WWE Just Went Into Panic Mode

To be fair, it doesn't get advertised at all in other countries. Here in Aussie land, I didn't even fucking know the Network was available until I went on this very site. Yet again I'm a really, really casual fan these days.

I still think the whole idea of the Network is pretty dumb/too early to become successful. I mean, we get so much wrestling elsewhere on cable, why do I need to see more? It's only the really hardcore fans that give a shit about matches from 1978 that purchase it. People like me simply won't, 'cause there's not enough incentive.
To be fair, it doesn't get advertised at all in other countries. Here in Aussie land, I didn't even fucking know the Network was available until I went on this very site. Yet again I'm a really, really casual fan these days.

I still think the whole idea of the Network is pretty dumb/too early to become successful. I mean, we get so much wrestling elsewhere on cable, why do I need to see more? It's only the really hardcore fans that give a shit about matches from 1978 that purchase it. People like me simply won't, 'cause there's not enough incentive.

The thought process and/or "draw" to the network was supposed to be why pay $60 for one pay per view when you could pay $60 for 6 pay per views, original programing like Legend's House which was one of the more watched shows on the network, plus you get NXT, Superstars and Main Event if you want to watch them and you get the Raw and Smackdown replays which is good for people with dvr who may want to free up some space or for people who missed the shows and want to watch them later. I think they have them on Hulu but edits them down on there.

Then as you mentioned there's the stuff for those who like to go back and watch all the old programing. I know that some people have been going back and watching say 1993 Raw leading up to the pay per views that year. Those would be your hardcore fans.

So really there's a lot of incentive there it just depends on what your looking for.

The pay per views alone should be enough for people who are going to actually pay for them anyway and not just stream them.
The only things I watch regularly on the Network are NXT and the PPVs and I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. Plus, it's there if I do want to go back and watch something, which is nice.
The replays should be hyped up more too. You can watch anything on demand at any time. That's a nice bonus to bring up.
NxT isn't really a draw for overseas markets as I assume most are still on air on TV made in deals for all WWE content in a bundle. That's probably why NxT PPVs started appearing this year to hook some hardcore fans overseas.

This was a setback. No need to sugarcoat it. The WWE brand is strong, but not as strong as predicted. I just find it ironic that the biggest wrestling company is resorting to iPPVs like the smaller companies.
I read the numbers are from September 30th, so another hit will certainly be incoming when those who bought the Network the week before Mania don't renew to see the elimination tag and whatever else they come up with.

Another thing that has to be mentioned is that WWE took stricter measures against people subscribing from non-supported countries. Initially, I was able to subscribe with a German PayPal account, but couldn't renew because WWE began to check that. I could probably subscribe with a virtual credit card, but right now it isn't worth the hassle for me. Don't have to take my money if you don't want it. I don't know how big of a hit this is, but on a German wrestling forum there were around a hundred people mentioning the same problem, so it might amount to something. There is international interest, I'm sure of that.

Overall, I'd say the advertising has been bad. WWE comes off more like a beggar, soliciting for 9,99$ instead of boasting the advantages. I see several ways to improve this.
You have NXT, the future factory, with a contrasting style to the main program. Show clips of exciting moments like Neville's Red Arrow, have him defeat jobbers on SmackDown, show clips of Cesaro's and other former NXT guys' work there, highlight the characters. Give it exposure.
Use the rich history to your advantage. Regularly run commentated clips like "John Cena debuted on SmackDown 12 years ago. / Mick Foley became WWE champion 15 years ago. / Bret Hart fought his brother Owen inside a cage 20 years ago. You can see it on the Network." or "This legendary episode of RAW will be uploaded to the Network tonight. Register today to relive the greatness."
Highlight the saving, not the price. "Remember when you had to pay 50$ for Survivor Series? This is the past. For less than ten dollars you can see the show and have unlimited access to the grand history of WWE, WCW and other legendary leagues."
Don't annoy your viewers, integrate it fluently into the program.

There is too much TV. Either use your roster (guys like Axel, Ryder, Gabriel, Fandango or R-Truth aren't doing a lot) or try to cut the program down. I know there are television deals and you can't just broadcast two hours instead of three, but oversaturation has become a serious problem. RAW being two hours or SmackDown being cut to a one hour, high-profile talent only show would be my favorites if creative can't use the unused potential.

The program is bad, the creative direction is abysmal, and this is a crucial year for the WWE. People are fighting each other for months on end with no development, characters are thrown on screen with no direction or perspective besides the initial month, the same three creative devices are used over and over, big matches are often little more than finisher galore, the main prize is nowhere to be seen, sometimes you can smell the nepotism through your screen and much more. But you already knew that.

Then there are small problems like a fickle player, lack of original content and undetermined content additions. An upload schedule would help.

But yeah, I think the Network will work out, because it has to and WWE will change its ways if there's no alternative. It's progressive and great for wrestling fans, that's for sure. In the long run they won't fuck it up, they can't afford to.

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