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WWE not what it used to be....

diehard wrestling fan

Dark Match Jobber
One of the things I used to love about the WWE as a kid was the innovative moves that they would do but it seems like the past few years, it has become more of a soap opera having to do more with sex than actual wrestling itself....I remember when I watched wrestling in the 80's...you would see clotheslines, front suplexes, rear head locks.....wait thats what you see right now too...And the Championship matches.....what is the point of having a championship when its never defended???And when they are always a DQ...never fails....Point to remember....since when is Melina and wanting more than one partner during sex have ANYTHING remotely to do with wrestling????Sad where the WWE has fallen too
That is the reason why a lot of former WWE fanatics have put their faith in TNA. Once upon a time, WWE was innovative. Not always innovative when it came to wrestling, but the WWE Attitude era (though somewhat borrowed from ECW) was innovative for...well...it's self-explanatory.

Though I like WWE, the wrestling has gotten rather lame and I'm just not captivated by most of the matches anymore. TNA, despite its flaws, is what I find to be a better all-around wrestling federation
I disagree with everything you guys said. What I think is people like you guys just like to complain because no matter what WWE does its not good enough.

What the hell has TNA done to be better then WWE? Nothing! Fast pace matches doesn't = better matches. They got the worst announcers in the world on their show. Their ppvs are overrated.(Its just iMPACT that has a few more hours to it.) They have ruined guys like Sting and Cage, which I used to be big fans off, now I hate them. Kurt Angle also lost all my respect for the bullshit he pulled.

Real WWE fans will never turn their back on WWE for TNGAY.
i think that wwe is still good. i mean look at the recent main events on raws: edge vs cena cage match, two weeks with hhh vs orton. that kind of stuff could main event ppv's. tna probably has better wrestling but when it comes to wrestlers tellings stories through matches, tna just doesnt do the job for me. i think wwe has better storylines and the wwe announcing is 10 times better. i think tna is good, but in a lot of respects, not as good as wwe.
My interest in WWE has been going down over the past few years. It just seems like they've run out of ideas. I just happened to see TNA's Bound for Glory the other day and was floored by some of the matches. Reminds me of when WWE was building up to the Attitude era. I'm throwing my support towards TNA these days.
world heavyweight title matches are the most predictable things in the world..most likely the champ either gets disqualified or he wins. there has been 2 cases where the world title has changed hands on raw or smackdown...kurt angle winning the battle royal and rvd losing it in the triple threat match which was planned to happen because of the suspension
tna is great...i really dont like sting or cage but look at all the talent on the roster.aj styles, christopher daniels, lax, ron killings, samoa joe, chris sabin, jay lethal, sonjay dutt, and now kurt angle
G-Money said:
I disagree with everything you guys said. What I think is people like you guys just like to complain because no matter what WWE does its not good enough.

What the hell has TNA done to be better then WWE? Nothing! Fast pace matches doesn't = better matches. They got the worst announcers in the world on their show. Their ppvs are overrated.(Its just iMPACT that has a few more hours to it.) They have ruined guys like Sting and Cage, which I used to be big fans off, now I hate them. Kurt Angle also lost all my respect for the bullshit he pulled.

Real WWE fans will never turn their back on WWE for TNGAY.

Has nothing to do with being good enough...WWE focuses completely on sex now instead of wrestling which is what the COMPANY was about...And ruined Sting and Cage?Are you just ******ed???They are actually wrestling...not talking about whether or not a wrestler likes 3somes or pulling a chicken out of someone's butt...Give me a break...its people like you that are ruining what real wrestling is about....And I am glad Sting never went to the WWE because they would have ruined him like they did to Goldberg.
cmiller9291 said:
i think that wwe is still good. i mean look at the recent main events on raws: edge vs cena cage match, two weeks with hhh vs orton. that kind of stuff could main event ppv's. tna probably has better wrestling but when it comes to wrestlers tellings stories through matches, tna just doesnt do the job for me. i think wwe has better storylines and the wwe announcing is 10 times better. i think tna is good, but in a lot of respects, not as good as wwe.

Is it about storylines or WRESTLING??Think about it.
That is why the World Wrestling Federation changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment. It wants to focus now more on the entertainment more rather then wrestling itself.
Mr.SmackDown said:
That is why the World Wrestling Federation changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment. It wants to focus now more on the entertainment more rather then wrestling itself.

