WWE Night Of Champions 2013 Kickoff: Tag Team Turmoil #1 Contender's Match


On last night's episode of Raw, it was announced that there'll be a pre-show, now called a kickoff, to the NOC ppv. The match is a tag team turmoil match to determine the #1 contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championship. The line up consists of The Usos vs. The Prime Time Players vs. Tons of Funk vs. 3MB vs. The Real Americans and the winners will face Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns on the NOC ppv for the tag titles. The match starts off with two teams having a 1 on 1 match and another team comes out for their turn once one of the competing teams loses.

With the way it's looking, the only teams that have a remote shot are The Usos and The PTPs. Tons of Funk & 3MB are mostly comedy jobbers at this point and The Real Americans have only one or two wins under their belt thus far. We've already seen The Usos so I'd say it'll be the PTPs that ultimately win here and move on.
It's telling that a match with so much going on is relegated to the pre-show. Yes, the theme of the PPV dictates that all matches be title contests and therefore shouldn't include this one.

On the other hand, there's little enough going on in this whole PPV (as far as quantity of matches) that the company might have been able to justify airing a match with title implications, such as this one.

In the end, it's a measure of how inferior the tag-team division remains that there's not a lot to get excited about here. Look at the teams in the match. Is this really all they've got?
It's telling that a match with so much going on is relegated to the pre-show. Yes, the theme of the PPV dictates that all matches be title contests and therefore shouldn't include this one.

- Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman vs. CM Punk in a Handicap Elimination match

i do not see a championship on the line in this match--taken right from the Updated WZ Night of Champions Card.

now onto the question..of course The PTP are going to win this match, and more than likely going to win the match during the PPV all because of D,Young comming out. not against gays at all, just common sense, Guy comes out as gay in Pro Wrestling hasn't lost since... just add 2 and 2 together
I can't see any team other than PTP winning here as they are the only ones with any momentum, but I don't see them winning the titles, WWE haven't found the team yet that are worth dethroning Rollins & Reigns for.

now onto the question..of course The PTP are going to win this match, and more than likely going to win the match during the PPV all because of D,Young comming out. not against gays at all, just common sense, Guy comes out as gay in Pro Wrestling hasn't lost since... just add 2 and 2 together

Actually Young took the pin in the PTP's loss to Rowan and Harper on last weeks Main Event.
The Prime Time Players have been getting good reactions in the last few weeks so I wouldn't be surprised to see them getting the victory. I think they are a face team now so that also helps their case. I doubt the WWE would want to have The Real Americans or 3MB face Rollins and Reigns. Tons of Funk shouldn't be allowed near a PPV leaving The Uso's and PTP's. The Uso's and The Shield had a fantastic match on the MITB kick-off so that is another good options.

Personally, I think the Prime Time Players are getting a good reaction and will win this match.
Not a fan of the stipulation for this match. Do they draw the order out of a hat? Whoever are the first two teams to compete are at a major disadvantage. It would make more sense to me to leave 3MB out of this match and just have The Usos, PTP, Tons Of Funk, and The Real Americans battle it out all at the same time.

Personally, I'm rooting for Tons Of Funk, but I'm ok with PTP because they have the full package. The Usos are still weak on the mic and in their backstage promos.
As a fan of tag team wrestling, I am actually looking forward to this one. Its been a while since one of these matches have been seen in the WWE and it will give the tag division a chance to show just how much it has improved over the last year or so, With the only disappointing thing being that the Wyatts are not involved. As far as who will win goes, I can't see anybody other then the PTP coming out on top.
I don't think the winner really matters at all. It could be The Usos, The PTP, or as a shocker pick Tons Of Funk. Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are not dropping the belts now. The Shield is a crucial part of the current Daniel Bryan VS The World storyline. They're the personal security force for Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, and it wouldn't make sense to derail their momentum now.

But if I was forced to pick a likely winner, it would be The Prime Time Players. They're on a roll, and the crowds are in love with them (how many times have we seen the camera shot of people in the audience doing the PTP dance?). The PTP won't win, but they're on the short list of tag teams (Usos, and I can't think of another one) in WWE, who can rise to the level of teams that have a legit shot at dethroning the champs.
I agree with everyone else that the PTP are the only real team with a chance to win this one. They have all the momentum right now. I don't think The Shield will be losing the belts any time soon, but the PTPs are the only team right now that I think can give them a run for their money.

Alright, now this should be interesting. Normally I have a lack of interest in the pre-show events but this has definitely gotten my attention. A lot of teams are competing in this and only one will go on to challenge The Shield for the giant pennies. Who ever will it be?

The Prime Time Players
I like this team and would not mind them winning. Can they defeat The Shield though? Probably not. They have decent odds of winning this match, I just don't see them being the ones to defeat The Shield. Maybe if they get built up a little more in a longer feud.

The Usos
I can't STAND this team. How are they still employed by WWE!? They are boring on the mic, their matches suck, they have the worst entrance of anyone on the roster, and they are just awful at everything they do. If they win, I will be taking my dogs for a walk during the match against The Shield and using the rest of the time to head to the pantry for a snack. If they get pushed, I want nothing to do with it. I'll fast forward through it all.

Tons of Funk
They are funny and I wouldn't mind seeing them get the title match, but there's no way they are defeating the champions. It wouldn't be believable right now. The PTP have much better odds, as do The Real Americans.

The Real Americans
It's between them and the PTP as far as who I think will get the win. They have the skills to put on a fantastic match against The Shield. This team has my predicted win here, although I still think The Shield retain in the upcoming match.

