WWE needs to create a NEW Monster Superstar!


Pre-Show Stalwart
WWE sucks right now, I mean SUCKS! I have been a fan my whole life and at the moment I watch RAW sometimes, and I haven't bothered with Smackdown in over a year. Survivor Series had some ok matches, a nostalgia win for the Undertaker (that did nothing for anyone) and crowned a new WWE Champ. But were you excited at all throughout that "Network Special"? Did you mark out for anything? I'll answer for a lot of you and say no! The feeling is gone in the WWE and wrestling in general. Wrestling isn't cool anymore. Telling someone that you like wrestling is like telling them you like a "soap opera" that has the same episode every week with very few changes, because honestly that is what wrestling has become.

Injuries are hitting the WWE like a plague! Bryan, Orton, Rollins, Sting, and Cesaro have all been injured in the past few months, and Cena is taking time off, and Brock is.... well.... Brock. They are left to rely on Reigns, Ambrose, Owens, and (I almost vomit just thinking of this, or I almost fall asleep from boredom) your new WWE World Heavyweight Champ Sheamus!:disappointed:. It is obvious this is not working, ratings are lower than they have been in well over a decade (according to the main page) and something needs to be done. Here is my thought for a solution...

Build a new kickass beast of a Superstar! I do not mean repackage anyone, or push anyone already on the roster, I mean bring in someone new who has not been seen in WWE or NXT and push them to the freakin moon! This worked for Lesnar back in 2002. I know you're all gonna say that there were other huge stars like HHH, Taker, Angle, Rock (sometimes) at the time, but if you're like me, Lesnar was my favorite thing back then. He came in and cleaned house! He attacked anyone and everyone! He beat the Rock for the title after only being on the roster for like 4 months! He couldn't cut a promo to save his life! He didn't need to because he had a mouthpiece in Heyman.

Fast Forward to today. WWE relies on part timers to sell tickets to the main shows. Lesnar, Taker, HHH, only work a certain amount of matches a year, and it is always just to get buys on the Network. What happens when those men hang up their boots? When Cena and Orton do the same? WWE has done nothing to create other stars! The WWE champ was basically a jobber till Sunday night!

There has to be someone out there, in another promotion, that can make an impact just by showing up, kicking some ass, and leaving. If he can't talk give him a manager who can, all he needs is a new and awesome finisher, an intimidating look, and an above average wrestling ability. Unfortunately I do not watch any indy promotions so I don't know who could fill this role (in your responses it would be great to hear some ideas on wrestlers you think could do this).

Do you think this could be done? Could a monster, who just lays waste to everyone on the way to the title, improve ratings? I want to point out that I do not mean push him like Ryback and have him give 2 nobodies his finisher at the same time for months, I mean have him beatdown a big name or giant heavyweight on his first appearance! Have him interrupt matches and just destroy everyone at random. I wouldn't even have his first "match" until a pay per view (network special) just to make it more meaningful. Have him destroy Cena in his first actual match, and not go the normal Cena route and have Cena beat him in every other match after the first encounter! Will everyone complain that he is being "shoved down our throats" because his name isn't Daniel Bryan? Or will people and "smarks" get behind him because he is something different in the most repetitive time in wrestling?

Sorry for the long post!
They had a perfect guy to do it in Kevin Owens, but like everything else they've done recently, they fucked up. Bray Wyatt would have also been a perfect guy to do it too, but they decided Cena needed to look strong, like always. If anyone does it now, it could be Reigns, seeing as he is still trying to get over in most cities. Vince only cares about making Reigns look strong and credible, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
While I completely agree with you, it simply won't happen while Vince is in charge.

The old man is living in the past. He LOVES the superstars he created over the years and, I strongly feel, he doesn't believe anyone out there should get such treatment.

That nobody can ever come close to the stars he created in the 90s and Attitude Era.

The best we can realistically hope for at this point is for guys like Samoa Joe and Finn Balor to come up soon and breathe some new life into the product.
They had a perfect guy to do it in Kevin Owens, but like everything else they've done recently, they fucked up. Bray Wyatt would have also been a perfect guy to do it too, but they decided Cena needed to look strong, like always. If anyone does it now, it could be Reigns, seeing as he is still trying to get over in most cities. Vince only cares about making Reigns look strong and credible, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

Could not agree with you more about Owens and Wyatt. But WWE lost that opportunity. Reigns would have been fine in this role but WWE decided to give him the "Cena" treatment and have him get his ass kicked the whole match just to "defy the odds" and win.
While I completely agree with you, it simply won't happen while Vince is in charge.

