WWE Money in the Bank - General Discussion Thread

Final thoughts.

Swagger to annihilate Mysterio. This just makes so much sense. Swagger is hot, he's been pushed well, he's done some great work recently, and everyone is sick of little Rey. He's a transitional champ and nothing else. Give the belt back to Jack: he's the man to feud with Taker when he returns. That could be amazing.

RAW MITB - a whole lot of contenders here. Mark Henry is obviously filler. Jericho probably not, as he has other things going on. Edge and Orton seem to be involved with each other, and that feud won't need the belt. That leaves you with Morrison, Dibiase, Miz, and Bourne. Bourne's been on a heck of a push, but this still feels too quick. Miz is a very viable contender; this guy's been doing some awesome work and is more than ready for the main event. He's probably my pick, with Morrison and Ted, both of whom are more than ready to be elevated, a close second.

Smackdown MITB - probably harder to choose. Big Show? Nah. Hardy? No. Christian? Could be his time - it's doable - but he's just not a guy who needs MITB to get elevated. Kane surely not, I really hope not. Rhodes isn't ready, which gives us Kingston, McIntyre, and Ziggler. McIntyre I don't think is ready either, and I'm a big fan of Dolph, so hopefully he gets the nod. Then he holds it for a while and cashes it in on Taker around the Rumble time.

Cena v Sheamus - this could go either way, it depends on which direction they take the Nexus storyline, so we'll just have to wait and see. Sheamus seems to be solidly over as a legit contender, so it's not as if he needs the win if they want to keep the belt on Cena.
I am looking forward to this PPV...A lot, I fear being disapointed but still excited. I have been reading a lot of discussion on whether the briefcases are brand specific or not. has this been determined? I am going to continue as if it hasn't my apologies if it has been rectified.

I am looking forward to the Smackdown ladder match the most. There is a lot of potential and more mid cards that can be elevated. I hope christian wins, (mostly becasue I am a fan). If it is not Christian, than I hope Fatt Hardy gets it. There is a good chance kofi will win, then "coincidently" lose the IC to dolph/christian/macintyre. That way kofi moves into the ME, and christian/dolph/macintyre get the IC gold, and two birds have been killed with one stone. Everyone in the smackdown match has been getting there push, so I think there will a lot exciting spots in this match, as many will be attempting to prove they deserve the push (dolph,rhodes,macintyre....)

In a perfect world this is what I am praying happens (as if briefcases are NOT specific)...

wish one - Christian wins smackdown, edge wins raw. At some point Edge cashes in and wins, then christian cashes in on edge right away and fued ensues. This could go either way on who cashes in first. I just think they wasted the edge/christian fued when edge left for raw.

wish two - christian wins smackdown match and swagger beats mysterio and we could have a rematch of the ECW title feud.

What do I think will happen

Tag titles - harts keep it....for now...
diva - alicia keeps it
smackdown ladder - Christian or Kofi
Raw ladder - mark Henry, just for fun and becasue everyone thinks he's filler
WHC - Swagger, so mysterio can go on the Disabled list for a bit
WWEC - Shamus so cena/nexus can continue
Briefcases - one winner will cash in at the PPV and lose (like hardy on swagger, and that way hardy goes to ME but chasing the gold, that way it could be a glorious magical win at summerslam or something like they did for jeff)

There are so many story lines that are possible here. That is what I am most excited about. I know some may not be a fan of MITB being its own PPV but going into it, a good job has been done. I think for this to work some shake ups need to happen, nothing predictable, even younger fans can appreciate a curveball.
I know I probably should have posted this a few weeks ago, but it has only just crossed my mind........

The winner of the MiTB ladder match is the person who climbes the ladder and takes down the briefcase. What is stopping a member of Nexus interupting the match and taking down the briefcase?

Would/should they be declared the winner?
What would happen if they weren't?
If this was to happen, which Nexus member would you like to see claim the briefcase?
Great topic you read my mind on this one. I could definently see Wade Barrett bringing down the briefcase and regaining his guaranteed title shot he had been stripped of. This would in turn further unite the lockerroom against NXT.
Even if a member of the nexus interrupts a match and brings down a briefcase, why would they be able to use it? they aren't in either ladder matches. :confused: If they wouldn't be able to, what would the point be of them bringing it down? theming a whole PPV around this concept only for nothing to happen? Nexus will probably only interfere in the Sheamus/Cena match, nothing else.
Even if a member of the nexus interrupts a match and brings down a briefcase, why would they be able to use it? they aren't in either ladder matches. :confused:

I know they aren't booked in the match, but, MiTB rules are that WHOEVER takes down the briefcase wins the title opportunity.

I don't know why, but I can just see Nexus interfering in the Raw MiTB match and one of them getting the briefcase.
Even if a member of the nexus interrupts a match and brings down a briefcase, why would they be able to use it? they aren't in either ladder matches. :confused:

You could also argue that it is utterly pointless if someone from the Nexus wins the match because they can’t actually use it for another three months. However, we all have realise that this is the WWE and in the words of JR, “Anything can happen in the WWE”.

I could definitely see the Nexus getting involved with the MITB ladder matches tonight and only a fool would think otherwise. I have always wondered what would happen if a competitor who was not in the match climbed the ladder and retrieved the case or the belt or whatever is hanging above the ring. Would that mean that the competitor who took the item is the winner? Or would it mean nothing and that there is no actual winner of that particular match. Either way, I still don’t think it is safe to rule out all Nexus activity in the ladder matches tonight. At the end of the day, they have been ubiquitous over the last few weeks and haven’t limited their attacks to the main event scene like they did when they first started out.

