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WWE NoC 2010 - Melina (c) vs Laycool (c) - Lumberjill Women's Title Unification Match

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play

From WWE.com:

In what will no doubt be one of the most unique (or should we say “flawless?”) bouts at Night of Champions, Divas Champion Melina will face one half of the self-proclaimed “Co-Women’s Champions,” Team Lay-Cool, in a match that will unify the Women’s and Divas titles – a feat of such magnitude that every WWE Diva will be at ringside to witness it.

Returning from injury to capture the Divas Championship at SummerSlam, Melina has every reason to be in a celebratory mood these days. However, SmackDown’s resident “mean girls,” Michelle McCool & Layla, have bullied the Latina lovely over the past several weeks with a series of verbal and physical assaults. When Team Lay-Cool revealed they had a surprise in store for Melina on Raw’s 900th episode celebration, the Divas Champ was justifiably skeptical.

Confronting Melina with a dose of their infamously candid “real talk,” Lay-Cool accused the Diva of being “forgettable,” proposing a Championship Unification Match at Night of Champions to determine the most deserving titleholder in the Divas division. Either Michelle or Layla will battle Melina, and the winner will leave Night of Champions with both the Women’s and the Divas Championships, unifying the titles for the first time in history.

Melina accepted the challenge, but given Lay-Cool’s inclination to bend the rules, the Divas Champion demanded that every WWE Diva on the roster be at ringside as lumberjack to ensure that this indeed a fair fight – a near-foreign concept to the cunning “Co-Women’s Champs.”

Can Melina unify the Divas and Women’s Titles at Night of Champions? Or will SmackDown’s boastful BFFs split yet another championship? Find out by tuning in to Night of Champions, Sept. 19, only on pay-per-view.

The Two Titles will finally be unified. The Women’s division will be one once more in WWE. So, who do you think will walk away with the Titles? Will Melina have one hell of a comeback winning the Divas belt and unifying it within a couple of months of returning? OR will it be a Flawless win for Laycool?

Personally I see Melina winning this one. She's the fan favourite and I don't see the WWE having Laycool carrying a set of two broken belts. It makes sense from a booking sense to have Melina win too.

But what about you? Who are you picking to be queen of the WWE?
I believe that Melina will win this match. It is about time that they go back to one Women's Championship seeming as how they don't have a lot of Divas worthy of wearing either Championship right now. We are a far cry from the Divas Division WWE once had with the likes of Trish Stratus, Lita, Victoria, Jazz, & so many others that could wrestle very well and deserved the Championship. No offense to Layla, but I didn't think she even deserved to win the Women's Championship. I believe that Kelly Kelly has improved more in the ring than Layla has. Michelle is a believable Champion however as she is a good wrestler & can make any other Diva look good in my opinion. Hopefully we will see more of which ever Diva walks out victorious at Night of Champions.
The question should not be "who wins", the question should be "who cares".

Yes, I agree that Melina will win. She's got the fan favorite thing going, etc, etc.....yawn.

But really, does anyone out there in the "Universe" really give a rats rear about the women's division in "E"? Though I hate TNA, TBP are so awesome, with asses giggling and the best entrance music in the business. They are the barometer right now and the only brauds worth watching.

When the "E" dumps this PG nonsense and goes back to Attitude Era style programing, I'll care about the "E" divas.
I can see LayCool winning this one as they are considered more entertaining then Melina. The fact that they are coaches to a male wrestler on NXT shows how the company views them. Face it, Melina isn't really the face the WWE wants at the top of the Women's division, that spot belongs to Beth Phoenix and Melina is just keeping it warm for her return. So I think it's safe to say we will be seeing Layla holding the Women's title and McCool holding the Diva's title (both will be recognised as the one title of course) after NOC.
The question should not be "who wins", the question should be "who cares".

Yes, I agree that Melina will win. She's got the fan favorite thing going, etc, etc.....yawn.

But really, does anyone out there in the "Universe" really give a rats rear about the omens division in "E"? Though I hate TNA, TBP are so awesome, with asses giggling and the best entrance music in the business. They are the barometer right now and the only brauds worth watching.

When the "E" dumps this PG nonsense and goes back to Attitude Era style programing, I'll care about the "E" divas.

