WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Championship: John Cena (c) VS Mark Henry


It was announced on last night's Raw, via interaction between Vince McMahon, Vickie Guerrero & Brad Maddox, that John Cena will defend the WWE Championship at the MITB ppv against Mark Henry.

Mark Henry delivered the performance of his career on Raw last night and he suckered damn near everyone into believing that he was genuinely retiring. It was exceptional, maybe the best display of acting ever by a pro wrestler. Everything from tears in his eyes and streaming down his face, to mentioning his wife & children, to the clearly audible hitch in his voice was beyond convincing. The fact that John Cena stood outside on the apron for most of Henry's speech, looking like he himself was getting choked up whenever the camera panned to him, and the live crowd being very respectful to Henry only reinforced it. Frankly, I marked out when Henry turned the hug attempt into a World's Strongest Slam at the last possible second. This will definitely be one of WWE's most memorable moments of 2013.

Various reports in the past few weeks stated that Daniel Bryan was going to challenge Cena at MITB. Given Henry's performance last night, I'm honestly not at all upset that this program isn't going to happen right now. It might even be for the best really. It'll give WWE all the more time to continue to build Daniel Bryan up as a singles babyface competitor. The fact that Bryan himself stated, while he was speaking with Kane backstage on Raw last night that he "needs to win the WWE Championship" to prove himself is a strong suggestion that he will be in the title hunt sometime in the near future.

I don't expect Henry to win the title from Cena, I don't think anyone does. I doubt the match will be a technical marvel but it could be really physical and tell a great story, especially if WWE keeps Cena in a more serious mode during the course of the build up for the match and if they give Henry some more mic time.
I think they might put the belt on Henry just so they don't have a face vs face title program because they'd have to turn one of them heel after the first match and Cena's never turning heel and Bryan is way to over to go bad. Henry gets the WWE title added to his list of accomplishments and drops the belt to Bryan at Summer Slam or Night of Champions Then Bryan vs Cena to end the year maybe?
I saw reports saying that Cena was going to fight Daniel Bryan at Money in the Bank and was really excited for that match, and then they go and book this.

What is the point Henry is not going to win because they wont take the strap of Cena, so really what is the point
After the classic segment on Raw with Mark Henry I think they should give him the title. This feud already has a lot of momentum and could easily carry on into Summerslam and Night of Champions. I hope they don't do another BS finish like count out, DQ or a draw. I know there's rumors about Daniel Bryan getting in the title hunt in the next few months but I'd don't think it's necessary right now. He'll probably be in one of the Money in The Bank matches and he can work with Kane and\or Orton at Summerslam.
Best Case Scenario:

Cena is defeated by Henry at MITB after an extremely back and forth match. Afterwards, the holder of the MITB Contract (preferably exclusive to the WWE Title cashes in on an exhausted Henry. This could be a number of people including Bryan, Ryback, RVD or a member of the Shield.

One of two things can happen.

1. Henry squashes his opponent and continues his reign as the first African American WWE Champion. Thiswould obviously lead to a rematch with Cena at Summerslam.

Could work if booked right and, if WWE Creative aren't too keen on the idea of Henry as the Champ, they can always give Cena the win at the big event. This could also add to the MITB winners story. For example, Daniel Bryan being the "weak link" or Ryback's horrible Pay-Per-View record.

2. MITB Winner wins the title and sets up a Triple Threat at Summerslam. This would add a lot of shock factor and also give Creative a lot of options moving
Oh god, I hope we don't see no post-match cash-in after the match is over, especially if it's Daniel Bryan who wins the Money in the Bank. They should give that type of cash-in a vacation, we've seen them dozens of times ever since the Money in the Bank match was introduced, and if Bryan does win MitB then it wouldn't make sense for him to cash in on a prone Cena or Henry if he wants to prove himself and if they intend to keep him babyface, which they should since he is the most over guy in the company currently. No, we should get a clean winner in this match, doesn't matter who cause Bryan beating either would be huge for him (imagine Bryan making Henry tap out to win the title), and Bryan should inform the winner on RAW just weeks before the next PPV that he's cashing in on him, before he beats him for the belt. As for the match, like Jack-Hammer said, I don't expect a 5 star match here, but it should be pretty hard-hitting, intense, physical and have some good storytelling after Henry's brilliant performance last night.
my hope is that Cena wins a good match and then afterwards moves on to a Bryan vs. cena program. they can have him cash in the case that night or they can have Bryan use the case to challenge Cena at SummerSlam. i do want to see though a Bryan WWE title run and 3 matches with Cena where in the end, Bryan leaves with the title only to lose it at Elimination Chamber.
Henry was spot on last night he had everyone fooled like puppets.. I am a pro Cena fan i do respect the hell out of him.. But i do hope Henry takes the WWE title from him. Mark after last night he should win the WWE title.. Be the first African American to ever hold the holy grail of all titles.. No,I dont wanna see a generic MITB cash in either i want Henry to run with the title till at least NOC!