Yep....no doubt..I agree with you...lets focus on hearing about Melina having multiple partners...lmao
G-Money said:
I disagree with everything you guys said. What I think is people like you guys just like to complain because no matter what WWE does its not good enough.

What the hell has TNA done to be better then WWE? Nothing! Fast pace matches doesn't = better matches. They got the worst announcers in the world on their show. Their ppvs are overrated.(Its just iMPACT that has a few more hours to it.) They have ruined guys like Sting and Cage, which I used to be big fans off, now I hate them. Kurt Angle also lost all my respect for the bullshit he pulled.

Real WWE fans will never turn their back on WWE for TNGAY.
Most of us that have put our faith elsewhere (whether it be TNA, ROH, or an international fed) have done so because we hold higher standards to the pre-eminent company in wrestling. They have all the tools at hand, but don't know what the hell to build with 'em. I've watched WWF since 1985, and have seen many a change. Ups and downs. The one thing that stayed consistent up until 2005 was the quality of the wrestling. Slow paced matches also don't equal better matches. I don't like TNA's announcers anymore than I like the WWE nimrods that stink up the mic. Tenay was better as a lucha spot-caller back in WCW's Cruiserweight Division infancy. The only WWE announcer who actually speaks his piece is that redneck dumbshit JBL. At least he's legitimate in what he says and is entertaining to listen to. Unlike the puppets that grace Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

I wouldn't consider a PPV overrated when the audience is going completely apeshit for three hours at a click. Even Wrestlemania doesn't get the fans chanting the name of the company their watching, now does it?

They ruined Cage by putting the title on him and letting him work with Rhino (another wasted WWE talent) in a solid series of matches and promos? Or because Sting didn't want to finish his last run up in the McMahon's yard probably getting buried like Goldberg and Steiner did? Instead he goes to TNA and drops twenty pounds to bring more dignity to his last run instead of letting his final memories in wrestling be about a basement feud with Vampiro?

Please, I've already gone rounds with the McMahon faithful on why Kurt Angle was smart for doing what he did, and just how gleefully happy it makes me that he stuck it to Vince.
I miss the old WWE especially from 2000 - about the middle of 2002. Those were good times for me.

Now sometimes...i might even switch the channel! i have never done that for the seven years that ive been a crazy WWE fan.

I miss it. I wonder if it will go back to the WWE that it once was? Probably not.
diehard wrestling fan said:
Is it about storylines or WRESTLING??Think about it.
it is about both. how do u think the attitude era was so successful. because they had good storylines like vince/austin rivalry. i thought about it. happy?
oh look another wwe sucks compared to the attitude era thread

everyone already knows this get over it
I strongly disagree. I think the WWE is more focussed on wrestling than ever. And yes, it is true. Well not more than ever, but since 1997. Just because there was a LIVE SEX celebration doesn't mean it's all about sex and soap operas. I mean, yes he was awesome and I mark out for him, but we had Stone Cold Steve Austin as the top guy. All we'd see him do was throw 5 billion punches as a brawler. Entertaining, but was shit compare to wrestling styles today. We had The McMahon-Helmsley faction open EVERY SINGLE show. We had Austin vs McMahon that involved much talking taking over the promotion. It sold because it was entertaining, but because of the actual wrestling.

Today, there's many MANY more guys who can wrestle than ever before. Shelton Benjamin, Finlay, Bobby Lashley, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, Edge, Super Crazy, Ken Kennedy, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio all could easily out-wrestle Goldust, The Blue Meanie, Steve Austin, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Al Snow etc.

And, you CAN NOT compare TNA to the old WWE. I say most of TNA's fan-base has never been WWE fans. They're "diffrent fans". Those who were from the darker side of wrestling following the old ECW, NJPW and many indy promotions. That's why they're very picky when it comes to what happens in the ring IMO. WWE keeps things clean and somewhat simple to follow.