The old man is living in the past. He LOVES the superstars he created over the years and, I strongly feel, he doesn't believe anyone out there should get such.

That nobody can ever come close to the stars he created in the 90s and Attitude Era.

The best we can realistically hope for at this point is for guys like Samoa Joe and Finn Balor to come up soon and breathe some new life into the product.

Unfortunately you are absolutely correct. When I thought of this idea I was playing WWE 2K16 and just thought how awesome it would be if someone were to start their career now how I started mine in the game. Kicking ass and winning matches! I am so sick of the same WWE match and story every week! I can't even remember the last time I HAD to watch RAW to see what happens next. I Could tell you what's going to happen next week right now. Reigns will be attacked by authority members, get the upper hand, the authority will run away and Reigns will look pissed in the ring as the show ends.
Absolutely not. Taking nobodies and pushing them to the moon is why WWE is in the sorry shape it's in. That's not the way to make stars, it's nothing but a short-term fix that hurts the company in the long run.

With so many injuries and most of the proven draws now part-timers, WWE should be letting the entire generation of stars that they stupidly passed over in favor of unproven rookies, be the ones to shine. Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan (if he can compete)...these should be the top stars for the next year or so. WWE's biggest mistake was skipping from one generation (John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, etc.) to TWO generations later (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, etc.), skipping over the generation in the middle (the guys I mentioned). Right now they're the only hope the company has.
That's just impossible. If by monster, you mean someone like Brock Lesnar from 2002, it's simply not going to happen. And certainly not Goldberg from 1998.

And a distinction between a FACE/Tweener and a HEEL/Unlikeable monster must also be made. If I'm not mistaken, the OP means a monster that is cheered, someone like Brock Lesnar or Goldberg right? The latter includes dozens of big wrestlers that possessed neither of charisma, in-ring prowess, or longevity, and I'm talking about Vader, Mark Henry, Big Show, Sid Vicious, Kevin Nash, ..the list goes on and on.

As far as your question@could such a monster improve ratings, you can see what happened to Ryback. To this day I can't understand why fans don't fall asleep during his entrance and matches but gleefully chant "feed me more". May be they're like those experimental apes learning human language under a disenchanted linguist-anthropologist.

And the WWE already has somewhat of a monster in Roman Reigns. Time will only tell if will improve ratings.
Absolutely not. Taking nobodies and pushing them to the moon is why WWE is in the sorry shape it's in. That's not the way to make stars, it's nothing but a short-term fix that hurts the company in the long run.

With so many injuries and most of the proven draws now part-timers, WWE should be letting the entire generation of stars that they stupidly passed over in favor of unproven rookies, be the ones to shine. Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan (if he can compete)...these should be the top stars for the next year or so. WWE's biggest mistake was skipping from one generation (John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, etc.) to TWO generations later (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, etc.), skipping over the generation in the middle (the guys I mentioned). Right now they're the only hope the company has.

While I agree with you, I also feel it may be too late for those guys. Can they be looked at as legitimate threats after WWE has made a lot of them into glorified jobbers? Del Rio has been given chance after chance but the man just doesn't get a reaction! Look at him now! He got a reaction at Hell in a Cell, and now he's fighting R Truth and Jack Swagger.... Is it his fault? Who he is facing isn't. But he doesn't seem to have the "it" factor. He is just a great wrestler who makes me miss Eddie Guerrero.
They have a monster superstar, his name is Braun Stroman. That's the closest to a "real" monster as you're going to get in the wrestling business. They also have Sheamus (who they're now booking strong), Lesnar, and Big Show who can easily play that role as dominant monster. Yes, I know you said you'd like to see a new guy come in, but there's no point when WWE already has enough hands to fill that role, no matter how boring they may be.

IF I were going to suggest somebody, it would be Moose. Big guy, incredible athlete, powerful, and comfortable enough in the ring and on the mic to make an impact right away. This guy would shake things up.
They have a monster superstar, his name is Braun Stroman. That's the closest to a "real" monster as you're going to get in the wrestling business. They also have Sheamus (who they're now booking strong), Lesnar, and Big Show who can easily play that role as dominant monster. Yes, I know you said you'd like to see a new guy come in, but there's no point when WWE already has enough hands to fill that role, no matter how boring they may be.

