WWE Money In The Bank - John Cena VS AJ Styles


It's been officially announced on the main page and various other sites, via WWE.com, that Cena vs. Styles at MITB is on. It's being advertised as a "dream match" and, truth be told, I suppose that's accurate when you consider that both are top level guys that nobody really expected would wind up facing off.

Regardless of who wins or loses, expectations for this match are pretty high. Styles has been viewed as among the top in-ring guys in pro wrestling for over a decade now and despite what the haters contend, John Cena's a damn, damn good pro wrestler that's proven it in countless matches against a variety of opponents.

If they keep the build to this bout serious, which has been par for the course for Cena for quite a while, without Cena seemingly taking Styles lightly by making corny jokes about him during promos and if Styles can pull off a decisive win after a hell of an effort from them both, you'll have a lot of fans already calling it MOTY and it has the potential to be that regardless of whether or not Styles wins.
I've seen rumours stating that both Cena and AJ will be the lead guys for the new and improved Live SmackDown, thus I am a bit surprised that they have pitted these guys against each other at MitB before the split happens given that if they had it be the kick-off feud for the Brand Split on SmackDown going into SummerSlam, it would definitely have been great for the ratings they want to pull.

As for the feud and match at hand;
Given how great Reigns vs Styles was for two PPVs in a row, I have no doubt that it will be much the same between these 2. The feud has started off with a bang, so I hope WWE follows through with it and cements AJ Styles' Main Event status when it comes to an end(whenever that is).
Seems strange to me that they are giving this match to us so soon. It almost makes me think that there is no way that there is going to be a clean ending to this one. It just isn't like the WWE to give us the match that we actually want to see before they drag us through the motions with dusty finishes and numerous match interruptions.

As far as the match goes, it could be an instant classic if that handle it right. I said in another thread that this is a match that Pro wrestling fans never thought they would get to see. The WWE should take that responsibility seriously this time around. Give these guys 25 minutes of prime time PPV and just let them do their thing. Cena and Styles are more than capable of having a 5 star match, so let's just hope that's what we get.

But for my money, The Club get involved in this one and it becomes a typical Cena beat down. This leads to the brand split and Cena and Styles heading to Smackdown.
This certainly is a modern day dream match up. If the feud play out until Summer Slam it will be interesting to see how they keep it feeling fresh. Of course with all the speculation surrounding the Brand Split we could see a variety of swerves tossed into the mix. This should be one of those feuds that fans should just sit back and enjoy.

On a side note, how this match was announced bothers me. Instead of a dramatic build towards a challenge on Live television they just send out a random tweet. This isn't Corbin vs. Ziggler pre show. This is a major match. One that arguably out shines both the WWE WHC bout and the gimmick match the event is named after.
I read rumors that this was actually suppose to happen at SummerSlam. Vince basically wet himself with how over Styles got against Reigns. Add in the fact he carried Roman to probably the greatest matches he'll ever have and Vince simply couldn't help himself.

Also, I've heard that we should expect to see the New Day be the latest to have their popularity killed by becoming "Cena Friends" as they will most likely be used to tag with Cena against The Club.

Apparently a lot people backstage were begging Vince to hold off until SummerSlam but with the Draft coming before then there's a good chance Cena and the New Day aren't on the same show so Vince pulled the trigger now.
While I thought they'd play a Cena "concussion" angle to prolong the match until Summer Slam I now think this is a good indicator that there will be two heavy weight championships with the upcoming brand split. You have the match at Money in the Bank, have a six man tag with the Club vs Cena/New Day then with the brand split have Cena vs Styles II for the vacant title at Summer Slam. These might be the two top players on the new Smack Down brand so why prolong a fun, new rivalry of AJ Styles and John Cena. Sit back and enjoy the show.
I've seen rumours stating that both Cena and AJ will be the lead guys for the new and improved Live SmackDown, thus I am a bit surprised that they have pitted these guys against each other at MitB before the split happens given that if they had it be the kick-off feud for the Brand Split on SmackDown going into SummerSlam, it would definitely have been great for the ratings they want to pull.

As for the feud and match at hand;
Given how great Reigns vs Styles was for two PPVs in a row, I have no doubt that it will be much the same between these 2. The feud has started off with a bang, so I hope WWE follows through with it and cements AJ Styles' Main Event status when it comes to an end(whenever that is).

