WWE "Main Event" Show


Luck is on my side
With "The Main Event" debuting next month on Wednesday nights it got me thinking what the actual format of the show will be. I like the idea of a mid week show but I can't help but worry that it will be just another failed attempt like Superstars was. 3 Years ago the show started off strong but by the 6 month mark it started fizzing out and was filled with mostly undercard matches.

I feel that the show will not include any storyline progression but will be a "showcase" of WWE talent in 60 minutes. I think the show will be filled with mid carders and possibly a decent high level main event.

What is your take?
Im so confused with wwe right now.

Sundays that have that re-cap show of raw/smackdown 1 hour
Mondays have raw 3 hours
Wednesdays NXT 1 hour
Fridays Smackdown 2 hours
Saturday mornings(does it exist it?)....

So i have no idea what the main event is supposed to be. It could be another re-cap show, it could be an extra hour that shows after NXT. Maybe NXT turns into it. I dont know. :confused:
I think that "Main Event" will be like "Superstars" in that both will still feature mid card wrestlers without any storyline progression. I think it would be better to make "Superstars" two hours and use that program to establish low to mid-card talent ONLY. Then use "Raw" and "Smackdown" to further establish mid to main-event talent. This idea would require the re-establishment of the Raw and SD brands.
I'd like for them to go back to a Prime Time like setting. Though also throw in some TMZ like stories/interviews. Up to date stuff. Plus instead of having the superstar promos that pop up during the matches just use the tout stuff for people to come on and talk about current feuds while matches are going on.

Maybe do a Cribs style segment. More of a variety show that explores the "inner-lives" of the superstars andallows them to progress their characters.
I'd like for them to go back to a Prime Time like setting. Though also throw in some TMZ like stories/interviews. Up to date stuff. Plus instead of having the superstar promos that pop up during the matches just use the tout stuff for people to come on and talk about current feuds while matches are going on.

Maybe do a Cribs style segment. More of a variety show that explores the "inner-lives" of the superstars andallows them to progress their characters.

I like the concept of bringing back a Prime Time Wrestling concept/format as I've felt that's something desperately needed. I'd even be ok with it just being a recap show of the other shows with wrestlers/commentators discussing it. This would be a great way to utilize wrestlers who are recovering from injuries or so forth and have a "special guest" every week. Mick Foley and JBL are two that spring to mind as I've youtubed their debates from years ago and the 2 together are simple MAGIC. While I'm not a fan of the "cribs" idea because honestly unless if you're in the main event level there isn't enough money for a crib to make it interesting. But I wouldn't be opposed to them bringing in that "superstars toys" thing they do on youtube where the superstars and divas show off their unusual toys/gadgets/etc. That or a "day in the life of ____" where a different person shows what they do on their days off or even before a event.
They should do a show focusing primarily on point based championship system. Maybe dedicate the show to a midcard title like IC or US. Have a point based system like BFG series, where the guys with top points battle for the title every month etc. Maybe change the format with fun additions like gimmick matches or multiple men matches etc. Even put in special challenges like big points up for stake against main-eventers from RAW or SD.
Im so confused with wwe right now.

Sundays that have that re-cap show of raw/smackdown 1 hour
Mondays have raw 3 hours
Wednesdays NXT 1 hour
Fridays Smackdown 2 hours
Saturday mornings(does it exist it?)....

So i have no idea what the main event is supposed to be. It could be another re-cap show, it could be an extra hour that shows after NXT. Maybe NXT turns into it. I dont know. :confused:

I was wondering the same thing. There isn't that much information on what the show is about or anything. I didn't know that NXT was even still showing. What channel is it on?

But back to the topic at at hand. WWE Main Event could be good if they do it right. They need to keep it a mid-card show. It doesn't necessarily have to be centered around any of the titles, just around the mid-card guys that we don't get to see every week on RAW or SMACKdown.

The one thing that still confuses me, is that there was also supposed to be a show on ION for NWA, and as far as I know, no one has posted anything about it since the announcement at http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/260691-new-nwa-tv-show-to-air-on-ion-network-starting-october-12. :shrug:

Did they drop that show completely? According to the ION website, there is no mention of the show in the scheduling, but WWE: Main Event is showing up on the scheduling. Has anyone heard anything on the NWA/ION situation?
I think this show will be awesome, it's about time they added another show. Heat was good, Velocity was tight, but Superstars was terrible. NXT was probably the best in terms of storyline etc. but HeAT had the best wrestlers by far and the best atttitude era. I also used to love WWF Livewire on saturday mornings with Michael Cole, Kevin Kelly and Jonathan Coachman. The real thing they need to do is let CM Punk be the GM of main event and have him book all the matches and drop all the pipe bombs.
I would like the Main Event to be a one hour show featuring the Dark Match Main Events from the week’s Raw and Smackdown. I think that would be a great treat for the WWE Universe.

For a perfect example, the Dark Match Main Event this past Monday after Raw was WWE Champion, CM Punk vs. World Champion, Sheamus in a Non-Title Champion vs. Champion match. Now that’s a Main Event.

For a perfect example, the Dark Match Main Event this past Tuesday after Smackdown was World Champion, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio in a World Championship match. Now that’s a Main Event.

Of course they could fill up the rest of the hour with segments similar to the ones on Slam.
I'm excited that the E is back on broadcast tv. Has it been 4 years since the CW dropped Smackdown?

