WWE Payback 2015: Naomi & Tamina VS The Bella Twins

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member

This match did not have a thread yet, and honestly I am not surprised. It does however deserve discussion going into the Payback event though.

Personally, I find this match to be 100% pointless. Why would they even do this match? The divas tag team match at Wrestlemania sort of made sense, but why this one? It could just as easily have been Tamina challenging Nikki for the Divas Championship. That would be much more tolerable even though it would still be the candidate for the worst match of the night. The match we are actually getting? It will be the worst match of the night, no questions asked. 3 of the 4 women involved in this match suck. That's a recipe for disaster. I generally hate the "divas matches are a chance for a break!" stereotype, but that is certainly the case here. Once it starts I'll head to the pantry to grab some Crabby Patty gummies.

The Bellas will likely get the win here. Don't mistake that for me supporting them, it is just a predicted outcome. I am not rooting for anyone in this match except maybe Tamina. Nikki needs the win more for when she'll go into her next title defense, which is where she will probably lose the belt. This hopefully goes on early in the evening so we can get it over with. I could see it being in the middle of the show. The Bellas win and Nikki enters a feud with her next challenger, Naomi goes back to doing nothing.

The Bella Twins will defeat Naomi & Tamina.


Now it's your turn.

What are your thoughts on this match? Who do you think will win and why?

Discuss! :)
I agree that the match is pointless for a PPV, and won't mean much by the time the next one rolls around. It should have been Naomi re-challenging Nikki with Tamina to counter Brie, but that would mean they'd actually have to address Brie interfering in the match and costing Naomi. Which still makes no sense since Naomi was the freshly turned heel and Nikki's (and by association you would think Brie) supposed to be a face. :shrug:

Nevertheless, Nikki and Naomi had a good match on the last PPV. If Brie Mode is kept to a minimum this should still be pretty good, if you can look past the bad booking leading up till tonight.

I'm most looking forward to seeing Tamina, she's obviously a power house but for the life of me I can't remember much else about her inside the ring.

Turning Naomi heel and having her align with Tamina will be a waste if they lose tonight, so I'm hoping they win. Ideally it would be in heel-ish fashion, but since that's how Nikki won last time...never mind. :banghead:
Jesus Christ, these woman do not suck. That's such an ignorant statement to make. The Bellas have worked their ass off the past 2-3 year's and improved so much, but there's still ignorant people who fail to see that. It won't be the best match of the night. Ever since that chick AJ left the divas division it's been slowly getting better. More character development, more divas are getting TV time then before. The spotlight is not being hogged by 1 diva anymore, and when Paige get's back on TV she'll likely have a prominent role as well.. This match should be decent if they get time, they all can work, WWE is just so focused on other storylines on the show the divas get little TV time.. It's the way they feel about woman in wrestling and that will never change in WWE.. These 4 woman are being built as top divas right now, Paige will be built the same way when she returns. Now WWE should push more talented woman like Emma (after she get's repackaged) and debut some of these NXT woman and don't flop with them. The divas division is looking bright, but of course that can all change in the near future.

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