Braun Strowman isn't the least bit believable as a monster. He looks like a giant infant and he defeats people by hugging them real hard. It's absolutely laughable. I'd be more inclined to buy Bo Dallas as a monster heel than Braun Strowman.
I'm sorry but none of these people will be allowed to shine as long as the people in charge continue to write garbage television. What are we getting right now? New Day is entertaining but where are they in the grand scheme?
The talent is being handcuffed by writing. These are the new dark ages of wrestling as far as mainstream goes. The only cure is to stop supporting what is going on.
Bring in Shaquille O Neil , have him give Sheamus his new move ..The Slam Dunk - Then win the WWE Heavyweight Championship. There you go, all problems solved.
Braun Strowman isn't the least bit believable as a monster. He looks like a giant infant and he defeats people by hugging them real hard. It's absolutely laughable. I'd be more inclined to buy Bo Dallas as a monster heel than Braun Strowman.

That's nice. He's still ohhh 6'8, over 400 pounds, and has beten the crap out of everybody from Roman Reigns to the Undertaker. Plus he's the strongest man in the WWE by a friggin mile, other than Henry.

If you see Bo Dallas as more of a monster, than that's good on you. I'm not going to argue with you.
It can happen. If you pull a big name from MMA. (But he has to be a credible name) have have him go over Brock, Cena, Reigns, Rusev, Sheamus it will happen. It's all about booking. They have to be booked to win. I'm going to get Killed for this but Cena isn't special. Never has been. Never will be. We can debate this till the cows come home. He just has been booked that way. 14 clean losses. In a ten year span will make anyone special. It's all about the booking. If booked righ any can be anything you make them in the WWE. It's a TV show. The storyline is written right and now Jessica Jones is kicking everyone's ass on her show. Same premise. As much as we all don't like it RAW isn't an a wrestling show. It's a show that has wrestling in it. Those are two different things. We just have to be made to believe that the guy they are pushing can beat all the top guys. For instance:
DB beat three Hall of Famers in one night. It pissed me off. It really did. Because there's no way that happens. No way. It shouldn't have happen to begin with. It insults the legacy of Batista, Orton and Hunter. But the crowd are it up. It was a storybook ending to a story. The little guy won. Unbelievable but it happened . So here in the WWE ANYTHING can happen.
A lot from people from my generation do not like Cena. A lot of us feel like it's insulting that he has been on Top this long and that he is considered to be as great as he is. If you gave pushes like he has to anyone they would be considered as great as he is. I'm sorry. It's just my honest opinion. But we aren't in control. Vince and Co. are.
Look at it this way.... If there would've been more of a variety of top guys. If there was no superior top guy. If there wasn't a 13 year Cena push the WWE would've been a lot better off. Maybe different guy would've shined through. Maybe other guys would've stayed around. Maybe other great wrestlers that are tearing it up all over the world would be here. The state of wrestling today would be better.im rambling.lol
Yes a monster heel can work. Yes it can happen. Anything can. But will it happen.... No. He will get fed to Cena eventually and lose all credibility.
Monster Heel..Well we have Braun Strowman as mentioned by everyone and he is already doing that monstrous things like Khali, Kane, Big Daddy V and Umaga did which is to come out and crush people in the ring like a rag doll..

Samoa Joe, Big Cass and Baron Corbin can do a evil bad heel but not a monster like heel..
WWE had that oppurtunity with BRODUS CLAY when he was there but they turned him into a joke. Also FESTUS aka DOC Gallows was a good option for WWE but he is at NJPW..
So i think its Strowman for now and someone big in the future. Also Strowman is a strongman like Mark Henry....
Alright, seriously, Braun Strowman is a shite. I can agree only till the point that he got the looks and size and made hell of an impact in his debut. But he sort of has a goofy face that doesn't scare me even a tad. Regardless of that, he's dead slow in the ring. The same old monster story and I'm tired of it.

But I'll give you an option. I'm not being here ranting about others verdicts with a patronising comment. I have an option to provide. WWE doesn't need to create a monster heel, but groove someone into that mould. My choice will be Luke Harper! He's quite good in the ring and is really athletic. Don't tell me you won't get nightmares if he comes in your dreams.

I really enjoyed him pairing with Bray Wyatt at the Survivor Series instead of Braun Strowman. Luke can be used a deadly weapon to demolish the Roster and can become a satiable Monster Heel!
Could not agree with you more about Owens and Wyatt. But WWE lost that opportunity. Reigns would have been fine in this role but WWE decided to give him the "Cena" treatment and have him get his ass kicked the whole match just to "defy the odds" and win.

While I also agree that those guys had the opportunity to be huge, I disagree in believing that it cannot still happen. As the old saying goes, "never say never in wrestling". All you need is a few good believable storylines for whomever you choose and a star can be made.