But that's not all, I put most of the blame on today's generation of wrestlers. In the 90's and 80's, they thought the fame and money looked cool. THERE ARE MANY who are in the business for the fame and money that didn't care about wrestling at all prior to joining. These people could end up being good in the ring, but they forgot that wrestling is, and always has been about producing your own charecter to sell yourself, or else you will have to be given a charecter that will hopefully sell until you could produce your natural charecter through the given one.
Here's the problem. WWE has turned into WCW! These veterans won't let any of the young talent get a push. Also, we have to deal with guys like Cena who were FORCED on the fans. It used to be that WE made a guy a success or not. Do you really think Batista or Goldberg were orginally meant to be top guys? They became top guys because we fans took to them. Vince should tell veterans like HHH, HBK and Taker to go screw themselves when they make backstage suggestions, and NO ONE, NO ONE should EVER have creative control of their own character. I don't give a shit if they saved Vinces Grandkid from drowning, NO CREATIVE CONTROL! I'm tired of reading bullshit like someone is in trouble because HHH doesn't like them. Well, who gives a shit! I don't care if HHH caught Carlito screwing Stephanie in a gas station bathroom. If Carlito can entertain me, he should be given a push, a push because WE want him pushed, and if the veterans don't like it, let them find another job! That's why I'm a Ric Flair fan. Flair has spent his career being unselfish, and helping to get young guys over. Flair realizes he is too old now to be a top guy, but he uses his fame and popularity to make young guys look good. Flair is a true gentleman, and a true icon of wrestling. All the other veterans should look to the Nature Boy. WHOOOOOOOOOO!
Listen, I am going to make this short, sweet, and to the point. The wrestling industry itself has changed!!! You all need to either adapt to the new product or dont watch it at all. Why is that you all complain about how "its not the same" "I miss the old wrestling" "Cena sucks" but yet you are all watching it every single week. If it is that bad then dont watch it. I love it, cause I, unlike alot of you guys, am a true wrestling fan, and will love it no matter what is going on. I appreciate it for what it is.
Since this is long I gather that most people will ignore it but here's my take on WWE and how fans perceive it.

It's definately true that some bigger names get pushes in favor of the younger guys but there's also the other side of the equation being that the younger guys get pushes a hell of a lot faster (overall) than years ago. Winning titles is no longer a rarity, it's an expectation. We're already at a point where just about everyone receives a title within probably two years of being on Raw or Smackdown so it's not like they're not given some room for growth. It's just that we're now conditioned for everything to happen as fast as possible and anything less is wrong. So while it's true that a lot of big names get more airtime and more victories than they possibly should, it's also true that the younger guys get a lot of opportunities as well. It's just that if they get big ones then seem to stall, it's bad because they're not reaching the top fast enough for what apparently is expected to be the new standard.

I'd like to see certain younger wrestlers receive victories over top level ones but winning isn't always everything. (as long as losing doesn't last forever) If a wrestler loses a match, or multiple matches in a row the common line is "they look weak." Really though for something to look a certain way it has to be perceived as such and from the looks of it most people perceive such a thing as horrible because they don't recognize that even in a loss, if a wrestler is made to look like they had a legit chance to win, there is still a positive that can be seen, more often than not. That applies to good matches, not squash ones. Some big names in the business had long losing streaks to the dismay of myself and others, but really they still were considered amongst WWE's most legit stars. They still got a shitload of airtime and even when not in the title scene, they still had plenty of other opportunities. I'm a rarity though in that I fully recognize all of WWE's faults, yet dont' put such a focus on them cause I'm willing to just watch something else if I'm not enterained. To each their own though.

Even without the politics and everything the fact remains that when a company creates roughly 104 new shows per year (now 156) plus ppvs it's going to get old, repetetive, etc. There is a lot that could be done better but even if it were, some of the same people would complain that they don't like how their wishes came true or they'd find something else to complain about. So even if WWE pushes "the right people" and things of that nature, there's always going to be plenty to nitpick in this day and age.

Years ago we got the first hiac matches which set high standards. Anything less was considered somewhat of a disspointment by most, even if they were entertained by the match. The only way to make things better and better was to keep topping what previously happened but that kind of thing inevitably becomes difficult. Years ago there were so many new things that people expected them to last forever. That was never going to happen.When WWE was in it's peak it was a phase. WWE has always been popular but a certain period was a phase. Now we get what we get, a product that can definately have a lot of improvements, but will not likely reach it's past level, at least for an extended amount of time.

We as fans wanting better things probably aren't the only ones that feel like we're in a no win situation, cause realistically so is WWE. It's not just up to WWE to get things in gear it's also up to us, the ones on our asses at home watching, to realize that not everything that could happen should. There's plenty that should but the way that people post over the last several years comes across as if everyone believes that their way is the one and only correct way as if there can really be millions of correct ways.

