WWE on Netflix


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It is really cool that they are starting to add it streaming, but the aren't the complete DVDs. Each one is like an hour and a half long, and if I am not mistaken, those dvds are usually 6-9 hours long.

Do you think that eventually the whole dvd will be on there?
ummm, generally WWE DVDs have the 1 disc with the narrative, usually between 50-120 minutes, with some bonus materials (select promos or matches) and then if its a multi-disc set, the 2nd and 3rd discs will have the 6 hours of matches on it. The WWE DVDs on Netflix (I assume you mean streaming, since the DVD versions would have the additional discs as part of the set) appear to be just the narrative disc 1 material, so the length is just about right.
i don't think they'll have the whole dvd on there since the way it is now is a great set up for them... you get the story and now you gotta go out and buy the dvd for the matches (assuming you have stream only), not a bad set up for them, does it suck for us? sure... but then again most of the time the story is all i want to see and so i personally love this arrangement... watching the john cena experience as we speak and i've actually gained a lot more respect for the guy as a result... is it a dvd i'd have bought otherwise? nope! So i'm glad to see this, same with the big show, i watched that dvd the night before elimination chamber so i was probably the only person in oakland who was hella juiced to see Big Show as the replacement haha
So far we've watched the one for Big Show. And yep, it was just the Disc One documentary. The additional 2 discs worth of matches were not streamable at the time of our viewing. Whether that will change or not... I do like that I can watch the documentaries as many times I've already seen the matches. I do like the matches though so my kids can watch and appreciate the stars that I grew up watching and that don't/can't wrestle any longer.
I just bought and watched the new WM DVD today, and I have to say the documentary is fantastic. Get if one waits for netflix, but worth the $20. Very well done.
Im watching them now, the stories are all there on the ones ive watched so far, and its very cool to ssee them for free and is def worth watching them on netflix
I got really pumped when I noticed that a lot more of the WWE DVDs were made available for streaming recently. I've already watched the Big Show DVD and I watched Breaking the Code: Behind the Walls of Chris Jericho tonight. Both were very well done and I can't wait to watch some of the other DVDs soon! :)

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