Cesar after Andre Battle Royal, Ziggler after cashing in MITB on Del Rio and Owens after Cena all had the opportunity to be hot shotted into becoming the next big star and got it yanked out from under them. And yet, give those same 3 guys a few months of opening and closing/main event time on Raw, fans will forgive all prior transgressions and believe in them all over again.
I think Brian Cage would be great for this role. He has an impressive physique and has above average in ring ability. He is also fairly agile.he's not the best promo guy but packaged right could do some great things.
I never agree with Aquaman but I have to here. Braun Strowman doesn't have the face to scare anyone. Now if he could pull off a Luke Harper kind of face, where his eyes glaze over and he's talking to himself, then maybe, but yea as he is, no he wouldn't scare anyone.
I never agree with Aquaman but I have to here. Braun Strowman doesn't have the face to scare anyone. Now if he could pull off a Luke Harper kind of face, where his eyes glaze over and he's talking to himself, then maybe, but yea as he is, no he wouldn't scare anyone.

Well, he doesn't need to be "scary" to be a monster heel does he? I mean, Big Show's not that scary, nor is Brock Lesnar all things considered, and both have played the monster heel role magnificently. All he needs to do is run through people, but I'll agree that right now, considering just how green he is, it would never work. He needs a TON of polish, but once he gets it, who knows how good he can really be? They literally threw him in the ring with next to no experience and he hasn't fallen flat on his face yet, which is good. If they gave him a year or so to just train, he might be the next big thing... or not, but we won't know until he really starts training.

When I brought up Stroman the whole point I was trying to make was that WWE would never bring in another monster to build when they've already put so much focus on Stroman. Whether I agree with them pushing Stroman or not is really irrelevant.
Part of the problem is that you simply can't make lightning strike when it comes to a Stone Cold Steve Austin, a Rock, a John Cena, etc. It either has to happen through a combination of numerous factors or it doesn't happen at all as WWE can't just roll the next Stone Cold off an assembly line whenever it feels like it.

I'm of the opinion that another problem is Vince's sometimes chaotic booking decisions and the perception that he's out of touch with the mind set of many modern fans. Whenever it looks like a wrestler is getting a ton of momentum, Vince decides to sabotage them somehow, usually by jobbing them out to older talent like Brock Lesnar, Cena or Taker. For instance, Seth Rollins was made to look like a clown against Brock Lesnar rather than a capable opponent, which is, in my opinion, what should be done because Vince can't keep relying on these older guys forever. Instead of having Wyatt, Ambrose, Ziggler, Owens, Rollins, etc. come off as guys who can carry the company for much of the next decade all the time, they're booked to come off as guys who can carry the company until they go up against established mega stars like Cena, Lesnar or Taker.

Another factor to consider is that even when you've got a roster full of healthy, top level names, Vince wants to do everything he possibly can to steer fans towards rallying for the babyface he wants them to cheer for rather someone else they may have a preference for if said someone else doesn't fit Vince's opinion of what a top level guy should look like. I'm not a businessman or anything, it just seems a good idea to me to maybe put faith in guys that wrestling fans consistently rally around, even if those guys don't look like action movie heroes.
Lets face some facts, some of the best wrestlers aren't always going to be main even, and even though they did well in the indies, it just won't happen on the grand stage. In no particular order:

1.) Kevin Owens:
At best he'd be an amazing IC title contender/champion. Realistically he has a boring personality, and I have a difficult time wanting to watch him

2.) Cesaro:
Misunderstood by WWE and its writers, ultimately has potential if given an interesting story and probably a manager would suite him well. Personally I would like to see him in a Savage/Hogan style storyline from the early 90's. . . Face vs. Face, play the role of friend, then major blow up.

3.) Wade Barrett:
I think he could honestly make a damn good addition to a major world title, he is decent on the mic, has potential to be a brutal heel, long term could even make a great face.

4.) Bray Wyatt:
I honestly feel like WWE is teetering between making him awful. . . or making him a monster. Ultimately he needs to drop the little kid antics(stealing Taker/Kane's lightning & flame), and just be a brutal villian. Undertakers gimmick worked in the 90's the way it did because to an extent we still suspended disbelief, nowadays the cartoonish stuff makes it look horrible. Drop Strowman, keep Rowan/Harper, bring in Sister Abigail, maybe give us some back story on Bray, keep us in suspense.

