WWE Hall Of Famer Campaigning For Dusty Rhodes' Job


Over the past few days, the position in NXT once occupied by the late Dusty Rhodes has, understandably, not been filled. Outspoken WWE Hall of Famer Superstar Billy Graham is campaigning to be the one to fill the position and took to Facebook earlier today with the following:

"Hello wrestling fans, this is Superstar Billy Graham. With all of the rumors going around about my interest or lack of, concerning a position for me with the NXT that my dear friend Dusty Rhodes had, I thought that was necessary to give you a direct statement from me to set the record straight. First off, I have been planning on moving back to Florida for some time now. My wife of 35 years, Valerie, is from Tampa and all of her family lives there. Also my daughter lives in West Palm Beach.
This morning, Tuesday, June 30th 2015 I sent an email directly to Vince informing him that if the position that Dusty once had has not yet been filled, that I am very much interested in taking it since I am moving back to live in Florida . I have not heard back from Vince or any of his staff as he is a very busy man. I am sure at some point I will get an answer from Vince concerning this question.

About my qualifications for this position: It should be obvious that I am qualified for this NXT position of coaching the younger talent about how to to do promos and communicate with the worldwide WWE TV wrestling audience. Also, I am not so stupid that I would try to teach them how to be charismatic to the level of a Dusty Rhodes or myself, one is born with that level of charisma, but a young wrestler can be taught to be more confident in their delivery and bring out their full potential in this area.

About my health: As almost everyone knows, I have had a successful liver transplant. My liver, according to a recent test, is doing extremely good. I feel very robust, alert, and healthy, as the doctors at the world famous Mayo Clinic Hospital here in Phoenix have told me and I train at a 24 hour fitness gym 4 days a week.

As soon as I hear from Mr. Vince McMahon regarding the NXT position one way or another, I will post that information on my Facebook. Thank you for your time and every one have a nice day, Superstar Billy Graham.

As soon as I read this, I couldn't help but laugh a little because all Billy Graham has done for the past several years is repeatedly blast WWE for one thing or another. If I'm not mistaken, he's said that he wants to be removed from the HOF after the induction of Abdullah the Butcher; he even criticized Bruno Sammartino for accepting the offer to be inducted for, I believe, going back on his word that he'd never do business with WWE again. If I'm not mistaken, he also sold his HOF ring on ebay.

Graham has had a very rocky on again/off again relationship with WWE over the past 25 years or so. He's made a number of accusations and criticisms against WWF for about hat same time. For instance, Graham filed suit against the WWF back in '94 during the debacle of Vince being brought up on federal charges of distributing steroids to the wrestlers. Graham stated that Vince had forced him to take steroids to maintain his position in the company, but was unsuccessful as it'd been revealed that he'd been using steroids for more than a decade before he joined the WWF. Even prior to this, back in 1992 or so, Graham appeared on an episode of the old Phil Donahue talk show and said to have witnessed WWF officials sexually abuse children. McMahon claimed the abuse had never taken place, and Graham later admitted that he made up the allegations, hoping to extort hush money. Years of abusing steroids also took their toll on his liver, which he had transplanted back in 2002 but still has various liver related problems. Graham spoke out against Linda McMahon during her 2010 Senate campaign, claiming that she was distancing herself from the racy programming that she profited from while acting as CEO for WWE. Upon learning that his liver condition had worsened, Graham reached out to apologize to the McMahons, even offering to be a spokesman for Linda McMahon's campaign.

Like a lot of pro wrestlers, Graham's a huckster and a con artist, a piss poor one at that but part of me still feels sorry for the guy. At any rate, Kofi Kingston has a better shot of beating Brock Lesnar clean at the show in Tokyo this Saturday than Graham does of getting this position.
So, Graham is mostly off his rocker, but in the case of Hannibal (Devon Nicholson), for instance, regarding he and Abdullah the Butcher (who SHOULD be removed from the WWE HOF) he's sometimes right.

He's also had several outspoken rants that align with many of our criticisms of the modern product, the lack of storytelling, the lost art of psychology in the ring, etc.

He's obviously not going to get this position, but I wouldn't hate it if the WWE and he were able to patch some fences and he were to be able to have some sort of mentorship contact with the NXT talent and in the Performance Center.
As soon as I read this, I couldn't help but laugh a little because all Billy Graham has done for the past several years is repeatedly blast WWE for one thing or another.

Although it's hearsay, I've read in several places that the 'blasting' on his part really picked up steam a few years ago when an annual 'consultant fee' paid by WWE to Graham stopped. That's how I figured words 'hush money' came into play.

I can't imagine what consultation Graham would have provided to WWE but, given everything we've read about him, it would figure his tongue would be loosened as soon as the money stopped coming in.

