX gets to the Arena tonight, I have a Match lined up for them already.Triple H and Shawn Michaels will compete against Big Show, The Great Khali, and Umaga in a No Holds Barred Elimination Tag Match. And to make it a little more interesting, whoever Pins or Sumbits either Triple H or Shawn Michaels will AUOTMATICALLY become one of the four men competing for the Title at SummerSlam."

Fans Boo.

Vince: "With God as my whitness, DeGeneration X will NEVER see Gold again. Tonight will be their end before they begin again!"

Fans Boo as Vince heads to the back.

JR: "A lottery to decide the competitors for the WWE Title at SummerSlam? That's amazing King!"

King: "And Vince McMahon has said that tonight will be the end of DX. I'm not liking their chances, JR."

JR: "Me either King, with a free ride to SummerSlam waiting for whoever dismantles DX, who knows what those three Goliaths will do to win!......Folks we have to cut to Commercials but don't change the channel because we'll be back with MORE GREAT ACTION!"

King: "AND PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Cameras come back looking backstage at a line of Superstars outside of Vince's Office waiting to sign for the Lottery. Kane is focused on as he steps up to sign as they cut to JR and King at Ringside.

JR: "As you can see Folks, there is already a long line waiting to get a slot in the Lottery."

King: "I think I should sign up JR, I'd make a GREAT WWE Champion!"

JR: "King, you are past your prime."

"Ain't No Stoppin' Me" Hits and Fans Cheer Shelton Benjamin as he heads to the Ring.

JR: "We are set for our first Match of the night, and here comes Shelton Benjamin. King, what do you think of this young kid?"

King: "I think he has had some badluck in the past JR, but maybe he can put it behind him and start a winning streak tonight."

JR: "That isn't out of the question King, the kid has ALOT of talent and just needs to stay focused and maybe he can even win the WWE Title in his future."

"The Irish Anthem" Hits as Fit Finlay struts to the ring to Opposition from the Crowd.

JR: "This is a man that went from a model Superstar to a complete scumbag doing anything he can to win."

King: "Fit Finlay is a LEGEND, JR. His opponents should just lay down for him. I think Shelton Benjamin has alot to look out for tonight!"

JR: "Finlay is a tough son of a gun, no doubt about, this contest should be a memorable one!"

Exhibition Match: Singles Competition
Shelton Benjamin (Face) (0-0) Vs. Fit Finlay (Heel) (0-0)​

Synopsis: Shelton Benjamin controls the tempo in the early stages with his agility and speed catching Finlay with several Dropkicks. An Irish Whip from benjamin sending Finlay to the Ropes proves to be costly when Finlay runs back with a Flying Forearm. Finlay proceeds to apply a Sleepherhold on Benjamin. The Fans start to get loud and rally behind Shelton. Finlay applies more pressure, seemingly ending a chance for Shelton to get back to his feet. The Referee lifts Shelton's arm up once and it falls. The crowd gets louder chanting Shelton's name. The Referee lifts Shelton's arm again and it falls. Finlay grins seeing the end of the Match just seconds away. The Referee lifts Shelton's arm again and Shelton stops it from falling and Fans jump to their feet in support. Shelton works his way up to his feet and Knees Finlay in the gut. Shelton connects with a Snapsuplex and slowly recovers to his feet. Shelton ascend the ropes and awaits Finlay's recovery. Finlay gets to his feet and Shelton jumps for a Flying Crossbody and connects. Shelton Pins. 1-2-3.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (Face)
Match Time: 10:45

Shelton celebrates to Cheers as he heads to the back.

JR: 'What a win for Shelton Benjamin as he begins, what I hope to be, a positive direction his his young career!"

King: 'How'd he beat Finlay so easily JR? He must have cheated!"

A Limo pulls up and out steps Triple H followed by Shawn Michaels to a HUGE Pop. They head towards the Arena and Jonathan Coachman approaches them.

JC: "I'm sure you two have heard all about the Draft Lottery tonight."

HBK: "Yeah, and we're going to enter it!"

Fans Cheer.

JC: "Well Mr. McMahon has set up a Match for you two tonight."

HHH: "A Match huh?"

JC: "Yea, tonight you two will face Big Show, Umaga, and The Great Khali in a Handicap Tag Team Elimination Match."

