Which current Mid-Carders deserve a Main Event push?

Kofi Kingston, Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. Certain changes need to be made first, however, before they'll get there.

Kofi needs an edge. Yeah, yeah... with a lot of wrestlers, that just sounds cliche, but I think it really applies to Kofi. If you've played the last handful of WWE video games, maybe you'll have noticed like I have that they haven't updated the commentary for Kofi at all. For years, all Michael Cole has had to say about Kofi is "This young man always has a smile on his face." Well, we see where that's gotten him in terms of his WWE career. Excellent matches, great work rate, decent crowd reactions but nothing remarkable to really make people say WOW! It looks like they're starting to finally give him some kind of edge, having him get frustrated with The Miz and attacking him after their match on Raw. I'm definitely not saying Kofi needs to turn heel, but the guy seriously needs a mean streak that makes him more than just Mr. Smiles and High-Fives to the fans. WWE definitely needs to put him over The Miz, who might be incredibly stale and damn-near heatless right now, but is still a former WWE champion and a win by Kofi over him would elevate his status enough to put him in a position to proceed to the main event within the next few years.

The only factor slowing down Rhodes and Sandow is that they've been in primarily comedic roles for the last few years. Sandow is starting to break away from that, still playing a great pompous ass, but at least he's not wearing a bathrobe to the ring anymore and he's starting to show a little more grit in his ring work. I think Big E will probably get the best of their current storyline, but hopefully Sandow can showcase some dirty tricks before the payoff match to raise his status as a heel. Rhodes is getting some good bogey time in as a tag champion right now, and I think his recent ring work has been excellent. Ideally, he'll turn heel vs. Goldust eventually, leading to the big brother vs. little brother match on PPV with Cody going over, of course. Why else did they bring Dustin back to the main roster (besides him still being over with fans and in the best shape he's been in for the last 10 years?)
Sandow is someone who I think can generate great heat from fans. Hoping that he can have an extended feud with Big E probably till Royal Rumble. Sandow pulling some dirty tricks and suchlike. It will help all 2 guys(Big E has to retain) and it will also elevate the IC belt somewhat,rather than just have random challengers all the time.
Cody vs Goldust is obvious as well. A possible match for Wrestlemania perhaps? Or is Goldust planning to stay for a while longer?
I really enjoy the team of the real americans but, i feel once they go there separate ways I think Antonio Ceasro should get in the mix. The man is such a machine. the main event matches with daniel bryan, orton, cena etc. would be great to watch.
Frankly, WWE's undercard is SOLID and lots of them deserve main event pushes.

1. Tyson Kidd- Put him in a program with Bryan and the dude will kill it. Both of them could be the next Bret and Shawn if WWE allowed it.

2. Big E. Langston- The dude is a freak of nature and he's got charisma coming out of his ass. He could be a top player soon.

3. Antonio Cesaro- He's legitimately the strongest guy on the roster and one of the most technically sound too. He'd have the crowd eating out of his hands if they put him with Cena in the main event.

4. Damien Sandow- We all saw how great his match with Cena was. He needs a proper feud at the top, the dude is a natural at getting heat and playing it up during his matches.

5. Jack Swagger- He could be the next Kurt Angle if they only allowed him to TURN FACE. I have no idea why they've waited so long for it. He could be huge if they let him.

6. Wade Barrett- Wade's a natural on the microphone, but it seems like they're going to let him go the way of Regal and never pull the trigger on his push.

7. Cody Rhodes- He plays the devious villain and the charismatic underdog perfectly. He's like a young Jericho. In a few years, I guarantee he will be a world champ.

8. Dolph Ziggler- The man has already been in the main event and needs to go back there. He's the best seller in the business.

9. Primo- He oozes charisma, they really dropped the ball by not pushing him earlier. He could be the next Eddie Guerrero if they only put him in a singles program.

10. The Miz- He's charismatic as hell and can put on great matches when paired with the right guys.

11. Evan Bourne- He could be the next Jeff Hardy. They just need to showcase his highflying more. First order of business is putting him on TV though!

12. Santino Marella- Santino is gold at everything he does and he's massively over with the fans. But he used to be a heel with huge heat that turned every stupid program into GOLD. I wish he was given a run at the top, he definitely deserved it. He should have been the Iron Sheik of our generation.

13. Kofi Kingston- Before Orton killed his push, he was over HUGE. He could have been WWE's first top black guy but they threw that away to appease Orton's ego.

14. Heath Slater- I'm not saying he's the next Shawn Michaels, but if you give him a legit rockstar gimmick like Shawn had, he could be a huge asset at the top of the card. Lamentably, I think his credibility as a top contender has been shot and can't be fixed.