Now he wants a job? Well, we'll see, but sometimes it's better not to burn your bridges behind you.
From what I've read about him in the past doesn't his mood change depending on which way the wind blows. He's publicly trashed the WWE and some of the roster, and if I remember correctly, he once said that "Vince should burn in hell". He's also been quoted as calling Vince "an evil man". Now he's sending email's trying to get a job with them again.

He sounds like he's burned a lot of bridges, and lost his marbles in the process. I have no idea how loyal he remained to the WWE over the years, but by the looks of things, he's a very bitter man. Not someone you want around new upcoming talent. It must be hard enough to try and break into this business, and anyone doing so doesn't need to be surrounded by negativity, which by all accounts is what Billy Graham is all about.

It looks worse because Dusty Rhodes, who was loved by all those around him, was only buried last week. It's a bit too soon to be lobbying for his position by anyone. I'm sure the WWE has people in place to take the reigns until a suitable replacement can be found. Billy Graham might have mellowed over the years, but what he's said in the past might come back to haunt him now.
From what I've read about him in the past doesn't his mood change depending on which way the wind blows. He's publicly trashed the WWE and some of the roster, and if I remember correctly, he once said that "Vince should burn in hell". He's also been quoted as calling Vince "an evil man". Now he's sending email's trying to get a job with them again.

He sounds like he's burned a lot of bridges, and lost his marbles in the process. I have no idea how loyal he remained to the WWE over the years, but by the looks of things, he's a very bitter man. Not someone you want around new upcoming talent. It must be hard enough to try and break into this business, and anyone doing so doesn't need to be surrounded by negativity, which by all accounts is what Billy Graham is all about.

It looks worse because Dusty Rhodes, who was loved by all those around him, was only buried last week. It's a bit too soon to be lobbying for his position by anyone. I'm sure the WWE has people in place to take the reigns until a suitable replacement can be found. Billy Graham might have mellowed over the years, but what he's said in the past might come back to haunt him now.

Mostly, yeah. But, it's easy to forget that EVERYTHING has the possibility of being a work. It's hard for me to believe that anything anyone in the pro wrestling industry does isn't a work.

Also, regardless of whether or not a loved personality passed away, the WWE should have been (and probably were) interviewing and searching for a replacement on day 1. Shareholders are shareholders.
Superrant Billy Graham is back for another round trip on the rantmobile. See, there is no gray area on this trip. Either he's hateful and making accusations to try and get money, or he's kissing up to try and get back in the business and get money. When he doesn't get money, he complains more.

The worst part of all this is that he seems to be completely insensitive to the fact that many are still mourning over Dusty. He passed away less than three weeks ago. The last thing I'd be thinking about is "Gee I wonder if his job is available".
At this point, I think it's disgraceful for anyone to be campaigning for the position once filled by the beloved Dusty Rhodes. It's disrespectful to Dusty, his family, the wrestlers, the company, and the fans. You just don't come out this soon after the passing of such a man and beg for his job. And I'm sure that WWE sees it in a similar way as well.

When the time does come that they look to fill the huge void left by Dusty's passing, I would imagine they have a number of guys lined up to take over. I could see someone like William Regal being perfect for the position. Not to mention that he was very close with Dusty.

Bottom line is Superstar Graham isn't the man for the job, especially with the way he is lobbying for it. WWE will handle this situation when they feel the time is right with someone fitting to take over.
Mostly, yeah. But, it's easy to forget that EVERYTHING has the possibility of being a work. It's hard for me to believe that anything anyone in the pro wrestling industry does isn't a work.

Also, regardless of whether or not a loved personality passed away, the WWE should have been (and probably were) interviewing and searching for a replacement on day 1. Shareholders are shareholders.

Please explain how this is a work. Dusty Rhodes is dead, Billy Graham hasn't worked for the WWE in a long time. So how can the WWE be spinning this?

Graham has made it a habit of of making himself look bad. He comes off as your classic bitter ex-employee looking for a way to ingratiate himself back into the fold.

Rhodes was a booker at NXT. I'm sure they have other booker's there as well, so the need to run out and replace him isn't mandatory. If need be then Regal can step in for the time being until they find a suitable replacement. Superstar Billy Graham, has shown his hatred for the WWE in the past, and is just not the right person for the job. It's not like he never said what he said, and once out there it's very hard to take back.
Mostly, yeah. But, it's easy to forget that EVERYTHING has the possibility of being a work. It's hard for me to believe that anything anyone in the pro wrestling industry does isn't a work.



What is the work? Is there big money in a Billy Graham/Vince feud? Did they get together and work out an idea where Graham would rant against WWE for years and then when a beloved employee and friend dies they could turn it in to an angle where Graham lobbies for the job? This sounds like the most complicated work in wrestling history.

Also, regardless of whether or not a loved personality passed away, the WWE should have been (and probably were) interviewing and searching for a replacement on day 1. Shareholders are shareholders.

What shareholder is making WWE stock assessments on who holds the position of NXT promo trainer? Aren't you the same guy that thinks ratings don't matter? Those ratings make WWE $200m a year in TV licensing?


