WWE "Future Stars"

Who'll Have The Best Year?

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Skip Sheffield

  • Drew McIntyre

  • David Otunga

  • Alex Riley

  • Tamina

  • Tyson Kidd

  • Ezekiel Jackson

  • Other

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WWE.com recently did a feature in which the site listed 11 wrestlers currently on the roster identified as "future stars". As with any list of this sort, there are some obvious choices and some that seem a little unusual. The list reads as follows:

1. Alberto Del Rio
2. Daniel Bryan
3. Dolph Ziggler
4. Cody Rhodes
5. Skip Sheffield
6. Drew McIntyre
7. David Otunga
8. Alex Riley
9. Tamina
10. Tyson Kidd
11. Ezekiel Jackson

The top 3 listed come as no surprise to me. I'm quite surprised, however, to see Skip Sheffield and Tamina on this list. Before he was injured, Sheffield was doing a good job as the bruiser/muscle of Nexus. He had great facial expressions, had an intensely physical look about him and was actually pretty decent on the mic. However, we've barely seen the guy in 6 months. Tamina is the biggest surprise for me, however, as nothing about her simply strikes me as impressive. She hasn't shown me much of anything inside the ring and she's not even that much to look at in my view.

At any rate, which of these 11 wrestlers do you think will have the best 2011?
I'll pick ADR because he's the next World Champion, easy and he's the only one I can say will definately be world champion in 11, no doubt about it. Mysteria had the belt, then Kane, then Edge, and next up is a heel and that heel WILL be Del Rio.

I dont really like ADR but most people here do and its obvious he's over with the fans in attendance. He has a nice, fresh gimmick and would make a good heel champion. Bryan and Ziggler are main event bound as well but I think Del Rio has already been penciled in to win the world title, its just a matter of how soon.
i voted for alberto del rio. ever since his debut on smackdown he has been perfect in every match he has been in. he can sell a beating and dish it out as well. and i say he is one of the best on smackdown with a mic. im actually surprised to see tyson kidds name on the list because he is rather boring in the ring. kofi kingston should be on there instead.
i voted for ziggler because i really like his character, but i think it will be Del Rio's year, i only hope he gets a nice title run, instead a Swagger title run...
Del Rio and Ziggler both have a great chance to be World champions this year. With Del Rio he simply has it all going for him, he's something different and stands out. With Ziggler, he is one of the rare ones over the last decade to have a manager who finishes of the picture and makes him look credible. Again he is someone with everything going for him

Sheffield hasn't really been tested and would depend on the writing team to see if they can use him right. To me I don't see more than a midcarder in him.

The rest none of them will get to the main event level they are all lacking in certain areas and really need to improve on them. Rhodes for example, looks like he could be a great midcarder but just doesn't have that hidden shine needed to be world champion.
I think it is a tie between Ziggler and Del Rio and I am betting both of them will have short title reigns in the year 2011, that will lead to longer reigns in 2012.

Both have the look, the ring skills, and the mic skills, plus Ziggler has Vickie right now and that only adds to his character. Big things are coming from both of these guys and 2011 is going to be another year in the changing of the guard in the WWE, we these to leading the charge!
I think Drew Mac will have a good year, as soon as they drop the Kelly Kelly storyline. He has proven he can win matches, and he has style in doing it.

Also, Bryan SHOULD have a good year, because of his athletic ability, but I don't think WWE will use him to his full potential.
It's odd that most of the future stars seem to be on the SD roster.

The only "future star" that is on the RAW roster is Daniel Bryan.

My top 4 would be:

1. Ziggler
2. Del Rio
3. Bryan
4. McEntire

Ziggler got a huge push with Cena recently while Del Rio had a ME at TLC. It'll be interesting to see which gets a WHC title first. I'm guessing Ziggler because he's already held the IC Title and I don't think that Del Rio's first title should be the WHC.

Bryan is a huge talent on RAW. I'd like to see McEntire drafted to feud with him for the US title. Then I can see these two competing for the big titles in 2012.

It just occured to me that there is one more person on the RAW roster who is a future star that I'd forgotten... John Morrison.

He just had a WWE title match that was of PPV quality IMO.
For me I see ADR being a big star and soon WHC. He has good quality's an pretty good in the ring. His deubut match stunned me as all hell. he moves clean an quick an does that float over cross arm breaker very skillfully.