5.) Damien Sandow:
Give this guy a mic and a good feud, every time WWE gives him a turd he polishes it, slaps on a smile, and proceeds to run with it. At this point I think someone in creative just has a problem with him. Good in the ring, great on the mic, entertaining to watch, decent look. . . hell for awhile he was the reason why I'd watch. This guy made a Miz match actually look interesting.


We all know that Reigns, Ambrose, and Ziggler all have the potential, we just can't keep teasing and then pulling away. Reigns vs. Ambrose needs to happen at some point, and we all know it will, but it needs to be soon and it needs to be a drawn out feud with a bunch of teasing heel turn. Ziggler at this point scares the crap out of WWE for a couple of reasons, he has a Shawn Michaels feel to him and he has hinted at leaving in two years, but can you blame him? Ziggler has worked a ton of matches that were pretty decent, but he keeps getting the short straw. All three of these could be huge faces, but you can't keep saying your going to pull the trigger with the safety still on. I would love to say Reigns on the hunt, take the leash off Ambrose(he has potential to be the next Hot Rod), and give Ziggler the ball, see what he is made of.
I never agree with Aquaman but I have to here. Braun Strowman doesn't have the face to scare anyone. Now if he could pull off a Luke Harper kind of face, where his eyes glaze over and he's talking to himself, then maybe, but yea as he is, no he wouldn't scare anyone.

I'm sorry, the guy has unreal size. He's scary just on size alone. I'm 5 11" and I couldn't image getting on the bad side of a 6 8" 400 pound Braun Stroman. I'd end up in the fifth row after an easy overhand throw by that monster. He makes Roman Reigns look like a little cruiserweight. All he needs is more time , more One on One feuds. Have him absolutely destroy somebody in the upper card and win his feud easily. With Bray Wyatt as his manager , he could easily have an unstoppable run in WWE.
Lets face some facts, some of the best wrestlers aren't always going to be main even, and even though they did well in the indies, it just won't happen on the grand stage. In no particular order:

1.) Kevin Owens:
At best he'd be an amazing IC title contender/champion. Realistically he has a boring personality, and I have a difficult time wanting to watch him

2.) Cesaro:
Misunderstood by WWE and its writers, ultimately has potential if given an interesting story and probably a manager would suite him well. Personally I would like to see him in a Savage/Hogan style storyline from the early 90's. . . Face vs. Face, play the role of friend, then major blow up.

3.) Wade Barrett:
I think he could honestly make a damn good addition to a major world title, he is decent on the mic, has potential to be a brutal heel, long term could even make a great face.

4.) Bray Wyatt:
I honestly feel like WWE is teetering between making him awful. . . or making him a monster. Ultimately he needs to drop the little kid antics(stealing Taker/Kane's lightning & flame), and just be a brutal villian. Undertakers gimmick worked in the 90's the way it did because to an extent we still suspended disbelief, nowadays the cartoonish stuff makes it look horrible. Drop Strowman, keep Rowan/Harper, bring in Sister Abigail, maybe give us some back story on Bray, keep us in suspense.

5.) Damien Sandow:
Give this guy a mic and a good feud, every time WWE gives him a turd he polishes it, slaps on a smile, and proceeds to run with it. At this point I think someone in creative just has a problem with him. Good in the ring, great on the mic, entertaining to watch, decent look. . . hell for awhile he was the reason why I'd watch. This guy made a Miz match actually look interesting.


We all know that Reigns, Ambrose, and Ziggler all have the potential, we just can't keep teasing and then pulling away. Reigns vs. Ambrose needs to happen at some point, and we all know it will, but it needs to be soon and it needs to be a drawn out feud with a bunch of teasing heel turn. Ziggler at this point scares the crap out of WWE for a couple of reasons, he has a Shawn Michaels feel to him and he has hinted at leaving in two years, but can you blame him? Ziggler has worked a ton of matches that were pretty decent, but he keeps getting the short straw. All three of these could be huge faces, but you can't keep saying your going to pull the trigger with the safety still on. I would love to say Reigns on the hunt, take the leash off Ambrose(he has potential to be the next Hot Rod), and give Ziggler the ball, see what he is made of.

Totally disagree on Owens. Not only is he fun to watch in the ring, he's pretty good on the mic. Is he well-polished and flawless on the mic? No. But he's not hard on the ears and he's pretty funny.

Truthfully, for me and many I know who still watch, he's 1 of only 2 or 3 quality parts of shows right now.

I would have been fully behind him winning the heavyweight title and joining the Authority at Survivor Series if that's the way they decided to go. Much moreso than I am Sheamus.

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