WWE Hell In A Cell: WWE Universal Championship HIAC Match - Roman Reigns (c) VS Braun Strowman


During an in-ring confrontation to start Raw off, Strowman informed Roman Reigns that he would be cashing in his MITB contract to face Reigns at the Hell in a Cell ppv inside the Cell itself. The match was made official later on in the night once Strowman handed over the MITB briefcase to acting GM Baron Corbin.

First of all, this has the potential to be a really good match. Strowman & Reigns had some classic hoss fights last year in which both men ultimately came out looking like stars.

I sometimes wonder, however, if WWE just flat out has contempt for the heel/face dynamic. It's obvious that "good vs. bad" means nothing to Vince McMahon anymore, probably hasn't for quite some time really, and that contempt may have been on full display on Raw. Fans started off booing Reigns, then they cheered Strowman, then they booed Strowman for not cashing in tonight, then they cheered Strowman during the tag team match, then booed him for aligning himself with Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler to beat down Ambrose & Rollins when they came to aid Roman Reigns at the end of the night. Does this mean that Strowman has turned heel? Was it just revenge for the Shield beating him down last week in which they kinda sorta looked like heels? Who are fans supposed to cheer for? I mean, they'll cheer for Strowman over Reigns but they'll boo him whenever he has to deal with Ambrose & Rollins, plus you get the feeling that they're also setting up some sort of big six man tag team match between these the Shield and Ziggler, McIntyre & Strowman somewhere down the line.

As to who wins, there's little doubt Roman Reigns retains. We've waited four years, four long ass, goddamn years for Vince to finally be able to pull of a big moment for Roman Reigns in which the live crowd was cheering for. That happened at SummerSlam, due in large part to Braun Strowman's presence and the specter of an MITB cash in looking, but it happened all the same. After all the frustration Vince went through and, frankly, kept putting fans through, I just see no way Roman Reigns loses his first defense of the title on ppv. I fully expect Roman Reigns to hold onto that title for a good long while, at least until WrestleMania. He'll go over Strowman, but I don't expect it to be clean because I suspect there's going to be some clusterfuck booking involving the other members of the Shield, McIntyre and Ziggler that ultimately results in Roman Reigns surviving HIAC with the title while still keeping Strowman looking like a monster.
Should be a right good match this. I always had a feeling that they two would do the dance inside the steel and I'm glad that notion proved to be right. First of all, let me say that it makes such a difference to Raw having the Universal Championship on the brand again. It seems like it actually means something again and that's important. Having the two top guys fighting over it just makes the brand more complete, I think.

But as Jack said, these two have had some great matches in the past and that fills me with confidence for this one too. Honestly, this feud has legs and won't be decided - one way or the other - at a B PPV in September. This feud will rumble on towards next year at least. When Strowman wins the Universal Championship, everyone will know it.

To that end, there's no way that the SHIELD don't get involved and help Roman keep the championship. With the 6 man tag match announced for the month after, this is a logical step to take. We'll, either that or have Ziggler and Mcintyre do the same for Strowman. Either way, this doesn't end clean and the feud continues.

Could be a decent match in a decent feud, this.
So with the fact they already announce the six man tag match for super showdown, I feel while this being a really strong match, it might end with some sort of interference from ziggler, McIntyre and the shield either during or after the match.

The one thing I don't get is why did you need to turn strowman heel for this match or even this feud. You had a really good baby face vs baby face feud kinda like warrior vs Hogan or Austin vs rock. The 2 most over guy on the raw roster clashing in hell in the cell. It would have been a epic showdown. By having strowman turn heel and side with ziggler and McIntyre, you take the character down a little bit and kinda destroy all the hard work you did the last year to get strowman over as a face.

Anyway, this will still have a good fight as these 2 has always had great chemistry, I was just hoping to see a little more out of this then the same old formula of heel vs face.
After the Shield power bombed Stroman I thought it was going to lead to Stroman cashing for the title eventually winning. After what happened Monday I'm guessing Stroman is a heel and will lose at HIAC. It'll be a fun match with probably Shield and Drew/Dolph involved somehow leading to the Super Show match.
This will be a complete waste of the briefcase if Strowman loses this match. Damn shame they didn't give it to Owens, he would have certainly used it better.
The word is that Braun is kind of green so whether or not the feud ends with the championship changing hands probably depends on Brauns development but I'm not sure the Shield vs the Strowman, Ziggler and McIntyre angle has wheels.
Really don't get the Stroman heel turn either. At first I thought it was a Shield heel turn with Stroman being the face trying to defeat them, but it's completely been changed. I seriously think this is just another attempt at Vince trying his best to get Roman over. He only gets cheered when teamed with Ambrose and Rollins.
Basically, Strowman is joining Cena, Sandow and Corbin

I don’t see the UC going outside of the Shield until postWM
In a way, i get the Strowman heel turn as they been hinting at the turn for a little bit with the 2 attempt at cash in the briefcase especially the second one when he kicked reigns before cashing in.