I also see Zigglar.He has grown on me over these months. he is one hell of IC Champ too. His agrrasive style makes me think of vince screamin out "RUTHELESS AGRESSION" this guy has that.
Maybe not WHC this year but deff a Future Star of the company.

An for some reason i just want him to be the next Mr. Perfect lol just my opinion.
I voted for Del Rio b/c he has been really sucessful so far and i do think he might win the royal rumble this year but I am looking forward to a few other superstars this year

Daniel Byan: if they use him correctly he could be become more of a star

Drew Mcintyre: I think that he should use his "Chosen One's" status better and cement himself as the future of the company
I can definately see mcintyre winning the WHC. despite the 'chosen one' thing, he has the look & attitude of a champion. he has gotten better in the ring since his debut & has become a great heel.

he can potentially win the rumble & face Edge @ wm. if wwe plays it right, this could be a fantastic battle. his promos would improve with Edges' help & they are evenly matched in size& speed.

Del Rio is already a star & is the best heel on smackdown since Jericho\JBL have left. he just naturally draws heat. has skill to back his mouth.

Danielson will ultimately get his shot this year. Vince has a issue with giving talent the wwe\whc titles that arent 'homegrown' stars, but it seems his mind has been changed b\c of his fans. Danielson has the potential to be one of the biggest wwe stars despite his size.
I don't understand why so many people voted for Del Rio. He might be very good, but he has to show it first before making me a believer.

Anyway I voted for Ziggler because this man is really good in every single aspect of the game. And besides if you can survive the Spirit Squad, you can do pretty much everything.
I picked Daniel Bryan.

Alberto Del Rio is talented, but people seem to be giving him way too much credit for relatively few accomplishments. Other than putting on a few above average matches and having a decent feud with Rey Mysterio Del Rio hasn't accomplished anything. He is not a horse for the WWE to put their money on.

Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, is money in the bank. Since coming to the WWE, he hasn't had a single bad match (despite Ted DiBiase's best attempts). In fact, in the short time he was with the company he had at least two match of the year candidates in his match with Dolph Ziggler at Bragging Rights and his Triple Threat match with The Miz and Morrison at Hell in a Cell.

Furthermore, while there have been some nights ADR gets lukewarm heat, DBD always gets some of the biggest pops in the WWE. There is not a single arena that the WWE wrestles in where the fans do not love Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan is more popular than Del Rio, he is a better wrestler, he is a safer bet for the WWE in 2011, and he'll have one great year. Even if he isn't World Champion, he'll be in nothing but interesting programs, continue to have great matches, and he'll make his way to being one of the company's top faces.
Im only going to name a couple.

Number 1, is Dolph Ziggler. I can definately see him as a World or WWE champion, but, honestly, I see it as a face, not as a heel. Soon enough, he is going to turn on Vickie of vice versa. With Mysterio retiring soon, and Edge eventually turning Heel again, they are short on Faces on Smackdown, and I think Dolph could be a good one.

Number 2, is, a little bit of a different choice, because, I only heard his name once, Kofi Kingston. I dont see him winning the Royal Rumble, but, I can definately see him winning a Money in the Bank match. They have teased putting him in the main event a couple times(he has beaten Randy Orton twice, clean)

Finally, number 3, is Great Khali...HAHAHA...actually, Daniel Bryan. I watched him in the Ring of Honor, Ive seen videos of him in Japan, and the man can not have a bad match. Granted, his personality is non existent, but, Ive yet to see him have a bad match. Maybe give him a little bit of an edgy persona somehow, but, I can see him being the new "small" guy in the Main Events, with Mysterio retiring in the next year or two.
I picked Drew Mcintrye. Anyone else think he is a huge talent? His character is just over with me a monsterous heel. In my opinion, he is the upper talent of Smackdown and a future 6 time world-heavyweight champion with about 2-3 more IC tittle's. I really doubt his talent does not equal a great future. Not to mention his theme fits him great. Now I ask are we thinking about his future on the same level or are we far apart? Yeah you can say that he is over-rated or my post doesn't give a meaning but as for me, I believe.
Alberto Del Rio has proved himself enough for a WHC. This guy is over, a decent in-ring worker , and is amazing on the mic :). Del Rio has become one of the best heels in the WWE and 2011 is defintely this mans year. All he needs is a top tier fued, I would have loved for him to fued with jericho so this superstar could be put over as future of the WWE! (Which he already is)
At this stage Del Rio looks like the most likely out of those choices to become a world champion with in the year so it has to be him. He has been pushed to the moon, he has gained multiple submission victories over one of WWE's top faces in Rey Mysterio and he put Christian out of action.

