WWE Over The Limit - Kane & Big Show Vs CM Punk & Mason Ryan

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So this match got announced on Raw (but for some reason isn't on the official website) & it's kind of nice seeing so many big names in a tag team match for once. I think this match will be a decent filler match (such is the way the tag team belts are handled at the moment). I personally think the tag team champions will loose here, with the recent 'Nexus will once again show why they're the dominant force' schpill that went on in this weeks Raw. Ideally I don't want this to happen, I want to see a lengthy title reign and Show/Kane are probably the best team to do this right now, it will give the chance of a new heel team to get over in a tag team match down the line & I feel this can only be achieved if Kane & Big Show hold onto the belts for 3 - 5 months. Also CM Punk really doesn't need the tag belts right now, he SHOULD be in the main event picture.
Punk has his work cut out for him. Its a shame that he's pretty much the only guy in this match with any credibility left, but he'll be the one who spends all the match getting thrown around and made to look inferior.

Its only purpose is to further the Nexus split storyline. The last thing Ryan needs is to break away from the best talker and one of the better workers in the company and be left to fend for himself.
This could be similar to when Flair/Batista won the tag belts I believe at the end of 03. Ryan's push needs to start somewhere already. I could easily see Punk/Ryan win on Sunday. I was more surprised with the way Raw went, that its not Punk vs Kofi for the US belt, and Ryan/McGulicutty for the tag belts. I guess this also could be a clear sign if Punk has re-signed or not.
I think this is the beginning of using CM Punk to set up a push for Ryan, nothing more, nothing less.

Either the Nexus guys will lose the match and Punk will blame Ryan, getting up in his face until Ryan fights back, or they'll win the titles, carry them for a couple of weeks, teasing dissension all the while, and eventually lose them with the same thing taking place. Until a contract extension gets done, elevating other stars is all you'll really see Punk doing.

It's a shame, but that's the business - the LAST thing Vince is going to do is give a great deal of momentum to a guy who might be out the door in a few months.
I want Big Show and Kane to retain because i am sick of having random tag teams being made and then seing them win the titles so quickly. The titles are something you have to chase or at least be in a tag team for awhile before going for them. But they will probably win them, keep them for a month and split the NExus and lose them to another random tag team.
I have to say, though. Personally, I was thrilled with the little promo Show and Kane gave after the match. I honestly thought for a moment that a team cared about holding the tag titles, which, ironically enough, the last time I felt that, Jerishow was holding them.
I agree that punk should be in the main event picture and i dont like this match..why is mason ryan getting a push just cuz hes big michael mcguilicutty is better in the ring and not bad on the mic but i digress....hopefully if punk wins the tag titles hell be around for a while but they need to stop burying him if they want him to resign..
I would really like if Nexus disbanded and it becomes only about Punk and Batis.. I mean Ryan, Punk obviously being the main venter and Ryan winning the US championship from Kofi.

Back to reality, well I'm not sure what to expect from this match everything looks like Nexus is about to disband or at least Ryan. On the other hand, Punk may no renew his contract with the E, so he could be buried in this match. I don't know, I'm just curious about the result of the match and where both Punk and Ryan go from there.
I wonder if Nexus wins they'll be able to defend it under the Freebird rule.Corre didnt surprisingly but maybe WWE doesnt really care about that rule.It could really help as their opponents wouldnt know who they're facing so it would be a surprise as they could just advertise the match as eg Nexus vs Show/Kane.

If Show/Kane retain they need to destroy and I mean destroy some teams if the coming weeks.Hell Turn them Heel and you have 2 giant seemingly unbeatable giants who hold the titles.Kinda like they're run in 05-06 and have them go on a long run with the titles untill they are challenged by a team that looks like they could actually beat them like Mahal/Khali
i like this match and having punk and mason win the tag titles will help mason. i know this is off topic but i think there going with the idea they did with batista. mason rookie and punk a vet not nearly the same but close enough. giving the belts to punk and mason i think will give mason a nice push. and if they do win the tag titles it is deff a sign that punk has resigned
This should be fine, it gets Punk on the card if nothing else which is always a good thing. This probably wont be much of a match considering who is in there but if you let Punk carry most of the load it could be passable. Show & Kane will probably retain as it seems more likely that the rumoured Mahal/Kahli team will take the belts from them. This match will probably just be used to advance the inevitable break up of the Nexus which I am looking forward too actually as I think Punk vs Ryan, which is what this should eventually lead to, could be a good Power vs Speed match and a good way to put Mason Ryan over.
I'm not expecting much of a match here. This will just be an angle to further the dissension in the Nexus and make way for the eventually split for Mason Ryan. I have a feeling he will be the big face to come out of all of this. He'll feud with Nexus and eventually go over Punk one on one. Sounds good in theory, but I have to see more from Mason to be sure.

Show & Kane will win most likely, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went the other way. Actually, I would be surprised. Kane & Show could be used to put over a new tag team and it seems silly to waste it on a team that's just going to be another random pairing.