The thing is that WWE realize that Strowman really can't go in a long main event style one on one match without having all the bell and whistle attach to the match, that's why he's been hidden in Tag matches and gimmick matches for the past year and a half. Strowman is pretty much in the same veins as a goldberg or Great Khali or any other super monster type monsters they had over the year. You have to either keep his matches short or have somebody that can carry him through a long match. So the logic make sense, They needed a faction to fight with the shield and needed to hide Strowman with in a group that had a good workers that could do the bulk of the work while he just come in a destroy everything so since ziggler and Mcintyre were already feuding with the shield anyway, why not just insert him in.

In the end, while i know Strowman was getting over as a face, i feel that he already had hit the ceiling with this. He was pretty much a walking catchphrase and a one dimensional performer. That meant that eventually, the interest would have fizzle out and fans would have move on when they got tired of the act. That way, you give him more to do and he's pretty much the no.1 heel with Ziggler and mcintyre instead of the no.4 or 5 babyface and it give him a way to continue doing what he's been doing while the other 2 does the bulk of the work. So if he's to lose the briefcase and not win the title from reigns, i don't mind it as much because i get that this is more about vince, building the guy up slowly to be a world champion instead of just rushing it because he's over right now and having it explode in his face a few months later when fans turn on him.
In a way, i get the Strowman heel turn as they been hinting at the turn for a little bit with the 2 attempt at cash in the briefcase especially the second one when he kicked reigns before cashing in.

The thing is that WWE realize that Strowman really can't go in a long main event style one on one match without having all the bell and whistle attach to the match, that's why he's been hidden in Tag matches and gimmick matches for the past year and a half. Strowman is pretty much in the same veins as a goldberg or Great Khali or any other super monster type monsters they had over the year. You have to either keep his matches short or have somebody that can carry him through a long match. So the logic make sense, They needed a faction to fight with the shield and needed to hide Strowman with in a group that had a good workers that could do the bulk of the work while he just come in a destroy everything so since ziggler and Mcintyre were already feuding with the shield anyway, why not just insert him in.

In the end, while i know Strowman was getting over as a face, i feel that he already had hit the ceiling with this. He was pretty much a walking catchphrase and a one dimensional performer. That meant that eventually, the interest would have fizzle out and fans would have move on when they got tired of the act. That way, you give him more to do and he's pretty much the no.1 heel with Ziggler and mcintyre instead of the no.4 or 5 babyface and it give him a way to continue doing what he's been doing while the other 2 does the bulk of the work. So if he's to lose the briefcase and not win the title from reigns, i don't mind it as much because i get that this is more about vince, building the guy up slowly to be a world champion instead of just rushing it because he's over right now and having it explode in his face a few months later when fans turn on him.

So, what was even the point giving Strowman MITB? If anyone is the one dimensional performer here, it's Roman, Strowman can do anything Vince gives him. It's too bad Vince didn't build Roman up slowly, fans might actually give a shit.
So, what was even the point giving Strowman MITB? If anyone is the one dimensional performer here, it's Roman, Strowman can do anything Vince gives him. It's too bad Vince didn't build Roman up slowly, fans might actually give a shit.
But he did, it's just that the Hardcore fans wanted somebody more by the time Reigns was ready.

Also, roman is a way better performer then Strowman is right now. The guy is able to have good to great single matches with pretty much anybody on the roster and doesn't need to be carried or hidden. Strowman right now is a catch phrase and feats of strength, that's all he is. If they don't hide him in a team, have him do squash matches or put him in any sort of gimmick matches, the guy is just plain boring. He been doing the same stuff for a year now if not more. When was the last time the character actually change. He's the same guy he was when he was in the wyatt family but now he has a catchphrase and can do comedic stuff. To me that being one dimensional and that's why i think changing it up a little bit will help him get to the next level.

You can either capitalize on his popularity now and let it fizzle out in a few months or build him up to become a main event monster that will last forever on the same level as Kane and Big show, because strowman as all the tools to be on that level, he just need a little more experience and being less comedic.

Finally, how did you come to the deduction, that strowman can do anything vince ask him to do. The guy is been in comedic matches and hidden in tag matches and gimmick matches for the better part of a year. The last time Vince trusted him in a main event one on one match, he stunk the place out because of how bad the match was. So to me he's better off in a more serious heel position where he's going to cleary be the number one heel on Raw then being the number four babyface behind the shield and when he doesn't need to be hidden anymore and he'S able to go fifteen minute in a straight up match without stinking the place out then have him be the number 2 guy behind reigns.
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I've heard Braun Strowman being talked about on podcasts and the general consensus amongst his peers is that he is a work in progress so perhaps his current run as a main event man is his chance to showcase his newly developed skills. Even if he falls short of gold, if we see more than we have done previously then I'm sure it'll put him even more over than he is now.
I've heard Braun Strowman being talked about on podcasts and the general consensus amongst his peers is that he is a work in progress so perhaps his current run as a main event man is his chance to showcase his newly developed skills. Even if he falls short of gold, if we see more than we have done previously then I'm sure it'll put him even more over than he is now.