I'm not saying not to have opinions, and am certainly not saying not to express them, rather I'm saying that I think that it's nearly impossible for WWE to ever have the product that people yearn for cause even if they made the changes, there would still be something to bitch about. One can say "well TNA does this and that, or WCW did this or that" and come up with plenty of examples of how certain concepts can work elsehwhere and therefore they could in WWE, and that's true in many or most cases BUT it's also true that there are differences in each companie's situations as well.

For example WWE spends millions more per year on advertising, arenas, salaries, pyro, transporting equipment, travel, catering, etc. yet get called cheap by some fans becuase they didn't pay for the top names during the "invasion". The invasion had a lot of faults and wasn't even an invasion after the first few weeks. I too would have loved to have seen top names but considering everything that I just mentioned that they spend money on, in addition to the purchase of WCW back then and the money spent on the XFL, who the heck are we to dictate that Vince should have spent even more? Heck, even if there were the big names people would have complained about a clusterfuck as instead of just RVD getting cheers with the alliance (if there was one)we'd have maybe seen Goldberg, Sting, Hogan, etc maybe getting them. If there was no alliance, then things may have been even more confusing and we all know that confusion=bitching.

Then there's The Rock, who has been called a sellout by many for having the nerve to take another career path. Realistically if he were still in WWE people might bitch that he was on too much. If he were still a part time wrestler, people would complain as well. If he's not one at all...complaints. There are dozens and dozens of other examples. Is WWE what it used to be? Not at all but neither are we cause we (the iwc as a whole) are a bunch of nitpickers. We have plenty to complain about and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it but it often sounds like people aren't happening to recognize thigns that suck rather they're actively searching for them, almost as if they dedicate time to watch a show simply to find reasons to complain about it. That doesn't necessarily apply to anyone in this thread, rather posters as a whole. If forums were as big 10 years ago as now some things that we look highly upon about the past would have also been degraded to the furthest possible extent.
wordisborn21 said:
unlike alot of you guys, am a true wrestling fan, and will love it no matter what is going on. I appreciate it for what it is.

While I agree with what you said (and elaborated big time lol) I don't think that it's fair to dictate who is and isn't a "true wrestling fan." You can be a huge fan of something but not be pleased with it whether it's wrestling, a sports team, etc. It's definately questionable when there are supposed fans who seem to want things to be bad (by only pointing out the bad) but most fans seem to want the best for it, it's just that they want it so badly that they can't stand anything that they see.
Dysturbed said:
While I agree with what you said (and elaborated big time lol) I don't think that it's fair to dictate who is and isn't a "true wrestling fan." You can be a huge fan of something but not be pleased with it whether it's wrestling, a sports team, etc. It's definately questionable when there are supposed fans who seem to want things to be bad (by only pointing out the bad) but most fans seem to want the best for it, it's just that they want it so badly that they can't stand anything that they see.

I understand where you are coming from. Its just that it seems that people are stuck in the past and arent living in the present. And I bet in 10 more yrs they will be the same people that are still watching it and complaining that it isnt the same that it was 10 or 20 yrs ago. And you made some very good points, but I didnt want to spam by just saying "i agree" to your post. But I do. Its good to talk to someone that understands in order for the business to survive it must change with the times.
Mr.SmackDown said:
That is why the World Wrestling Federation changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment. It wants to focus now more on the entertainment more rather then wrestling itself.
The real reason the the wwf changed to wwe is because the world wildlife fund sued the wwf for the name.
trishstratusfan said:
The real reason the the wwf changed to wwe is because the world wildlife fund sued the wwf for the name.

Despite his wording, I'm guessing that he knows that but that he was thinking along the lines of how WWE could have possibly chosen a different name after the WWF situation, but went with E cause it was fitting of "sports entertaiment". Therefore the E was in fact chosen for a specific purpose, just like he said.
I really just want to quote Dysturbeds whole post and say I agree.. But I cant.. So let me see if I can think off something... Bare with me it might just be a shorter repeat of his post..

Alright.. The fact of the matter is yes, the WWE has changed, and will also continue to change year after year after year.. Theres nothing we can do about it.. Something will be for the better and some wont.. But we should still be fans and not critics.. Thats the problem with a lot of people who watch wrestling nowadays.. They turned into fans, not critics.. Like Dysturbed said.. I can pick out a bunch of things that are wrong with the current WWE shows.. But I choose not to because I want to be a fan, and not a critic.. It also seems like a lot of people hippocrits (cant spell that) about a lot of things...

