WWE Offering Refunds For an absent John Cena.

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
Okay first off I am not bashing John Cena in this Thread .

While reading on the main page I came across a story about How WWE is giving out refunds to anyone that is unhappy about John Cena not being there due to an injury.

After reading the story it got me thinking is WWE just banking on Cena ?

Yeah fans like other wrestlers but is the WWE really hurting while John Cena is out of action.

How can they put so much time and effort in to one person when they have a lot of hungry guys wanting there time while the number one draw is out due to an injury/surgery.

I understand people get hurt in wrestling but Should the fans who spent a lot of money to a show that might have cost them between 20- 200 Dollars per ticket take there family/ kids home due to someone getting injured and getting there money back ?

I honestly find it very rude, it does state on the tickets '' Card Subject To Change '' .

So my question is this.

Would you want your money back if your favorite wrestler was unable to show up after you spent a lot of money on the tickets, OR Would you tough it out and stay til the event/ show was over.

Your Thoughts.
Okay first off I am not bashing John Cena in this Thread.

While reading on the main page I came across a story about How WWE is giving out refunds to anyone that is unhappy about John Cena not being there due to an injury.

After reading the story it got me thinking is WWE just banking on Cena?

Uh, after six years you're just figuring that out? Haha, WWE has pretty much been strategizing their entire market around John Cena. That is why the guy changes his shirts around the biggest sell times out the year. That is why they refuse to even consider turning Cena heel, in fear it would cause a huge impact on their sales. That is why nearly every single thing WWE does to make money, involves Cena in some way or another.

With that being said, it's WWE's company...they can give refunds for whatever they want, the fans won't complain on that. But I personally think it's silly that they're doing that. They weren't giving refunds when Randy Orton missed half the Summer. They weren't giving refunds for Undertaker not being present for the majority of the last couple of years. Why does Cena get special treatment?

I can understand though that there are kids that just love to see Cena. They want to go there, and watch him wrestle. He's their favorite, and for some people he may even be the sole reason they watch the program to begin with. Maybe it was WWE's fault though, and they neglected to advertise that he wasn't going to be there.

Or maybe offer to give out free Cena t-shirts at the event? A souvenir of my favorite wrestler would honesty be more worth while than a refund.

Yeah fans like other wrestlers but is the WWE really hurting while John Cena is out of action.

How can they put so much time and effort in to one person when they have a lot of hungry guys wanting there time while the number one draw is out due to an injury/surgery.

I understand people get hurt in wrestling but Should the fans who spent a lot of money to a show that might have cost them between 20- 200 Dollars per ticket take there family/ kids home due to someone getting injured and getting there money back ?

I honestly find it very rude, it does state on the tickets '' Card Subject To Change '' .

So my question is this.

Could also be a PR move by the WWE as well. Without all the stuff surrounding Linda and her campaign once again, maybe WWE was trying to make it look a little better. Be prepared to see a lot of moves like this by the WWE in the upcoming months, because they're going to do everything that can to give Linda the best shot at winning. It sucks that they have to bring the company into it, but that's how politics works and the 'E doesn't care.

Would you want your money back if your favorite wrestler was unable to show up after you spent a lot of money on the tickets, OR Would you tough it out and stay til the event/ show was over.

Your Thoughts.

No, honestly I wouldn't. I've gone to football games before where my favorite players didn't start. Yeah I'd be pretty bummed I didn't get to see them play, but I'm there to watch my team. I still ended up having a blast.

It's even more different in WWE. We're smarks, so we think differently about it. We know that Cena was injured, and wouldn't be in any storylines anyways. So of course it wouldn't have affected anything planned, and it would have still been a fun show. Like the football game I went to, going to a live WWE event would be a great experience, and one person not being there wouldn't make as much as an impact to the show.
I'm pretty sure they do this whenever John Cena is hurt. This isn't just any wrestler, this is John Cena. The face of the company and the biggest draw in wrestling today. When your main act can't preform then you should offer a refund. These people who take up the offer of a refund will most likely attend another event later in the year or sometime next year so it doesn't really matter.