Fans Boo as HBK and HHH look at him in disbelief.

JC: "Originally it was that whichever of your opponents beat you would get a free ride to SummerSlam for the WWE Title. But I was able to convince Mr. McMahon to change it to WHOEVER wins will go."

Fans Cheer.

HHH: "So all we have to do is beat The Big Slow, Umangus Ass, and The Great Shithead?"

HBK (while laughing): "He called Khali a Shithead."

JC: "Yea, but by the way Gentlemen. It's No Holds Barred and you're on NEXT!"

DX storms into the ARena to a Pop from the Crowd as Jonathan Coachman is focused on smirking.


King: "Vince McMahon is going to deliver on his promise tonight JR, I can feel it!"

JR: "Folks, don't go anywhere! DX will face off against Big Show, Umaga, and The great Khali with a slot at SummerSlam on the line, NEXT!"

Cameras come back to the Ring showing the three giant men in the ring.

JR: "Business is about to pick up here, King and DX's chances of winning this Match are getting lower by the second."

King: "Vince is a GENIUS JR! He's keeping DX out of SummerSlam and maybe even out of WWE for good!"

"ARE YOU READY?!" Hits and the Crowd goes to their feet in anticipation of DX, but they are nowhere in sight as the Music continues.

King: "DX is smart, JR. They ran and hid with their tails between their legs, this is PRICELESS!"

JR: "King, I'd hate to say it, but it look like you're right."

All of a sudden, the DX Pyros Explode in the ring dazing all three men and HHH and HBK slide in from under the Ring to a HUGE Pop.



Elimination Tag Team Match
Big Show, Umanga, and The Great Khali vs. Triple H and Shawn Michaels
Stipulation: Whoever scores The Final Pinfall or Submission earns a trip to SummerSlam as one of the four men going for the WWE Championship.​

Synopsis: All three men seem blinded by the Pyros and HBK IMMEDIATELY nails Khali with a Sweet Chin Music and Pins. 1-2-3.

Elimination: The Great Khali​

Evening the playing field to two-on-two from the start proves to be an excellent strategy as HBK and HHH Double Clothesline Big Show over the top rope for a Pop. HBK Irish Whips Umanga to the ropes and as Umanga runs back, HHH knocks him down with a Knee Lift. HBK goes to the Ring Apron. Triple H Kicks away at Umanga's head and gets him to his feet. Umanga looks groggy. Triple H Taunts Umanga with a 'Suck It' Pose and Kicks him in the gut. Tripls H delivers a Pedigree and the lights go out. The Fans go Crazy trying to figure out what is going on and the lights come back on with Triple H motionless on his back in the Ring and HBK on his back on the ground outside. Umanga slowly moves over to HHH and Pins. 1-2-3.

Elimination: Triple H


And we're back with a Two-on-One scenerio in favor of Umanga and Big Show. Show rolls HBK into the ring for Umanga's taking, but Umanga still hasn't gotten to his feet from the Pedigree at the hands of HHH. Both men are down in the ring with Big Show rallying behind his partner. Out of nowhere, HBK Jumps to his feet and the Fans go nuts. He Knocks Big Show off the Apron with a Punch to the face and starts to motion for a Sweet Chin Music. Fans Rally behind HBK as Umanga slowly gets up and BAM!, Umanga is Hit with a HUGE Sweet Chin Music. HBK Pins. 1-2-3.

Elimination: Umanga​

It's down to two, and Big Show recovers and gets into the ring. Michaels and The Big Show stand toe-to-toe in the center of the ring, neither man backing down to the other. HBK throws a Right Hand and Show returns it with one of his own. They go back and forth a few times before HBK gets the upperhand. HBK Irishwhips Show to the ropes, and Show comes back with a Big Boot to HBK's face sending HBK to the mat. Big Show smiles at a seemingly lifeless HBK.Show Pins. 1-2-Kick Out! and Fans Cheer on HBK. Show gets up infurriated and Triple H comes running down the ramp with a Sledgehammer in hand to a Pop. Show turns around and gets LEVELED with a Sledgehammer shot to the head from The Game. HHH shouts 'Next Time try to Chokeslam me with the lights on you stupid son-of-a-bitch!' and leads the Crowd with a 'Suck It!' Taunt HHH goes to Ringside and HBK gets up. HBK sees Show down and ascends the Turnbuckles. From the top Turnbuckles, HBK Jumps and CONNECTS with a Fling Elbowdrop. HBK Pins. 1-2-3!

