WWE Money In The Bank 2013 Kickoff Match - Tag Team Championship: Shield (c) VS Usos


As of sometime this morning, a tag title match was officially made part of the card. The Usos won a #1 contender triple threat tag team match last night and will face Rollins & Reigns at the upcoming ppv.

As of right now, it's difficult to really get excited about this match. The Usos are, in my opinion, a solid overall tag team but The Shield as a whoe has been booked in a more dominant fashion over the past half year than anyone else on the roster. The Usos just don't seem to be remotely in their league, so this is an example of the consequences of WWE putting the tag team revival on the backburner during WrestleMania season.

That being said, it could still be a pretty good match though no one expects The Usos to win. At this time, they shouldn't win, but that doesn't mean that this match couldn't be use to still build up their stock. It'd be better for them and the tag picture as a whole I the long run. There are rumors that The Shield MIGHT be participating in the WHC MITB match, which would mean Rollins & Reigns would pull double duty. If there's any truth to it, however, I think it's more likely that Dean Ambrose will compete in the match without the other Shield members. They'd have to eventually get into it with each other during the match an, in my opinion, it's much too early to start planting the seeds of dissention among them.
I have a slight suspicion that The Usos won't be the team to dethrone The Shield.

This is a bit of a lackluster match and feud for what have become WWE's premier performers. Not sure why they picked the Usos either. Surely Tons Of Funk fill the same jobber category but pose a more sizable threat. Or you have the three teams who faced off to become the #1 contenders all in the match which for once puts The Shield at a disadvantage.
I like the Usos and I think this will be a good match. My feeling is that rather than looking at it as a case of stepping down by The Shield, it can be looked at as having faith in The Shield to elevate the Usos an in turn strengthen the tag division.
I am not a big fan of the Usos, but I dig the fact they're trying to mix things up a bit and perhaps spotlight some different teams. I still think the Usos have no chance of winning at MITB, but it should be a good match as both teams can go in the ring.
Tons of Funk would be a much more formidable opponent for The Shield if the WWE revamped their persona. Tensai and Brodus Clay wrestle well together, but their lack of a mean streak is keeping them from being taken seriously.
An Uso's vs. The Shield match has not been confirmed for Money in the Bank by WWE.com.

I understand that Wrestlezone has posted it on the card but I don't buy it until it's posted on the actual Money in the Bank website. Every other match they talked about last night is on the site, Ryback vs. Jericho, Dolph vs. Del Rio, etc. but not a tag team championship match.

There are other rumors that The Shield will be featured in a Smackdown! Money in the Bank ladder match.

I'm pretty sure that they never specified on Raw when the match will take place, only that the Uso's are now number one contenders. For all we know the match could take place on Raw next week.
I like that they are starting to infuse different teams in the championship picture. I like the Usos. I think it might be a little late for them, but I am willing to give them a chance and see where this goes. I think The Shield can elevate them somewhat with a good match. The Usos might come close, but no doubt The Shield wins this one.
It's not a bad decision to have The Usos as the #1 contenders, but like a previous poster said, I don't think the match will happen at the MITB PPV event. However a good match will ensue. And regarding The Shield performing in the MitB match, they confirmed Dean Ambrose will be participating. So I don't think Rollins and Reigns will be doing double duty.
For starters they should have a Tag Team money in the bank match.. PTP, Usos, Tons of Funk, Primo Epico, 3MB etc. Some of the greatest Tag Team matches in WWE history have involved ladders. Plus it adds a little side story lower down the card on future Raws, I could easily see PTP holding a MiTB case waiting for the chance to cash it in for their 'millions of dollars'. Also this would give the WWE a way to take the belts off the Shield (because the shield are "too strong" for the tag division) without having them lose clean.

But as it stands.. This match is either booked as a solid 8-10minutes where The Shield win clean to show their strength.. But more likely there will be shenanigans.. I would not be suprised if the match is thrown out near the start due to a Dean Ambrose attack. Can't lose on a DQ, and The Shield have bigger fish to fry... Set the scene for Summerslam, wasn't there meant to be a deadman involved?
I would love to see the Usos eventually become "Paul Heyman guys". He could lead them to a tag team championship just like he did with their dad in the Samoan Swat Team.
Shield wins, and it would shock me, if The Usos actually won. The Usos are the right choice for challengers right now, but as the team to dethrone The Shield? No. I don't really care too much about this match, but I expect The Shield to pick up another strong and convincing win at MITB to further solidify their status as the top dogs in WWE's tag team division.

I still think we're a long way away from actually seeing another team defeat The Shield for the straps. Knowing WWE, I wouldn't put it past them to go for the big shocker win by having Tons Of Funk defeat The Shield at some point, but nobody is taking the gold off of Reigns and Rollins anytime soon.
Obvious winner. The Usos haven't been built up enough to even look like they can take the titles from The Shield. This shouldn't have been the match at MITB in my opinion. Tons of Funk and another team should have been added to the match so The Usos could be built up more in that match and have The Shield pretty much steal the win from them which you could build from to a match at SummerSlam between The Usos and The Shield. There's obviously still time to build up The Usos but probably not enough to look like they can take the titles. Hopefully the match is decent. No title change, The Shield win.
Does anyone else but me think its time for The Shield to move on to other things for example Roman and Seth need to be pushed as single competitors now. What I'd like to see is Roman go for the IC title and Seth feud with the likes of RVD. I know a lot will disagree and say they haven't been champions that long but to me it seems they've held those belts forever.

So for that matter alone I'm wanting them to drop to the USOS to make way for a feud with the Wyatt Family and set the other two up for a the above mentioned fueds.
This will probably be on the Pre-Show or one of the first matches on the card. So The Shield aren't so unstoppable now. Right? Hell No and Orton defeated them, and yesterday on SmackDown, The Uso's and Christian defeated The Shield. I really want to get excited about this match but I just can't. I'm not being a smark about this either since the tag-team division is dead. Hell No are done feuding with the shield, what about the PrimeTime Players? see The Shield winning this easily since the Uso's will be fed to the shield but I don't see this feud being stopped here at Money In the Bank. Shield wins.

I'm glad this was chosen to be the pre-show rather than be on the main card. As much as I have loved The Shield's run.... I detest The Usos. How are they STILL employed by the WWE!?!? What do they SEE in them!?!? THEY SUCK!!!!

Ok, with the rant out of the way.... Thanks to The Shield having yet to fail at entertaining, this should be a decent start to the show before the matches on the actual card begin. I fully 100% expect The Shield to retain after having dominated the match. Seriously, does ANYBODY expect a team as awful and boring as THE USOS to defeat one of the best rookie teams WWE has ever seen? Not going to happen. After how dominant The Shield has been booked to be it would make zero sense for them to lose here. Their reign needs to continue until a team worthy of defeating them gets a title shot. I hope the feud ends here too. Going into Summerslam WWE needs to find an excellent team for Rollins and Reigns to put the giant pennies up for grabs against.

The Shield will retain the Tag Team Championship.
A fast match to get the crowd excited....for the main card. Obviously The Usos aren't going to win, they aren't ready and the Shield is still very over with those titles. It's going to be an interesting match to see the dynamic between these two tag teams and how well the Usos can involve the audience and play the face role.

However the clear winners and still tag team champions are The Shield.

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