WWE logo: Enough is enough and it's time for a change!

It was rumoured before WrestleMania 20 that WWE had designed a new logo, and they were going to change the direction they'd go in, obviously that never happened, but a logo change? I don't think so, I'm much rather see them change the face of their product (title belts, looks of characters) the logo doesn't need to change.
I don't think they should change the logo. It reminds us of the old generation just with a slight alteration and I think that it should stay classic as it is. I like the logo personally.
you guys asking for a new logo are so stupid, why do you want a new logo??? just for the hell of it. I bet if WWE changed their logo and it was ugly, all you idiots asking for the change would start complaining about it and begging for WWE to change it back

the logo IS THE WWE and they should never change it. Almost everyone in the world can recognize the WWE logo, even non-wrestling fans.

why fix something thats not broken, the WWE logo is perfect in every single way. It's not too fancy, it's not too boring, it's very nicely drawn and it's unique, how can WWE top this logo??? they simply can't

all of you asking for a change just want no more reminder of how awesome WWE use to be, you're just saying "lets kill WWE once and for all"
WWE should not change their logo. Like it or not people know what it represents and in this day and age the more people know you the better. Wrestling is not what it used to be and WWE should not be throwing away their "logo recognition."
Eh I wouldn't mind either way..

The NBA/MLB/NFL haven't changed there logo for eternity either and no1 seems to mind. I know this is sports entertainment but you get my jiffy..

But at the same time, I wouldn't mind seeing a new one either. Just something I really haven't paid much attention too.. I did always enjoy the Get the F out commercials!!
Ya know, I was just thinking about this a few days ago. I've been wondering when they're gonna change it, as the current logo is really more of an Attitude Era logo. I also never really got why they dropped the 3rd letter alltogether, as they should/could have made an E at the end easily enough, cuz it's WW, so it's World Wrestling??? lol
I was actually thinking about this, and still I think its just fine. It's a well recognized logo, plus on the stages of their shows they have a huge lighted-up WWE logo, i think its fine.
The logo shouldn't matter. But IF they were to change it, they should go with some thing colourful. Maybe with John Cena in an animal costume or some thing. Maybe of Cena and hornswaggle holding hands and skipping through daisies LMAO seriously though, it does look a bit ''extreme'' for a kid friendly show. Imagine if Barney's logo was drawn like that

:suspic:Why do they let people like this on a forum?

I don't think they should change the logo. Its the companies logo. I really don't know how to explain it. Change is good, but not everything is meant to be changed.I think that at least having the familiar logo representing the company gives a solid sense of something familiar.

I say let it be.
I don't think the WWE logo needs a change. It's a logo that's know all over the world, and there's nothing wrong with at all. The only way I think WWE could alter this logo is by changing the colors on it, but what colors would they choose besides the red, and white? Anything other than those three colors would just make the logo look silly.

The WWE logo is a symbol of the #1 wrestling company in the world. There's no need to change it at all.
Changing the logo doesn't make any sense business wise and it's not necessary for any reason. Like others have said, it's instantly recognizable for many people who don't watch wrestling and other sports and entertainment organizations aren't constantly changing their logos for no reason. Yeah, we all know that this is not the Attitude Era anymore, but it's not like WWE is still selling "WWE Attitude" shirts. I do think that when they were initially forced to change their name, they should have made the logo have an "E" in it, but what's done is done and it looks fine the way it is.

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