For example.. About 2 or 3 years ago.. Everyone wanted Rey Mysterio to become champion.. And he did, but then what happened? Everyone started to say Rey is the worste champion ever, why did they give the belt etc.. You cant deny that you didnt want it to happen, and then once it happens, everyones opinions changed.. I dont understand.. Another thing.. Everyone wanted John Cena to be champion back when he was a face on SD!.. And he's the champ now, and guess what.. Once again, everyone has turned on him..

This problem doesnt lay on the WWE's or any wrestling promotions shoulders.. Its on ours.. They give us what we want to see.. And after 2 or 3 weaks we get sick of it? Thats what I mean by critics.. We see the slightest thing wrong with a match, and all of a sudden "Oh he sucks" or "Why are the WWE pushing this guy" .. Maybe its because they actually know how to run a buisness and know when they see talent.. Believe me.. The WWE wouldnt be running for aslong as it has if they didnt know what there doing.. Vince McMahon is a buisness genius.. And if anyone knows whats right for the buis.. Its him..

All in all.. To some everything up in one sentence.. Im going to use another wrestlers quote:

"Enough is enough, and its time for a change"
PauLwaLL said:
I really just want to quote Dysturbeds whole post and say I agree.. But I cant.. So let me see if I can think off something... Bare with me it might just be a shorter repeat of his post..

Alright.. The fact of the matter is yes, the WWE has changed, and will also continue to change year after year after year.. Theres nothing we can do about it.. Something will be for the better and some wont.. But we should still be fans and not critics.. Thats the problem with a lot of people who watch wrestling nowadays.. They turned into fans, not critics.. Like Dysturbed said.. I can pick out a bunch of things that are wrong with the current WWE shows.. But I choose not to because I want to be a fan, and not a critic.. It also seems like a lot of people hippocrits (cant spell that) about a lot of things...

For example.. About 2 or 3 years ago.. Everyone wanted Rey Mysterio to become champion.. And he did, but then what happened? Everyone started to say Rey is the worste champion ever, why did they give the belt etc.. You cant deny that you didnt want it to happen, and then once it happens, everyones opinions changed.. I dont understand.. Another thing.. Everyone wanted John Cena to be champion back when he was a face on SD!.. And he's the champ now, and guess what.. Once again, everyone has turned on him..

This problem doesnt lay on the WWE's or any wrestling promotions shoulders.. Its on ours.. They give us what we want to see.. And after 2 or 3 weaks we get sick of it? Thats what I mean by critics.. We see the slightest thing wrong with a match, and all of a sudden "Oh he sucks" or "Why are the WWE pushing this guy" .. Maybe its because they actually know how to run a buisness and know when they see talent.. Believe me.. The WWE wouldnt be running for aslong as it has if they didnt know what there doing.. Vince McMahon is a buisness genius.. And if anyone knows whats right for the buis.. Its him..

All in all.. To some everything up in one sentence.. Im going to use another wrestlers quote:

"Enough is enough, and its time for a change"

^^ that man knows! that man knows! I agree with everything. I HATE how people determines somebody sucks because of the smallest/slightest problems. I mean, since when did we have to HATE a wrestler for not being perfect in the ring? We were all entertained by Hogan, Austin etc. and compare to wrestlers these days, both Austin and Hogan suck. Austin throws 5 billion punches and kicks as a brawler with lack of moves, and Hogan isn't fast enough. Bow wow ruff ruff. They entertained me with THEIR TALENT and professional wrestling is an athletic entertainment show, despite what promotion it is. People aren't hurt as bad as it looks like. To me, if somebody can sell at all (mic or in ring) then they have some potentials.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
That is the reason why a lot of former WWE fanatics have put their faith in TNA. Once upon a time, WWE was innovative. Not always innovative when it came to wrestling, but the WWE Attitude era (though somewhat borrowed from ECW) was innovative for...well...it's self-explanatory.

Though I like WWE, the wrestling has gotten rather lame and I'm just not captivated by most of the matches anymore. TNA, despite its flaws, is what I find to be a better all-around wrestling federation
Agreed. I liked WWE for a long time and was a WWE die hard fan, but eventually I was just getting tired of it and yes, TNA was really a great alternative. I like classic wrestling shows, that means, more matches and less pointless storylines involving sex and humor. I still give WWE chances to impress me because they did so for so long up until WCW died and they stopped caring, but every time I try to give them a chance, they dissapoint. I was completely dissapointed at the Raw reunion when nothing even really special happened that night. I really hope that WWE can become good again, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

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