Either way, not much of a match to see, just an angle.
After Kane and Big Show's promo on Raw I hope to see them retain. In the promo they actually came off as a team that is actually proud to be tag champs and will to do anything to keep the belts. Seeing as Punk is in contract negotiations I'm not sure Vince wants to put any belt on Punk right now. Cause if Punk was in the clear I'd rather see him take the US strap off Kofi since he has a non title win over him and have Otunga and McGuillicutty take the belts(they actually did well for themselves this past raw). Now I think if anything this will lead to Punk getting kicked out of Nexus(Whether it's a wierd face turn or to keep him off tv till his contract is negotiated). There's been rumors of Nexus and The Corre joining back up as Nexus and I think it's the perfect time to do it and bring them back to their old wanting to take over ways. Big Show and Kane are currently feuding with both factions so it seems likely. Zeke is no longer with the Corre and kicking out Punk would bring Nexus 3.0 to a respectable 6 members wanting to take over. One of their main focuses can be to take the tag straps off of Big Show and Kane which would help the division out with them fighting off any 2 member combination of the stable. If Kane and Big Show every month or however often they defend the belts are able to walk away the victors then the team they eventually lose the straps to will get a huge rub.

A lot of people are saying Mason Ryan is going to break away but I don't see that yet seeing as he is too Green and unproven with no mouthpiece so I say keep him in a stable for now. Sorry I babbled for a while but I think Big Show and Kane seem to be the better choice for a win here seeing as they seem to be giving the tag titles some prestige and ppv time lately.
I think Punk's current contract negotiations make it a little risky to put the titles on him and Ryan. I doubt this match serves no purpose other than to further the Ryan potentially turning on Nexus angle. I'm guessing Kane and Show pick up the win here and go on to feud with another tag team possibly on Smackdown. I'm also gonna go out on a limb and guess that Punk takes the fall, pins all the blame on Mason Ryan's incompetence, and New Nexus excommunicates him... or something along those lines. I'm not exactly interested enough in Ryan to really see him break out on his own and be the one who ultimately destroys Nexus... I'll need to see a lot more out of him. But yeah, that's how I see things playing out.
I definitely do not see a title change coming here. What a randomly put together feud. Mason could make a good champion if he had a better partner. Punk is above these belts. Unless.... Nexus will begin appearing on both shows again, to maybe feud with The Corre? I see Kane and Show retaining because we finally have dominant tag team champions, why ruin that? Punk's above tag team title reigns and Mason's got a big future ahead of him, they do not need a win here.

Kane and Big Show will retain the Tag Team Championships.
^I agree. I am really liking that I get to see Kane and Big Show on both shows. For the past couple of weeks they have been the best thing in the WWE imo.
This match actually sounds appealing and quite credible as a a tag team championship match. Kane and Big Show have been doing a great job of feuding with Corre and Nexus and I don't think they're quite ready to give up them tag titles just yet. Everyone wants this Corre/Nexus angle to end. Perhaps with Big Show and Kane trapped in the middle, we'll see a split from the two factions. I'm thinking Big Show and Kane win this one and perhaps next time we'll see a triple threat tag match of sorts involving the three teams. But its a shame Punk has been reduced to tag team title status instead of Heavyweight tite status but whatever. I'm hoping Punk seperates himself from his little groups and focuses on the Championship scene. As for this match, Big Show and Kane need to keep their momentum going.

Hamler's Prediction - Kane & The Big Show
You know what? I'm really pleased about this match. 3 high-profile stars are in there with one new guy who can learn a lot from all three of them. I'm pleased Ryan's actually doing something, I know he's green but I reckon he could be really good in a couple of years, I'm ecstatic Punk's doing something, and hell, I know there's a high-chance they're losing this one but at least the tag division feels as if it has a point now. Subject to change, of course.

If I had any criticisms it's that the build has been rushed, and that Kane and Show have randomly gone from feuding with the Wolfpac/Red Nexus/Cor(r)e to feuding with the Nexus.
Kane and Show should retain here. Nexus seems to be going through a dysfunctional phase, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone on the Nexus team made a mistake here. It looks like Mason Ryan is about to go off on his own, and I don't know where Punk and the rest of Nexus will go after this match, but I wouldn't be surprised if a break-up occurred soon. Nexus hasn't done anything worthwhile since the feuds with Cena and Orton ended. They're not "hot" anymore, so splitting up might not be the worst thing in the world.
I have a feeling this is going to be close but I think at the end of the day Punk runs his mouth too much and Ryan is able to break out on his own a bit more. Another possible scenario is that Nexus gets the titles here, allowing Ryan to break out on his own later. Show and Kane are rather boring as champions, but at the end of the day I think they keep the belts here. Very little confidence in that pick though.
Kane and Big Show will retain the Tag Team Championships.

I got this right. Big Show and Kane need to dominate in the tag team division to give those belts back the prestige they have lost. Therefore, the right guys won. Why push CM Punk and Mason Ryan as a tag team anyhow? Punk is above these belts and Mason can be built into something better as well. The match wasn't bad and I liked it, I'm just glad that Kane and Show retained because the division needs them to hold onto those belts for a LONG time until a great team is built up to take over.
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