It's a common thing when Cena is hurt so it isn't really news anymore. As I said before Cena is the main act and he can't preform so offering a refund is the right thing to do. It's not about missing your favourite, it's about missing the biggest star in the business.
I think this is absolutely ridiculous. I guess Cena is bigger than the entire WWE. I wonder if only Cena and the midcard shows up will they give refunds to the fans that came to see Bryan Kane Punk etc. I wonder if they would I dont think they would and thats ridiculous how big they're making Cena
I want my money from the 90s when the 123 kid would always be hurt and not be at events and we got Jim Powers instead.

Hey Vince, now that you own WCW, I want my money for an advertised Hulk Hogan vs Macho Man match from a houseshow that never happened. Hogan got hurt the week before and dont know why Savage wouldnt be there.

I was only at one event where they did this. It was to be HHH vs Brock at MSG and HHH got "hurt" and came out on crutches, so we got Kurt Angle and Haas and Benjamin vs Brock instead. I put the "" because come Monday he was healed.

Are the NY Yankees going to give me a refund because a few weeks ago I didnt see Arod and Tex? No. Things happen and people have to realize that.
I agree with above saying maybe they can give out merchadise or something but a whole refund? That insults the other talent on the card.
So much stupid.

First of all, this isn't new. When Jeff Hardy was in his first world title reign but was hurt in storyline terms by the pyro, this was done at house shows. I was at one of the shows and remember hearing it announced. This has been going on for YEARS. Back in the day, Hogan would be advertised for weeks in advance at house shows and would then not be on the show and the company would use the card subject to change line, which while legal, is a cheap way out when they likely knew he wasn't going to be there.

Second, how in the world is giving the fans an option to get their money back when their #1 draw isn't there a bad thing? It's a way the WWE is saying that they actually have a heart. The cruel thing to do would be to say "HAHA we have your money already so you're screwed. Here's Big Show and we don't care if you like it or not." Instead, they're saying that they're sorry but this is beyond their control and if you don't want to stay we understand and we hope you don't hold it against us. If I'm a ticket buyer and I hear that, it makes me think that WWE is going out of their way to do something for me, which is going to make me more likely to give them my money in the future.

This isn't a stupid move and of course WWE is banking on Cena. He's their #1 star and has been for like six years now. It's a nice gesture to the fans and if WWE loses a few hundred bucks now, they could make a lot more in the future. This isn't a big deal at all.
Cena is not bigger then the WWE. Cena at this time is the WWE. People take their kids to go see him. Let’s say a kid likes wrestling and wants to see Cena and the parents don’t really care for wrestling and don’t really know about Cena. Trust me they are going to take him to go see Cena now and then. It’s like taking your kid and seeing kiddy movie because he wants too. Well if he isn’t there why not. What if you go to the movies for a show pay for your ticket something happens to that particular movie it stops working. They give you a refund they don’t say you can see another movie that you didn’t want to see.
So people only pay to watch Cena, not other wrestlers and these people are supposed to be "wrestling" fans? WWE should change their name and should call themselves "WCE" World Cena Entertainment.
paying to just see one person wrestle is stupid. Yes when i go to a event wanting to See cm punk and he's not there yes i would disappointed but i wouldn't leave because i would still want my money's worth even if he is not their
KIDS KIDS KIDS. When are people going to realize the WWE caters to kids these days. If parents spend money to take their kids to see John Cena and he isn't there, of course they deserve to get their money back.

When are people going to finally realize the WWE of today isn't catered to people above their teens?
It's interesting to see how many fans actually take the refunds. I know at live shows back in the day, WWE had a policy that they would refund your money if you had a problem if you asked for it before the main event. I went to a live show back at the old Maple Leaf Gardens with my dad and we had awesome seats but couldn't see that much because the cameramen were blocking our view. We went to the customer service and he wanted a refund, which he got. It sucks that the only thing I remember about the show was how cheap my dad was, but still, the point that WWE is offering refunds isn't news. Massive numbers of people demanding refunds because of no Cena *is* news, however.
So much stupid.
This has been going on for YEARS. Back in the day, Hogan would be advertised for weeks in advance at house shows and would then not be on the show and the company would use the card subject to change line, which while legal, is a cheap way out when they likely knew he wasn't going to be there.