The quality of the divas was worse in the Attitude Era than it is now so qut whining about the Attitude Era. It's never coming back.

I figure they had this in mind whenever Melina was set to return. For some reason I want LayCool to win mainly because they're more interesting, but this is tailor made for Melina to unify the titles. I believe it will be a decent but the one who screams will walk out victorious.
Yo I actually like both of them but I PERSONALLY THINK LAYCOOL is the Best thing to every happen to WOMEN'S WRESTLING! REAL TALK! I am a BIIIIIGGGGGGG LAYCOOL FAN! They R so much fun and just the right amount of annoying! LMAO! I think Michelle Mc Cool is a better then average wrestler and I love LAYLA'S personality. U put them BOTH together and U have a great faction! I LOVE THEM! I hope they have the BELTS FOR A WHILE! That is why I believe they will win! They will have both belts LEGITIMATELY THEN! They truly will be CO CHAMPIONS so they will be able to appear on BOTH SHOWS all the time!!!

this could be the eventual breakup of laycool, who will actually face melina at noc. hopefully this will start to breath some life into the womens didvision in the e. im not the biggest tna fan but they have a better womans program then e.vince needs to step it up with his girls and shit or get off the pot persay.one champ defending against all comers and as much as i cant stand laycool, i hope they win and we stay with the womans championship for its heritage is much richer then this butterfly crap we have melina holding. i hope this does something for the division
The question should not be "who wins", the question should be "who cares".

Yes, I agree that Melina will win. She's got the fan favorite thing going, etc, etc.....yawn.

But really, does anyone out there in the "Universe" really give a rats rear about the women's division in "E"? Though I hate TNA, TBP are so awesome, with asses giggling and the best entrance music in the business. They are the barometer right now and the only brauds worth watching.

When the "E" dumps this PG nonsense and goes back to Attitude Era style programing, I'll care about the "E" divas.

First time poster here, but I couldn't resist. All I have read in the past was how WWE Divas aren't anything more than talentless eye candy (with a few exceptions) and now I read that the best things going are TBP because of their asses "giggling" (jiggling I assume). Please give me an argument stating the E programming needs performers the caliber of the performers from the AE (i.e. Lita, Trish, Luna RIP) not tits and ass (i.e. Sable) and then I will listen.

Rant over

Melina will win and hopefully bring new fueds into the mix with Tamina and Nattie getting more ring time.
Dammit... It's way too obvious this is just to add another chapter to Melina's "marvelous" return story. She won the diva's title in a week and now will be unifying it with a belt with some actual prestige.

Laycool deserve the win since they're far more entertaining than Melina ever was (minus the MNM years when she did the entrance split with a short skirt Ay Mami!) So clearly the screeching banshee takes this one and King and Cole can continue to call her "a legend in the diva's division" but since that's not what I do...

The Best's Best Possible Outcome
Laycool wins, they each get their own title to wear down to the ring, start calling themselves the undisputed co-women's champion, and continue being flawless!
I think one of two things will happen in regards to this match.

Triple Threat – Lay-Cool will disagree with who faces Melina, and then they both end up in the match making it a Triple Threat LumberJill match for the Belts. I think Melina would walk out as Unified Champion in this match type.


Lay-Cool will win the one-on-one LumberJill match and Michelle holds the Women’s Championship and Layla takes the Diva’s Championship. They could maybe even change it to a makeshift set of Women's / Divas Tag Titles.