In recent weeks the commentators have also started to acknowledge that Alberto will be a future World Champion, and with Vince being the in their ear telling them to say that it is a pretty good indication of what Vince thinks of Alberto.

Also the Smackdown roster is pretty weak at the moment, especially the main event scene. They are pretty lacking in top heels with only Kane and Alberto springing to mind, and with Kane already having a lengthy run with the gold it wouldn't surprise me to see Alberto be the one to take the title from Edge.
It has to be Del Rio.

He has been a major success since he debuted and while only being in the company for a short period of time is already established himself as a high mid-card/low main event level status. He will almost certainly be a future World Heavyweight Champion and with there being very few main event heels at the moment I think ADR is definitely a candidate for a title reign in the next year. He has a great move set, great gimmick and great look. I certainly see bright things in his future.
I voted for Alberto Del Rio.

I think out of all of the ones listed he has the most chance of being successful as far as gold means this year. Someone mentioned that he has not won the IC title and he needs to win it first before being WHC, or win the other midcard title. I don't think so. I think he is ready for the big one and it is cool to see another wrestler who can make it big without even needing a "stepping stone" title. I can see him winning the tag team titles in a thrown together team in years to come, but not the IC or US ones. I also have high hopes for Ziggler and think that he could win the title this year. Another one I see is Swagger. I don't like him much, but the WWE could easily throw him the gold if they wanted too because he is already a former one. Even if it sucked.
I'm torn between Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. However, I am leaning towards the latter.

Alberto Del Rio could very well be World Heavyweight Champion this year. However in 2010, he was already in the WHC picture and pretty much always in the main event of SmackDown. So in comparison to last year, he will not have a great year. It will be a good year, no doubt, but it will not be hugely dissimilar to 2010.

Dolph Ziggler, on the other hand, could have the best year of his career by quite some distance. He is the jewel of SmackDown's midcard crown and currently my pick for being Mr. Money in the Bank at WrestleMania. And even without the Money in the Bank briefcase, he is a future World Champion for sure. He is consistently putting on great matches with a host of opponents, something which cannot be said for Del Rio (only really had matches with Mysterio, Kane and Edge and even then they haven't been great).

Ziggler has all the tools to be huge in 2011. Consider his two matches with John Cena as a preview of things to come.
Del Rio is awesome. I know he's not that young, but I hope he wins the gold soon. He is the best thing to happen to Smackdown in a long time. The guy is just great; even more entertaining and charismatic than JBL was.
When reading the thread title, before checking the poll.. The one name that popped up in my head was Alberto Del Rio.. He came in and he went straight after a babyface!! and get instant heat for it and is now one of the most hated people in WWE.. He is in the main event scene and I don't see him leaving the scene this year!! This will be the year where Del Rio gets a title and that may just be the WHC!!!
Well right now I think the best year is somewhat of a tie between Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler.

Alberto Del Rio is already hotshotted into the upper mid-card / main event alongside Rey and Edge and all those guys.

And Dolph Ziggler, who I have probably the slightly superior support for of the two, he's getting a world title shot right now. And while I still don't believe it will mean a lot for his future, it still means a lot that he's getting a shot at the world title. He'll most likely not be getting many, if any shots for the rest of 2011. But I'd like to think that it will mean there's gonna be a good build for him, and they're gonna push him into a main event position where he eventually can go on to win the championship, as well as look credible doing it.
It could be any of the top 3, but I went with Daniel Bryan. I have a feeling he's going to have an epic feud in 2011 that will show fans that he's much more than a smiley nerd that can wrestle his ass off, and he'll really get over as a face. Ziggler and Del Rio will have good years, but the more typical, methodical WWE-heel push.
I voted for Ziggler.

He looks like Billy Gunn, but he is doing very well right now. He is above-average in the ring, talks well, and plays his role properly.

I do see the logic in Del Rio, but Del Rio is also very new. Just because he is getting a push right now doesn't mean that he is someone they have long term plans for, just someone they have intrest in. Too many guys get spontaneous pushes for me to really put money on him right now. Ziggler ,on the other hand , has been slowly climbing the ranks in a traditional style. Putting on good matches and he added credibility to the I.C. title while he held it. That strikes me as someone that is going places and is someone WWE values in the long term.

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