Ok, that comment is all kinds of stupid and paranoid. It's not like they post "the card subject to change", on just random tickets, or when they suspect a main star won't be there. Every live event from ROH to WWE to UFC and Boxing have those on all tickets and posters advertising there events.

Now on to the OP subject, I think while the WWE believes they are doing the right thing publicity wise, this is a very slippery slope they are going down as now they have set precedent. What's to stop me as a fan, say getting upset because Kane was suppose to be on a show and doesn't make it for whatever reason. What is to stop me from demanding my money now, seeing as the WWE has now set precedent for refunding money when someone's favourite superstar can't make it
Ok, that comment is all kinds of stupid and paranoid. It's not like they post "the card subject to change", on just random tickets, or when they suspect a main star won't be there. Every live event from ROH to WWE to UFC and Boxing have those on all tickets and posters advertising there events.

Now on to the OP subject, I think while the WWE believes they are doing the right thing publicity wise, this is a very slippery slope they are going down as now they have set precedent. What's to stop me as a fan, say getting upset because Kane was suppose to be on a show and doesn't make it for whatever reason. What is to stop me from demanding my money now, seeing as the WWE has now set precedent for refunding money when someone's favourite superstar can't make it

I'm well aware of that you nitwit. I'm also well aware that multiple times, wrestlers are advertised with the promoters knowing well in advance that they wouldn't be showing up. It happened more than once on PPV in WCW and it happened in the WWF too. It's hardly uncommon but the card subject to change line gives them a way out.

As for the Kane analogy, here's what's stopping you: WWE is under zero obligation to give you your money back in any circumstances as long as the show goes on. You paid for the ticket knowing that any superstar may not appear due to a variety of reasons. It's not their fault that someone you want to see isn't there. They would be completely within their rights to not offer refunds if Cena or Kane or a referee doesn't appear. They're doing the fans a favor and it's hardly a precedent. That's like saying that a company has to pay everyone a salary because they paid one person a salary. They aren't offering it all the time and without the offer, no one can take them up on it.
KIDS KIDS KIDS. When are people going to realize the WWE caters to kids these days. If parents spend money to take their kids to see John Cena and he isn't there, of course they deserve to get their money back.

When are people going to finally realize the WWE of today isn't catered to people above their teens?

Exactly, to little kids John Cena is the show. It's no different than when we were kids. Most of us would have been majorly disappointed if Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, or whoever was the big star back in the day wasn't there. Because to us back then that wrestler was the show. It's not stupid, it's the way kids are.
Yes but WWE never gave us refunds we just had to stay and watch the Show. Im sure kids would be sad if theyre beloved Kofi Kingston missed the event or Evan Bourne but apparently Those 2 are not important as THE MAN John Cena! I wonder if Cena was the only talent that arrived and wrestled a Broom would the kids be happy then? I bet WWE wouldnt even offer refunds because 'The Whole Fucking Show' Mr. John Cena is HERE!
Exactly, to little kids John Cena is the show. It's no different than when we were kids. Most of us would have been majorly disappointed if Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, or whoever was the big star back in the day wasn't there. Because to us back then that wrestler was the show. It's not stupid, it's the way kids are.

Yes but to my knowledge, if Hogan, Stone Cold, Bret, whoever didn't show up for whatever reason, WWE never offered refunds just because they were the main attraction & the young'ins parents payed just so their kids could see them. But if I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
WWE always does this when someone big is advertised for a while and whether is be storyline or legit, can't make the show. Went to a Smackdown house show in 2010 (i think) and something happened to Undertaker a couple weeks before (think it was storyline, can't exactly remember) but WWE did the same thing. They let us know UT would not be present and we had until the 2nd match to get a refund. Not a big deal, they definitely make it clear that the card was subject to change when they advertise tickets are on sale. You buy tickets well in advanced, usually without knowing any of the matches. It's only common sense that every one of your favorite superstars may not be at the show. Injuries/storlines/roster trades (at the time) happen at a moments notice. You still get a good show though.
Not necessarily. I went to a WWE Supershow House show about 4 months back in my hometown, and they heavily advertised CM Punk. He was my favorite wrestler at the time and he was set to defend the WWE championship. But, for some reason, he didn't come (probably because Sheamus defended his WHC that night). But anyway, I was a little pissed, but I wasn't going to demand a refund. I had front row seats. So, I still got to see and meet Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Kane, Miz, etc.

