WWE "Future Stars"

Who'll Have The Best Year?

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Skip Sheffield

  • Drew McIntyre

  • David Otunga

  • Alex Riley

  • Tamina

  • Tyson Kidd

  • Ezekiel Jackson

  • Other

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of course delrio and ziggler are future stars,as of friday night smack down,they are both in the main event.but the guy who i am a fan,and intreasted in his charecter,and his development is DREW McIntyre.He can be a long term monster heel, like a HHH.drew is young and talented.i just think he needs a more devestating finisher.i like the future shock ddt,but i think he should use it to set up something more.
I voted for Dolpd Ziggler. Usually the guy who gets a title shot at the Royal Rumble for the first time becomes a champion by the end of the year, barring a few exceptions like Hardcore Holly. Ziggler is more than competent in the ring. As far as work on the mic goes, I am not sold on him yet. Anyone can get heat with Vickie Guerrero by their side. I have to see him cut promos on his own before I say that he is finished materail.

I would say that Del Rio is better than Ziggler but it seems that WWE regards Ziggler more highly at the moment. That might not always result in success( just ask Drew Mcintyre) but if I were a betting man I would bet Ziggler over Del Rio.
There is no doubt in my mind that it will be Daniel Bryan. I honestly think he will be the next Kurt Angle, a guy who can constantly put on top tier matches and be able to play heel and face(Danielson was a fantastic heel back in the day.) I still predict he will be in the world title picture by January 1st 2012.

I do also think Del Rio will be good, he will be a tough sell as a face at this point but I seriously believe he has at least 5 years in him.
Alberto Del Rio

His feud with Rey Mysterio has been nothing short of phenomenal. Week in and week out, he's been drawing in a lot of heat. Some people mention he's a very new wrestler and he needs more time but I totally disagree. He's gained a lot of heat, quite possibly the most on Smackdown, he's put on tremendous matches with just about everybody he wrestles, and a lot of people have high hopes for him. He's ready. He's a phenomenal athelete, great mic worker, and a great heel. By this time next year, I have very little doubt Alberto Del Rio will be a major superstar in the WWE...if he isn't already.

Dolph Ziggler

He had the best Intercontinental Championship reign in probably the last 5 years. He's put ion phenomenal matches with the likes of Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger and put on match of the year with Daniel Bryan. He got a very successful rub from the face of the company in John Cena, and even main evented Smackdown with him. He's proved himself. He's a great wrestler and will definitely have a bright future in 2011.

Ezekiel Jackson

I've seen a lot of praise for Big Zeke die down a bit since he's came to Smackdown. Probably because he's yet to show up. But WWE is severely lacking in big men right now. And Ezekiel Jackson could fill that void. He's got a great look and is suprisingly over with the crowd. He has the poitential to be the next Batista if he works hard at it. If he does, I can start to see a push in Ezekiel Jackson for 2011.

Daniel Bryan

I feel that although he's a great wrestler and can really entertain, he just doesn't have what it takes to be something big in the WWE. He's from the indies, where you don't need mic work and storylines to build up a wrestler, that's not the case in the WWE. I can see maybe one or two shot at the top championship but nothing overly successful in 2011. But who knows, Daniel Bryan has proved me wrong before, he may develope a personality and some charisma but until he does, he won't be too successful this year.
Alberto without doubt because he has all the qualities of the perfect WWE superstar and he's had a good start to his career with his successful feud with Rey Mysterio.

He can bring heat from the fans easily and he also is brilliant on the mic.
I think I'll list a few obvious ones first. (not including world title pushed young stars like Sheamus or Swagger)

1. Albert del Rio: The Next Rey Mysterio in terms of microphone skills and entertainment, the only major difference is that Alberto is much better in the ring than Rey is, and is more capable of working with guys of difference sizes. Sure, Rey can pull off matches with big guys but it's always going to be the same thing. The underdog angle,which gets on my nerves after a while. How many times can Rey really be considered an underdog? On top of that, he has several wins over Big Show and Kane already, so it's not as if we don't we know that he can beat them already. With Alberto, we don't get the same angle each time. It can be a legit contest between Alberto and any other opponent where we aren't reintroduced to the same old underdog story each time.

2. The Miz: Do I need to further explain? He's just The Miz who after four or five years in the WWE is reigning WWE champion and gaining massive heat as such. A few years ago I would've been saddened by a Miz reign because from 2006-2008 he was your average trash wrestler who could get by on looks and charisma, but since 2008, Mix has done nothing but improve rapidly. I think he has the look and talent to back up him getting the strap. Long live the awesome one!

3. Dolph Ziggler: Even from the Spirit Squad days, Nicky, aka Dolph Ziggler has had some talent. The issue back then was the male cheerleader gimmick. But now Ziggler has been repackaged into this great looking and gifted young star who can put on a great bout with anyone. His few matches against Bryan from earlier this year were phenomenal and he has managed to have great matches with the likes of Mysterio and Kingston as well. Take that charisma and wrestling ability and slap on a good female manager to keep him interesting and you've got a winning formula. We'll probably see Dolph with a world title within the next three years at the most.

4. Wade Barrett: Barrett was in the main event of more PPVs this year than Edge, Cena, or Undertaker, plus many more, and this was only his rookie year. I think that his recent booting from the Nexus will only lead to better things. A big feud with CM Punk, leading on to reignited feuds with Cena and Orton will all make for a winning formula for Barrett. I don't see any need for further elaboration on Barrett.

Those being stated, here are a few that will also have some success but will either not have staying potential or will just have mild pushes before staying at upper mid-card (sort of like Sheamus right now, or Michaels late in his career).

Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, and Evan Bourne.

And here are a few that I'm not sure will ever make it past mid-card.

Drew McIntyre, Ezekiel Jackson, Zack Ryder, and R Truth.

Now a few of these people I would like to see succeed (like Ryder, Jackson, Bourne, and Bryan), however I just get the feeling they won't for different reasons.
My vote is for Alberto Del Rio, he has both the wrestling ability and the look to be a world champion. I believe that he'll be the first of everyone listed to win a world title.

That said, Kofi Kingston and John Morrison should have been up there instead of Skip Sheffield and Tamina.
I have seen alot of love for Del Rio on here and yeah from the short time he has been on he has been a very good heel who reminds me of a mexican version of JBL. I think he will have a short title run this year but the one I think that should be included on this list is Wade Barrett not even a couple months ago he was main eventing PPV's and now he's on smackdown facing off against the big show so hopefully that leads to maybe a run with the smackdown title for a few months. Daniel Bryan has a small chance at a run dolph ziggler has a pretty good chance of winning the title with vickie interferring but probably can't win it on his own. I would like to see Justin Gabriel get a push not to WHC or main event but a nice little run with the US title. Him and Bryan could pull off some pretty good matches. Alot better then Teddy JR is doing these days. There are alot of good wrestlers coming out and its about time I was getting tired of seeing John Cena vs Randy Orton for the title the 20 billionth time. I love the miz holding the title and I would kill to see him and JoMo at wrestlemania more than Cena vs Miz cuz right now that doesnt make any sense. When I heard cena was hurt i was like please let it keep him away for months. I used to be a big Cena fan but now its just stale. I hope the WWE keeps it up with the new stars though I like Del Rio and seeing him get superkicked by HBK was just awesome.

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