Winner: Shawn Michaels
Match Time 25:40​


King "How did DX outsmart the McMahons AGAIN JR?!"

Fans Cheer as DX Celebrates in the Ring, but it is cut short as "No Chance Hits" and Vince McMahon makes his way out.

Vince: "Well, it seems Congratulations are in order for you Shawn, but that's not why I'm out here. You may have pulled one over on me tonight, but next week you won't be so lucky. See Shawn, you may be going to SummerSlam thanks to Coach's stupid idea, but you still have three weeks before then. I'm going to make sure that you are ready for SummerSlam Shawn. Because well, I want to make sure you still have what it takes to be Champ."

Fans Boo Vince.

Vince: "Next week on Raw Shawn Michaels, it will be you going one-on-one with........TRIPLE H!"

HBK and Triple H look at each other confused as Fans Boo a Smiling Vince McMahon.

Vince: "And by the way Gentlemen, Shawn's slot at SummerSlam WILL BE on the line next week. So Triple H, my question to you is: You've always put the Title before everyone, HELL, even yourself. Are you going to do it again, or will you lay down like a little bitch to a has been?"

Fans Boo.

HBK: "Vince, you're a FOOL! Don't you realize that no matter which one of us wins next week, one of DX will be going for the belt at SummerSlam?"

HHH "Yeah Vince, seems to me like you dicked YOURSELF over tonight."

Fans Cheer.

Vince: "Not quite. Because every week leading up to SummerSlam, that spot Michaels currently has will be up for grabs and I GUARRAN-DAMN-TEE that DX WILL NOT hold the WWE Championship EVER AGAIN!"

Vince heads to the back as Fans Boo him and his Music Hits leaving DX in the ring in disarray.

JR: "Can you believe it?! Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels next week for Shawn's slot at SummerSlam?!"

King: "And Vince GUARANTEED tha DX wouldn't get a shot at the WWE Title JR, and you know that a McMahon Guarante is ALWAYS delivered!"

JR: "I hate to say it, but you're right King, DX better have a gamplan ready because Vince looks like he has their number tonight......Up Next Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho will face off in a Submission Match with the Intercontinental Title on the line....DON'T MISS IT!"

Commercial For SummerSlam: "As the summer ends, a new era begins to heat up. Immortality comes at a price that one man will have to pay to be called THE BEST!"

Cameras come back to Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman in the back with a Lottery Dome filled with names.

Vince: "Coach, you almost ruined DX's Match tonight, but thanks to some quick thinking I know DX will be out of the WWE Title hunt come SummerSlam and that's good news!"

JC: "Mr. McMahon, I just wanted to apologize again for suggesting that idea to you. I thought DX had no chance of winning and didn't see the harm. But you're right, they won't be in the SummerSlam Main Event afterall!"

Vince: "And moving on Coach, did you put all the names in this Dome?"

JC: "Yes, and everything is setup for the Lottery tonight just as you ordered."

Vince: "Good! I have a feeling that this new era in WWE will run ALOT smoother than the last."

They both smile as Cameras cut to the Ring.

"Rabid" Hits as Chris Benoit makes his way to the ring with Fans on their feet.

JR: "It is time for the Intercontinental Championship to be decided in the first of THREE Vacant Title Matches being held here tonight!"

King: "I don't know about you, JR, but I can't stand Chris Benoit. He's Gaptoothed and self-centered, I hope Chis Jericho puts him in his place tonight and sends him packing for good."

JR: "Benoit is a tough son of a gun King, I admire his skills and his style of fighting."

The Countdown Clock raches Zero and "Break The Walls" Hits prompting Fans to Cheer once again as Chris Jericho struts to the Ring.

JR: "This man was the FIRST Undisputed Champion and has made quite a name for himself in the past, I can only hope his arrogance is behind him in this Match."

King: "Arrogant? Did you listen to yourself JR?! You just said he was the FIRST Undisputed Champion, he can be as arrogant as he wants!"

