WWE places strange ban

The D

Dark Match Jobber
source: PWInsider.com

-- WWE has placed a ban on talent wrestling with gloves on. Dolph Ziggler revealed this tidbit today on Twitter when was asked why he no longer wears gloves when he competes.

He said, "DZBabe, I don't wear gloves anymore! They have been banned from ringside! Hopefully we can atleast High-5!"

I'm not completely sure what to think about this, kinda strange considering talents suck as Undertaker, MVP, and Kane wear gloves and would all seem somewhat strange without them, I can understand them banning Flair chops but why gloves?
Possibly due to an alergen in the gloves :shrug:, alot of people could be allergic to anything and possibly due to something that involves another former WWE superstar (none come to mind) they don't want to mention.
Probably helps to keep some of the guys from being too stiff by accident. If you wear a glove you probably can't feel it as well if you hit a guy harder than you intended. Also it probably helps to differentiate between wrestlers and MMA fighters which is probably a bigger consideration
First of all, Ziggler I don't believe has worn gloves for a while. He was making an inside joke. Especially since Mysterio and Kane both had gloves on the most recent Smackdown. And as for the chops, Jericho meant 'crotch chops' aka DX chops. Not Flair chops. The 'ban' is full of BS, so people should forget about it. Especially since Mysterio will be having the gloves on next Smackdown.
Vince is a control freak. I don't get this. Maybe the gloves remind him of something in TNA or from WCW. Who knows. Vince also reportedly banned any marketing campaigns with Shawn Michaels. That is really strange. Michaels busted his ass for the WWF/E, finally decided to call it quits cus hell, he had a broken back at one point, and Vince cuts his likeness off. To Vince loyalty is a one way street.
Hold the phone gents.... R-Truuf just came out... and normally he has Mechanix Gloves on, but his hands are bare... perhaps there is some merit to this... With exceptions for vets like Kane or 'Taker.. Hmmmm?

And, there you have it.
Hold the phone gents.... R-Truuf just came out... and normally he has Mechanix Gloves on, but his hands are bare... perhaps there is some merit to this... With exceptions for vets like Kane or 'Taker.. Hmmmm?

And, there you have it.

Yea, and Tarver's hands were heavily taped, instead of being gloved.

As far fetched as it seems, it may have to do with the costume designers. Remember when Umaga was told by Triple H and Shawn to not wear their colors? Maybe the same complaint came up. You only have so many color combinations. Kane and MVP both had the red/black thing going. So, I think either wardrobe said we're tired of constantly finding gloves for you guys, or somewhat else said "wrestlers' accessories should only be exclusive in color." Who knows?
the WWE is just going overboard with these bans. They just want to assert their dominance into the world like a bully IMO. I think they should adopt double j's theme song "my world" and just call it a day. There is no rhyme or reason for this kind of stuff
This can't be real because it doesn't make any sense. There is no need for wrestlers to wear gloves, but it doesn't make sense to ban them. This really doesn't affect anyone greatly besides The Undertaker. Even though his gloves are more for fighting then the usual long gloves he wore in the past, it wouldn't look right for Undertaker not to have any gloves in the ring.

I guess it really doesn't matter at the end of the day, but if this story is real then it just seems odd and asinine to have the rule.
I doubt that The Undertaker or Kane for that matter will stop wearing gloves, they would look odd without them, I can see others stop but not those two.

As for this new rule I find it really weird I dont know what purpose it will serve but im sure Vince has his reasons.
This also seems really odd for me to. It doesn't make sense why the would ban something like this. Some of the wrestlers outfits aren't going to look as cool as they used to IMO without the gloves, like Dolph Ziggler, and Rey Mysterio, and Kane, and the Undertaker. Maybe Vince thought that people were taking to many stiff shots with the gloves on, or his ego once against stroke and it looked like wrestlers were going out there to box, instead of wrestle.
Hmm, just and another example of the never-ending mission of the WWE finding ways to be more stupid and annoying, whats next? Are they going to control the performers hairstyles too? Oh wait a second, maybe they're onto that already.

Taker is above everyone else and I dont think shit like this will affect him. We'll see what he's wearing when he comes back in the ring.

Though if it is a health safety thing, he might have to comply as well.
I don't give 2 squirts whether they wear gloves or not.

If it's a real ban then there is a real reason for it. Not the WWE is a bully reason or any stupid reason that might be rolling around in that dusty empty head you have.

If there is a reason for the ban, it is a legit reason. Relax. The WWE has safety first in mind for the wrestlers. Not having gloves isn't going to change shit.
Two things come to mind when I hear this news.

First off, its weird. I have no clue why they would ban gloves. I dont know much, but I would think that gloves would help with someones grip when lifting someone else. It makes no sense and its really odd that they would ban such a small part of a wrestlers attire.

Secondly, who cares. Like I just said, its a minute part of someones attire. Its not going to change anything really. Yeah, its a little weird, but if you didnt read the story, you wouldnt even notice the ban.
Is this ban truly in a affect? Last Friday's edition of SmackDown certainly displayed gloves on the likes of Kane and Rey Mysterio. So i'm not sure if this thing is truly in affect. If it is true we will see later this week if Kane and Mysterio are gloveless, for if they are i think we truly have a legitimate banning on our hand. The question I ask is why? Are gloves terribly dangerous objects to have in the ring with you? Are they a major danger risk to your opponents? If so it's news to me, since I didn't know of any incidents where gloves injured people.

If this is indeed true, then it will be a tad strange to see the likes of Rey Mysterio, Kane, and The Undertaker just to name a few, without their gloves as a part of their ring attire. Again this week's SmackDown will display how true this "banning" is, and if gloves are still worn this Friday, this report is very much false.
It is likely to do with safety... It is easier to drop someone wearing gloves than it is without... I can also see the MMA image not being encouraged but in reality if you lift someone wearing slippery gloves then the person can slip and cause a botch...
Welcome to Dave’s tour of the self-depreciating stupidity of fans. On our left, you will see the very typical view of someone who will try and find fault with the WWE at every turn.

Hmm, just and another example of the never-ending mission of the WWE finding ways to be more stupid and annoying, whats next? Are they going to control the performers hairstyles too? Oh wait a second, maybe they're onto that already.

Taker is above everyone else and I dont think shit like this will affect him. We'll see what he's wearing when he comes back in the ring.

Though if it is a health safety thing, he might have to comply as well.

You are attacking the WWE over something you know absolutely nothing about. I realise that by saying this I might come off as someone who will defend the WWE through anything but trust me, if the WWE is acting stupid then I will be just as ready as the next man to question them over it. However, this is just ludicrous. You have literally no idea why they were banned and you are already attacking them.

What if it is because Kane dropped someone on their neck during training wearing those gloves and it could have ended the career of a promising superstar? Would it still have been such an affront to the product of the WWE? No it probably wouldn’t have. You are just as ill-informed as the rest of us. We do not work for the WWE and as such cannot possibly comment (with any great certainty) on this issue.

For me, this ruling means absolutely nothing. Sure, some of the guys in the WWE like to wear gloves and that is fine. However, I don’t honestly think it is going to change my view of the WWE or their superstars in any great deal. If it is for the safety of other superstars, then I seriously urge you to get over yourself and get on board.
OP,you've obviously been had. MVP wore gloves on Superstars,and Rey and Kane continued to sport gloves on Smackdown this past Friday(Tuesday).I believe Dolph may have been having fun at someone's expense. I follow him on twitter,and he often makes references to his favorite porn star, Asa Akira.

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