I really hope that they stay out of the ladder matches tonight because I personally don’t think they need or deserve to be their in the first place. They haven’t wrestled two matches between them and now some people have them as the MITB winners? To me that sounds absurd and I would really hate to see people like The Miz and Christian robbed of an opportunity because of the Nexus.
Umm no. They promised Orton they wouldnt. Not that that means much but they also couldnt win it. thats like saying anyone from the lockerroom can run out during the royal rumble and headline wrestlemania.
it would be interesting but pointless as wade's title shot was given back to him when he was rehired but he can't compete for it for a certain amount of time i think two months. however if they did interfere they could get the case for another member so they two chances.
I was thinking about this, Now the mysterious RAW GM stated that Nexus Members couldn't compete for the WWE Championship for 90 days....but what if they interfere and take both briefcases and one of them most likely Barrett cashes it in on the WHC thus invading SmackDown! as well....or and this just came to me as I write this what if McIntire wins the SD MITB and Nexus interferes in the RAW MITB, and Sheamus retains then both, Sheamus and McIntire reveal that they are behind Nexus? Just a wild thought
Stupid...because they are not involved in the match...

But you know what...these things happen...e.g. a tables match, if someone not in the match performs a move on someone in the match and the referee sees this...they will imediately end the match wouldn't they...

But I highly doubt they will grab the breifcase..and even if they do..I don't think they will be allowed!!
Ok this makes zero sense. I understand it is "whoever" gets the briefcase, but if that is the case why even book people in the match. It should just be a Royal Rumble ladder match if anyone could just climb and win. If they did this it would completely ruin the concept of the match. However, as far as the Nexus interfering in the MITB match I wouldn't be surprised to see them come in and lay out all the participants, then one of them climb the ladder, get the case, and then lay it on the chest of someone. Especially someone like Y2J. Since he has the relationship with Barrett and Nexus.
if this were to happen which it probably wont but who knows i mean this is WWE we are talking about lol it would most likely be barrett to get it and if they were to do this just throwing this out there what if he cashed it in after the cage match tonight??? or for that matter anyone does personally i hope they dont cause MITB is one of my favorite matches of the year and this ppv ive looked forward to more than WM this year and just throwing this out there wouldnt it had been nice for them to do mid-card MITB matches for the IC and US titles as well???
what will probably happen is the nexus will run in cause chaos and the miz will take advantage of it and climb the ladder and get the case.
I had a similar kind of idea, although the Nexus obtaining the briefcase in a different way. I was thinking that the Raw MITB match goes as normal, with probably Orton or Edge winning, perhaps even Evan Bourne. But, a little later in the evening we see a backstage segment with the winner of the match layed out in the locker room unconscious, without the briefcase. To end the show, we'll assume that John Cena has beaten Sheamus for the WWE title, Nexus, except Wade Barrett come in and beat him to a pulp as usual, and when hes done for, Wade strolls down the ramp, briefcase in hand, and wins the title. I know no member of nexus is to be allowed a title shot, but as the contract in the briefcase if for a "guaranteed" title shot at any time, perhaps it will overrule the no title shot stipulation.

Of course, this would also be dependant on the exact conditions of the briefcase, does possession of the briefcase alone allow one to cash it in? Or is the winner of the match the only superstar entitled to do so?
well kennedy won it in 2007 and then edge won it from him in a match. but i think if they just steal it,it dosent count unless the GM makes a ruleing or somthing.
Briefcase is meant to be used only when a contender wins the briefcase officially. All the previous contenders has won it officially by winning the MITB match or challenging the winner in a match for briefcase(like edge did against Kennedy). For Nexus it would make sense if they take Evan Bourne and John Morrison out before the match in a segment and then enter themselves in, in the middle of the match. But they need to win the brifcase officially to win the tittle from Cena or anybidy else. But I dont think Wade Barret is ready to become champion. He still has to show what he can do in the ring and he has'nt officially had a match since finale of NXT 1 .

No NXT member is ready yet to get the tittle shot. They need to espablish themselves by winning some matches on Raw and PPV. They are already getting a lot of heat so if they starts winning matches they will definately be in main event soon.
in the Raw MITB match.. if, and i mean IF say Jericho was the one behind Nexus i could see them entering the ring, taking out/ guarding against the others so Jericho could climb the ladder. Would be an interesting look at their whole.. circling the ring/person thing they do.
The only way any member of Nexus would legitimately win the MITB is if before the match they take out one of the competitors and then officials(Raw GM) are forced to find a replacement. Thus Wade Barrett would be the replacement. However I don't agree with this at all. Sure it would be interesting, but you'd basically be giving Barrett a WWE/WHC title sometime in the next year. They need to build all of these NXT guys right, and to do it right, you can't force them into world title matches this early. I'm aware of Seamus, and I think they were too quick to put the title on him too. I mean maybe it's just me, but I somehow remember most of the greatest superstars starting from the bottom. Bret Hart, HBK, HHH, The Rock, hell even Austin. What happened to paying your dues on the mid-card instead of being handed the main event on a silver platter?
I don't think the Nexus will interfere in THIS match, but due to what happened between the Nexus,Cena,and Sheamus on RAW it would not suprise me if the Nexus interfered in or after the Steel Cage match.
Great idea and I really hope this happens! Great way for Barrett to get a title shot, but I don't see how it could be against Sheamus (Sheamus would probably have to lose the title first, perhaps to HHH or Cena).
Nexus will interfere in the main event... Justin Gabriel 450 splash from the top of the cage... or do it twice...

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