15. Jey Uso- The dude looks JUST like the Rock. Seriously, it's kind of disturbing how much he looks like him. He just needs to get a little more in shape and he can definitely get a huge run.
Bray Wyatt- I think that this one is obvious. Right now The Wyatt Family is one of the most polarizing things on WWE television. I agree with the slow build and I agree with not putting them in the real main event picture until after Wrestle Mania. Putting them in a big program would get them lost in the shuffle of Orton, Cena, Punk, Triple H, Taker, Lesnar, The Shield and possibly Hogan who all look to play significant parts in Mania. I think putting them over Daniel Bryan was good and I think that their next victim should be somebody relevant to keep them fresh. I think putting them in with The Rhodes boys for Mania would be wise if they don't decide to split them for a match or with Big Show and Mysterio and a third guy. Either of those two would still keep their steam and their push in tact.

Big E. Langston- Once again obvious choice, but I like his slow build as well. Let him keep kicking peoples asses and make the IC title mean something again before you send him to face a Cena, Orton or Punk. I think his best Mania program will either be a unification match with the U.S. belt or put him in with Mark Henry and have him do his finisher for that "Mania moment."

Brodus Clay- I may catch hell for this one, but I see potential with a heel Brodus. Obviously he has to finish this program with Tensai, Truth and Woods and after that he could make a great transitional guy for Cena or Bryan as that monster heel. I think he has a lot more upside than Ryback did as a monster. He has a better look and a better skill set in my opinion. Ryback was very sloppy where as Brodus' monster moves are actually quite clean when he gets a chance. His expressions are better and he really doesn't need mic work if he had a mouthpiece or just kicked ass, but his mic work is better than Ryback's was. I think sadly he will be a pre-show match with Tensai or one of those guys at Mania if he even makes the card.
Actually Brodus Clay's heel turn can be a good time to get a new monster heel for the mid-card. Brodus vs Big E for the IC title would be an interesting match, if it ever happens.
I would say Bray Wyatt. His gimmic is reminiscent of ECW and Attitude era angles that made wrestling interesting.

Will you see them kidnap Stephanie and put her on a makeshift undertaker logo like a crucifix? Doubtful, but still good TV.
In this day and age, does it even matter who diserves it?Most people I think like Sandow, Bryan ( which is in a upper-midcard stage atm I guess ) , Ziggler , Langston.

But does it really matter if they DISERVE a push?WWE has showed that they are lacking in creativity and they cant finish a storyline the way it is supposed to.They start strong and then half way through they start making lots of mistakes and making plot holes very visible, cause u know...we are stupid and cant see them in front of our damn eyes.

I will give credit where credit's due.The Shield was been booked very well, and I;m glad they are doing a slow turn on Reigns.I like these little stares and how they are annoying eachother every RAW.

When I start talking about how someone diserves something, I tend to get attached to the end results, the one I wish to see and usually WWE likes to not do what people want and just do what's "Best for bussines" in their own eyes. So for some time now, I just try and be pleased with the stuff I see on TV but not get overly attached to a character cause I know WWE will screw it up, and if they dont, well that's just excelent.

Bryan is a main event guy now, and has always put on main event level matches even when he wasn't pushed.

And actually I don't like Sandlow, Ziggy or Landon and no one I know who watches likes them either, so you're wrong about that.

And it does matter about who deserves to get a push, because it's a reflection of what the fans want to see, and giving the fans what they want is what is GOOD for Business, not ignoring their feedback and continuing to offer a subpar product that even the most die hard will stop watching. I myself haven't watched a full episode of any WWE programming since the start of the summer. Last one I really remember watching was one of the last ones that had Team Hell no before they started separating Bryan off into the title picture and Kane into the ridiculous shit with those wastes of time known as the Wyatt family.

So yeah, giving the wrestlers what the fans feel they deserve (rightly or wrongly) is an important thing to consider if you want to have a viable product that will still be around for more then a couple more years.
del rio is not a mid carder. wwe used his a main eventer for long.

After shield split roman goes to main event level. He followed the footsteps of john cena. He wins us champ against ambrose and the fued with top heel like damien sandow(on that time). But now wwe have only one title. so sandow got less title opportunity.

But right now wwe has no time to promote the mid carder to main eventer. I think roman and bige used as their top level face mid carders(bcoz no whc title) and damien and ambrose as their top level heel mid carders.
Honestly, I think they're fine with the main eventers - Orton, Punk, Bryan, Del Rio, Cena. If anything they need to elevate the mid card. It's so random yet cluttered. Nobody's in the US Title race. All I've seen in IC title hunt was Sandow, Big E, Axel (before he was moved to the tag team division).

It's plenty of talent to develop a legit mid card - Cesaro, Titus O'Neil, Ziggler, Reigns, Rollins, Barrett, Henry
If anything, I'd say Bray Wyatt, but with his rub against Bryan and the small segment with the attack on Punk, he may be on the verge of being a main event guy anyways. I think there are guys with main event potential... Reigns and Ambrose are the two that stick out. Rollins is an awesome performer, but I haven't seen him on the mic enough to say he's a main event player. He has the tools, too, though.

Sandow had an excellent chance prior to him losing to Cena for the WHC. The loss itself wasn't bad, it's the way they've booked him since. He's been a nobody. Barrett needs to find something to do that's not his current gimmick. I still think a UK stable would be an awesome addition and would give guys like Barrett a good rub.

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