I think the problem with Superstars was that there wasn't a clear concept of what the show would be.
I like the idea of a mid week show but I can't help but worry that it will be just another failed attempt like Superstars was.

I feel that the show will not include any storyline progression but will be a "showcase" of WWE talent in 60 minutes.
What is your take?

1.) Boom. Hit the point i was thinking. I really like the idea of another show for the WWE. Superstars was a joke, that was a real bad choice by the WWE.

2.) Agreed. I have the feeling that no storylines will be showed off in this new show. I honestly think it will recap the previous weeks 2 shows, so im holding my breath to the expecations of this show.

I honestly think, it will showcase mid-card wrestlers. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, it's not up to me, I dont run the WWE. I just have a big feeling that we'll see alot of: Kofi Kingston, Ryback, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, PrimeTime players, Kane/Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Santino Morella, The Miz.... etc. you get what im saying and where im going with this.

I'd like to see more of Damien Sandow though to be honest. He's entertaining, he's pretty solid on the mic, not great, but not horrible. 1 Thing i really hope doesn't happen is the Divas division, i really hope the E doesn't bring that to this Main Event tv show. I think that would be disasterous. Another thing i hope to see is some highlights of the WWE NXT matches. The E definately has some solid upcoming talent in the future, i think a little more exposure for them would definately help out this show.
To be honest if Main Event is like Superstars, I won't mind, Superstars is an excellent show in my opinion.
The latest word is that WWE isn't going to turn Main Event into another throwaway show like Superstars was. Ion is apparently paying a hefty amount for the show, so the show has to draw ratings and that's just not going to happen if it's formatted in the way Superstars is. Not that Superstars doesn't regularly feature good wrestling matches, but almost none of the matches come off as being the slightest bit relevant.

WWE has a chance to do something good with this show and they've been given another opportunity to place yet another of their shows on television. Hopefully, Vince is smart enough not to squander this opportunity as it might make it more difficult down the line for other shows. After all, if WWE ever pitches another show to cable networks, they might be reluctant to take the show on if WWE is going to treat the show as if it's meaningless. Networks aren't going to pay good money for shows that WWE doesn't even care about.
The point of this show is already complete. WWE made a little extra money and you are now familiar with Ion TV. Don't expect this show to last very long or provide much. If somehow it draws well and lasts is just icing on the cake.
This show needs to showcase the tag team division and have a few top guys rotating apperances to keep a lil buzz and also have "moments" dedicated just to that show.
So they announced CM Punk vs Sheamus for the first main event show. Is anybody else surprised by this? I know its the first show, but they are giving away a champion vs champion match for midweek show that is not as important as Raw or Smackdown.

I guess they dont really care about saving any potential matches for ppv's anymore.
I'm honestly not sure how this show will go. The champion vs champion thing sounds promising but, will it go back to Superstars, I mean their first episode featured the Undertaker and a #1 contenders match for a PPV.

I'd like this to be the show that is the RAW reaction show, let them run their promos about what happened at the end of last weeks show, and let them run their mouths about it and then announce the match for next weeks RAW, or occasionally, especially if it a go-home show to a PPV, TONIGHT! Also let this be the show where the main event for Smackdown is announced and get some pre-reaction to that, like a Tout or something.

Speaking of Tout, I think this is the show where they could really promote it, without shoving it in our faces. When Del Rio beat someone (can't remember who it was) and then it cut to Sheamus in the back stealing his car, I think they could have a Tout there, or possibly it could appear in the bottom corner during a match. Save the Tout crap for here, not for RAW. This would also help them in regards to condensing the show to one hour, while still having good shows in there.

Also, is this gonna have its own airing, or be done before RAW like Superstars? Is it gonna have a Raw section and Smackdown section like Superstars?

BTW, throwing it out there, this is the theme song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hez6tDpiWDA
So they announced CM Punk vs Sheamus for the first main event show. Is anybody else surprised by this? I know its the first show, but they are giving away a champion vs champion match for midweek show that is not as important as Raw or Smackdown.

I guess they dont really care about saving any potential matches for ppv's anymore.

I would like the Main Event to be a one hour show featuring the Dark Match Main Events from the week’s Raw and Smackdown. I think that would be a great treat for the WWE Universe.

For a perfect example, the Dark Match Main Event this past Monday after Raw was WWE Champion, CM Punk vs. World Champion, Sheamus in a Non-Title Champion vs. Champion match. Now that’s a Main Event.

For a perfect example, the Dark Match Main Event this past Tuesday after Smackdown was World Champion, Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio in a World Championship match. Now that’s a Main Event.

Of course they could fill up the rest of the hour with segments similar to the ones on Slam.

I am not surprised by this. In fact, I’m all for this. I still think the Main Event should feature Dark Match Main Events, but now, after hearing the announced Champion vs. Champion match, I think every week should feature Champion vs. Champion matches. Make it a weekly Bragging Rights show. Week 2 should have the Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro. Week 3 should have Kane vs. Daniel Bryan. Week 4 should have Internet Champion, Zack Ryder vs. Million Dollar Champion, Ted DiBiase. Make Main Event the show the features…Main Events!!
I don't think there will be any storyline progression, but I think it can be a good show to showcase matches. I think it will kind of be like superstars where they showcase some lower talent with maybe a bigger main event. I don't think WWE is hurting for more tv time, but if they do something to stand this show out it could be good. Maybe it can highlight the tag team division somewhat. Isn't there going to be a tag team tournament match on the debut show? maybe they are on to something there.

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