Either way, this is probably going to be the most exciting Divas match since the creation of the Divas Title. Think about it. The most exciting match for the Divas Title comes at its last match, when the Title is about to be defunct.
I think this is a bad idea. First off, the womens division is my favorite part of the WWE. So to those think that no watches mostly for the womens division, well, your wrong on that one. And to clairify, Im not into women so its not for the T&A part of the show. I get those kicks from Orton, Morrison and few others. Anyway, getting back to the womens titles, I think its a bad idea to unify the belts because it will leave the women on the show without the title with nothing to do. The only storylines that the E ever gives to the women revolve around them fighting over the titles, so now the ladies on one show will be left out in the cold. Lots of people like to talk to about how shallow the talent pool is, but I dont think that is really the case. Melina, Michelle, Beth, Gail, Natalya, Jillian and Tamina are all good wrestlers. Eve, Maryse, Kelly, Alicia, Layla, The Bellas and Tiffany may not be great, but the try and many of them have shown a lot improvement. It's hard to grow and develop when the company gives you no time. I had no problem when the tag titles were unified because there are no tag teams left, but with so many women on the roster and their only storylines revolving around the belts, I think dropping one of them is a big mistake. The womens division is salvageable and could be a draw if the company ever put some real effort into it. As for who wins, at NOC, I think its a toss up. Melina winning would make sense, but having each member of Laycool have one of the belts would also have some merit.
I'm pretty happy about this. I feel as if with a single title, the divas division could be a lot deeper and maybe even come close to being entertaining. With a unification we could have the best RAW divas and the best Smackdown divas all competing for a single belt. Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Tamina, LayCool, Melina, and Maryse are only a handful of the names in a single division that would work well. Great move by the E to unify the titles.

I want Layla to win. LayCool is the most entertaining thing about the divas division, hands down. I love them. They're funny, fun to watch in the ring, and they don't make my head hurt with incessant screaming like Melina does. It's way too early to split them up, and in fact I think splitting them up would be a major step back for the divas division. You need the divas with the most character to carry the new belt. Let's go LayCool!
If they're actually going to do this, then it raises a couple of questions:

1. Does this mean that the champion will be featured on both brands, ya know like the tag titles are supposed to be? Because if it's not then i'd guess that Laycool are going to win, otherwise SD only has 2 titles whereas Raw would have 4.

2. If the belt is going to be on one brand only, then surely a new belt needs to be made for SD. Perhaps bringing back the cruiserweight title perhaps? You've got a fair few cruiserweights in Rey, Bourne, JTG, Joseph Mercury, Kaval and.... what's Alberto Del Rio weigh again?... anyway that's a fair few guys who obviously aren't going to be main eventing anytime soon, who could give us a decent division to watch on Friday nights. I mean that used to be one of the things they'd hype about SD during EVERY cruiserweight match back in the day, that SD was the only place to see cruiserweight action. Gives some mid-card nobodies a title to make them significant instead of just fodder for the big guys, and gives SD a unique edge over Raw again, instead of truly being the 'B Show' as it is now.

Anyway, i truly hope that Melina doesn't end up facing Layla in this match. At least Michelle could have a decent 5 minute match with her, and please God, don't let them make it a 2 second squash match like they did with Mickie's win over them. What's the point of hyping a title unification match 3 weeks before the PPV and establishing a cross-brand fued so early in the month if Melina's just going to hit 2 moves and win?

Good to see them actually hyping a Diva's match with the same level of importance that they do with the male fueds, but all in all, the negatives are very likely to outweight the positives.
I would think Melina would win this match, but since it is a handicapped match pretty much the odds aren't good. However, with this being a lumberjack or jill match then Melina will probably get the upper hand. I'm just glad the title will be unified so only the cream of the crop will compete for the title instead of mediocrity such as: Alicia Fox and Eve Torres. Hopefully Natalya will be added to the mix and Beth Phoenix when she comes back from injury. This match will probably split Lay Cool up since only one person can be champion.
I guess this is interesting. I'm not all high on the unification stipulation, much less the lumberjack stipulation. All in all, I guess this match will be all good and that. But it won't be much extraordinary, and it most likely won't be memorable.

I can only hope that LayCool walks out as champions. I cannot stand Melina, and she has no place as champion compared to LayCool who would be absolutely amazing as champions together like that, holding a belt each. This would do wonders for LayCool, but I can only imagine that WWE fucks it up because it's Melina.
Melina has had a nice comeback story so far, but I have to believe LayCool is going to win this. They've been the hottest thing as far as the women go in the WWE for quite some time now, and I don't think WWE is going to pull the rug out from under them yet. Layla and Michelle McCool will feud at some point, because you just know they're going to become jealous of each other. I'm not too crazy about the lumberjack stipulation, because I just feel it's really unnecessary, but I guess this is WWE's way of getting the other divas out there. They'll be there as eye candy, and Jerry Lawler will act like a pervert as usual.
Glad to see this match happening for two reasons firstly the titles are being unified which is sure as hell a good thing, the division is hardly strong enough to have one title let alone two. Secondly and more importantly it means we only have to see one divas match on this PPV.