Yes, Jinder, Drew and Slater will get the win here then move on to become Tag Team Champions under the Freebird Ru....


Look, I'm the biggest Slater mark on this whole forum and other than Sally probably the biggest Drew McIntyre mark on the forum; but even I know they have no chance whatsoever of winning here. It's sad really, I very much want both Slater and Drew to succeed in the WWE. At least they have an onscreen role at the moment. Jinder, well, yeah I don't care about him.

Alright so it definitely comes down to the PTP or the Real Americans. As much as I detest them, The Usos might win too. If they do I'll know without question what match I'll be grabbing a snack or walking the dogs during. Decisions, decisions.... Would it be the Gummy Berries or the Raspberry M&M's? Oh, right the match. If it's NOT The Usos getting the title match then I anticipate seeing The Shield face either the PTP or Real Americans. Both teams have good odds of winning this match, but I think The Shield retains no matter who wins this. None of these teams seem like they will have a chance in getting a title victory. Should be a good match though, provided The Usos don't win.

The Real Americans will win the title shot.
The Shield will retain no matter who gets the title shot.
It's telling that a match with so much going on is relegated to the pre-show. Yes, the theme of the PPV dictates that all matches be title contests and therefore shouldn't include this one.

On the other hand, there's little enough going on in this whole PPV (as far as quantity of matches) that the company might have been able to justify airing a match with title implications, such as this one.

In the end, it's a measure of how inferior the tag-team division remains that there's not a lot to get excited about here. Look at the teams in the match. Is this really all they've got?

I think PTP have the total package of wrestling ability and mic skills, they just haven't gotten the push until finally becoming faces. The USO's have very weak mic skills, and I think that's the only thing holding them back from being tag champs, unless they got a manager.

Last two pre-show matches have been amazing though. Usos vs The Shield at MITB has been the best tag match of the year thus far. Ambrose vs RVD at Summerslam was solid too.

I still think they'll add The Miz vs Fandango on the card at the last minute. They've been building up their feud since Summerslam and continuing it up until last night, so it would be a waste to not have it lead anywhere.

Also, even if it's just a pre-show match, it's still part of the live PPV event as the opening match. Sometimes I think they should bring back Sunday Night Heat on USA, which on PPV nights acting like the pre-show. However, I like the fact that now we just get to watch for free on youtube if you don't have cable.
- Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman vs. CM Punk in a Handicap Elimination match

i do not see a championship on the line in this match--taken right from the Updated WZ Night of Champions Card.

That doesn't mean this match should be on the card in its current incarnation either. If they stick with the theme of the PPV as they have in years past, Axel's IC Title would be on the line. It's not because Punk is going to win and they deem him above the IC Title, or because Punk is going to win and they want to keep the title on Axel.

But neither of those change the fact that Sally's right: This match isn't a title match, so it doesn't fall under the Night of Champions theme. It also doesn't change the fact that there are other tag teams, one would think, that could be used, such as the Wyatt's and Kofi/R-Truth.

But it's hard to see anyone but the Prime Time Players winning this. I don't care why he did it, Darren Young coming out has been good for his career. Did they change anything about their gimmick? No, yet the first time they appeared on TV following, they were cheered as faces.

So who's left? Brodus and Tensai have become comedy jobbers, and that's what 3MB have always been. I'd start the two teams out against one another so one of the two at least gets one win as a team, ever. The Real Americans won't win, because a heel vs. heel matchup simply doesn't make for compelling viewing. What's worse, The Shield are already cheered, and sticking them against a team w a Xenophobic gimmick will only ensure they're cheered all-the-more.

That leaves us with PTP's and The Usos, and there was a time I thought the Usos just might take the titles from The Shield. But after their loss at MITB and subsequent losses weeks later, including one to the Real Americans, I think the Prime Time Players have become the favorites to become No.1 Contenders.

If they win this match, I'd consider pulling the trigger on them as tag champions. They're over right now, and they're improving as a tag team. Having them win the tag championships would provide the first chink in HHH's regime's armor, and they slowly becoming more and more vulnerable, rather then collapsing all-at-once, would be the right approach.

I still think the Shield wins regardless of who wins the Gauntlet Match. My expectations are the Prime Time Players, and it would be a pleasant surprise if they won the titles.
Well who would've thought so? It seems there actually are tag teams now, probably most of them suck and lack personalities yet is exciting and refreshing to see a tag team turmoil in a PPV, even if it's on the kickoff show or pre show or whatever.

It would be very interesting to see the Real Americans winning this one, but as LSN said, a heel vs heel simply doesn't make any sense if not one of the teams is going to turn face and right now both teams are excellente as heels and are needed as such.

Tons of Funk and 3MB are jobbers, period.

The Usos, yeah it could be interesting but they don't have much to offer.

That leave us with PTP and their recent great crowd reactions, yeah they are going to win this since they are the only kinda stablished face team. Howevere they will not win later against the Shield.
I feel as if the Prime Time Players are going to win tonight. They finally have momentum going for them. They are a team that the WWE universe can really rally behind. They have gotten better in the ring, to where they could be able to keep up with Reigns and Rollins. I see them scoring the victory over a member of 3MB or the Real Americans.

I would love to see Tons of Funk just turn themselves into baby face monsters. Turning all the lame, terrible and highly boring dancing into pure angst. They destroy each team with ease tonight.We need that dominate big guy team in any company. These two are the two to do it with. It would be fun to see it happen tonight. Will it happen, no but whatever. PTP are not that bad.

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