Henry deserves the WWE title and quite frankly it should have happened by now. Now is the time for this to happen.. Everyone thinks Cena will beat him WWE has be known to throw monkey wrenches before this would be one of those times.. We can have our Cena vs DB match for no1 contender status at SummerSlam either way I think,we all win.. Henry WSM alive
Mark Henry delivered suck a terrific "retirement" speech Monday night on Raw. He had everyone fooled and after going through all his accolades, he took down the WWE Champion, John Cena. Now Mark may not be the most exciting or domination superstar ever, but what he did this past Monday is worthy of a WWE Championship run. Even if he's only a transitional champion to Daniel Bryan, or putting the belt back on Cena, Mark earned his title shot.

Mark has gone through a lot in his storied career. From Mae Young's hand being born, Sexual Chocolate, injuries, what have you, Mark has been LOYAL and continued to hone his craft. At Money in the Bank, win or lose (hopefully win), Mark will get to be in a match that many thought he'd never get to be in. I'm not the biggest fan of his work as he has always had limitations that have held him back from being a top player in the WWE, but I look forward to his match and can't wait to see what the World's Strongest Man will do to the WWE Champion.
Cean vs. Henry, fuck yeah!

The match doesn't bother me. It'll be shit, I will have fallen asleep by the time it comes on anyway. My issue is that it's for the WWE Championship. I still can't believe Ryback didn't win the title. I mean he shouldn't have been challenging for it anyway. But he was and he should've come out of it with at least a short reign.
Can't see Mark Henry winning the title, although he might win the match by foul means if management plans to have a multi-contest feud between the two. Despite Mark having "plenty of gas left in the tank" I think his better-than-expected title reign of 2011 was the apex of his career and I doubt the company intends to have him on top again.....at least not for any length of time.

Also, Cena hasn't had a long enough title reign yet. Face it, the #1 performer in WWE waited a long time between belts while the company made nice with C.M. Punk. In the meantime, he was beaten and brutalized; we knew he would ascend to the championship again, yet I was surprised how long it took. For this reason, I figured there was no way he'd be losing to Ryback this early in his title reign.....and if he didn't lose to Ryback, I can't see him getting beaten by Mark Henry.
This isn't a terrible match but there's no way Mark Henry wins. WWE has backed itself into a corner with Cena as champion right now. Ask yourself, who on the roster right now is "good enough" or "legitimate enough" (maybe that's a better way to say it) to beat John Cena for the belt? Keep in Mind, Cena beat Rock at Wrestlemania, who had just beaten Punk twice after ending a year plus title reign. The only legitimate threats ie. people WWE could and would give the belt to (and have Cena job to) are: CM Punk, Randy Orton, maybe Daniel Bryan and MAYBE Kane. That's about it though. Are there others they want to put over? YES. BUT if they weren't going to put over Ryback (a young up and comer they're high on) then certainly they're not going to have Cena lose to some other young guy, right now.

My point is, until Cena has had a longer reign and WWE is ready to get the strap off of him, he's not losing. There's only a handful of guys they'd have Cena lose to as I mentioned above and with Punk in a program with Lesnar and Bryan's health in question, who is left? Orton? I'd love to see it but WWE doesn't appear to want to go in that direction ever again with Randy.

So back on topic, while it will be a good match with two guys who have feuded before, Cena is winning this and there isn't going to be any funny business with a cash in or anything like that.
Now this I did not see coming. But that isn't to say I'm shocked or disappointed. In fact, the only thing that is a bit of a let down is now twice in a row a superstar has become number one contender just by turning up and duffing John Cena. Lazy booking.