I mean, sure, but how many test runs does a guy need? He may be a little green, but he's been over with the crowd on several high-profile main event matches, several of which included Brock Lesnar. If anything, the heel turn combined with a SHIELD reunion feels like them pulling back on Braun in favour of Roman.

I half-expect Braun to win this and carry the championship until WrestleMania 35, affording the Big Dog his ump-teenth crowning moment.
I mean, sure, but how many test runs does a guy need? He may be a little green, but he's been over with the crowd on several high-profile main event matches, several of which included Brock Lesnar. If anything, the heel turn combined with a SHIELD reunion feels like them pulling back on Braun in favour of Roman.

I half-expect Braun to win this and carry the championship until WrestleMania 35, affording the Big Dog his ump-teenth crowning moment.

I'm not part of the 'Roman sucks' group even if Vince and Co are on course to destroy him. He seems robotic on the mic and it's not helped by him being so scripted, if he gets a a little creative freedom on his promos I can see him bridging the gap between his character and the audience and little.
I'm not part of the 'Roman sucks' group even if Vince and Co are on course to destroy him. He seems robotic on the mic and it's not helped by him being so scripted, if he gets a a little creative freedom on his promos I can see him bridging the gap between his character and the audience and little.

I'm with you on this in a way, but the thing is that when you think about, who really doesn't like Reigns? Fans that go on message board and listen to podcast and read newsletter and follow other wrestling company, so technically, a good part of the IWC. For the most part, Reigns as been pretty good success with the rest of the WWE fan base, plus while he isn't the best promo, he'S still better then Strowman and a lot of other guy on the Raw Roster.

I Feel like you said that Strowman is a work in progress. They tried to use him in a main event position with Lesnar last year and it failed miserably because he wasn't ready for that spot. Sure he's over, Mostly because of the catch phrase and the strong man stuff he does, but right now, and i think Vince saw the same thing, Strowman is on the same level as all three member of the shield as far as promo and in ring is concern. The last thing they want i feel is to mess Strowman up like they did Ryback and others like him in the past. So better have him hidden for now and work with great workers so that he learns how to wrestled on a main event level then force him up and destroying him in the long run.

That is true, Reigns is an under appreciated worker. After all he was trusted to spear Shane McMahon in mid-air to counter the coast to coast. Granted Reigns knocked him out but I'm pretty sure Braun would have damn near killed him lol.

Touching on your point of rushing developing talent, Bobby Lashley in his first stint with the WWE was pushed a little too fast also.
So Mick Foley as been added to the match as a special guest referee. While some might see this as something big that will play into the finish of the match, i kinda see it more as a way to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of his HIAC match since he's rumored that is newest one man show about the subject might be airing on the WWE network soon. So having him back on T.V. even if just for the sake of saying that Mick Foley was back in the cell, 20 years after his famous match is a great way to promote whatever they have plan for him on the network.

Anyway, what i'm pretty much saying is that i don't see this been a long term thing or do i think the Foley will play a factor in the finish. I Think that probably at some point, somebody, probably Strowman, will knock him out, which will lead to the outside ref to open the door to get him out of the cell and that'S were both faction come him and start beating each other up culmulating in ziggler and Mcintyre costing strowman the match by accident.
As this was a no-contest would that mean that Strowman gets the briefcase back? When other MITB matches have been thrown out it hasn't counted.

As for the match, I thought it was OK. Strowman and Reigns have good chemistry in the ring. I thought the bit with McIntyre/Ziggler and Rollins/Ambrose was a bit unnecessary and made the whole ending massively overbooked.
My main problem with this match was the overbooked finish of the match. i thought it was the right call to go to a non finish as it extend the feud and now with Lesnar involve in this whole feud, it make this feud feel even bigger and will help both Reigns and Strowman seem like major stars which is what Vince seem to want.

My problem with the way it ended is more as to how they booked the ending. First, Why did you need to have Rollins, ambrose, ziggler and mcintyre involve in this and what did that big bump of the side of the cage serve. Really nothing outside of killing time and Then having the match thrown out because lesnar hit a f5 on reigns and strowman kinda doesn't help either guy.

What i would have done, and that me armchair quarterbacking, is i would have them do the spears spot through the table, Reigns falls on top of strowman, 1,2, kick out, Reigns is on his back after the kick out because that move took so much out of him. Foley looking at this decide to start a double count on both of them. He gets to 5 and then Lesnar's music hits he go through the door and Heyman takes out foley, Lesnar go and throw strowman to the outside picks him up, F5 Through the cage. then pick up reigns gets him to the outside, clear the table and F5 Roman through the table and that how you end the match with both guy seriously injured because of Lesnar. It's a simplier finish but makes more sense.

Anyway, they went with the overbooked finish and now you wonder where this would Lesnar storyline will go. I'm kinda hoping that this will mean that they will use the whole card subject to change rule and they cancelled the six man tag at super showdown and they go with Strowman vs Reigns vs Lesnar for the universal title at the australia show.
Actually, it looked as Lesnar tried to make the finish as Reigns pins Strowman but it was a botch, so the ref pulled the weird finish.
It seemed as a legit finish, but only to focus on Lesnar.

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