Intercontinental Championship Match
Submission Match
Chris Benoit (Face) (0-0) vs. Chris Jericho (Face) (0-0)​

Synopsis: Both men seem evenly matched as they begin reversing each other's moves and seemingly knowing what is coming next from one another. It isn't until a HARD chop to Jericho's chest from Benoit that the tempo changes. Another HARD chop from Benoit staggers Jericho again. The Fans rally behind both men as the Crowd seems split down the middle. Jericho Kicks Benoit in the gut and gives him a DDT. Jericho Kicks Benoit in the face a few times and gets him to his feet. An Irish Whip from Jericho sends Benoit into the ropes, but Benoit catches himself. Both men pace the Ring staring down one another.


Cameras come back to find Jericho on the mat from a recent Germansuplex. Benoit signals for a Flying Headbutt and Fans go nuts. Benoit ascend s the ropes and jumps for a Flying Hedbutt. Jericho rolls out of the way and Benoit hits the mat face first. A mix of 'Y2J' and 'Benoit' Chants fill the air. Jericho slowly recovers and gets Benoit up. He goes to Irish Whip Benoit, but Benoit reverses it sending Jericho crashing into the Referee knocking both men down. Benoit slides outside of the Ring confusing the crowd and digs under the Ring recovering a Steel Chair. Benoit slides back into the Ring with the Chair. Jericho slowly recovers and is BLINDSIDED by a VICIOUS headshot from the Chair Benoit is holding, knocking Jericho out cold on the mat. Benoit slides the Chair out of the ring and applies the Crippler Crossface to Boos. The Referee gets to his feet and deems Jericho unconscious and calls for the bell to Boos from the Fans.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit (1-0)
Match Time: 15:13
Important Note: Benoit made his Heel turn when he attacked Jericho with a Chair.​

Benoit celebrates with the Inercontinental Title as Fans Boo him until he gets Backstage. EMTs rush to the Ring to assist Jericho.


King: "I'm starting to like him JR, you're right!, he is a GREAT athlete!"


King: "Cheated? I didn't see it, you're a Jericho Fan and he didn't win so get over it!"

JR: "On any note, up next John "Bradshaw" Layfield will host his new weekly in-ring show "The Bull Pen" with Special Guest: Kane, DON'T MISS IT!"

Cameras come back with JBL in the Ring which is decorated like an old western scene with two wooden chairs, a wooden table with playing cards scattered across, and a big barrel.

JBL: "As I always say, go all out or don't go at all.....Tonight, on my debut episode, I will willingly Interview a Monster in an attempt to get inside of his head.....One of the few men to hold a victory over his brother: The Undertaker, and a former WWE Champion, I give you.....KANE!"

Fans Go Crazy as Fire Explodes and Kane makes his way down to the ring and gets in. He does his In Ring Fire Explosion and stares at JBL.

JBL: "Kane, welcome! As you know, WWE is in a new era and we all have new goals for ourselves, what is yours?"

Kane: "Kill."

Fans Cheer.

JBL: "Kill? Kill Who?"

Kane: "Everyone in my way."

JBL: "So you think you're tough do you? You think you can beat anyone? Kane, can you beat me, The Wrestling GOD?"


Fans Cheer.

JR: "I feel a battle about to take place here."

King: "JBL needs to step down JR, Kane WILL kill him whether he's a Wrestling God or not!"

JBL throws a Punch, but Kane Blocks and grabs JBL by the neck for a Chokeslam to a Pop. Kane lifts JBL in the air by his neck and the lights go out. 'Comin' To Get Ya!' Hits and Fans Pop for Boogeyman. Smoke engulfs the Ramp, but Boogeyman is nowhere in sight. Smoke fills the Ring and soon subsides revealing JBL on the ground catching air and Boogeyman behind Kane as Fans yell to Kane to turn around. The lights recover and Boogeyman spins Kane around. Boogeyman Kicks Kane in the gut and gives him a Pumphandle Slam. Boogeyman reches in his pants and pulls out a bunch of worms. He chews them in his mouth and puts some on Kane's face. Boogeyman helps JBL up as Fans Boo him and the two exit the Ring. As they get to the top of the Ramp, Kane sits up to a Pop and Boogeyman and JBL hurry Backstage.

JR: "If JBL wasn't Kane's first target, he is now!"

King: "And The Boogeyman has labeled Kane as his first victim!"