WWE should run on a "one monkey don't stop no show" motto. You can't depend on Cena to put asses in the seats, because he won't always be there. That's why the WWE needs to start building stars now! (Ziggler, Ryback, etc).
"Now on to the OP subject, I think while the WWE believes they are doing the right thing publicity wise, this is a very slippery slope they are going down as now they have set precedent. What's to stop me as a fan, say getting upset because Kane was suppose to be on a show and doesn't make it for whatever reason. What is to stop me from demanding my money now, seeing as the WWE has now set precedent for refunding money when someone's favourite superstar can't make it "

As for the Kane analogy, here's what's stopping you: WWE is under zero obligation to give you your money back in any circumstances as long as the show goes on. You paid for the ticket knowing that any superstar may not appear due to a variety of reasons. It's not their fault that someone you want to see isn't there. They would be completely within their rights to not offer refunds if Cena or Kane or a referee doesn't appear. They're doing the fans a favor and it's hardly a precedent. That's like saying that a company has to pay everyone a salary because they paid one person a salary. They aren't offering it all the time and without the offer, no one can take them up on it.

Yeah, and also, I doubt Kane would be advertised for every single major show, since he isn't exactly the face of the company. For example, they never market a card in the way to promote each and every known star or superstar appearing in the cast around that time. In an instance, say a house show will be scheduled four months from now, and you know they won't actually list the name of all the faces, down to the ones that only hardcore followers would remember, meaning they won't be likely to list: Randy Orton, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, ...... (insert name of the next popular NXT rookie here). Instead, it might read: Randy Orton, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Dolph Ziggler, and many more superstars. Know they are not slipping down a slippery slope for THAT reason.
I bought tickets to a show that took place shortly after the Lesnar / Cena match. When I thought there was a chance Cena may be out with an injury I decided I was going to ask for a refund if Cena was taken off the card. People can say "Kids, Kids, Kids" all they want but the truth is I paid a lot of money for floor seats, gas, food etc and without WWE's top draw the show wouldn't have been worth seeing.
I don't watch the WWE or attend live events just too see Cena. But if the WWE is willing to refund my ticket because Cena is not in the event then I would probably also grad the opportunity to attend the live event for free. My point is not sure where the WWE is going with this but it's really easy to abuse this policy.
This is nothing new, at all. If you only show up to see one guy then that is your loss, mostly because watching pro wrestling live is one of the best forms of live entertainment there is.

I remember when I was around 9 or 10 this happened at a Smackdown taping. Stone Cold was supposed to make an appearance after the taping was over, but it was around the time he had a neck surgery and he couldn't travel, so during the set up where they changed the ring skirt and stuff from Velocity to Smackdown they announced they would be giving out refunds.
This isn't anything new its been done before. They offered refunds on the smackdown shows when Orton hurt his back earlier in the year. They were advertised for the event and then got pulled off last minute.
Standard Operating Procedure folks. Nothing new to see here. If you're promoting an entertainment act, and the main event can't show up, you offer refunds- but here's the rub, you offer them at the show. Meaning you have to go down there to get your refund. If you're already at the show, how many people are going to be pissed enough to take back their money and leave? Maybe a couple, but not many.

Meanwhile, it's far better PR than saying "hey, your tickets say 'card subject to change', so suck on it." Even if you don't expect to give out many refunds, you look like you're trying to please the fans, even if it means taking a financial hit. It's taking lemons and making delicious lemonade with it. I make the exact same kind of "satisfaction or money back" offer- thus far, I haven't had anyone take me up on it.
John Cena isn't the only Superstar they do this for, they usually do it for anybody who was advertised for the main event but can't show up. I personally saw WWE give out refunds for The Undertaker when the Undertaker got hurt.

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