Still, this ought to be a short feud to tick over the next four weeks whilst the high-ups decide whether or not Daniel Bryan is truly ready for the big stage. If DB is going to challenge Cena for the strap, better it be at an important PPV like Summerslam. Besides, Bryan needs to stretch out his rivalry with Orton to facilitate both Orton's supposed heel turn and Bryan's transcension in to a super-duper-babyface.

Regarding Mark Henry, we know he's a reliable worker and can cut a convincing character promo; his appearance on Raw only further confirms this. His gimmick of being a big strong guy who beats people up for the fun of it whilst being remarkably witty about it is incredibly entertaining, but Henry is not, nor shall he ever be, WWE's #1 guy. I don't see Henry defeating Cena at all. This will be another example of Cena overcoming the odds to remind us what an absolutely smashing great hap he is, but looking to the future, this would only make Bryan's inevitable victory over Cena more of a joy to watch.

Think about it in terms of Cena's last two major opponents; firstly The Rock, who was booked as being Cena's Kryptonite, his foil, the one man who could beat him, and Cena overcame. Secondly, Ryback, the gold-hungry wrecking machine whose rage and jealousy turned him against Cena, and who pushed Cena to his limit in two brutal gimmick matches, but Cena overcame. Now, Cena is up against the World's Strongest Man, and you can tell where the story is heading already. So when Daniel Bryan pops up later this summer to challenge Cena for the strap, he won't pose much of a threat in comparison, so this in turn will create Bryan's own little tale about overcoming the odds, and we will relish every last morsel of it.

So, sorry Mark, but you're just a spoke in the wheel, it seems. No doubt the match will be at least passable, but it won't be anything we haven't seen before.
Also, Cena hasn't had a long enough title reign yet. Face it, the #1 performer in WWE waited a long time between belts while the company made nice with C.M. Punk. In the meantime, he was beaten and brutalized; we knew he would ascend to the championship again, yet I was surprised how long it took. For this reason, I figured there was no way he'd be losing to Ryback this early in his title reign.....and if he didn't lose to Ryback, I can't see him getting beaten by Mark Henry.

I usually agree with you Sally, but who was it that beat Ryback at Wrestlemania? Things tell me this may have been planned for longer than we imagine.

Ryback lost to Mark Henry at Wrestlemania, so when he became the number one contender to the WWE Title, I remember people complaining that it wasn't Mark Henry facing Cena at Extreme Rules, but Ryback instead. So as the two PPV's went by, we saw Cena keeping his title and Ryback not winning it. Now we've reached MiTB & Mark Henry is facing Cena for the WWE Title, after a promo that is the best we've seen in a long while. I'm not complaining at all about this match and honestly, with the emphasis on Henry having not won the WWE Title in his life, I see him winning at the PPV.

What we can do is... let Henry win. He gets dominant for a month, then faces Cena in a rematch at the PPV, winning again. Then, he either loses it via cash-in or at the next PPV, but I really want Mark Henry to win this.
Mark Henry in 2011 had built up a tremendous amount of momentum as the monster heel before he took the WHC away from Randy Orton. On the other hand, you really can't say the same thing about 2013 Henry. The win over Ryback at Wrestlemania was made to look like a fluke, and Henry disappeared for a while after Mania.

Should be a solid match, but there's no way Henry wins the title. Maybe he goes nuts afterwards, and attacks Cena to setup a rematch, but he's not walking out of MITB with the gold.
The "retirement" promo was gold; however, I am, in no way, looking forward to this match. The standard of matches on TV and PPV as been of a high quality in recent months and I am skeptical that this will live up to that. Henry can put on a good match; so can Cena but this match will mundane and nothing spectacular.

Cena certainly wins this match and whether a cashing-in happens after: I am undecided. I can't really think of a candidate to take the belt of Cena. Lesnar or Daniel Bryan are the only guys I can see winning the WWE title briefcase and I wouldn't be apposed to seeing either cash-in after this match.
The feud will be great but the match will probably not be. John Cena and Mark Henry had a match on the post Mania Raw and it was not the best I have ever seen. However, I am willing to trade that all in for a decent feud with a good story telling and compelling and interesting tv.
The problem with the match itself is that the two guys involved are two very big men. So it probably does not make for a very good match, however after Henry's retirement promo on Raw, I can say that I am interested in this feud. I don't see Henry walking out as WWE champion though, you still the money in the bank winner to take into account. Right now, I see that winner being Daniel Bryan but I don't think he cashes in at Money in the bank, I see him announcing his cash in the Raw after Money in the bank.
This would then setup Bryan vs Cena at Summerslam for the WWE title.
I have been a supporter of Henry since he went on his tear that lead to the World title, and I would actually like to see him beat Cena for the title here. I don't think that is what is going to happen though. I am also not sure when everyone thing the MITB winner is going to cash in that night either. I think we will see Cena get a DQ win or something like that leading to a possible rematch with Henry. I do think if they go the distance with Daniel Bryan that he needs to beat Cena for the title. Imagine the reaction if DB beats Cena clean at some point. Daniel Bryan is one of the reasons I think the title will stay on Cena until they pull the trigger with DB. Cena retains at MITB.
.... but who was it that beat Ryback at Wrestlemania? Things tell me this may have been planned for longer than we imagine.

