Rumor: WWE Releasing The Bella Twins

I was thinking that the bellas would be apart of a laurinitis entourage, and would be the eye candy, motivation, etc. for the whole roster, cause they have it good with Johnny. They could follow him around, cost people matches if he wants them to, all that stuff. I'll be dissapointed to see them go
I've never really had a big problem with them. They didn't exactly take any valuable time on screen, were very easy on the eyes, and seemed to show clear improvement over time in the ring. If anything, they would make for great valets. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if this rumor were true, but I certainly see them as assets.

Oh well, at least we know that if they come back in 10 years, the IWC will forget about being tired of them and will go crazy about them claiming that the Bellas were among the best divas of all time.
I'm glad The Bella Twins are leaving WWE, They will be more successful somewhere else, WWE has no respect for the divas and The Bellas know things aren't going to change, It's a smart move by them and I just hope that their happy with this decision because that's all I care about If their happy :)
If the Bella Twins choose to leave, then more power to them. Let them do what they want. It just means that two people who want to stick around won't have to be fired.
So my thoughts on this.. One they did it to try to get the Bella's to resign. ( since vicente is high on them) or they're setting up Kharmas come back to continue her storyline from when she left with the Bella's and have her take the strap from them...?

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