All joking aside though Melina is winning here just add another notch to her return story and more importantly to cement her place as the John Cena/HHH/Randy Orton (read title hog) of the womans division, it is a shame as it means they will be keeping that stupid butterfly belt instead of the (slightly) more prestigous Womens Title.
Laycool I think that it would be best for them to win the match because they have been very entertaining and one of the better things on Smackdown. Melina I want Laycool to win but I think that Melina is going to win she just came back from injury and I see her continuing her momentum and winning this match. I think that the idea of unifying the belts is a good one and hopefully it can improve the women's division.
I think this is a good move on WWE's part since there is no need for 2 diva titles which I'm sure everyone is aware of. As to who wins the match, I CAN NOT stand LayCool. They are too obnoxious in my opinion and I really hope Melina wins assuming the titles will be dual-branded. I would rather see Melina than LayCool coming on Raw. But LayCool really needs to get rid of those half titles, they look like idiots carrying them around.
Dear Wrestling Gods,

Please could you have some kind of wardrobe malfunction happen with Layla, or Gail Kim. Could you also give Melina laryngitis, so we do not have to hear her pierce our ear drums with her banshee screaming. I do not want to be greedy, so I won't ask if you could make the division even half has good as it once was. It would be nice if Layla could pick up the win, that way our eyes could be treated to her beauty twice a week.

Thanking you in advance, Lama Namaneumi.
There's reason for this rivalry, LayCool have been deliberately insulting, loud and annoying for months now and nobody's been able to stop them.

Although as a fan it's been tough to invest in at times just because of the lack of quality, there's a reason to dislike them. Melina's a popular girl she is well liked by young and old and I believe this is indeed a match that will get some sort of reaction from the crowd.

I'd be surprised if this is a Divas Match graded lower than one and a half stars by the critics. If it scores two stars it's a success.

The only thing that could make this match fail is the Lumberjill's. Things could become messy quickly and easily and it could spoil what has the potential to be the Divas Match of the Year 2010.
This is an interesting match but probably not in the way that WWE intends. For me, it is very difficult to predict who will win this because it could easily go either way, as either potential winner/s still has a good group to feud with. At least with other night of champion matches, one can have some idea of what will happen but with this one for me, it is completely up in the air.

That having been said, I also think it is completely up in the air because in the end no one cares. The women's division is not taken seriously, and in general, outside of melina, the "models" are made to look better than they are (kelly kelly, eve, alicia, even the bellas now), while those who can actually wrestle are either set up as jobbers, or don't really wrestle at all right now (natalya, tamina)

So long story short, don't know who will win, and don't care because it doesn't matter.
Nexus interrupts the match.. :lol: :crossbones: So next week on RAW we have a battle Royal to determine the new champ :p

Jokes apart, Laycool are doing great as heel but SD roster don't have the diva powerhouse, unless Beth returns. If Melina wins it will be good for RAW roster.
I am against this. They do not need to unify these belts.... I liked it when both Raw and Smackdown had a female champ. Then again.... the entire divas division is terrible and I don't watch their matches anymore. What will I be doing during this one? That's right, going to the fridge for a drink and a snack. Who wins? I don't really care. If I had to pick.... McCool. I don't care for Melina or Layla, but McCool is a good champion so I'll give her the unification win. She was already the first ever to hold both belts so why not make her the one to unify them? Works for me. Michelle McCool will win this match because it will further her legacy amongst the divas.... Although no one really cares....

Michelle McCool will win the (as Alicia Fox accidentally put it) "Undefined Divas Championship".
Nobody, but nobody, wants to see Michelle McCool unite the titles. She's been getting pushed hard since Great American Bash 08 and everyone KNEW back then that Natayla should have been pushed in her place.

Layla saved McCool's career. Before the LayCool deal she was trying to play the psycho but not even half as good as Mickie's and Victoria's. Even Alicia Fox, of all Divas, kept her push relevant when she was on Smackdown before Layla and Vickie made McCool come off like a non-failure most recently.

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