WWE Hall of Fame on WWE.com Live

Total Impact

A Poster Name Total Impact
I'm watching it now and JBL has to be the funniest wrestler in the world, great intro for the Brisco Brothers with Jack giving an ok speech, but Jerry speech was great. Right now JR is inducting Gordon Solie, who I think shouldn't be in the WWE Hall of Fame same as I think the Brisco's nor Graham should be in, but hey, what can you do.
I thought Steph was going to induct Mae Young, but I'm hoping Pat Paterson may be funny. Maybe some more gay jokes.
Did the WWE advertise that the HOF will be on WWE.com?

I sure hope that Ric hasn't been inducted yet
Did the WWE advertise that the HOF will be on WWE.com?

I sure hope that Ric hasn't been inducted yet

It was just the first two hours of the hall of fame that included:
Brisco Brothers
Gordon Solie
Mae Young
Eddie Graham

The final hour will come at 11:00 or 10:00 were I stay with
Rocky Johnson
Peter Mavia
Ric Flair

As for the first two hours, JBL was the funniest and most entertaining of the night so far, and for the rest of the hour and a half it was boring as hell as it was nice to see. I still think if you didn't have a career in the WWE, you shouldn't be in the WWE Hall of Fame. I think the WWE should rename the Hall of Fame to WWE Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame and maybe it would make sense.

Anyway as for tonight I think The Rock will over shadow his Father and Grandfather's induction which I think was a dumb move by the WWE as I think they are hoping the Rock gets the wrestling bug from being around friends and fans.

As for Flair, I could care less on him being in the hall of fame as I was never a big Ric Flair fan and think he hurt his career more by wrestling the last five years, I mean the chops fest matches are an eyesore and the man needs a bra with those flabby pecks. I just think the WWE put him in the hall of fame as they needed a big name that was alive and this years hall of fame was really missing one.
Anyway as for tonight I think The Rock will over shadow his Father and Grandfather's induction which I think was a dumb move by the WWE as I think they are hoping the Rock gets the wrestling bug from being around friends and fans.

The only reason way Rocks family is getting inducted is because Rock agreed to do the induction speech for them, that's all WWE cares about, they just wanted Rock to be part of WM weekend, I'm sure they've even tried to talk him into doing something tomarrow night at WM, bottom line WWE could give a shit less about Rock's Dad and Grandpa, they just want the Rock
The only reason way Rocks family is getting inducted is because Rock agreed to do the induction speech for them, that's all WWE cares about, they just wanted Rock to be part of WM weekend, I'm sure they've even tried to talk him into doing something tomarrow night at WM, bottom line WWE could give a shit less about Rock's Dad and Grandpa, they just want the Rock

Yeah I feel that the Hall of Fame's major selling points were the Rock and Ric Flair being inducted....WWE just wanted the Rock...and I feel that alot of the people in the crowd really only came for Rock and Flair.

I love the Rock though, and I loved his little tidbit there...made me go back to the good days:icon_smile:
The only reason way Rocks family is getting inducted is because Rock agreed to do the induction speech for them, that's all WWE cares about, they just wanted Rock to be part of WM weekend, I'm sure they've even tried to talk him into doing something tomarrow night at WM, bottom line WWE could give a shit less about Rock's Dad and Grandpa, they just want the Rock

And The Rock showed up everybody with his intro and made a fool outta everybodies promos since he left. The Rock did show why he was the best speaker in the history of the business. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand...But he didn't make fun of Big Show!
yea Rocks promo was fuckin fantastic. If he stepped in right now, his promo work would put everyone else to SHAME.

I know it probably won't happen, but it would be fucking badass if Rock did something tomorrow night at WM, they could play off of his shot at Santino, it would be fucking gold
This pisses me the fuck off The Rock's Promo is going to take up more time than Flair's whole induction fucking WWE just trying to make money. They could give a fuck less about Flair and his accomplishments. This was supposed to be HIS night not The Rock's. I love The Rock as much as the next guy but this is bullshit.
What in the blue hell is Cena doing up there, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT THE HELL DOWN JACKASS!!!

Hopefully USA allows this to continue until Flair is done
anyone else notice that rock looked like he weighed about 150 pounds now?? LOL

What?!?, Dude I weigh like 165-170 lbs. and Rock looked like he weighed more than me, I'm sure he's closer to that 240 lbs. area, maybe a little less, most wrestlers slim down a bit after they leave the ring for awhile, remember how small Jericho looked before he came back, and that was after he spent a couple weeks trying to bulk up before his return
It was just a phrase justin calm your nerves LOL. I meant as in relation to how he used to look. He is WAY smaller than he used to be.
see, thats what I hate. Why the fuck cant the HOF just get two hours?? Does USA REALLY have something that important coming on after this??? ESPECIALLY since they are replaying this same damn thing at 2AM!!!!

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