Anyway, on topic. Although I don't find the Facebook post to be all that distasteful, Graham is still nuts and should not be posting crap like this. He may have made up with McMahon or think he has made up with McMahon but regardless, he is still nuts. He is definitely not someone Vince wants hanging around immature talent. Putting this stuff on Facebook is incredibly unprofessional. Getting a job is not creating ALS Awareness.
I'm saying from Graham's point, he very well might be just trying to run a work. The WWE isn't the one making announcements, are they? He sees an option to try and stay in people's discussions, and he's taking the opportunity. Who knows if he even really did send an email trying to get the job. He could be lying about the whole thing so that he can rant about being blackballed later on.

And while TV ratings don't matter, shareholders don't like big money positions being open. He passed away 2+ weeks ago, and while his passing was a tragic irreplaceable loss, the company is not irresponsible or emotionally stupid enough to not be filling his slot.

BTW, giving his responsibilities to Regal is filling his position, although, only temporarily. Dusty can probably never be fully replaced,
I always liked SBG but these rants he goes on are a bit embarrassing. I thought he said the doctors told him he was going to be dead in a year? He was a good character as a wrestler but he doesn't have anything to offer the people coming up in NXT. I don't care for Vince but I don't see any upside to mending fences with Graham.
Regardless of his past Billy Graham would be perfect for the job. On paper at least. I have no idea what his status with the WWE is now. None of us really "know" what's going on behind the scenes. What I do know from the past is that Graham was a massively influential figure not only on the industry today, but on the McMahon family as well. I know that as people get older they change their ways. Burned bridges can be rebuilt. I never would have thought Bruno or Ultimate Warrior would have ever associated with the WWE again in a positive light, but they did. I also know that Billy Graham sold his HOF ring to pay for medical bills, not out of some big protest. If there is some truth to this, I really think Billy would be a huge asset to the younger generation.
I think the timing smacks of the height of insensitivity to Dusty and all who loved him.

When I saw the headline, I was hoping that it wasn't Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat petitioning for it. As my favourite superstar growing up, it would be a shame if it had been him, and I would lose respect.

However, that said, I think Steamboat would be PERFECT to replace Dusty, and he would do a great job with the NXT talent. But the NXT job should be given to someone who didn't politick for the job, like Graham has.
billy graham.. no chance in... u can finish it.

there are so many talented in ring grapplers/ entertainers that can do what dusty did and have a huge heart.. billy cant move that well and would be GREAT to talk about the dangers of steroid use mixing it with alcohol and cocaine.. drugs are bad hmmkay kids
I do realize that this ship has sailed long ago, but If I could pick someone to fill the position, I'd like to see Ted Dibiase there. Talk about a guy who got over on his mouth alone. Had no big muscles, no super strength, no high flying, no pyro, no push to the moon, but put a microphone in his hand and you'll put down your remote. Put him in a match with anyone, Big huge guys, fast guys, technical guys, and he delivers an almost believable performance that makes it look like he really could beat the other guy, without a script. They just don't make em like him anymore. Anyone from the 80's and 90's who watched WWE probably thinks he's an asshole in real life too. Never short on insults for the crowd, and never short on horrible demeaning tasks for his Bodyguard Virgil.
The way I see it, after Vince reached out to him in 2003/2004 after all the shit throwing Billy lobbed that way, I was stunned.

Billy then apologised for all of his actions and was put on contract for various bits and bobs for a decade. AFter the contract was not renewed, he got very bitter again and started bad mouthing the orginisation once more (not to the extent of the first time - but nothing could've been that bad again).

He has a cheek.
Look, Graham had his chances. The only reason that Graham even got the one he got at the turn of the Century was because he was part of the old Vince Sr. regime. I doubt that Trips will let Graham in NXT without a ticket. There is a better chance of Trips hiring Chyna as an NXT instructor then Graham. And that chance is BELOW zero.
The age factor might make this a bit difficult - I mean, he is at retirement age. Also, he hasn't been involved in the wrestling business for a long time. There is no denying Graham's success and influence but teaching is a different matter. Plus, he had some serious issues with the WWE and other wrestlers. It might not be the best fit.

Dusty had been involved non-stop as well as having two sons in the business since he retired. He knew everything and anything and was a perfect teacher. Dusty Rhodes is probably very difficult to replace. It seems everyone loved him and he was vital in teaching the current group of NXT superstars and a whole bunch who were in FCW.

The obvious name in my mind is Edge. Universally loved. Could talk and could wrestle. Heel and face. Tag-team wrestler. Dealt with injuries. Good age and is from HHH's generation meaning there might be a bond there.

It's pure speculation but the idea that Edge and Christian (does he already live there?) uproot to Florida and help take over the performance centre sounds fairly logical. Plus they could maybe be trusted to run NXT if Triple H gets the big job. Of course, Edge has started acting and may not take it but, in my mind at least, this makes sense.

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