Your point is well taken, Johnny Scumm (thought you'd get by me with this name change, huh?), but I keep thinking Mark's direction was planned for less time than we imagine. I was surprised as hell watching Mark Henry beat Ryback at WM29, figuring Ryback to be the future, not Mark. Everything that went before indicated Ryback was the focus.......as for Henry, he had been out for ages with still another injury.

Yes, Henry came back from his absence with a bang....but somewhere after WM, they slowed his push, no? He wasn't coming off nearly as fearsome as he started, instead getting into strength-measuring contests with Ryback and Sheamus. Winning those have nothing to do with success in the ring and, sure enough, Mark lost cleanly to Sheamus at Extreme Rules.

If they're starting Mark on another run at/near the top, that's fine, I suppose. But if this is to be a one-and-done PPV match-up, I can't see Henry walking away with the belt.
What is the point Henry is not going to win because they wont take the strap of Cena, so really what is the point

The point of almost any match it to hopefully be entertained by it. Not to care about a probably predictable outcome but hopefully enjoy how that outcome comes about. Not to care about what "benefits" come from who wins or loses , but to hopefully enjoy it anyway. Not to say that so and so looks weak by losing, but to hopefully enjoy the fact that the loser hopefully is at least presented to look like they had a chance. Things like that.

I’m not suggesting that this particular match will be a great match (though I agree with those who feel that the buildup will at less be good), but your question can be asked about a lot of matches.
I've enjoyed Henry's work since 2006 or so and his 2011 unstoppable monster run was great fun. The promo on this week Raw was a classic and unlike most I think the match will be good, but I like monster heels vs a good selling face and Cena and Henry are great at their respective roles in such a match.

I have zero doubt that Cena will win, to me this is like the R Truth feud Cena had in 2011. It's a stop-gap, a 1 PPV and done feud until his next long term rival comes along, most likely in the form of the mighty bearded wonder that is Daniel Bryan.
What the WWE needs to do is make this match a war. Henry made it personal. He made John buy in to the retirement speech and turned on a man that was showing him major respect, just to get that title shot. Whatever angle they take with Henry from here needs to be intense, and I hope to see the intensity continue from Cena as well.

The fact here is, these two are gonna work a quality catch as catch can match. A stipulation such as No Holds Barred or such may help, but the fact is these two need to have a complete brawl, a war, and not try to wrestle a plain match.
I see the WWE has swapped Ryback and replaced him with Mark Henry. I don't see Cena losing here but I wouldn't be surprised to see him lose here. The Ryback - Cena feud wasn't too hot for me from the beginning and this Henry-Cena feud could be much more overall better and more entertaining. Removing Ryback was necessary as he still hasn't won a match on PPV yet. on the Briefcase side of things I see either Barrett or Bryan winning it. I'm not too high on Barrett but if I remember correctly, the original plan was for Wade to win the MITB match a few years back. I have no issues with Bryan winning the MITB. He is extremely over right now and with Bryan winning the MITB, His hot run right now will keep momentum going forward towards the rest of the year. All in all, unless the WWE has something up their sleeves that they have planned, in my mind I don't see Cena losing here.
I think the Cena and Henry feud had a great start on Raw, hopefully it doesn't lose any steam in the next few weeks. Both men can make a decent storyline if they are in the right pairing which I think they are, so I expect the feud to be entertaining and the match itself should be good as both can go in the ring. I think it could be a No DQ match to fit the feud and both men's abilities to make matches a fight. Cena will probably win but I won't be too shocked if Henry actually win, it's definitely harder to predict the winner than Cena vs Ryback.

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