JR: "No telling how it will all play out......And up next folks we have the Cruiserweight Championship up for grabs in a Ladder Match as Paul London takes on Rey Mysterio!"

wow nice! I can see you're working really hard on this! keep it up...
can you check out Fusion Week 13?
Cameras come back as Kane storms into Vince's Office to a Pop. He gets in Vince's face as Vince looks very timid.

Kane: "I want The Boogeyman and I want JBL, NOW!"

Vince: "Kane, I saw what happened, and it was wrong. But you can't take them both on at one time, it's not fair to you."

Kane: "I will kill them both!"

Vince: "I'll tell you what I will do, next week on Raw, you can have JBL in a Cage Match."

Kane: "And Boogeyman?"

Vince: "Boogeyman will have a Match of his own against your brother, The Undertaker. I doubt he'll have any time to disrupt yours."

Kane storms out as Vince looks on in fear and Fans Cheer.

Cameras go to the Ring with two Ladders Ringside as 'London Fog' Hits prompting a Fan Approval Entrance for Paul London.

JR: "A Ladder Match is about to decide the holder of the Cruiserweight Championship and this kid is young, has a ton of charisma, and may pull an upset over the more experienced Rey Mysterio."

King: "I don't mind Paul London that much, it's Rey Mysterio I can't stand."

'619' Hits and Rey Mysterios' Pyros Explode as he heads for the Ring and Fans Go Crazy.

JR: "Here comes the crowd favorite Rey Mysterio, looking fresh and focused on claiming the Cruiserweight Gold as his own."

King: "C'mon London, send Mysterio into retirement!"

The two pace the Ring as Fans rally behind Mysterio more and more. They look to lock up until 'The Coach' Hits prompting an entrance by Jonathan Coachman to the top of the Entrance Ramp booed by the Fans.

JC: "As Vince McMahon's Executive Officer, I have alot of say in what we need and what we don't"

Fans Boo.

JC: "As far as I am concerned, the Cruiserweight Division is an unneeded Division on this show. Therefore, as of now, all Cruiserweights are fired as their services are no longer needed here."

Fans Boo.


King: "C'mon JR, we all know they waste valuable time!"

Rey: "You know, You two men are evil at it's finest. Guys like us work just as hard as the Heavyweights and you just can't see it."

JC: "You may have been exciting at one time Rey, but times have changed, I know what the Fans want, and they want wrestling done MY WAY!"

Fans Boo.

Rey: "You will come to your senses, if we have to beat it into you ourselves."

Fans Go Nuts.

JC: "Is that so? Well, right now you are trespassing and please allow Security to escort you out!"

Fans Boo as Security comes down tot he Ring handcuffing London and Mysterio and taking them Backstage as Jonathan Coachman laughs watching them pass by him at the top of the Ramp.

JR: "Jonathan Coachman just ended the Cruiserweight Division and had Mysterio and London escorted out of the Arena, What a JACKASS!"

King: "He's doing the world a favor JR,down with the Cruiserweights!"

JR: "Well up next Folks, the Tag Team Championship will be up for grabs as RVD and Sabu take on Edge and Edge's handpicked partner, one can only speculate who he chose. Hell, one can only speculate where WWE is headed without a Cruiserweight Division!"

King: "Up, JR, WWE is going to the top of the mountain again, I can feel it!"

JR: "Well Folks, up next is the Tag Team Championship Match, DON'T MISS OUT!"

Cameras come back with RVD and Sabu already in the Ring.

JR: "Here we have two former ECW Partners and Vince McMahon has just changed this to a One Pinfall, Extreme Rules Match. But King, I'm not sure who has the advantage here."

King: "RVD and Sabu clearly have more experience JR, but Edge is the Rated R Superstar, it's a toss up!"

"On This Day" Hits and Fans Boo Edge as he makes his way to the Ring.

JR: "No Lita tonight I see."

King: "Do you blame him JR? Lita could be seriously hurt!"

The Arena goes to silence in anticipation of Edge's partner.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Shatters the silence and Fans Boo Ric Flair as he comes out for teaming with Edge.

JR: "WHAT A SHOCK! We know that Flair was trying to be Hardcore in the past, but apparently it's still in him."

King: "He's a FOOL JR!"