I read rumors that the WWE intends to have these two be at the top of Smackdown. Plus rumors that Cena will face AJ Styles at Summerslam for SD's world championship.

Which would be awesome. So, given that, I'd expect them to trade victories at MITB and Battleground and go into Summerslam to fight for the World title under a tie, which would make their bout really unpredictable.

As to who wins at MITB? I really don't know. It doesn't matter if it's Cena or Styles really, because the loser will definately get the win at the next PPV, before the big tie-breaker at Summerslam.
I hope AJ Syles goes over here at least semi-clean. I know people say with AJ Styles' age there's no need to push him as a top guy but with the talent Styles has and that WWE needs to build more stars, Styles going over will benefit the WWE more than it benefits Styles.

Plus with Cena just returning they could justify his loss as being out of action for so long.

As to who wins at MITB? I really don't know. It doesn't matter if it's Cena or Styles really, because the loser will definately get the win at the next PPV, before the big tie-breaker at Summerslam.

That will probably happen but then again you can get more heat if the heel wins the first match.
Can't wait for Styles to gain a victory with outside interference and then fall to Cena clean on subsequent pay-per-view events.

WWE have missed a trick by not having A.J. in, and winning, the Money In The Bank match.
A prediction: this match will be a rancid piece of shit but heralded as the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The current wrestling world is one in which you're a better wrestler the more people kick out of your finisher, hence why people thought John Cena was shit when he only had a dozen all-time classics under his belt but that he was actually alright once he had a thirty minute match with Dolph Ziggler on Raw that featured twenty false finishes - and hence why Roman Reigns is detested for pinning AJ Styles after only using his finisher once, in midair, after a lengthy match.

At NXT Takeover, there will be a main event featuring a former ROH and TNA champion and a man who spent the formative part of his career in Japan and if either kicks out of the other's finisher at any point, it will be shocking.

The Styles Clash and the AA are probably the two most kicked out of finishers in the world at the moment and I wouldn't be surprised to see three apiece, probably right after one another, probably accompanied by a lot of holding up fingers to the referee and going "But that was three, that was!"

Or I could be wrong and we could get a match that has some ingenuity, a rhythm and a story. It's really not about the amount of finisher but the integral parts of the match that they replace. These are two of the best wrestlers since the turn of the century in what one can, with a straight face, call a dream match, so one should be hopeful.
I think this feud is fairly predictable.

AJ wins at MITB.
Cena wins at Battleground.
Then, if the World Title is up for grabs for SD, AJ wins at Summerslam. I don't see them giving Cena his 16th reign just yet.

I really didn't like how the Styles heel turn played out. Styles plays a heel just fine, but the turn should've happened during his feud with Reigns if it were going to happen at all. WWE is in dire need of main event heels right now, so I understand the thought process. However, the timing was just way off. In this situation, I'd have had Styles and Cena square off at MITB with them both being babyface. Gallows and Anderson lend a hand to help AJ pick up the win. AJ goes off, telling them they were done professionally and he doesn't need their help. At Battleground, they don't get involved and Styles loses clean, causing him to noticeably doubt himself. Finally at SS (if the WHC is up for grabs), Balor makes his main roster debut and knocks Cena out cold, allowing a desperate Styles to win by any means necessary to prove he is championship caliber in WWE.

After 3 matches, Styles moves on to someone else (Ambrose or Orton?) and a Cena/Balor feud is one of the top storylines of this fall.
I think this feud is fairly predictable.

AJ wins at MITB.
Cena wins at Battleground.
Then, if the World Title is up for grabs for SD, AJ wins at Summerslam. I don't see them giving Cena his 16th reign just yet.

I really didn't like how the Styles heel turn played out. Styles plays a heel just fine, but the turn should've happened during his feud with Reigns if it were going to happen at all. WWE is in dire need of main event heels right now, so I understand the thought process. However, the timing was just way off. In this situation, I'd have had Styles and Cena square off at MITB with them both being babyface. Gallows and Anderson lend a hand to help AJ pick up the win. AJ goes off, telling them they were done professionally and he doesn't need their help. At Battleground, they don't get involved and Styles loses clean, causing him to noticeably doubt himself. Finally at SS (if the WHC is up for grabs), Balor makes his main roster debut and knocks Cena out cold, allowing a desperate Styles to win by any means necessary to prove he is championship caliber in WWE.

After 3 matches, Styles moves on to someone else (Ambrose or Orton?) and a Cena/Balor feud is one of the top storylines of this fall.