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
RVD and Sabu (Face) (0-0) vs. Edge and Ric Flair (Heel) (0-0)​

Synopsis: Sabu and Edge start things off. Edge gains control through a Kick to the groin. He Irish Whips Sabu to the ropes and Sabu runs back to catch a Dropkick to the face. Edge slides out of the Ring and digs under it to pull out a Table. RVD hops off the apron and positions himself behind Edge. RVD spins Edge around and gives him a DDT to the concrete. Flair makes his way over to RVD and the two exchange Punches. Out of nowhere, Sabu Jumps over the top rope and does a Fling Crossbody onto Flair and RVD, all four men are down and the Fans go Crazy.


Cameras come back as Edge is rolling Sabu back into the Ring. Edge slides into the Ring and readies himself for a Spear. Sabu slowly gets up and turns around. Edge runs at Sabu and Sabu reverses a spear into a Droptoe Hold to a Pop. Sabu tries to put Edge in a Camel Clutch, but Edge manages to wiggle his way out of it. Both men get to their feet. RVD creeps up to the top rope with a Steel Chair in hand. Sabu grabs Edge and Knees him in the gut. Edge turns towards RVD and RVD jumps off the top rope. Edge ducks and RVD nails Sabu with a Chair assisted Flying Sidekick. RVD checks on Sabu as Flair Lowblows him from behind. Flair gets RVD up in the air for a Brainbuster Suplex, close to the ropes. Flair drops RVD backwards sending him crashing to the concrete on the outside. Flair goes out of the Ring. grabs the Table Edge had outside and slides it in the Ring. Flair sets up the Table in a Corner. Flair gets Sabu up and leans him against the Table. Flair gives Sabu a HARDchop to a 'WOOOOOOOOOOOO!' from the Crowd. Edge makes his way up and sees Flair has him positioned. Flair moves and Edge Runs at Sabu connecting with a Spear through the Table. Sabu and Edge both hit th emat as Flair drags edge over Sabu. Edge Pins.1-2-3.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions:
Edge and Ric Flair (Heel) (1-0)
Match Time: 14:15​

Flair helps Edge to his feet and they hug each other as they hold the Tag Titles high. Fans Boo them as they head Backstage.

JR: "A Lowblow from Flair leads to a victory for Edge and Flair, a newly formed team that I just don't understand."

King: "There were NO RULES JR. They won fair and square, and rather convincingly. Flair couldn't have picked a better partner!"

JR: "Up Next is the Lottery for the four men competing at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship, DON'T MISS IT!"

Cameras Fade Out To Commercials.
Wow this is great so far keep it up! I'm gonna follow these there really really good
Cameras come back to the Ring covered in a velvet rug. Vince and Jonathan Coachman are in the center with the Lottery Dome.

Vince: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to find out what four men will be fighting it out at SummerSlam for the WWE Title."

Fans Cheer.

Vince: "Incase you already forgot, four men will be picked from this Lottery. They will be paired into two sperate matches at SummerSlam. The winners of those two Matches will face off in the Main Event for the WWE Title. Unfortuneately, the first spot has been claimed by DX's own: Shawn Michaels due to his win earlier tonight."

Fans Cheer.

Vince: "When you are picked, please come out to the Ring, DX has been escorted out of the Arena so Michaels will not be joining us.....Lets get started."

Fans Boo no DX and Cheer for the Lottery.

Coach spins the Lottery Dome and Vince pulls out a ball and opens it.

Vince: "And the second man going for the WWE Title is.......JOHN CENA!"

Fans Go Nuts as Cena makes his way to the Ring saluting the Fans.

JR: "Looks like Cena will have another chance to be top dog again!"

King: "Luck of the Draw JR."

Vince reluctantly shakes Cena's hand. Vince proceeds to the Lottery Dome and chooses another name.

Vince: "The third man going for the title is.........RANDY....ORTON!"

Fans Boo Randy Orton as he makes his way down to the Ring. Vince gladly shakes his hand and Orton stares down Cena before Vince seperates them.

JR: "It has indeed been awhile since Orton held the WWE Title, could we be in for another Orton reign?"

King: "I sure hope so JR, I like Orton!"

Vince chooses one last name from the Lottery Dome.

Vince: "And the last man going for the WWE Title at SummerSlam will be......Jeff Jarrett?!"

Fans Boo tremendously as Jeff Jarrett comes to the Ring accompanied by Jim Cornett.


King: "He needs to get the hell out of here JR!"

Jarrett: "Can't shake MY hand Vince?"

Vince: "How the HELL did you get in there?!"

Jarrett: "Why Vince, you must have forgotten what you said earlier tonight. You said any man in the back could sign up. And we were here tonight to see if this new era was worth competing with. I thought to myself 'Jeff, the only way you'll find out is to compete on their show.' So I went on in and the balls were already made. So I found an empty one, put my name in it and now I'm here. Isn't this GREAT Vince? I mean my last run in WWE is ridiculous because you had no faith in me. Now I'm a STAR, King Of The Mountain."

Fans Boo.

Vince: "So you got me on a technicality huh? FINE! I have NOTHING to fear from you! You want in SummerSlam so bad? Welcome to the WWE!"

Cena and Orton head for Jarrett and the Lights Go Out. Are You Ready? Hits and Fans Go to their feet.

JR: "It's DX's Music, but where is DX?!"

King: "I thought they were escorted out of here!"

The Lights come back on and a Black, DX Branded Fire Truck is Ringside with HBK on top holding a hose between his legs. Fans Cheer as the men in the Ring look terrified.



HBK: "There was a fire in the bulding so they let me in to put it out."

Fans Cheer.

HBK: "Now Triple H steered us in here, so I didn't come alone."

Triple H steps out of the Driver's Door to a Pop.

HBK: "I'm going to run down these other three men for a minute here.......John Cena.....I have nothing against you kid, best of luck to you at SummerSlam.......Randy Orton? Are you kidding me?! When he's not facing men three times his age he's going for the WWE Title. No offense Randall, but you're going to get your ass kicked at SummerSlam. And lastly we have TNA's own Jeff Jarrett. Well Jeff, I know you suck because you're the top dog in a League of misfits and hasbeens. But consider this a DX Welcoming Present."

Fans Cheer.

The hose turns on and HBK sprays everyone in the Ring with ice cold water knocking them down to the Mat. HBK continues to spray them all as they are on the ground. Fans Cheer. HBK stops and all the men are infuriated but soakedn wet.

HBK: "And if you don't like that we've got two words for ya!"

DX and Crowd: "SUCK IT!"

DX heads to the back leaving the Truck Ringside.

JR: "DX pulled one not only on Vince, but on The Coach, Cena, Orton and TNA's Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette. The four men are chosen. TNA is trying to stop WWE from making an impact and what better way than by having Jarrett win the WWE Title at SummerSlam?"

King: "I know he'll get his ass kciked, JR. But what's more important, Michaels and Triple H are opponents next week with HBK's SummerSlam slot on the line!"

JR: "Folks, there is no telling what next week will bring, thank you for joining us for our first night back in action and see you all next week!"

Cameras Fade Out focusing on the DX Truck.

End Show.
I've started a new way to review, so if any grades seem low from now on on ALL shows it's not b/c your show's getting worse...

Opening Promo w/ Vince- Good way to start the show... a lottery is very different... I hav a feeling this'll be unrealistic lol but good... ladder match, 2 elimination tag matches, and a submission match in the same night! lol

Benjamon vs Finlay- Pretty good 1st match... (7/10)

DX and Coach- okay promo... I didnt really like it... (6/10)

DX vs Umaga,Khali,Big Show- Pretty good match, but Khali's elimination is so unlikely especially it being a 3 on 2. (7.5/10)

Vince/DX promo- HBK vs HHH when they're still together... that should be interesting (7.5/10)

Vince/Coach- Lottery should be pretty nice! (8/10)

Jerico vs Benoit (IC title submission)- Good match, happy to see Benoit win! (9/10)

JBL interviews Kane- Weird! yet exciting! (8.5/10)

Ring segment- Cruiserweights gone? I'm sorry, that just ruined the show for me! It was a good segment but I dont like that the CW's are gone! (8/10)

Edge/Flair vs RVD/Sabu- Good match... I wanted Sabu and RVD, but Edge and Flair may be good tag champs... (9/10)

Lottery- Wow what a way to end the show! HBK we knew! CENA! ORTON! Jarret :-\ lol! Anyway, this was good! (10/10)

Good show!
Overall Rating: 80/100
Keep it up!

Can you please review Fusion Week 14? Thanks
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