I could see Cena tying the record with a win over AJ at Summerslam. I think he'll break the record at WM against Reigns. What better stage for the record to be broken than WrestleMania?

Yeah, the heel turn for AJ was too early IMO. I felt somebody like Ambrose or Ziggler could have benefited from a heel turn. AJ still had plenty to do as a face but maybe this could be the start of blurred lines, where wrestlers don't be categorized as faces and heels and just let the fans decide.
I could see Cena tying the record with a win over AJ at Summerslam. I think he'll break the record at WM against Reigns. What better stage for the record to be broken than WrestleMania?

Yeah, the heel turn for AJ was too early IMO. I felt somebody like Ambrose or Ziggler could have benefited from a heel turn. AJ still had plenty to do as a face but maybe this could be the start of blurred lines, where wrestlers don't be categorized as faces and heels and just let the fans decide.

Unfortunately, Vince rarely allows faces and heels to go up against each other. This feud is a perfect example. Oh, they're both good guys? Welp, we've gotta turn one of them! And let's make sure it leaves the fans scratching their heads. No build whatsoever.
They're billing this as the biggest dream match since Rock vs. Cena I so it will definitely be a lengthy match. And with this being the first match in the feud,AJ's first match as a heel,and him being on the Stone Cold Podcast the night after. I say it's pretty clear Styles will win. And the fact that Cena usually loses the first match in the feud majority of the time. I say Styles wins here with interference ,Cena wins at Battleground clean,and at SummerSlam in the WWE SmackDown Heavyweight Championship Finals, Styles wins to wrap up the feud.

Cena would probably take time off to film Season 2 of American Grit and come back on the Raw roster to feud with Roman Reigns for the WWE Raw Heavyweight Championship during WrestleMania season.

I see this all leading to Styles vs. Rollins,. and Reigns vs. Cena at WrestleMania next year.
If it was up to me, I'd have AJ win because of interference of The Club. What probably will happen, Cena wins clean and The Club jumps Cena after the match. Then, they face off again at Battleground and AJ wins this time with The Club's help and they face off again at Summerslam for the World Heavyweight Championship and Cena wins, tying Flair's record.
Has anybody thought of the possibility that Cena had the two contracts so AJ signs for the one on one.....only for Gallows and Anderson join forces with Cena???? Reigns, Ambrose are the top two faces by far, and Rollins surely will turn when HHH returns. A heel Cena, which has been teased for years, could finally be in the works. They keep saying how this pay per view is Wrestlemania like. They wanting as many viewers going into Summetslam season. I really think that this may be the trigger finally being pulled on Cena having a change in character. AJ having the match win and Anderson and Gallows assist Cena. That would be huge, especially if they win the tag titles earlier in the night
I have to admit that WWE has done a good job in giving me the impression that AJ Styles MIGHT come out with a win this Sunday. They've gone the route of framing this as being the ultimate indie guy vs. the ultimate WWE Machine produced guy and the two contracts on last night's Raw, one which allowed the other members of the Club at ringside and one that banned them, with Cena baiting Styles until he signed the one banning them was a nice touch.

Of course, it's always possible that another former Bullet Club member like Finn Balor, could pop up to help Styles but I see this staying a 1 on 1 match. A loss for Styles here, frankly, doesn't do much for him because he's had some great performances against Reigns, whereas a loss for Cena does absolutely nothing for Cena. I've no idea if this match will be a one time deal or if it's part of an ongoing feud that'll culminate at SummerSlam. If it's the former, I think the odds of Cena losing aren't that great but if it's the latter, then the odds definitely go up.

If it's going to be an ongoing feud, I think most fans would be satisfied if AJ Styles succeeded in scoring at least 1 decisive victory without any outside interference over Cena. Many would find it ideal, again, if this is the first match of the feud, for Styles to win the feud as a whole but that has almost no chance of happening.
So, at last night's RAW, Styles signed the "one-on-one" contract. However they never said specifically what that means. Does it mean that the Club are banned from ringside and if they were to interfere Styles would lose the match?

In that scenario, I have a prediction: Finn Balor will be there to cost Cena the match. And if that happens, then Styles vs Cena must definately go on last. Not only because it's a huge match itself, but Styles beating Cena and Balor debuting are going to be big moments in the history of WWE.

After the way this feud has been presented, Cena just facing Styles in a standard match and Cena winning, seems way too.. "unrisky", in a feud where words like "Indies", "ROH" and "Shovel" has been used. This feud needs to keep the edge and Balor debuting and giving Styles the vitctory can keep the wheel spinning.
At MITB when AJ comes out there will be a massive roar and cheering, even though bad guy. When Cena comes out there will be massive boos, even though the good guy. I know this in a way happened with ah and Reigns. But will this confuse the crowd? Or will wwe just pipe over the actual nose...

So, what your asking is will AJ Styles get cheered like a babyface while John Cena gets booed like a heel?

The answer to that is Yes.

Cena will get booed no matter who he faces, be it AJ, KO, Punk etc.. The crowd will probably be evenly split when it comes to who to cheer. Expect dueling chants of Lets Go AJ/Lets Go Cena or Cena Sucks etc..

The crowd reaction to Roman Reigns Vs. John Cena will be monstrous if both the men keep their characters the same till the eventual match.
At MITB when AJ comes out there will be a massive roar and cheering, even though bad guy. When Cena comes out there will be massive boos, even though the good guy. I know this in a way happened with ah and Reigns. But will this confuse the crowd? Or will wwe just pipe over the actual nose...


How could it confuse the crowd if they are the ones doing the booing and/or the cheering? I think it's pretty obvious over the last few years that Cena gets boo'd whenever he appears, whether it's justified or not. It just seems like the thing to do.

Styles is relativity new to the WWE and the fans haven't soured on him yet, so of course he will get cheered by a good portion of them. Even though he's turned heel, he'll still be seen as the best of two evils.

I have no idea what the point of this whole thread is about considering that whoever Cena feuds with is likely to get cheered over him. This is nothing new to fans who've been watching for more than a week or so.

About what? Your ability to type the English language? Nope, you've always been terrible. About the thread title? Definitely :wtf: About your mental capacity? Getting a picture.

About split crowds? Not at all. They've been happening to John Cena for years and have transferred to Roman Reigns. I am confused about how this is supposed to be something new. The funny thing about this is that Cena has gotten even more cheers, in general, since 2015 when his US Open challenge was often the best part of the night.
When AJ makes his way to the ring for his match at MITB, the crowd will cheer for him even though he's the bad guy. When Cena does the same, there will be massive boos even though he's the good guy. I know that this -- in similar manner -- happened with AJ and Reigns, but will this confuse the crowd? Or; will the WWE just pipe over the noise with ambient crowd sounds?

Fixed; that is how a normal person conveys a ridiculous idea.

Now then; I don't think the crowd is going to confuse themselves based on whether they react appropriately to a face or a heel, and I don't think that the crowd would be confused due to the WWE potentially piping over their cheering or booing with crowd noise.

Even after fixing your statement, I still don't know if you're asking whether the WWE will confuse their audience by pushing a hated performer as a face and vice versa, or if you're asking whether the crowd will be dumbfounded by how their reactions didn't come through on TV or the Network. You acknowledge that going against the grain is a common trait of the crowd, there's your answer to one potential query.

If you really need to know if dubbing over the booing and cheers will warp the crowd's wherewithal, maybe go ask every audience member individually and report the results of your survey on a forum for people who don't read good.
Well duh, this isn't a world where we want heroes (sure we say it, but we never show it) people were willing to riot over OJ verdict, Innocent and people rejoiced....Just to find out later by his own admission...yeah I killed her.

Any criminal that is mishandled or Killed we jump up and down acting like the person was an angel.

Art imitates life. Fans love heels now, the NWO made that possible, Wrestling fans love the idea of two wrestlers going into hostile territory and taking thier oil.....I mean titles. Again Art imitating life.
How will this confuse the crowd? The fans will boo, some will cheer <insert either guy> How is this confusing, People are different.
A prediction: this match will be a rancid piece of shit but heralded as the second coming of Jesus Christ.

How can a match be heralded as the second coming of Jesus Christ? Poor use of snark. Only a human being can be heralded as the second coming of Jesus Christ. Like Shinsuke Nakumura. He's the second coming according to 90% of the IWC.

The nuts and bolts of the Cena - Styles match is secondary. I want to see something other than a 2 out of 3 match series win for Cena where his opponent doesn't get elevated higher than he was before the feud. For ONCE, can someone other than Lesnar "have Cena's number"? Perfect scenario is that AJ wins the series, and then they both go their separate ways once the brand split takes full effect.

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